The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Master, get in the car."

An Jing came to a black Mercedes-Benz whose model Lin Cheng couldn't recognize, and said as she sat in the driver's seat.

Lin Cheng went in from the other end.

An Jing said, "Master, if there are zombies attacking later, please use your supernatural power to kill them. As for the crystals or equipment dropped by the zombies after death, I will use my supernatural power to collect them."

An Jing's operating space can store items within a certain range in the storage space.

As for the other supernatural power, Lin Cheng guessed that it should not be used yet.

"Leave it to me."

Lin Cheng said, releasing his supernatural power.

The supernatural power showed light, passed through the roof of the car, and came to the sky.

The power of the supernatural power can be adjusted, so Lin Cheng adjusted it to about one-tenth of the power this time.

This power is also equivalent to twice the destructive power of An Jing.

As for purifying zombies, Lin Cheng temporarily reserved it.

When purifying An Jing before, Lin Cheng's purification ability was consumed by two-thirds.

If he uses it rashly, if he needs to fight with zombies later, he will be injured and infected accidentally, which will be a big bad luck.

After the vehicle got on the road and gradually reached the populated areas in the city, Lin Cheng saw a Shura field.

On the street, there were zombies everywhere.

No one could be seen.

However, the ground was covered with corpses.

Zombies, corpses, no human traces, and bloodstains everywhere, you can imagine what happened here just now.

Those who have just awakened and have the courage to fight zombies are obviously still a minority.

When the vehicle drove on the road, it attracted the attention of the zombies.

Lin Cheng was expecting his zombie affinity to be able to avoid the attention of the zombies. Unexpectedly, they still surrounded him.

Lin Cheng immediately manipulated his supernatural power.

Supernatural power is divided into attack mode and defense mode.

Defense mode is to deal with long-range attacks, and ordinary zombies cannot use supernatural power, and do not have supernatural powers, so there is no need to use it.

After Lin Cheng switched to attack mode, the supernatural power came to the sky above the vehicle in the form of a glowing sphere and moved with the vehicle.

Lin Cheng first aimed at the three zombies close to his right. These three zombies were all green-skinned zombies, ordinary zombies.

Lin Cheng's supernatural power easily penetrated their heads and killed them.

An Jing noticed it and praised: "Master is really amazing, I have collected the crystal."

Lin Cheng did not get proud of the praise, he began to aim at the zombies that had come to the front of the vehicle.

The supernatural power began to condense, and several more shots were fired.

Lin Cheng's supernatural power, because of its fast firing rate, each shot hit the zombie steadily.

"Master's supernatural power is not only powerful, but also has a fast firing rate. This firing rate is more than three times that of mine. It's amazing."

An Jing continued to praise others in public.

If Lin Cheng hadn't really behaved like this, Lin Cheng would have suspected that An Jing was just praising himself.

The consumption of supernatural power is different from the consumption of supernatural power.

When consuming the power of purification, Lin Cheng did not feel that his physical strength was affected, but instead felt mentally exhausted.

After using supernatural power, Lin Cheng clearly felt the consumption of physical strength.

"We're here, Master."

This place is not far from the school. An Jing looked at the gradually clear school gate in front of her and said to Lin Cheng.

There were several zombies surrounding the school gate, and Lin Cheng immediately used supernatural power to clear them.

An Jing collected the crystals of these zombies and counted the crystals she picked up. Although almost all of them were green, without even a single blue one, Lin Cheng had already killed more than three hundred green-skinned zombies in just the 20-minute drive.

If An Jing had done this, she would have been exhausted after killing a hundred zombies. But Lin Cheng was only sweating a little.

"Master, you are so awesome!"

Thinking of this, An Jing immediately hugged Lin Cheng proudly, regardless of the fact that she was still driving.

Although it was quite pleasant to be washed in the face by An Jing's mountain peak and hit someone with the ball, Lin Cheng immediately reminded: "An Jing, drive carefully."

"Ah, sorry, Master... It's over." An Jing said, sticking out her tongue.

Then, the vehicle hit the wall in front.

The airbags immediately wrapped the two people.

In addition to the physical fitness of the superpowers, this car accident did not cause much casualties to the two.


But the car is probably gone, and it is very difficult to find someone to repair it in the end times.

After getting out of the car, the two quietly watched their luxury cars fall apart, stuck out their tongues, and said, "Master, it seems that this car is useless. But don't worry, I have other cars at home."

"My home is not far from the school. When you find someone, let's live at my home together."


Lin Cheng was speechless.

Rich women speak tough.

"Who are you going to find in college?"

"Look for a few buddies in my dormitory." Lin Cheng said. Although he is handsome, Lin Cheng is really like a transparent person in college. He doesn't have much communication with girls, but he plays better with his buddies.

Lin Cheng asked: "An Jing, what about you? Do you have anyone to pick up?"

"No..." An Jing shook her head and said: "I can't contact my family. I'm afraid they have all turned into zombies, just like in my previous life. I don't have many friends. Other interpersonal relationships are all about interests, which may not be useful in the end of the world."

Although An Jing's expression was calm, her heart was not very calm.

An Jing, who came back with superpowers, had no way to save her family.

Although An Jing knew how to configure the purification potion in the end of the world, she lacked the key materials that could only be obtained in the end of the world, so she couldn't configure it.

Moreover, the purification potion can only prevent the infection of zombies, but cannot turn zombies back into humans.

After being reborn, she couldn't save her family, so An Jing was not in a good mood.

When Lin Cheng heard about his family, his heart sank. He tried to contact his family in the car.

As a result, his parents and sister didn't answer, and he didn't know how they were doing now.

It is very likely that they have become zombies like An Jing's family.

Lin Cheng shook his head and said, "An Jing, after the situation is temporarily settled, I want to go to Beisheng City to find my family."

Beisheng is a first-tier city in Donghuang Country with a large flow of people.

In the end of the world, it may become a key city for zombie invasion, and it must be very dangerous to go there.

"No matter where I go, I will follow my master." An Jing said with a smile.

"Let's go, An Jing."

At this time, An Jing consciously protected Lin Cheng and said, "Master, although your overall ability is stronger than mine, your purification is more suitable to be kept to deal with possible infection problems."

Lin Cheng thought that An Jing's suggestion was still reasonable, and he said, "Then I will leave the battle to you."

An Jing nodded, and a long sword appeared in his right hand. The blade was very light and thin, emitting a green luster.

This was a weapon that fell from the zombie that Lin Cheng killed just now. Lin Cheng looked down on it, so An Jing took it for himself.

Exquisite Long Sword

Level: One Star

Equipment Effect: None

Attribute Value: Strength 1-2 points Speed ​​1-3 points

Growth Space: F

Unlike Lin Cheng's Time Stop Short Sword, An Jing's weapon not only has a small value bonus and no growth potential, but also has no equipment effect.

However, judging from An Jing's panel, the increased attribute value is already a lot.

An Jing waved the long sword and walked in front.

Lin Cheng held the Time Stop Short Sword in his right hand and arranged his supernatural power in the air.

It has been more than an hour since the end of the world began.

Lin Cheng could not meet any living people on the street, but he thought there should be many living people on campus.

After all, there are shelters here in the school, and the students are young and strong, and have stronger adaptability.

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