Blooming America

Chapter 1383: Moscow sky (1)

It's eight o'clock in the evening, and this is Moscow.

Moscow in 1984.

Compared to Los Angeles, where you can walk in a gown, Moscow is obviously much colder.

"I heard that there was a snowfall here not long ago. In Los Angeles, it's rare to see such an aura..."

The girl's dress is almost incompatible with this boss empire.

The long white hair swept down, and the black gothic dress was even more eye-catching.

Lan Sè's eyes looked curiously at the world that had passed from the future.

Under the long skirt, the little black leather boots were naughty and cocked, and the same black garter sock, let in blood.

Andre Gromyko, who was in charge of the reception, couldn't help but sigh.

"Welcome to the Soviet Union, Miss Edson."

Although it is very different from the intelligence, but... this face will never go wrong.

Although it is very strange why this young lady dyed her hair white and wore such strange clothes, it is undeniable that the stunning feeling the girl brought to Gromyko was far beyond the girl’s body. Inconsistent.

Gromyko originally thought that he was going to receive a strong entry from a business woman from the United States, but he was a little caught off guard that such a girl in front of him seemed to have a strong entry with a business woman, completely unable to catch up with it. .

She gave Gromyko the feeling that she was a young girl traveling with curiosity.

Although February is not a good time, the young girl still seems to be full of jīng spirits.

"This is the corrosive given to us by capitalism!"

If there are other people here, they will probably think this way, and then say it like this.

But Gromyko will not.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, he has shown his diplomatic skills one by one in front of US presidents such as Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. As for the heads of state and zhèngfǔ of other countries, it is impossible to count them.

Gromyko, who was once the ambassador to the United States, knows that if you just explain the evils of that world, you can never finish it. But it cannot be denied that when facing the world hunting, the capitalist world has in front of them. Enough threat, he would never look at such threats with contempt.

Therefore, Gromyco has always been cautious about the Western world.

Of course, Gromyko has never concealed his hatred of the Western world.

In fact, it was very strange for him to face this sudden order from Andropov.

However, as a "Soviet political tumbler," Gromyko still came.

"I am also very happy to meet you, Mr. Gromyko."

While Gromyko was looking at Catherine, Catherine was also curiously looking at Gromyko, who was said to be a hardline leader.

Knowing that she was likely to deal with Soviet officialdom, Catherine investigated the news from one side at the beginning.

Moreover, through the Chinese side, Catherine also learned something they didn't know.

And this Gromyko clearly impressed Catherine.

Gromyko didn't like China's reform and opening up, and even denied it "from the root." When reading some of Gurdjieff's remarks, you can feel from the line between the lines that he even hates the concepts of "reform" and "open".

Of course, ideological rigidity does not mean lack of talent.

When he stood on the podium, he could talk eloquently for two hours without reading the script. When meeting with reporters, he never used any manuscripts. It only took a few tens of seconds to read the main points of questions written by his assistant, and he could answer immediately.

In addition to being called the "Soviet political tumbler", this person has another name, that is-"Russian computer".

Of course, this person has the same problems as Andropov. While he is outstanding, his vision is not so good. In the original history, Gorbachev was recommended by him to become the general secretary of the CPSU zhōngyāng. of.

"Although I am very interested in the Soviet Union, I have never had the opportunity to come here. I want to walk around and see, don't you know?"

Catherine's sudden proposal made Gromy Kirk a pause.

"If there is plenty of time, naturally it is not a problem."

Of course, it is entirely up to the Soviet Union to decide whether there is enough time.

"No problem, I don't have anything else. The most is time. Even if it takes a year or two to complete the Soviet Union, it is not impossible."

Catherine’s appearance gave Gromyko a strange illusion—you really came to travel, did you?

If it were not for tempering the carbon nanotube fiber material, Gromyco would definitely make a mockery at this time.


In this world, there are always conditions that you can't refuse.

——Even if it is your enemy's entry that makes this condition.

The United States recently released a combat video of "smashing tanks."

The transformable super powerful tank is terrifying on the battlefield.

Even if there is only such a tank, as long as it exists on the battlefield, the probability of defeating the enemy will drop by 90%.

When something begins to change qualitatively, tactics and even strategy will change accordingly.

Take this new material.

Of course, graphene is another more impressive material. It is said that it is "the only thing that can break through toughened carbon nanotube fibers." For this reason, various countries have begun research in this area.

But compared to the existing tempered carbon nanotube fibers, graphene, a material also led by the Ark Group, is undoubtedly led by the other side.

When the other party has no clue, the other party has already claimed that it is preparing graphene. This is the gap between the two parties... Let alone graphene, even if it is a tempered carbon nanotube fiber material, it is now producing this product Yes, there is only the Ark Group, and the more distant graphene...that is just a myth.

But for the present Soviet Union, they are facing an excellent opportunity.

That is, tempered carbon nanotube fibers.

The Ark Group is ready to export this product to the Soviet Union.

If it goes well, the Soviet Union will be able to get a large amount of this product.

When the finished product is available, through reverse engineering, there may be results.

Even if it did not, if the Soviet Union imported a large number of these products, it would be able to counterbalance the United States.

At least, the Ark Group does not represent the United States.

They are now selling such products privately.

"Well... Excuse me, does Moscow have any food other than vodka?"

At the first time, Catherine thought of eating.

No way, this is also a necessary quality as a foodie.

A series of unprepared questions made the Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander.

"It's true that our great Soviet Union has many miracles. If you want to see, we will arrange a job for you."

Although Catherine's series of questions made the other party feel a little wrong, as an excellent bureaucrat, there was nothing more to say at this time.

Because Andropov's order is "must get toughened carbon nanotube fibers."

This is a necessary prerequisite. Under the condition of not violating this major premise, Catherine can get the most appropriate arrangement in this place of the Soviet Union.

"I look forward to it."

The girl's blue eyes looked at Yaokong in Moscow.

"Perhaps... the funny rìzi will be here soon."

... "That girl can really do it..."

At the same moment, on the train heading for Leningrad, Vladimir sat in his seat, slumbering with his eyes closed.

Speaking of action, just act, Catherine's resolute action surprised Vladimir a little.

The entire Ark Group was mobilized and compiled a document in the first place-that is, a document for cooperation with the Soviet Union.

This is completely a strategy that violates the guidelines of the United States.

As a rare super material in this world, is it going to be sold to the Soviet Union?

What's this kidding? !

The capitalists will sell the rope that hangs them to the money they want to hang them.

This is the madness of capital.

However, that lady is not such a crazy person.

Capital can do everything for profit, but the lady won't.

According to Vladimir's understanding, she definitely did not enter this way.

But... Is it really for yourself?

But why must she pay such a price?

"SEELE... Does this organization really exist?"

"SEELE probably does exist."

Balalaika, who was sitting opposite, looked at Vladimir.


Vladimir was convinced that he just moved his lips.

"I can read lips. Also, SEELE does exist."

Two Entrants speak English, and Bi Jing here is Russia. If you use Russian, you might be heard deliberately. Although English is also a bad thing, it is at least safer than Russian.

"Do you know this organization?"

Vladimir's eyes lit up.


This female entry is a legend.

The operator of the Moscow hotel.

It can be said that if it hadn't chosen to face off with Sean Conte, the current status of this woman... can be said to be unlimited.

However, on the battlefield, this woman has disappeared!

Of course, the Soviets believed that this female entrant might have been killed in battle.

Vladimir also thinks the same But when this female actor appeared in front of him, he was really frightened.

Of course, this face of Balalaika has returned from a middle-aged woman to the age of seventeen or eighteen, just like a magnificent young girl, so at this time, she appeared here and was not recognized.

In fact, the other party is not here now as a "balalaika".

It was Vladimir who got in through his own means.

"I work for SEELE."

The woman glanced at Vladimir.

For some reason, Vladimir saw something in the eyes of this woman.


But what is the competition?

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