Blooming America

Chapter 435: Storm is coming

On the 23rd, the market gold price hit a new high, and the entire gold market began to falter.

"Things are beyond imagination." In the office, Soros is discussing with Catherine: "The speculators are far stronger than us. The nature of the dollar's strength in the outside world has been clearly seen by these speculators. Up to a year. , The existing gold market will completely collapse and become the dust of history."

"I just went through a serious dollar crisis, I don't think things are that simple..."

Catherine knew that the peg of the U.S. dollar to gold did not officially collapse until 1971, and it was too early.

"The Republican Party will not easily carry this scapegoat. Nixon is the hottest candidate for the presidential candidate. Now the Democratic Party... President Johnson has already carried enough scapegoats. Let him carry a few scapegoats. He is afraid. I don’t care."

If the domestic finances of the United States cannot afford the stability of the gold market, it is obviously wise for the United States to continue to stabilize the market. But the public probably wouldn't think so-at least in the short term, no one would think this is a good thing.

"If we can use this to strike a blow to the Democratic Party again, I believe the Republicans will be very happy."

To say when the U.S. government has the most authority, I am afraid it should be when Roosevelt became president. Roosevelt had a strong strategic vision and a strong hand. There are even rumors among the people that the economy was in the 1930s. During the depression, many Jews and foreign wealthy businessmen disappeared in the United States, and the total number even reached thousands. Their wealth is the secret to feeding the United States. Although it is a rumor, it does show that President Roosevelt did have a set.

However, after World War II, politicians began to decrease, and the performances of third-rate politicians who appeared on the stage were so ridiculous. Fortunately, there is pressure from the Soviet Union now. Otherwise, I don't know what the United States will become.

"Nixon must be president." Catherine said categorically.

"Probably, but we are still prepared for the collapse of the gold system at any time. Fortunately for us, time is still abundant."

Soros seemed confident.


The relationship between Catherine and Soros is not about superiors or superiors, but rather like the relationship between the investor and the investee. Besides, there are some relationships between the two partners. After all, the vast majority of the funds of the Quantum Fund now come from the aRk Group.

"Then what do you plan to do next?"

Catherine asked the question she most wanted to ask.

Catherine was a little depressed because of the script jam, but Zou Wenhuai did not agree on a time anyway. Catherine felt that if the script could be finished before Christmas, everything would be fine.

"Next, we will continue to attack gold... But I intend to slow down a little bit. After all, even if the dollar is about to collapse, it will take a little bit of time. It can't be so fast..."

At this moment, the phone in Soros' office suddenly rang.

"Hello there."

He picked up the phone.


It seems that after hearing a news, Soros's expression became extremely shocked, but soon, he forced himself to calm down.

"Okay... Continue to see the exhibition of the situation..."

Soros hung up the phone and looked at Catherine.

"We seem to be all wrong..." Soros's expression was complicated: "Just now, the US government urgently stopped the gold exchange business-although temporarily."

"What?" Catherine, who was sitting on the sand, also stood up, her expression was the same as Soros just now.

Both thought that they had mastered the situation, and they were put together by reality.

"what on earth is it?"

Catherine immediately thought of Angel Beat’s news TV station. If it was the latest news, they should know more clearly, so Catherine used Soros’s phone to directly call the No Pop

"Hello, this is Angel Beat TV."

"Hurry up and take the call to the supervisor. This is Catherine Edson." Catherine called the No Pop Novel Network through a dedicated line, and only a few people such as Catherine knew this phone number.


The phone was answered immediately over there.

"Oh...Miss Edson, hello" The opposite obviously didn't expect Catherine to call.

"Did the US government have any important news in the last two hours?" Catherine immediately smelled it.

"Oh, yes, it seems to be about gold... Please wait a moment, I'll get the report."

"Fax a copy directly." Listening to the report on the phone is undoubtedly the most painful thing.


Soon, a report came from Angel News.

Although capitalists often get news before reporters, it is different if it is an interim resolution of the federal government.

"...I should be saying that our President Johnson has courage... or is it not courageous?"

Because the U.S. government got the news that many countries were preparing to exchange a large amount of gold, they were a little panicked, so they announced the suspension of the official U.S. dollar exchange strategy for gold.

"Either just be more decisive, or just hold on to it...what's this?"

Catherine couldn't figure out how to play such a trick.

"It seems that the price of gold is going to skyrocket recently..." Soros breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, when the price of gold was raised some time ago, I ate a lot of gold..."

What's this... beating right? Is it wrong to find it?

Anyway, things are born.


Catherine looked at the report, she was a little confused.

If the collapse of the Bretton Woods system remains the same as in the original history, Catherine will probably choose to sell when the price of gold rises, and then decisively buy oil. But now, history has changed, and the skyrocketing of gold is certain, but at that time, should I hold gold or change to oil?

(...I'll talk about it then...)

In the long run, the appreciation of gold is certain, but oil is not without value, and even more valuable than gold.

However, although the fundamental problem of this suspension of trading is essentially the same as in the previous life, the suspension of trading this time is due to the madness of international speculators, not the third dollar crisis... Well, facts On the previous page, American talents have just passed a dollar crisis.

"It seems that our next plans will all be adjusted... The suspension of trading in the United States will only make international speculators even more crazy... I have a hunch that the entire gold market's trading quota may even exceed 100 million."

"It depends on when the federal government can survive..."

Catherine didn't know much about President Johnson. In her last life, the only influence she had on this man was that he seemed to have killed Kennedy and came to power. In this era, what she knows more about this person is that the other party is a war madman. Without him, there would be no Vietnam War.

But the signal, the other party is about to step down, and Kennedy...I believe Kennedy, who has received so many political donations from her side, will not embarrass her own person. Although Catherine herself has not had direct contact with the other party, it is indirect. There are still a lot of connections. And Bruce also invited six mBs to the other side. These professional bodyguards also represent the sincerity of the aRk Group...

mB is different from ordinary bodyguards. They are the elite of the elite. When they train, they have a purpose to keep secrets for customers. Even the company itself cannot force the other party to tell such secrets. And there is also a very important point. In the contract between mB and the company, if the company takes the initiative to dismiss them, it will also need to pay a large amount of liquidated damages. At the highest level, it can also reach the level of tens of millions, and these The dismissed mB will not have the clause of "not allowed to re-enter the industry" to voluntarily resign, so mB has no worries about this. It is precisely because of this that mB has a good reputation.

"Probably it won't last long."

Soros answered Catherine's question.

"If they did not announce the suspension, the already overheated market would soon calm down, but they did so again." Soros analyzed clearly: "If they are permanently decoupling the U.S. dollar from gold, In that case, it doesn’t matter. At least for the US economy, it’s good news. Now they have announced the temporary suspension of the exchange of US dollars for gold. This is the worst strategy... Oh, I even doubt if the Republican Party will The think tanks of the Democratic Party have all bought out"

Yes the worst idea.

For the international market, the decoupling of the U.S. dollar from gold means that the U.S. dollar in their hands is about to depreciate, but for the United States, this news will not bring them any real benefits, because the U.S. dollar has not depreciated nominally. .

A certain amount of devaluation is good news for the export industry, but the current strategy of the federal government is bad news.

And this is just a "pause." When the United States resumes foreign exchange, panicking governments will definitely exchange a large amount of gold. At that time, the impact on the U.S. economy will be even greater. Maybe the U.S. economic situation will change. Worse than in history

"It seems... we have to make plans..."

At this time, Catherine was thinking about the future "Plaza Accord" in her mind. If the situation in the United States continues to deteriorate...Will they choose to go to Japan to cut wool in advance?


There is one more~houhou~. ..

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