In the passage, Kira walked slowly by himself.

In front of him was the gate of the first level. As a traverser, he only remembered that this level seemed to be about kicking a ball and shooting a goal.

It seemed that if he scored 100 goals within the specified time, he would pass the level.

Kira didn't remember the specific details very clearly, but he made the best of it.

Kira pushed open the door and entered an empty indoor space.

On one side of the room, a goal stood there.

There was a figure in front of the goal. Kira looked closely and saw that it was a figure produced by holographic projection.


Kira observed for a while and the figure hooked his finger at Kira, as if to say, "Come on."

Provoking me? Interesting.

Kira stretched his muscles with some interest. He also wanted to try to see what his current level was.


A football popped out from the wall on the left.

Kira moved and immediately came to the flight path of the football.

He raised his foot and aimed at the goal.


The ball was easily kicked in, and the figure defending the goal tried his best to save the ball, but still failed to save the ball.

At this moment, the big screen behind the goal showed that there were 89 minutes and 55 seconds left.

There were 99 balls left to pass the level.

This level was not as difficult as imagined.





The balls kept flying out of the walls around him, and Kira kept adjusting his body shape, kicking the ball into the goal one by one.

In this process, Kira also felt the impact of the strength and angle of the kick on the shot, and his understanding of shooting was steadily improving.

This level seems to be quite helpful for players to improve their shooting.

While playing football, Kirara sighed, but his hands gradually akimbo.

Blue prison monitoring room.

Huixin Shinpachi looked at the performance of the teenagers on the screen in this level with satisfaction, and said proudly: "This training room is improved from the explosive power enhancement equipment of the top German team. The players are surrounded by..."

"Mr. Huixin, I must seriously remind you that we don't have much budget!" Dijin Anri interrupted Huixin when he was showing off his equipment.

"Shut up, Anri, didn't you hear me introducing how powerful my equipment is?" Huixin was a little annoyed. This woman always likes to spoil the show.

"Humph!" Anri pouted in dissatisfaction, and was scolded by this eye again.


Huixin pretended to cough twice to ease the atmosphere, and continued to introduce herself: "This is the training space I imagined, and this level is particularly difficult for those players who rely on others instead of themselves..."

On the screen, some players were sweating profusely facing this level.

And our monk player's face was red at this moment. Obviously, he didn't play very easily in this level.

"But for those players who have gone from [0] to [1], this level is a place to hone their talents and make themselves more advanced..."

"But, Teacher Huixin, these people seem to play very easily, and I don't feel that they are evolving..." Anri reminded inappropriately.

The veins on Huixin's forehead popped out. Teijin Anri, you are affecting my cool and handsome image.

Can you stop refuting me all the time?

Huixin complained about Anri, the incompetent assistant, in his heart, and at the same time, his eyes followed Anri's gaze.

Sure enough.

In the camera, Itoshi Rin, Kira Ryosuke and other outstanding players.

Very comfortable.

Kira even put his hands on his hips and shot.

"Ahem, the next level will be difficult, really..." Eishin Shinpachi angrily adjusted his glasses.

Level room.

"Huh, 30."

In just a few minutes, Kira had scored 30 goals.

"Upgraded?" Kira noticed that the court had changed.

Several humanoid obstacles appeared in front of the goal.

So that's it, it's to simulate the real situation on the court.

"But, this little improvement can't stop me at all!"

Kira's hands were no longer on his hips, and his hands began to swing with his body. After all, he still had to find the right angle to kick the ball in through the gap between the obstacles.







The ball at Kira's feet, not

The balls kept flying into the goal in various arcs.

"Huh, only 40 left, I've passed!"

Kirara wiped the sweat that hadn't come out at all. Although he didn't feel sweaty, he still wiped it.

"Highest level?"

Kirara noticed that the font on the screen had changed to LV.MAX.


All the obstacles in front of the court began to move.


The ball speed also increased?

Kirara found that the ball that bounced off the side of the wall had a significantly increased rotation speed.


Kirara raised his foot to shoot, but was blocked by the obstacle.


This was the first time Kirara didn't shoot into the goal.

Kirara's eyes began to be serious. These balls were not like the balls that Jie and Fengle passed to him in the usual games, which were very comfortable to receive.

Most of the balls that bounced off the wall were messy and had no rules.

Moreover, Kunigami and Chikari were always able to help Kirara attract other defensive players in the game, so in the usual games, he enjoyed the convenience brought by his teammates.

But now, all these conveniences are gone.

However, Kira also knows clearly how to score this kind of goal!

Just grasp the entire space in an instant, predict the movement of obstacles and the position of the goalkeeper.

Run to the shooting point neatly, accurately grasp the route and landing point of the ball, and control the strength of the shot.

Focus all your attention on the moment of hitting the football in the end.


Kira's action is consistent with his thinking, and he hits the flying ball with a volley.


Kira smiled, it's only a matter of time to pass the level.


"Ding, the first level is passed."

Kira really wiped the sweat off his face this time, it was still a bit tiring, shooting more than 100 times in a row, it's still quite physically demanding.

Kira walked out of the room of the first level and entered the passage.

He was also looking forward to it unconsciously. With his performance just now, could he be the first to pass the level?

Itoshi Rin should be faster than him.

Could he be the second?

Kira entered the second level with his expectations.

"Hey, this white-haired guy is the third one. It seems that I am more fashionable~"

In Kira's perspective, a slender figure was playing with his long hair and casually greeted Kira.

And there was another person, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, exuding a cold breath all over his body. It was Itoshi Rin.

Faced with this situation, Kira touched the back of his head and greeted the two with a smile: "Hello, hello, both of you, my name is Kira Ryosuke!"

"Kira Ryosuke? It's a very fashionable name. My name is Ant Sheng. As you can see, I am a fashionable person~"

Kira smiled and nodded. This person was still as fashionable as in the comics, and then looked at Rin.

"This fashionable guy~ doesn't like to talk. His name is Itoshi Rin..." Ant Sheng introduced Kira.

"Itoshi Rin, oh... I know you!"

Kira's voice suddenly became louder.

"Hmm?" Itoshi Rin suddenly opened his eyes and expressed his doubt: "Do you know me?"

"Yes, I know him. He is the younger brother of the talented midfielder Sae Itoshi who went to Europe for youth training!"

Kirara answered sincerely.

"Oh~, no wonder you are so trendy, it turns out you have a brother who is even trendier than you~" Ant Sheng commented.

The air in the room suddenly became cold.

Kirara could feel the chill emanating from Itoshi Rin's body.

Ant Sheng's brother, you are so brave.

Kirara silently gave him a thumbs up in his heart.

Ant Sheng didn't understand why this trendy brother got angry when he heard his own Onii-chan's name.

"Tsk..." Itoshi Rin said coldly: "I don't have time to waste time with you here. I am standing here to be able to enter the U-20 national team."

"Defeating Sae Itoshi is the whole meaning of my playing football!"

"You are all just stepping stones for me..."

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