Blooming America

Chapter 1321: This is not a Digimon

[..] It's almost the two o'clock in the evening anti-theft chapter

Dennis Ritchie walked away from the keyboard, then rubbed his eyes

Some people may not remember this gentleman, but he is undoubtedly the developer of the Gate system, the father of x and the father of C language in the original world.

It is shameful that unscrupulous Catherine has taken the other’s name and accepted him as her own worker.

But Dennis seems very happy

"It's almost done"

He looked at the side machine

This machine is very strange and wonderful

It is said that this was designed by Miss Edson herself

——Of course, Catherine would never tell Dennis that the idea of ​​this thing is actually the third part of "Digimon"...

Well, that’s right, that’s the popular monster fox in the setting of the "King of Beast Tamer" Kilmon, but many people like it.

I chose this because the name of the Tyrannosaurus machine inside is "D-ark"

ARK is the Ark

Well, it's pure coincidence and unscrupulous Catherine is unwilling to devote himself to design, so it became what it is now

As a result, a handheld personal terminal that is many times larger than the original Tyrannosaurus machine was born.

Can act as a payment center, identity verification system, driver's license, identification system, machine, etc.

All in all, in order to integrate so many functions and have reliable endurance, the size of this thing is very... huge

And the person who developed the system for this machine was the team led by Dennis

There is no doubt that the group being led has a very strong force

After all, Gate is a system used by the military, and this is what pby uses

Of course, Catherine will never let the fellow Guy with the same name as this system involved in this aspect of information.

That will definitely blue screen

Thinking of this question, Catherine realized how wise it is to send her classmates to engage in 3D technology.

It’s just that classmate Gai and Jobs seem to be a little restless recently. It seems that young people want to make a career...

Of course, this has nothing to do with Dennis Ritchie now.

The new system name is D-Ark

This system will have an application station, and only the software applied in this station can be installed in the machine

Of course, that's just an idea, because so far this function has not been designed-that is the last content to be considered

Safety and endurance are the first things the machine needs to pay attention to

After all, this thing was created for the convenience of life

Through all-round connection, the most perfect seamless connection can be realized here, thus uniting people and networks

It sounds simple, but for designers, this is a very huge test

Of course, this thing now looks a little less beautiful, big and stupid, full of old-fashioned style, but it definitely doesn’t look like an American thing.

In fact, more than one person has complained that this thing is absolutely popular in the Soviet Union.

But let the Americans come and swagger through the market with such a big brick... it's impossible

In fact, Catherine’s original design was not like this

At the beginning of her design, it was actually a design like a card

But that design that is too sci-fi is obviously not acceptable to people nowadays, or in other words, not acceptable to current technology.

The current level of technology is so terrible that the technology envisioned by Catherine is not very feasible at all. It can even be said that in the foreseeable future, it seems unlikely to be able to shrink to that level.

At this level, this is actually a limit

——The battery is bad...

There is no way, although lithium batteries have almost been researched in cooperation with sodium batteries and the like, fuel cells that are only palm-sized are also very powerful/\\/\\/\\/\\

But...for personal terminals, these batteries are really not enough.

For example, a fuel cell that can generate a lot of energy

Maybe the volume of this thing is small, but because it needs to be started at high temperature, a lot of auxiliary equipment is needed outside, which is really too insufficient for a personal terminal system.

Another example is the sodium battery... well, the sodium battery also needs a temperature of 200 degrees to start

The current lithium battery is advancing all the way, but such a dangerous battery... it is better to use less

As for the battery of the current personal terminal, it is actually a vanadium battery

This is a battery with average capacity but very insensitive to the loss of battery charging and discharging

Although the vanadium battery that has been studied for six or seven years cannot achieve too high a capacity, in terms of application, various applications have become more and more broad...

"Based on the kernel system of the Gate system, the safety performance is guaranteed. In order to adapt to portability, the Gate system has also studied power saving... But for ordinary people, the requirements are still too high..."

The most important thing about the Gate system is its safety performance. After all, it is for military use.

But for civilian use, you don’t have to pay attention to that much.

The costs of the two parties cannot be the same

As a product that is about to be popularized, the cost must be reduced

The cost of each product is reduced by one dollar, and one hundred million people is one hundred million dollars.

This is definitely a huge amount of wealth

And such a cost reduction must also be completed

"But with a total investment of 7 billion, the eldest lady is really whimsical..."

It seemed that it came from someone who Pu Guanshui didn’t know yet, but the eldest lady seemed to become someone’s nickname...

Dennis knows that many of these 7 billion expenses are research and development expenses

Making the first product is often the most expensive

Except for the biological plug-ins that require billions of dollars to complete because of the high cost, the most expensive part of the general product is often its R&D cost.

The cost of producing a product is definitely far less than the cost of starting research and development from the first product

It may take ten or even decades for a product from the establishment of the project to the final research success

For example, the battery project so far, all kinds of Jinlong Energy's projects are still in operation, and many of the projects are actually being developed slowly when the Jinlong Energy Company was just established, but now hundreds of millions have been invested. U.S. dollars, in many cases, the money seems to have been thrown into the bottomless pit, and there is not even a sound

And the production of a product-even the most complex tempered carbon nanotube fiber material, the cost and speed of production of these products are very fast

Of course, special circumstances also exist. For example, the great Gangdamu plan of the U.S. Army seems to have not responded yet...

"That's it for today"

Dennis rubbed his eyes to save the system and burn it to the disc

After starting to work tomorrow, this disc can be sealed or kept, but it must not be discarded arbitrarily, because it is a company secret device.

The system named "D-Ark" temporarily displays the functions of the phone, payment system, identity verification system and browser on the 55-inch screen.

And further systems, such as global positioning, etc., these will have to wait until the next step will be realized.

And unlike the prototype now placed in front of Dennis, he heard that in the end, in such a personal terminal, all the chips will be integrated.

In other words, CPU, memory, chips and other things will all be turned into a chip at the end

In other words, in the future finished machine, there will only be one board and many interfaces on it. As for the other equipment, they have been completely integrated.

However, after finishing this, Dennis did not leave, but instead looked at the manuscript of software design.

In other words, an original painting

It uses a setting similar to the monster in a certain handheld

Well, in fact, this guy who writes "Terminal Assistant" but is called "Agumon", this guy drew by Catherine

This is a small help to guide students to use the whole system

And the unscrupulous Catherine took it again and used it unscrupulously.

It’s just that Dennis thinks it’s good, because not everyone is a computer enthusiast. It’s definitely good to have a dedicated guide for newcomers to use the personal terminal.

——Well, Catherine didn’t know Dennis’s thoughts, otherwise, she would probably start complaining again.

The reason for doing this is actually completely out of Catherine's wicked taste. You see, there are people on Tyrannosaurus machines. Should there be a Digimon to come out?

This is definitely fun, right? Right? Right? !

Well, Catherine got Agumon with this mentality.

In fact, if it were not for her limited time, Catherine definitely wanted to take out all the Digimon

If there is time, Catherine will pull Pokemon together

At that time, Digimon and Pokémon will be put together, hey, it's all alive!

"But why keep a credit card system next to it?"

For this Dennis is a bit weird

Beside this machine, there is a strange credit card system.

This thing is a bit tasteless, Dennis spent a lot of effort on this thing.

"But it can be used as a password protection"

He thought of the plan

What he never thought of was because Catherine thought it was very interesting to draw a card while shouting "armed evolution".

What, you said that armed evolution is mainly the second and fourth generations?

Don't worry about such small things...


The second one today!

I'm looking for something to do, what's wrong with the secondary school>_

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