It’s hard to describe the power of this blow!

Originally, the sailors in the attic had already thought that they had observed the ultimate destructive power of this sea after seeing the previous battle.

And this is also true – if purely in terms of destructive power, the destructive power of the two people of Warring States and Qinglin can already be regarded as the top in the world.

But… In the face of this blow, it seems that this cognition needs to be refreshed again.

There was no violent explosion or any new scars on Marinferdo – the target of this blow was originally pointed at the sky!

But… Under the penetration of that glorious light, the silent elimination seemed so shocking.

In the sky where that pillar of light shot out, there was now nothing.

Clouds, birds, breeze, even air…

Before this blow… No one can imagine what the sky is like burning!

At that moment, after that light reached its end, the silent but beautiful explosion like fireworks!

After the explosion, the sky seemed to cheer for it, sprinkling a little bluish blue powder, and gently drifting down, reflecting the island as sacred as if it were the world.

A philosopher said: Things must have extremes, and their poles must be opposite!

Then everyone present can’t help but ask…

09At the end of destruction, is this absolute beauty?

That shocking beauty made everyone present intoxicated…

Beautiful and irresistible, this is how this blow makes them feel!

“Well? Did it hit the void? Looking at the yellow ape slowly condensing on the other side, Lloyd had a little doubt in his eyes… But more is still satisfied.

Seeing his ‘work’ have such power, the sense of accomplishment in his heart is indescribable – this is the most glorious moment as a scientist!

Compared to him, the heart of the yellow ape, who was slowly lifting from ‘elementalization’ at this time, only shock and thick palpitations surrounded his heart.

He knew that the shot just now was not empty!

In fact, if he hadn’t used elementalization to dodge in time, he would definitely have only one way to fall in the face of such a terrifying blow!

He looked at the strange machine that had just squirted into silence after spraying a tongue of fire, and the frivolity that had resided on his face had long been gone!

As the highest combat power of the navy, admirals who have reached the status of yellow ape have to consider more than just personal factors – as a representative of the strongest force on the sea, they have great authority and responsibility!

It is their duty to maintain the peace of this sea, to enforce their own justice, and to train those who can replace them in guarding this sea when they grow old.

It’s hard!

Especially in this ‘era of pirates’, it is even more difficult to maintain this inheritance and glory – the power of the pirates is getting stronger and stronger, and any one of the ‘four emperors’ has the power to fight against the naval headquarters alone.

Fortunately, the navy of this era has the existence of the genius scientist Vegapunk.

With his wisdom, the military strength and technological strength of the navy have always been overwhelming in this sea – they have the best equipment, the most advanced technology and medical capabilities.

Even now, their research on the ‘secret treasure of the sea’ has made breakthroughs!

The research on the war weapon ‘pacifist’ is said to have been initially successful.

‘Sooner or later, all those who are causing chaos at sea can be wiped out’ The dawn seems to have arrived!

But… At this moment, the yellow ape’s heart was filled with an extreme sense of crisis that he had never felt before!

This thing!

This name is [Budu Imperial Soul]!

Its danger has completely exceeded everyone’s expectations

Although it is not known whether its manufacture can be copied, or even if this is its full power output, but if the answer to these two questions is yes…

This may be the biggest threat to the Navy in this era!

The yellow ape was sure that he could dodge the attack of this weapon, and even he was sure that any master with a certain strength and domineering could almost dodge this powerful but slow blow.


Ordinary sailors can’t hide!

The people they want to protect can’t hide!

Take a step back… This ‘warship island’ – can’t hide!

The so-called ‘weapons of war’ have never been aimed at these few ‘strong people’!

If this thing can really be copied… No! Even if it is inferior to this one, as long as a similar machine with one-tenth of the strength of this machine can be manufactured on a large scale, then…

In this world, drastic changes will occur!

This is the power of ‘science’!

So the yellow ape can’t stay quiet!

This time… It’s too dangerous, it’s already touching that bottom line!

The body turned into a stream of light, and the yellow ape was the limit of his speed as soon as he moved.

Almost imperceptibly, he had already appeared less than two meters in front of Lloyd!

The Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand stabbed out directly – no longer consider any other factors, this person must die!

In the face of the incoming attack, Lloyd did not seem to react – he even maintained a sideways posture facing the yellow ape.

In the face of the speed of light, his body is no different from that of ordinary people, and he does not seem to have any room to resist!


A figure mixed with thunder and lightning appeared in front of him at a speed that was not lost to the yellow ape, and the flashing mine electric spear directly caught the yellow ape’s slash – it was Anilu!

And immediately after Anilu, the wind around the yellow ape also suddenly swirled, and the small hurricane that rolled up directly threw the yellow ape out of the ship!

But Lloyd has a partner!

The kind that can safely put your back in your back… Partner!

“Mr. Yellow Ape, please stop your attack.” Facing the gaze under the yellow ape sunglasses that looked at him with a trace of coldness, Lloyd was unimpressed-Qinglin had already told him that this might be the consequence.

Of course, the yellow ape would not obey, and the light flashed all over his body – Anilu had been injured, and he was confident that he could defeat him at this time.

Seeing that the other party did not seem to listen to his words, Lloyd’s lips pursed slightly.

“Again, please stop your attack…”

“Otherwise…” the purple-haired young man hung a cold smile, and there was no trace of warmth in his pale gray eyes.

His 280 fingers snapped again.

Then the yellow ape saw that the terrifying ‘weapon’ muzzle turned and pointed straight in another direction!

Then he really didn’t dare to move anymore.

The young man’s demon-like whisper came from his ears…

“So, make your choice… Admiral! ”

“Do you have to choose to make that potentially unnecessary interception, or do you have to… What about protecting the island? ”

The place that [Budu Imperial Soul] refers to is not elsewhere…

It is this island called ‘Marinfodo’!

The yellow ape’s body stiffened!

This is not the first time he has made this choice – he was forced to make a similar choice by someone in a small village called Puluo Village!

And this time, the situation is even more difficult than the last time!

On one side is a ‘sea thief’ who is destined to affect the situation in the whole world, and on the other side… It is the ‘source of justice’ Marinferdo and all the creatures above it!


The meeting place was silent for a long time, until the low and serious voice of the ‘Red Dog’ broke the silence.

“Regarding the principle of that thing, what about the results of the research from the Ministry of Science?”

“… It is still being studied, and it seems that no way to replicate or restrained has been found, and according to the researchers, there seems to be a flicker between the ghost spider’s words.

“Report?” Akainu frowned slightly.

“It is said that Dr. Vegapunk… Seems to be very happy! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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