The two of them talked about their own topics and forgot about Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng took back the time-stopping dagger and said, "What exactly is going on with this zombie? Do you two know?"

"In fact, we were originally chasing another zombie, and we accidentally encountered this zombie, so we have been following it from behind. As for its sudden attack on you, it really has nothing to do with us. I can guarantee that we just followed it and did not provoke it."

Xu Feili explained.

For some reason, Lin Cheng could see the obvious show of goodwill from Xu Feili's explanation.

Lin Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people. He felt that their words were not fake, so he said: "What about the other zombie you mentioned?"

"If you ask us, we have to tell you?" Li Qiang said dissatisfiedly before Xu Feili had time to speak. He always believed that the zombie just now was killed by him, not Lin Cheng. Naturally, he didn't have a good attitude towards Lin Cheng: "Let's go, Feili. Don't worry about them."

Li Qiang said, turned around and prepared to leave.

As a result, Xu Feili stood there without moving.

"Feili, what's wrong? Come with me. What are you still doing here?"

Xu Feili shook her head and said: "Li Qiang, go by yourself. I want to stay and follow them."

"Are you stupid or crazy?!" Li Qiang was shocked and said: "There are so many monsters now. If you don't follow me, you will die."

Xu Feili just shook her head and didn't answer.

Li Qiang immediately snorted coldly and said, "Forget it, whatever you want. Although we have known each other since childhood, the world is so chaotic now. If you get into trouble, I won't come to save you."

"I know, and I also know that I can protect myself."

Xu Feili's attitude was very firm.

This made Li Qiang snort coldly and said, "It's up to you. I hope you won't become a zombie or a corpse when we meet again."

Li Qiang couldn't stand Xu Feili's attitude and turned around and cursed.

"Wait, brother, can you take me with you if you leave?"

The girl who was sitting on the ground just now hurriedly stepped forward and said when Li Qiang was about to leave, "My name is Peng Xiangxiang, the daughter of the chairman of Mingji Enterprise. Take me away. When I get home, I will ask my dad to transfer money to you."

"Huh? It's time now, what's the use of money. What's more, it's just the boss of a small company whose name I haven't heard of..." Li Qiang muttered, not interested in Peng Xiangxiang's proposal at all.

However, Li Qiang's eyes fell on Xu Feili the next moment. He suddenly changed his attitude and said, "But, okay, I'll send you back. After all, not everyone is as capable as me. Some people just can't see the situation clearly."

Li Qiang's sarcastic words were obviously directed at Xu Feili, but Xu Feili just smiled and didn't care too much.

Li Qiang looked at Peng Xiangxiang's broken hand that was still dripping with blood and said, "What's wrong with your hand? Could it be that they used you as bait, which led to this?"

Although Peng Xiangxiang knew that this was not the case, she was still a little smart. She could see that Li Qiang hated Lin Cheng and his group. Her eyes fell on Li Qiang's gun, and she had an idea in her mind. Pearls began to fall on her face: "They, they let me be bait, and when I got hurt, they wanted to abandon me again."

"Feili, did you hear that! This group of people is so crazy, do you still plan to follow them? You will only become bait." Li Qiang just wanted Xu Feili to follow him back. As for whether this was the case, he didn't care at all.

The two have been childhood sweethearts since they were young, but Xu Feili has no such thoughts about him. The two sides can't even say that they have a good relationship. Li Qiang once wanted to give up.

However, the end of the world gave Li Qiang a chance.

Li Qiang's father is a big shot in the Liudao City Military District. In this end of the world, Li Qiang believes that people with guns are the strong ones who can really survive.

Li Qiang believes that when the atmosphere of the end of the world becomes stronger and stronger, Xu Feili will sooner or later recognize the reality and follow him.

However, after coming out now, Xu Feili is ready to run away with others. How can Li Qiang accept this?

Xu Feili stared at Peng Xiangxiang, and she looked away with a guilty look, and then said: "It's actually very easy to tell whether what she said is true or not, but even if I tell you, you won't believe it, Li Qiang————"

"There's no way, Feili..."

Xu Feili didn't say a word

As soon as the gun fell, Li Qiang had already raised the gun in his hand, pointed it at Lin Cheng, and said: "I can't watch you fall into the devil's cave and be killed by them."

Xu Feili's face changed slightly. Li Qiang's action completely disrupted her plan: "Li Qiang, calm down, don't be impulsive."

"I can't calm down..." Li Qiang said, and said to Lin Cheng with a fierce look in his eyes: "If you don't want to die, let Feili go back with me, otherwise, I will kill you without mercy."

Lin Cheng, who was pointed at with a gun, did not change his expression much. Guns are not a threat to him now.

Even if Li Qiang shoots now, Lin Cheng can catch the bullet.

However, Lin Cheng remembered something interesting: "Anjing, give me one."

Lin Cheng said vaguely, but Anjing understood what Lin Cheng meant.

The next moment.

Accompanied by the sound of a click.

Lin Cheng held the Gatling gun and pointed it at Li Qiang.

Li Qiang was sweating profusely in an instant. He didn't know where Lin Cheng got the Gatling gun, but it just appeared out of nowhere and pointed at his head, and he panicked on the spot.

"You're sweating all over, brother. But I also have the gun you mentioned..." Ning Qiang said with a chuckle, and picked up a Gatling gun from another direction, pointing it at Li Qiang's head.

Then, Dong Yingxue, Li Xuefei and An Jing also took Gatling guns and pointed them at Li Qiang's forehead.

"You have one, and we have five. Do you want to shoot at each other?" Lin Cheng asked with a smile.

This smile, in Li Qiang's view, is simply the smile of a devil.

Xu Feili was also a little surprised by this scene, but then she was full of smiles.

Li Qiang obviously didn't have the courage that Ning Qiang had just now when he fought five people alone.

Li Qiang opened his five fingers, and the gun fell to the ground. He raised his hands and surrendered: "I surrender, please let me go."

The four women looked at Lin Cheng, waiting for Lin Cheng to make a decision.

Lin Cheng aimed the Gatling gun at Peng Xiangxiang, who was several meters away from them and was about to escape.

The sound of the Gatling gun rang out.

Peng Xiangxiang was shot and fell to the ground.

Lin Cheng aimed at Peng Xiangxiang's head, which was blasted open by the bullet.

Then, Lin Cheng aimed the Gatling gun at Li Qiang.

Li Qiang hurriedly said, "My father is the commander of the military region. If you kill me, my father will never let you go. He will definitely avenge me."

The sound of blasting gun rang out, and Li Qiang's head was shot into a rotten watermelon.

Lin Cheng then pointed the Gatling gun at Xu Feili.

Xu Feili had a calm expression.

After Lin Cheng maintained this posture for more than ten seconds, he asked An Jing to take back the Gatling guns in their hands.

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