The fruit of strength was eaten.

Lin Cheng picked up a fruit of strength and took it.

Soon, Lin Cheng finished eating the golden apple, leaving the apple core and throwing it into the pool of Tiger No. 1 behind him.

Lin Cheng felt the effect. Although the improvement was not great, it was still expected because of the large output.

But there was a problem... I felt a little full after eating.

Lin Cheng's appetite was not small, and he usually didn't feel full after eating an apple.

After eating this golden apple, Lin Cheng felt a very abrupt feeling of fullness.

Lin Cheng pointed at the pile of golden apples in front of him and said, "Everyone, look here."

An Jing and the others were curious about the sudden increase in apple production on the gourmet tablecloth that Lin Cheng took out, and had been looking at Lin Cheng for a long time.

Lin Cheng said, "Now you try to see how many golden apples you can eat at most."

Lin Cheng wanted to do an experiment, and after he finished speaking, he also picked up a golden apple and continued to eat it.

The maids also came forward and each took a golden apple.

"The taste is average..."

"Not very delicious."

"It doesn't taste like apples."

In terms of taste, everyone was the first to feel it.

In short, compared with ordinary apples, it is not delicious.

Lin Cheng guessed that this should also be a self-protection mechanism of mutant plants such as the golden apple tree.

After a while, Lin Cheng finished eating the second golden apple, and the others also finished eating the first golden apple.

Xu Feili stopped, touched her stomach, and said, "I'm full."

"You have a small appetite." Ning Qiang said unceremoniously, then picked up the second golden apple and took a bite. Her expression suddenly became subtle.

"I... I'm full too..." Ning Qiang said awkwardly.

Lin Cheng and the others were already used to this stupid behavior.

Then, Li Xuefei, An Jing and Dong Yingxue also became full one by one.

Finally, it was Lin Cheng's turn to eat the most.

Among the six people, Xu Feili had the lowest level and only ate one golden apple, followed by Ning Qiang's one golden apple plus one bite, then Li Xuefei's one and a half golden apples, An Jing's two golden apples, Dong Yingxue's three golden apples, and finally Lin Cheng, who ate fifty golden apples.

Lin Cheng guessed that this gap should have something to do with the three-dimensional.

"It seems that the higher the basic physical ability, the higher the number of golden apples that can be eaten in one breath. And the number of golden apples eaten will also produce corresponding strength enhancement."

Lin Cheng and the maids' panels changed after eating the golden apples.

A new column "Permanent Enhancement" appeared in their panels.

Lin Cheng's permanent enhancement is an additional 2.5 points of strength.

An Jing's strength is an additional 0.1 point, Dong Yingxue's strength is an additional 0.15, and Li Xuefei's is 0.75.

The remaining Ning Qiang and Xu Feili both increased their strength by 0.05 points.

Judging from the panel, the strength increase is very weak, but it should be considerable over time.

However, Lin Cheng does not know how long it takes to count as a cycle.

At this time, accompanied by a click.

Lin Cheng and the others looked over and found that it was the chocolate that Ning Qiang had picked up from the supermarket before eating.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't eat apples."

As Ning Qiang ate the chocolate, the others looked over: "Although I can't eat apples, I can still eat chocolate... Not only chocolate, but other things, but not apples..."

As Ning Qiang spoke, she felt that she was getting more and more confused. She took a bite of the chocolate and said with her head in her arms: "No, I mean..."

"It should be the limit in a short period of time."

An Jing stretched out her hand, clenched her fist, and said: "This kind of fruit that can improve abilities is also sold in the Human Empire. But you can only eat a little at a time, and then you can eat a similar amount of fruit in a cycle the next day."

"Then, there will be a situation like Ning Qiang, who can't eat fruit but can eat other foods."

"See, I'm not lying." Ning Qiang said immediately.

"Since there is no problem, let's go." Lin Cheng said: "But..."

Lin Cheng looked at the three huge golden apple trees and said: "There are three more apple trees this time. You will take turns to stare at the apple trees behind you. The rotation order is An Jing, Ning Qiang,

Yingxue, Xuefei and Feili in this order. "

After instructing the maids, Lin Cheng and his team headed for the next destination.

Because of the three apple trees, the speed of the car was reduced a lot.

It was almost five o'clock when Lin Cheng and his team arrived outside the COS exhibition...

However, what caught Lin Cheng and his team's eyes was a blank.

"What's going on? How come there is no COS exhibition you mentioned, Senior Sister Yingxue?"

"This location should be correct." Dong Yingxue scratched her head and said uncertainly.

Only Lin Cheng could hear Dong Yingxue's voice, and the others were still confused.

"Let me see. "

Lin Cheng took out the virtual vision map and confirmed this place.

As a result, according to the black dot record of the virtual vision map, there was no black dot here at this time, and the other green dots and blue dots also disappeared.

An Jing noticed something at this time, came forward, stretched out his hand, as if touching something, and then said: "Master, there should be a building in this place, but the building was moved by the space power."

"Can it be directly broken?" Lin Cheng raised his fist and asked. As long as An Jing said yes, he would immediately try to smash it with his fist.

"It shouldn't be possible, because this is not space isolation. If it is space isolation, then maybe you can try your fist. "

Space isolation is the top defense among the same level of power. However, although it is strong, it can be completely ignored and directly broken for Lin Cheng who has excessive attributes.

"The role of this kind of space operation is more like my storage space. "

An Jing said after a moment of silence.

Lin Cheng tried to move forward and punched up, down, left and right, but the ground was sunken three meters, and no hidden buildings or hidden psychics were seen.

Lin Cheng looked at the time on his phone and said, "Since we can't find it, let's not delay. We probably won't be able to catch up to the villa area now, so let's find a place nearby to rest temporarily."

"I remember there is a hotel over there." Dong Yingxue said, pointing to the right.

"Let's go there."


Tiger 1 and Tiger 2 were parked in an empty parking lot.

Lin Cheng said, "I have confirmed this area with virtual vision, and there are no green or blue dots."

"But... this is too strange, there are no zombies or survivors around."

Lin Cheng also frowned, this area was indeed too quiet.

Lin Cheng thought of a possibility and said, "Maybe the dandelion we met before has also split into two and come here."

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