The old man was still alive, but he was still alive.

Lin Cheng only paid moderate attention to Ling Qingyou.

As for the reason, somehow, Lin Cheng had a feeling that he would meet this woman again sooner or later.

Lin Cheng's time TV began to track another person.

Lin Cheng's university teacher Ye Tongling.

Through the time TV, Lin Cheng was surprised to find that Ye Tongling and the others had left the original place and came to a safe place.

There were survivors all around.

And the atmosphere was relatively quiet.

Around him, Lin Cheng could vaguely see the big man in military uniform standing upright.

"I didn't expect them to go to the shelter protected by the military."

"It seems they are safe for the time being."

Lin Cheng looked at Ye Tongling on the Time TV and suddenly thought of how the people in their university were all very good at surviving.

Even Zhou Xunfa and his gang, who were looking for mutant plants, only really killed themselves after they met Lin Cheng.

And a few girls also survived for the time being.

Then Ye Tongling and Ling Qingyou ran to a safe place, and the number of people did not decrease.

Immediately, Lin Cheng shook his head again and thought to himself: 'It's not that they have high survival skills, but that humans don't die so easily. '

If humans died so easily, then the humans in An Jing's previous life would not have been able to gather such a large number of survivors to establish a human empire a hundred years after the end of the world.

Lin Cheng, who was watching the Time TV, suddenly felt the vibration from under the Tiger I, followed by a roar of explosion from under it.

Lin Cheng took back the Time TV and said, "Tiger No. 1, determine the damage rate."

"The current damage rate is 0.01%, and the damage can be repaired by returning to the Zodiac Master Ball."

The mechanical digital life form can return to the Zodiac Master Ball to recover on its own, so this accidental injury is not serious.

However, Lin Cheng unbuckled his seat belt and stood up in the car, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

In front of the road, there were several small circles emitting light.

These small circles overlapped and filled the entire street, and Tiger No. 1 could not avoid them with its size.

The explosion just now should be related to these small circles.

Tiger No. 1 happened to move on a small circle at this time.

Then, the explosion sounded again.

The dense small circles caused explosions to sound under Tiger No. 1 one after another.

The damage rate of Tiger No. 1 also changed from weak at the beginning to 70%.

'Reminder, if the damage rate reaches more than 40%, the repair speed will be greatly slowed down. The damage rate has reached more than 90%, and it will be irreparable. ’

Tiger No. 1’s reminder made Lin Cheng decide to stop the car.

The successive explosions also woke up Xu Feili, who was practicing. When she saw the small circles all over the ground, her expression changed drastically, and she said, "Master, these circles are the traps created by the supernatural power of the red-haired zombie I mentioned."

"That's really lucky."

Lin Cheng said, and then turned over the virtual vision map.

Then, he happened to see a black dot in front of him, about 800 meters away from here.

A light appeared above Lin Cheng's head, and he said, "At this distance, although the accuracy is not enough and it may not be fatal, it should be able to cause considerable damage to it."

Lin Cheng's supernatural power shot out.

The light penetrated the buildings and came to 800 meters away.

There was a red-haired zombie riding a blue tiger here.

When the light was about to penetrate the red-haired zombie, the blue tiger suddenly grew two blue crystal-like wings on its back.

Then, the blue tiger took the red-haired zombie and flew up, avoiding the supernatural power that Lin Cheng had fired.

The supernatural power hit the ground in front, forming a huge hole.

Although the supernatural power did not hit the tiger and the zombie, the impact it brought caused the zombie and the tiger to fly back several meters away.

The zombie and the tiger stood up again, and they looked at the deep pit caused by the supernatural power, and after a moment of silence.

The zombie and the tiger quickly fled and did not continue to set traps nearby.

Lin Cheng determined the situation of the black spot through the map of the virtual vision.

In the virtual vision, the black spot quickly moved away from this place.

"It seems that my supernatural power was avoided by him. However, he should have felt my threat and ran away immediately."

However, this zombie

Although it left, the trap it left behind was not removed.

Lin Cheng looked at the densely packed small circles and said, "You wait here, I'll go deal with the traps set by the zombies."

"Master, how are you going to deal with it?" An Jing asked.

"Well... just step on it, this trap shouldn't hurt me." Lin Cheng said.

"Wait, Master." An Jing said, "Although this trap shouldn't hurt you, it's better to avoid touching the trap directly."

"Do you have any other ideas?" Lin Cheng asked. Since An Jing stopped him, there should be other ways.

"Yes, Master." An Jing said, pointing at Ning Qiang and said, "Let Ning Qiang go."

"Me?" Ning Qiang pointed at her face, was stunned at first, and then said, "Well, it seems that I can do it."

"I'll try in the front row of Senior Lin Cheng." Ning Qiang said, walked to the middle of the front row of Lin Cheng, and then looked at the small circles below.

A layer of ice appeared on one of the small circles.

This layer of ice triggered the trap, and a ball of fire emerged from the circle and rose up, exploding in midair.

From the appearance of the fire to the explosion of the trap, there was not even a 0.1 second interval.

Unless it was three supermodels like Lin Cheng, even the maids who had obtained attribute enhancement had to face the explosion of the trap head-on.

Ning Qiang turned around and asked, "Senior An Jing, is that so?"

An Jing nodded.

Ning Qiang once again gathered her superpowers and prepared to launch her superpowers towards the next target.

"Ning Qiang, wait a minute. Since ice can work, then throwing stones should work as well."

Lin Cheng stopped her, then got out of the car, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it towards the trap.

The stone fell into the circle, and the fire from the trap did not explode, but directly burned the stone, and then went back into the trap.

"It's powerful enough. And it seems that throwing things can't trigger the trap. On the contrary, the ice created by superpowers can react to it."

Lin Cheng somewhat understood why the military couldn't deal with this thing.

The military does not value the superpowers of the superpowers, so they don't know that superpowers can trigger traps. That's why they are in such a state of headache to solve the traps.

Lin Cheng said: "Ning Qiang, then I'll leave it to you."

"No problem, Senior Lin Cheng." Ning Qiang was full of energy. It was rare for her to have her superpowers to be used. She wanted to show her skills to Lin Cheng.

At the same time, Ning Qiang also looked at An Jing with a little look, as if to say, 'Did you see it, Senior An Jing, I...'

Then, Ning Qiang was hit on the head by An Jing.

"Senior An Jing, why did you hit me suddenly?"

"I just thought you were probably using a very arrogant attitude, thinking that you were very useful, so I punched you."

"Can you read minds?!"

An Jing pouted. Even if Ning Qiang couldn't help showing this little expression on her face, even a fool would know what she was thinking.

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