The old man was buried in the grave.

"Especially after the level of my supernatural power was raised to level 2, I felt that I really began to become cold and ruthless."

Lin Cheng said.

Like today, killing the double-standard girl with a stone, and shooting Li Qiang and Peng Xiangxiang in the head with a gun, Lin Cheng would not be so decisive a few days before the end of the world.

As for Zhou Xunfa, since he jumped out, Lin Cheng had no intention of giving him a way out.

"A few days before the blood rain came, I looked at humans and thought, 'We are all humans', but today, when I looked at other humans, it was like seeing a group of bionic people. I felt that they were not the same species as me."

Lin Cheng said.

"But it's just this level, it just makes me a little annoyed."

"Even if I meet these people today again, I will defeat them mercilessly."

"Perhaps, treating yourself as a zombie is a good way to survive in the end times."

Xu Feili listened quietly, and she said: "Master, I think your situation may just be due to the confusion between superpowers and the end-time environment."

Lin Cheng looked at Xu Feili in confusion, not quite understanding what Xu Feili meant.

"Master, you subjectively think that it is the superpower that makes you cold and ruthless. But I think it's just that you adapt to the end-time environment very quickly, not that you treat yourself as a zombie."

"The most realistic comparison is An Jing. An Jing kills people decisively. But she can't be affected by superpowers like you, right?"

"That's true..."

Compared with An Jing, Lin Cheng really felt that he was more like An Jing than a zombie, and would kill directly at the slightest sign of conflict.

In the last few days of the apocalypse, An Jing had several times when Lin Cheng didn't stop her and would just go up and chop people with a long knife.

"Besides, there is actually an easy way to distinguish."

Xu Feili suddenly reached out and pushed Lin Cheng back.

Lin Cheng let her throw him on the bed.

Xu Feili then reached out and felt something.

"Sure enough, Master, you are actually a human in your thinking."

"People can lie."

"Even if the food you hate is unpalatable in social situations, you will eat it and say it's delicious."

"Even if you don't like the job you hate, you won't dare to say it directly in front of your boss."

"Even if your spouse is entangled because of work fatigue, you will appease your spouse's emotions."

"If there is a person who never tells a lie in his life, I think such a person is either a saint or a genderless angel."

"And the master is obviously an ordinary man."

"After all, even if the master tells a lot of lies that he doesn't realize, your 'second brother' is more honest than ever."

Lin Cheng opened his mouth.

Thinking about it.

Then, Lin Cheng suddenly felt relieved.

"You are right. If my second brother lies one day, I might really become a zombie."


After Xu Feili finished speaking, before she could get proud, she was pressed down by Lin Cheng.

Xu Feili's hands were held down by Lin Cheng, and the hair band she was wearing was untied at some point, and her beautiful black hair was scattered on the bed.

Lin Cheng did not exercise immediately, but said: "Feili, your family has contacted you before, right?"

"Yes, it's my mother. They are in another city. They called because they were worried about me."

"My mother has been managing me like this since I was a child. She told me what was right and told me that as long as I followed her instructions, I would definitely get good results and grow into an excellent person."

"I have been very obedient since I was a child. Even when I was a teenager, I never rebelled against her once."

"But when I went to college, I looked at the shining stars on the stage, I decided to become a female star. "

"My mother was against this. She thought the entertainment industry was too deep and I would be swallowed up without leaving any bones after entering it."

"But I still insisted on my choice."

"Then I entered the entertainment industry and found that my mother was right. Here, it is impossible to climb up alone without being stained by the people inside."

"In the end, just like this, I became a third-rate star with no reputation in the entertainment industry."

Lin Cheng's hands did not continue to press Xu Feili's arms.

And Xu Feili reached out and covered Lin Cheng's cheek, holding it up,

The movements were gentle: "But even so, I feel that my current life is very comfortable. Maybe I am a rebellious person. That's why I gave up the safety of the military shelter and decided to join your team, Master."

"As for the result, just like when I entered the entertainment industry, my choice seems to be wrong. Once I join your team, I will never be able to escape in this life."

"Compared to this, I care more about one thing."

Lin Cheng suddenly said.

Xu Feili said so much, but as for the result, Lin Cheng only remembered one thing deeply.

Lin Cheng whispered in Xu Feili's ear.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Xu Feili was not shocked, and there was a smile on her face, saying: "It seems that Master, you are still a thorough man. I said so much, but you remember this sentence."

"But, I am indeed 'first time'."


The fifth day of the apocalypse, three o'clock in the morning.

Qin Yuluo suddenly shuddered, and then opened his eyes.

The voices of other people, who had disappeared for almost half a day, began to flow rapidly into Qin Yuluo's brain.

Qin Yuluo hurriedly raised his right arm, and then found that the vine released by Li Xuefei had withered and slid to the ground.

Qin Yuluo was a little panicked at first, but then shook his head and found that he didn't have to worry about it for the time being.

After resting for most of the day, Qin Yuluo's mental state has improved a lot.

Qin Yuluo's mood has also recovered a lot, and he can listen to the voices in his mind leisurely like the first day he got the superpower.

? ? : "I can't sleep at all. Senior Xuefei's sleep talk is simply a noise disturbance."

? ? : "Why hasn't Sister Feili come back yet? Did she fall into the toilet pit?"

? ? : "Xuefei...what kind of dream did you have..."

? ? : "Wake up... the conquered sow I just made... Anyway, I shouldn't have said anything strange in my sleep, right?"

Qin Yuluo felt that the voices around him sounded strange.

However, Qin Yuluo's attention was quickly attracted by the person in the bed next to him.

Qin Yuluo soon realized something, and his voice was covered by a large section of the sound from the bed next to him.


At six o'clock, Lin Cheng continued to add points.

'Your strength increased by 100 points, defense increased by 50 points, and speed increased by 100 points. '

'The maids gain an additional 10 points of strength, 5 points of defense, and 10 points of speed. '

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