The ball was thrown into the air, and the opponent was very excited.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

"Ah, Miss, you are so great!!" Ma Lang waved his fist excitedly.

Qian Qi's face was full of excitement at this moment. At the same time, he knew in his heart that Jie was the biggest contributor to this goal.

Qian Qi walked up to Jie and gave Jie a big hug.

"Nice pass, I didn't expect you to pass it to me. Wouldn't it be a chance to score if you shot at that time?"

Qian Qi was still a little confused about Jie's final choice.

Jie's eyes were very firm, "No, my shot will definitely be intercepted by Kirara when everyone thinks I will shoot."

"Passing the ball is the best way to defeat them."

Qian Qi nodded thoughtfully and understood Jie's idea.

Nagi's face also revealed excitement, "In that case, let's win this game together..."

"Let's defeat them together and prove that Jie, Chikiri, Nagi and Malang are stronger!!!"

The four of them stood back to their positions aggressively, ready to meet the attack of the red team.

"Hey, that pass just now was unexpectedly cool~, the opponent is only one ball away from us..." Ant Sheng's face was unusually nervous.

Kira looked relaxed, as if he didn't think he would lose at all.

The teacher Lin's expression was also particularly serious, "You guys all show all your skills, and eliminate them in the next ball."

"Okay, Iceberg." Kira agreed with a smile.

At the same time, Kira also noticed Fengle's strangeness.

Fengle stood there blankly as if he was thinking about something.

"Fengle? Are you okay?" Kira walked up to Fengle and touched Fengle's forehead. "I don't have a fever, how can I be distracted on the court?"

"Sorry, Kirara, I..." Fengle wanted to explain something.

"Don't say anything, don't think about anything, enjoy the game..." Kirara patted Fengle's shoulder to comfort him, and then left and stood back to his position.

"Don't think about anything, enjoy the game..."

Fengle muttered these words, and a different voice sounded in his mind: "Kirara, if I really don't think about anything, I will never catch up with you in my life!"

Thinking and evolution are the themes of [Blue Prison]! !

Fengle's little brain, which is not often used, is also constantly looking for its own evolutionary path.

The red team kicked off.

Rin and Kirara used the same trick again.

Two-person pass and advance.

When Kirara received the pass from Rin, he felt a huge force coming from behind.

"Hey, hey, hey, how many times are you going to use the same trick?" Malang pressed over with his muscles tensed all over his body.

Even with Rin's attributes, he couldn't stand Malang's desperate pressure.

"This guy?" Kirara could only protect the ball with all his strength and look for an opportunity.

"Beautiful, Malang, I'll grab this ball..." Chichirō began to press high again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kirara passed the ball to Rin.

Jie, who was beside Rin, had expected it and had been waiting for Kirara's pass.

When Jie rushed up to intercept, Kirara not only did not show a panic expression, but also smiled meaningfully.

What do you mean?

This pass was clearly seen through by me, right?

Jie couldn't figure out the changes in Kirara's expression, so she stretched out her foot to intercept.

"Bang!" Rin was still one step faster.

"Tsk. Still a little slower." Jie understood that this was not the difference in her eyesight, but purely because her abilities in other aspects were too poor compared to Rin.

Therefore, Kirara dared to pass the ball to Rin recklessly.

He completely ignored his defense and interception.

Jie couldn't help but get angry when she thought of this, and felt that she was looked down upon by Kirara.

After Rin got the ball first, he kicked it directly into the air without any hesitation.

On the other side, Ant Sheng was waiting here early.

Nagi was also here.

The aerial duel between the two was staged again.

Nagi's choice this time was very smart. She didn't compete with Ant Sheng in the aerial height like before.

He waited for Ant Sheng to stop the ball in the air with his chest, and the moment the ball bounced up.

He stretched out his right foot high, and the whole person was in the air.

Steal the ball!

"It's a smart choice, but it's useless..."

After saying that, Ant Sheng actually jumped twice to grab the ball back at the moment of landing.

"Is this guy a stick insect?" Nagi was shocked, and his long limbs were a bit foul.

Ant Sheng glanced at the position on the field and passed the ball diagonally backward.

Kira, who got rid of Ma Lang, immediately received the pass.

Ma Lang in

Behind Kira, he was panting.

He really couldn't keep up, and the oil in the tank of Malang was burned out.

"I can't let you go!" Jie gritted her teeth and came to defend.

"Jie Shiyi, you are starting to get in the way." Kira stopped after the ball and began to shake.

Jie's center of gravity was not fooled by Kira's fake moves.

"I already know that the technique of passing is to first use fake moves of the body to deceive the defensive player's center of gravity shift, and then break through from the opposite direction."

"As long as you predict the opponent's breakthrough direction, it will no longer be easy to be passed!"

Jie didn't reveal any flaws after several consecutive changes of footsteps.

Kira was deeply surprised that Jie's defense had also become stronger.

In this case, he could only pass the ball first.

The moment Kira moved his foot, Jie also moved.

"It must be passed to Lin, right." Jie shouted and stretched out his foot to intercept Kira's pass direction.

I let Rin go so that Kirara could pass the ball to him. I just need to intercept it here.


The ball did not fly in the direction of Rin, but to the feet of Fengle who followed on the other side.

To Fengle?

Jie looked back in disbelief, and at the same time, shouted: "Chichi, stop him!!!"

"Here he comes."

Chichi turned into a cheetah and caught up with Fengle who was holding the ball.

"You're here, Chichi." Fengle was a little different from before.

Chichi didn't care and stretched out his foot to tackle the ball.

Fengle smoothly pushed the ball to the other side and easily avoided Chichi's tackle.


Kirara saw Fengle's change, and he no longer hesitated?

The moment he got the ball, he didn't immediately look for his and Rin's positions. That's it, Fengle, don't listen to the voice of the [monster] in your heart anymore.

"Win, win!"

Fengle repeated in his heart while dribbling the ball forward.

"Since I joined the Blue Prison, I don't want to lose all the people and things I met..."

"Kira is always by my side, playing football with me, I really think that as long as it's like this, it's fine..."

"Because I don't want to lose the first [friend] I met, and I don't want to go back to being alone."


Hime's mother's face suddenly appeared in Fengle's mind.

"When you grow up, people will want to believe, but they can't believe."

"So when you pretend not to hear, you will slowly really not hear [your own voice]."

"What you want to believe is such an illusory and ethereal thing."


I'm afraid of becoming alone again?

Playing football because you are afraid of being abandoned by Kirara and Rin?

Fengle, since when did you play football for the needs of others?

What you should really believe is not those things, they are all the voices of the [monster] in your heart.

Winning this game and grabbing Jie to our side, this is what I want now! !

And then.

The boy took a step forward...

The elves on the court began to dance.

Following the guidance of [his own heart]...

At this moment, he had no [dance partner]...

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