Early the next morning, Abao sent his uncle to the airport in Shanghai.

There are no secrets on Yellow River Road.

The news that my uncle left Huanghe Road is no exception.

In front of the cigarette shop.

A jade hand held a bunch of banknotes and placed them on the weighing plate in front of Boss Jingxiu.

"Get a pack of cigarettes!"

Boss Jingxiu raised his head and saw that it was Li Li. The smile on his face gradually brightened.

He took a pack of cigarettes and put it on the window sill.

Looking at the thick pile of banknotes, Boss Jingxiu asked with a smile:

"The landlady is not just buying cigarettes, right?"

Li Li smiled slightly and pursed his lips in the direction of the Peace Hotel. The meaning was self-evident.

In the Peace Hotel, there has been only one hot topic in the past few years.

That is Mr. Bao!

As for what Li Li asked, Boss Jingxiu also knew

"My uncle once went to Japan Island"

"This time I also traveled to Japan Island."

Li Li's eyes flickered, he glanced at Boss Jingxiu, nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards Zhizhen Garden.

Looking at Li Li's back, Boss Jingxiu shook his head slightly:"The wind and rain are coming~"

Others don't know, Jingxiu The boss knew it clearly.

The other proprietresses on Huanghe Road were unhappy with Zhizhenyuan.

Especially, the power outage in Zhizhenyuan before.

There was also Xiao Jiangxi who was taken away by the police car...

Regarding the thoughts of Boss Jingxiu, Li Li didn't know clearly.

In fact, even if she knew clearly, she wouldn't care.

What should come will eventually come.

Li Li walked all the way to one of the big bags on the second floor before stopping.

He knocked on the door gently and got it. After the people inside agreed,

Li Li walked in.

"Miss Naiko."

Naizi stood up slowly when he saw Li Li arriving, smiled and nodded.

Li Li came to Naizi's side.

He leaned forward a little and said,"Uncle, the big housekeeper next to Mr. Bao, went to Rishima today."

Naizi's eyes narrowed, Rishima!

We actually went to Rishima!

After Li Li told the news, he didn't say hello and left quietly. As soon as Li Li exited the private room, Naizi lightly puffed out his red lips:"Chunzi!

Chunzi immediately came to Naizi and said,"Miss, what are your orders?" Naizi

's eyes flickered:"Send someone to investigate the activities of Mr. Bao's butler, Uncle Ye.""

"Where have you been, who have you come into contact with?"

"No matter the details!

Surprise flashed in Chunzi's eyes, and she hurriedly responded:"It's Miss!""


"Congratulations to Mr. Bao and Mr. Ma on your success!"

"Congratulations to Boss Bao and Boss Ma for the great sale!"


In the Tokyo Hotel at night, everyone gathered together.

A Bao, Lingzi, Miss Wang, Tao Tao, Teacher Ge, Ling Hong, plus Boss Ma!

Yes, Boss Ma was called by A Bao.

Lingzi's glass was not down yet , looked at Boss Ma:"What the hell, Boss Ma, you should be called Mr. Ma now!"

"Congratulations to Boss Ma for joining our big group"

"I offer Mr. Ma a glass of wine"

"I hope that Mr. Ma and Mr. Bao will have a prosperous business and make a lot of money."

After Lingzi finished speaking, she drank the whole cup in one gulp.

Boss Ma looked at Mr. Bao, then at Miss Wang, and finally at Lingzi:

"Mr. Ma, just call me Xiao Ma"

"If it weren’t for Mr. Bao, I would still be a small boss of a black factory"

"If you want to thank me, you should thank Mr. Bao."

After Boss Ma finished speaking, he glanced at Ah Bao gratefully, and then drank it directly.

Seeing this, Lingzi glanced at the unhappy Miss Wang and rolled her eyes.

She raised her glass again:"Thank you, Mr. Bao, we should Thanks to Miss Wang"

"If Miss Wang hadn't been so busy running around"

"Recommend Mr. Ma to Mr. Bao"

"How can we have the success we have now?"

"Therefore, the person who should be most grateful is Miss Wang!"

After Lingzi finished speaking, she also winked at A Bao, Tao Tao and others.

A Bao nodded:"Yes, if Miss Wang hadn't introduced Boss Ma to me,"

"There would not be the success now"

"To Miss Wang."

Tao Tao, Ling Hong, Teacher Ge, and Boss Ma all raised their glasses and agreed:"To Miss Wang. Miss Wang looked at Lingzi and Linghong, and finally looked at Abao:"Actually, there's no need. All this is what I should do.""

Although he said so, he still picked up the wine glass in his hand.

After everyone finished drinking, Abao gave Lingzi a wink and handed Miss Wang to Lingzi.

Abao and Boss Ma also left the table.

They came to a place At the idle table,

Abao raised his glass of wine and said,"Congratulations to Mr. Ma, it's a great sale. Boss Ma was immediately flattered and raised his glass:"Mr. Bao, you see, we have always been so guarded against you.""

"You still take such good care of us"

"If you want to say thank you, it should be me thanking you."

"I'm a rough guy, I don't know how to say sexy things"

"But Mr. Bao, I can express my opinion now."

"You have brought hope and wealth to our brothers"

"From today on, you, Mr. Bao, will be my best brother."

"Someone is trying to do something bad to you"

"I, Lao Ma, have fought for this life, but I can also fight for a breath."

"hehe."Seeing Boss Ma's attitude, Abao nodded with satisfaction.

If it were Boss Fan at this time, he should be thinking about how to maximize interests instead of expressing his position here.

Abao gently patted Boss Ma on the shoulder.

"They are all friends and the closest partners"

"Talking about this is beyond the pale."

The two were still talking, and Lingzi came over at this time.

Abao gave Boss Ma a wink.

Boss Ma knew that Abao had something to discuss with Lingzi.

He held the wine glass and walked towards the big round table.

Abao Waving to Lingzi, Lingzi sat down after Abao.

Lingzi looked at Abao suspiciously:"What's the matter?"

"Everyone is still waiting there. Abao looked at Lingzi and said calmly:"Uncle has left Yellow River Road and will not be back in a short time." Lingzi was stunned:"Tell me what these things are for?""

"What do you mean?"

A Bao's expression became rare and serious:"I won't say more about some things, and I will only ask you once."

"No need to rush to reply now"

"Must think clearly"

"Will you come and help me?"

"Be my chief steward, taking my uncle's place....."

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