The two of them were so excited that they had to face each other.

"Shh, all the cells in my body are splitting for the goal..."

Shidao put his index finger in front of his mouth, intoxicated by himself.

Then he started laughing crazily.

"Hehehe... Hehehe... Hehehe..."

Seeing this, Kira, who wanted to celebrate together, took a half step back unconsciously.


It's better to keep a distance.

He doesn't look very mentally stable.

"Tsk... Both defense and organization are second-rate."

Wu Tairen scratched his head and began to analyze Shidao's performance.

"But you can use your physique to maximize your ability to steal points in front of the goal."

"Okay, okay, the input is complete, and I have a general understanding of this tentacle monster."

The deep eyes of Wu Lu Ren seemed to have seen through Shidao's tricks, "Next, it's time to output."

The game continues.

Team B serves the ball.

After the kick-off, Rin directly passes the ball to Wu Lu Ren.

After Wu Lu Ren took two steps with the ball, his eyes kept wandering around the court.

It seemed that he was observing the position of his teammates.

Looking for a place to pass the ball.

And this scene was seen by Jie.

There is a chance!

Take his ball while he is not paying attention!

Jie stretched her legs forward and stretched her feet to steal the ball!


Wu Lu Ren pulled his foot to his side, and Jie's steal was in vain.

Jie thought to herself that it was not good. This guy seemed to be not paying attention here, but he was actually deliberately revealing a flaw?

Lure me into the trap?

"Idiot, sorry, my principle is not to fight a battle that I'm not sure of..."

After saying this, Wu Lu Ren started to get rid of Jie.

Jie was not as bad at defense as before.

The first attempt to steal the ball failed, but he was able to turn around and barely catch up.

At this time, Jie found out from a close distance.

Like Kira, Wu Lu Ren has a beauty mole under the corner of his eye.


No, what am I thinking about at this time?

Sometimes, the observation is too subtle.

It will also lead to too much information being collected, and the brain will be overloaded for a while.

Commonly known as pig brain overload.

Jie's mind was distracted just for a moment.

"Jie Shiyi, you seem to be the weakness of this team A..."

"You can inspire your teammates and are a supporting type of player, but your individual combat ability is really too poor."

"This is the conclusion I came to after watching your VAR last night."

Wu Lu Ren's words brought Jie back to the game.

Jie found that her steps could no longer keep up with Wu Lu Ren's pace.

"What are you talking about? You look so happy. Add me."

Shidao rushed out from the side and wanted to double-team Wu with Jie.


Wu Lu Ren saw Shidao coming forward and immediately raised his foot to prepare for a long pass.

"Don't even think about passing it!"

Shidao stretched out his foot to intercept his passing route.

"No, it's a fake move!"

Jie reacted.

But it was too late.

Wu Lu Ren raised his right foot, and suddenly, he used his heel to knock the ball to his left side.

The left foot, which was originally a supporting foot, immediately pushed the ball to accelerate.

Instantly, he broke through the gap between the two people with the ball.

Completed a one-two pass!

"Wow, that's amazing." Shidao praised.

This is similar to Kirara's previous fake move to stop the ball.

Jie admired Wu Lu Ren's overwhelming fake move technique.

Is this the fourth-place football?

After Wu Lu Ren shook off the two, he volleyed the ball.

The ball flew into the goal!


The two sides tied.

"Hey, Kira, when did you become so clingy..."

Rin looked at Kira who had followed him all the way with some impatience.

"Other players on our side have scored, and you are still staring at me."

Kira's expression was not worried at all.

"As long as you don't perform, I can easily defeat anyone on your side who scores."

"Tsk... so arrogant."

After Wu Lu Ren scored, he turned back and looked at Jie arrogantly, "I will poke your team's weakness hard until it becomes a fatal injury."

Damn it!

This guy, I can't do anything about him.

Jie's forehead was sweating.

The sense of oppression that Wu Lu Ren brought to him was really too strong.

"Ah, not bad, Xiao Wu!" Shidao praised.

This guy, why is he cheering for the other side, Kira is speechless.

Kirara also looked back at Jie at the same time.

Jie's expression was still very serious.

It seems that he has not found a way to crack it yet.

Should he remind him?

Kirara stopped moving.


Because he saw Bingzhiyang approaching Jie.

Not bad.

The little sheep is indeed Jie's benefactor.

"【Killer】 Wulu Ren is a player who relies on sharp analysis to lock on the opponent's weak links."

Jie looked up and Bingzhiyang walked up to him.

"Then, focus all your strength to attack him until the end of the game. This is Wulu Ren's football."

"You are being targeted by him, Jie."

Bingzhiyang made Jie's current predicament clear in just two or three sentences.

"Do you know him?"

Jie was confused because Bingzhi's tone sounded like it was not the first time he played football with Wulu Ren.

"Well, we played together in a youth team in Kansai before."

"The only advice I can give you is..."

"Don't worry about how he attacks your weaknesses, use your strengths to compete with him."

Bingzhi gave her own opinion.

Jie nodded, "Thank you, Bingzhi."

At the same time, she began to think.

Jie's strengths are [spatial cognition], [off-ball running] and [direct shooting].

How can we make use of them?

"Beep, the game continues, Team A serves."

"Hey, Kirara, get excited, the game is getting more and more interesting, your expression is too cold."

"Get excited, get excited."

Shidao's expression is like a pervert.

Kirara was speechless, this guy didn't play like a master at all.

Look at me and Rin.

A master is one who keeps his face calm.

You look like a lunatic!

Although he thought so in his heart, he still passed the ball to him honestly.

After all, Shidao is now the most impactful player on his side.

"Kirara, come and play a match."

After Shidao received the ball, he blinked.

Kirara instantly understood what he meant.

At the same time, he started to follow up.

At this moment, Wu Tairen only stared at Jie, and didn't care about Kirara and Shidao's attack at all.

Hailiu and Shixiong Kyohei from Saraban rushed to fill in the gap.

Short pass for two-on-one!

The ball bounced back and forth between Shidao and Kira, and in an instant, it passed the two defenders.

"Oh, my two teammates are so useless."

Urabito was a little helpless, and could only hope that his other TOP6 teammate could defend this attack.

The ball came to Kira's feet at this moment.

Rin also filled in the gap.

"I won't let you pass this time."

Rin's cold eyes revealed that he was particularly serious.

"Kira-chan, over here, that TOP3 is not easy to deal with."

Shidao moved forward from the side and asked Kira for the ball.

"Get out of my way, tentacle monster, don't even think about catching the ball." Chikari followed Shidao at some point.

Both of them ran to the right front of Kira.

Kira's choice was to suddenly launch a cold arrow!

Direct shot!


The ball flew in a strange way, right between Rin and Shidou.

The goalkeeping robot seemed to have not seen Kira's kick, and was half a beat slower.

The ball flew into the goal frame.

Team A took the lead again.


Jie was behind him, thinking carefully about Kira's shot.

Kira took advantage of Shidou's movement and took advantage of the moment when the goalkeeper couldn't see his movements.

Shooting with the help of the blind spot?

So... so strong.

Kira is really too good now.

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