After the battle, Lin Cheng turned around and left.

After Dong Cheng died, the zombies that were previously controlled by Dong Cheng would naturally go berserk.

In addition, there were two black spots in the virtual vision, one was Dong Cheng, and the other one Lin Cheng had not yet encountered.

These are all possible threats to the safety of the maids.

When Lin Cheng came outside, he found that the zombies began to attack the maids frantically after losing Dong Cheng's control.

But the battle situation was not bad.

These were all level 2 zombies. Even if they were just ordinary and elite types, they were still a little stressful for An Jing and the others.

However, it was only a small pressure, and it was not yet time for An Jing to use the trump card Qin Yu Luo that Lin Cheng allowed, so naturally, Lin Cheng did not need to take action.

The main force to clear the zombies was not An Jing, but Dong Yingxue.

An Jing was only responsible for exerting the ability of space operation to form a space isolation around.

Dong Yingxue directly activated the synchronization incarnation, and killed the zombies like she was in an empty space.

There were actually not many zombies still alive outside, only more than 300.

Before Lin Cheng came out, Dong Yingxue had already cleared more than 50 zombies.

It must be said that Dong Yingxue, who had the synchronization incarnation, was really efficient in killing zombies.

Every step she took, three or four zombies would die on the spot.

And the zombies could not find Dong Yingxue at all, even if Dong Yingxue had already killed her in the middle of the zombie group.

Lin Cheng stood at the door and was originally planning to take action, but after seeing Dong Yingxue's condition, he let Dong Yingxue fight the zombies.

Of course, if Dong Yingxue might be infected with the virus in the middle, Lin Cheng would immediately use purification to help her recover.

A few dozen minutes later, the zombie group was swept away by Dong Yingxue.

The crystals and the dropped equipment were collected by An Jing.

An Jing's expression was very subtle when collecting the equipment.

More than 300 zombies, more than 200 pieces of equipment.

This explosion rate is unheard of even in the end of the world. Is this the so-called super lucky man? People have to admire Dong Yingxue's luck.

Lin Cheng's expression was also very subtle. After killing the bunch of zombies just now, Lin Cheng estimated that only more than 300 pieces of equipment would be dropped. And according to An Jing's evaluation, Lin Cheng's drop probability is a normal drop.

When An Jing and the others were clearing the zombies, Lin Cheng had already come outside. An Jing and the others also noticed it, but did not come up.

At this time, the zombies were cleared, and An Jing and the others immediately stepped forward.

"Master, are you okay?"

"No." Lin Cheng had just killed his former friend, and was still a little depressed. He said: "The zombies inside are zombies, and they are the friends in the dormitory I wanted to find before."

"... Did the master let him run away?" An Jing saw that Lin Cheng was in a bad mood, so she asked.

"No, I killed him. But I got some very important information from him. I will tell you later. An Jing, I just killed a lot of zombies in there, you go and deal with them."


After An Jing cleaned up the battlefield, Lin Cheng and his group set off again.

On the way, Lin Cheng also told An Jing and the others the news he had just learned.

"Zombie King? Day and Night? Zombie Affinity Ability?"

These news shocked the maids.

Even An Jing, who came back a hundred years after the apocalypse, heard about these things for the first time. She said, "According to what he said, if we compare it with the future of the apocalypse, it is very likely that the three-star corpse king he mentioned is the future zombie emperor."

"Because this corpse king named Dong Cheng is the name of the lord of one of the eight zombie death zones defeated by our human empire."

He belongs to the zombie emperor Lin Cheng, and is also called Dong Cheng, which makes it easy for people to connect the two.

Ning Qiang asked, "Senior An Jing, what is a zombie death zone?"

"When the number of humans in a city is reduced to a huge gap with the number of zombies, this area will become a zombie death zone. If the superpowers here do not continue to take purification potions, they will be infected and become zombies in less than half an hour."

"And each zombie death zone has a zombie lord who can control other zombies."

"..." Lin Cheng was silent after hearing this.

After connecting Dong Cheng with the fact that he just said he wanted Lin Cheng to become a zombie. Lin Cheng felt that the reason why An Jing became a zombie in his previous life was probably related to Dong Cheng.

"In any case, I will be very happy if I encounter a zombie with the same affinity as me in the future.

"Honestly speaking, as long as there is the influence of zombie affinity, unless they have strong resistance to spirit like me, their future will only be to become zombie kings." Lin Cheng said with a sigh. If the ability of zombie affinity exists in multiples, then for humans, they must be the first to be eliminated. Lin Cheng does not rule out that in the future, some humans will also regard him as an enemy after discovering this. But it is too far-sighted to consider these things now. "Then about another thing..." An Jing said: "I have never heard of the Night Clan. But among human superpowers, I remember that there are indeed a small number of superpowers who have special superpowers that increase their strength by a large margin during the day. It is very likely related to what he said about day and night. " "Then let's wait and see when we meet this kind of superpower in the future. " Lin Cheng said: "Now I am more concerned about his last sentence that he will turn me into a zombie sooner or later. "

"Maybe he just said it casually before he died? "Ning Qiang said.

Dong Cheng's mentality must have collapsed because he was completely crushed by Lin Cheng in terms of combat power, and it was normal for him to talk nonsense.

The other maids thought so too.

However, Lin Cheng always felt that Dong Cheng was very confident at that time, and he must have some backup plan.

"There are several high-level zombies under his command, but I haven't encountered any of them..."

Lin Cheng remembered something, turned over the map of the virtual vision, and found that the two black spots on it had disappeared.

In addition to Dong Cheng, it is very likely that the other black spot is his subordinate.

And Lin Cheng only killed Dong Cheng, and An Jing and the others did not encounter the high-level zombie, so Dong Cheng's high-level zombie subordinate may have escaped.

It is also very likely that this high-level zombie is a backup plan arranged by Dong Cheng.

Lin Cheng looked at the map of the virtual vision, and his sight quickly swept a circle of light spots in the vicinity.

Then, Lin Cheng found a black spot that was moving quickly and away from here.

Lin Cheng said: "An Jing, you stay here for the time being. I'll go deal with the backup plan left by Dong Cheng. If there's any danger, you'll have the final say on when to use Yu Luo's special ability. "

"For the time being, everyone else will follow An Jing's command."

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