After the two of them had a meeting, they were still in the same place.

Hanshan stopped the car at the door and asked, "Miss, do you know a man named Peng Jinghui? He is the chairman of Mingji Enterprise."

Ye Tongling thought about it and shook her head after hearing this.

Hanshan thanked her after hearing this and continued to drive the electric car forward.

After asking several people, Hanshan finally determined the destination of the person he was looking for.

Hanshan looked at the seventh floor of the building in the distance, where Peng Jinghui, who he was looking for, was located.

Hanshan waited at the door for a while, and then saw the door open.

A muscular man walked out from inside.

The man was about forty years old, dressed in expensive clothes and had a high appearance. Hanshan felt that standing there, compared to him, he looked like a clown.

In fact, Hanshan did feel that he was a clown.

On the first day of the apocalypse, his wife and children were leaving home for the shelter. Hanshan was reluctant to leave the house because of the mortgage problem for many years, so he did not follow them. However, all the food in the house was given to his wife and children, and he himself was fighting with the cat for cat food.

Hanshan had a beautiful dream when he went to bed that day. He dreamed that he, his wife and son were eating around the table, just like before the bloody rain.

On the second day of the apocalypse, his wife sent an indecent video of her and Peng Jinghui from the shelter. In addition, his son was lying on the ground like a dog and eating a piece of meat on the plate on the ground.

Hanshan watched the video with a sad face, but he still did not make up his mind to leave home and settle accounts with his wife.

On the third day of the apocalypse, his wife sent another indecent video. And the cat at home didn't know where it ran away. There was no situation of his son in the video.

Hanshan was very worried about his son, but he still did not make up his mind to find his wife and them.

On the fourth day of the apocalypse, Hanshan decided to come to the shelter to look for someone. Although he might not be able to take his wife away, he could always take his son away, right?

After Peng Jinghui left, Hanshan went to the seventh floor.

It was Hanshan's wife who opened the door.

Hanshan's wife looked very gentle and smiling when she opened the door, but when she saw Hanshan, her expression froze, but soon turned into a disgusted expression.

"Why are you here... Aren't you here to guard the house you spent your whole life to buy?"

"I'm here to find my son."

"..." After hearing this, Hanshan's wife was silent for a moment, and then said, "He's dead. Yesterday he sneaked out of the shelter by himself, and then encountered zombies on the way... He died."

Hanshan suppressed his anger and asked, "Why did you let him run out by himself? He is your son."

"Why? You are the one who said this to me. If you were useless, I wouldn't have come here. If you dared to go out to find food, why would I need to do this."

Han Shan finally couldn't hold back his anger and shouted: "When I came to the shelter, I asked other people. The shelter distributes rice every day, right? Why do you still do this with Peng Jinghui!!!"

"...He can give me high-quality beef, I don't want to eat rice every day." Han Shan's wife turned her head away, not wanting to see Han Shan's face that looked like a dirty thing: "And he promised me that after this period of time, he would get a marriage certificate with me. He is the boss of Mingji Enterprise."

"...The latter is the reason you want." Han Shan lowered his head and the light gathered on his head.

On the second day of the apocalypse, Han Shan discovered how to use his supernatural power when he was bored at home. He was happy at first and thought that he could use this power to protect his wife and children until he saw the video.

It is true that there is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart.

Han Shan said: "Even if you cheated, I was going to forgive you, but you can ignore your own son."

Han Shan's heart was hurting. Even if he did this, this woman was still his wife and had been with him for so long.

Unfortunately, Hanshan only found out today that this woman was a vicious woman who would not even care about her son when she was in danger.

Hanshan turned around, and the light penetrated the woman behind him... He originally thought so.

However, along with the separation of the waist and the tilt of the falling body.

Hanshan's upper body fell to the ground, and his lower body remained in the same place without moving.

Half of his body was lying on the ground, and Hanshan was not completely dead. He shouted in disbelief: "What's going on?!"

The woman held a long knife in her hand and looked at Hanshan, who had become a corpse, with disdain.

said: "Hanshan, you stay at home alone, and it seems that you think you have found some powerful power and feel that you are a man of destiny. However, I have not seen a hundred people like you who can use supernatural powers in this shelter, but at least I have seen ninety or so."

There are many people who can use supernatural powers in the shelter.

Hanshan's wife learned it from someone who can use supernatural powers in a shelter.

After that, the woman chopped Hanshan's body into five pieces and threw them into one of the rooms.

Looking at Hanshan's body, the woman's eyes were full of murderous light.

"I can't stay in the shelter after killing someone. Hanshan, I have to say that you really made trouble for me."

The woman came to the corridor and looked at Ye Tongling who happened to be walking not far below.

"It's time to find a scapegoat."


This is the scene that Lin Cheng saw from the time TV.

After watching this brief journey of Hanshan's revenge, Lin Cheng felt that he could vaguely understand what kind of anger Hanshan was holding back when he said those hidden words in his heart at noon.

Unfortunately, Hanshan's revenge was ended by his wife before it even began.

It must be said that this woman is really cruel. Her son was raised as a dog by Peng Jinghui and finally ran away and died, but she could still accompany Peng Jinghui every night. Her husband came to the door and was hacked to death with a backhand.

However, Lin Cheng can also be sure that with this woman's character, after realizing that the end of the world will not end, the next person she will kill will definitely be Peng Jinghui.

Of course, the premise is that this woman's murder will not be exposed in the shelter. Once exposed, the military will definitely not tolerate her, and heavy punishments should be applied in troubled times. If everyone in the shelter is as messy as this woman, it is estimated that in a few days, the rear will be in chaos.

However, this has nothing to do with Lin Cheng. He is just a pure passerby who eats melons through the time TV.

Compared to Hanshan's failed revenge experience, Lin Cheng is more concerned about two things.

Lin Cheng adjusted the time and locked it to the time when Hanshan just entered the shelter.

Lin Cheng could see a woman walking past Hanshan. This woman had the same appearance as the 'supermarket pretender' that Lin Cheng had seen through the time TV before.

"It seems that this monster has lurked in the shelter built by the military. I don't know what her purpose is..."

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