Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 10 Import of additional children

Outside Shanhai Village, on a rural dirt road.

Two figures, one yellow and one gray, walked in front of them, running and walking with nimble steps. From time to time, they would run back for a while, shaking their heads and wagging their tails, showing their cheerfulness.

Behind them, Ling Yi and Zhang Lei walked side by side, walking briskly, neither fast nor slow.

Ling Yi had his hands empty and his eyes were not looking at the path in front of him or at his feet. Instead, he was moving around, looking at the large piece of "Blue Silver Grass" that he saw with some satisfaction.

Most of these, except for a few that existed originally, are the result of the "Blue Silver Grass" seeds that Ling Yi and Zhang Lei sprinkled while playing in and around Shanhai Village in the past two years.

If you look down at Shanhai Village from the sky, you will find that the entire village is surrounded by "Blue Silver Grass" and is immersed in a blue, as if it is an island in the sea.

Not long after, the two returned to the Ling family's courtyard.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard a loud cry suddenly. They looked at each other, Zhang Lei picked up the two live hares and three dead pheasants in his hands, and silently walked towards the Ling family's kitchen.

Glancing at Zhang Lei's back, Ling Yi shook his head and walked towards his main house surrounded by Ah Huang and Miaomiao.

Before they reached the door, another cry sounded, one after another with the one in front, as if they were in a duet, making people's brains buzz.

Walking in the door with an indifferent expression, the interior is slightly darker than the light outside, and the feeling is softer and cooler. Ling Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a while he adjusted to the change in light and darkness, he saw two figures sitting at the square table in the middle of the room.

In other words, there are four paths, two big and two small.

"Xiao Yi is back~" When her mother, Zhang Xiaoyu, saw Ling Yi, her troubled expression suddenly became a little more relaxed, and she quickly said: "Come and see, what's wrong with your brother -"

With that said, he handed the little baby in his arms towards Ling Yi's direction.

"And this little guy~" Aunt Linghe held the other little guy in her arms, stood up, and said while shaking gently.

Ling Shan, born in March of this year in Yangchun, is less than seven months old now, Ling Yi's younger brother.

Zhang Xin, born in the coldest month of winter last year, will be ten months old in a few days, Zhang Lei's younger brother.

Before the two mothers could move, Ling Yi took three steps and two steps at a time, came to the two of them, and stretched out his hands to the little faces of the two little guys.

The movements were gentle, and the tranquil aura on his body became more and more leisurely.

The middle index fingers of the left and right hands are slightly bent, and the backs of the fingers are scraped on the two soft tofu-and-half-faced faces.

Miraculously, with Ling Yi's contact, the voices of the two children, who were crying endlessly, gradually became quieter until they stopped. They only pouted their little mouths aggrievedly, with a look of discomfort on their faces.

After a few breaths of close observation, Ling Yi's eyes moved slightly, and with his left hand in Ling He's arms, he tugged at the bottom of the old thin quilt that wrapped Zhang Xin, and said: "Auntie, you have tightened the quilt too much." It’s too tight, Xiaoxin’s feet feel uncomfortable——”

Ling He suddenly realized: "I wonder why this little guy keeps kicking his legs and fluttering around today——"

Then, Ling Yi retracted his left hand, stretched his hands forward, took his younger brother Lingshan from his mother Zhang Xiaoyu's arms, hugged him with his left hand, and loosened the thin quilt in front of Lingshan with his right hand, and stretched it in. , put the palm of your hand against the little guy's stomach, and rub it gently.

After a few moments, the little guy opened his mouth and exhaled with a sound of "Hiccup!", and his wrinkled little face relaxed.

"Okay~" Ling Yi handed Ling Shan back to his mother, Zhang Xiaoyu, and said, "Xiao Shan had gas from drinking milk, but she's fine now~"

"Next time when you breastfeed, pay attention to how you hold him, so that your belly doesn't get cold..."

Ling Yi spoke patiently and carefully to the two breastfeeding mothers.

Although these two have sons as old as Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, in the final analysis, they are only village women in their twenties. They can only take care of their babies by feeding, bathing, coaxing them to sleep, and changing them. Diapers and other common care knowledge.

Most of the time, when the baby cries, their first reaction is to feed the baby and check whether there is peeing and defecation. If the baby doesn't eat and the diaper is dry, then they can only start tossing and checking one by one. Origin.

Most of the time, the child will recover automatically and stop crying before any diagnosis is made.

Living in the fields, in order to survive, even a breastfeeding woman does not have much time to take care of her newborn baby carefully. She spends all her energy in the fields, working for a mouthful of food.

Anyway, this is how Zhang Lei went through his childhood.

And compared to babies in the same village, and even some surrounding villages, Zhang Lei received a lot of care.

As for Ling Yi, in the words of his uncle Zhang Dahe, he is the most well-behaved and worry-free little guy. He is the only one who has appeared in all these years.

At noon, Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Dahe came back, one with a hatchet on his waist, a bundle of firewood behind his back, and the other carrying a fish basket.

Ling Yi: "Dad~"

Zhang Lei: "Dad——!"

The two children faced their father respectively, with subconscious smiles on their faces.

"Dad~" Ling Yi swept away the firewood behind Ling Xiaoshan and said, "Did you go to the old forest?"

"Hmm~" Ling Xiaoshan nodded, leaned forward and picked up Ling Yi. Without stopping, he walked towards his yard and said, "I saw there wasn't much firewood at home yesterday. There was nothing going on in the fields this morning, so I went to the old house." Linzi brings back some firewood——"

"Uncle~" Zhang Lei was held in Zhang Dahe's arms. He looked away from his father's shoulder to look at the fish basket. He turned to Ling Xiaoshan and said, "It turns out that you also went to the old forest. If I had known, A Yi and I would go to find him." is you……"


Seeing what his son Zhang Lei said, Zhang Dahe raised his eyebrows and asked, "Listen to this, you two little guys also went to the old forest this morning?"

Hearing Zhang Dahe's neither sad nor happy question, Zhang Lei shrank his neck and muttered in a low voice: "I...we only walked around outside the old forest, we didn't go inside..."

"You two," Ling Xiaoshan frowned and looked away from Zhang Lei, looking at Ling Yi in his arms. His voice was a little lower and he said, "That old forest is very dangerous. There are local dogs, snakes, and big flowers." Not to mention poisonous poisons such as spiders and black star scorpions, there are also wolves, wild boars, and leopards deep in the forest..."

"If you encounter those cruel people, not to mention you two little guys, even adults like us, I'm afraid we won't be able to get rid of them!"


Ling Yi understood that his father and uncle were worried about him. He pursed his lips and said softly: "We know that we only walked around outside. We will not go inside if we are outside."

"Besides~" Ling Yi paused, looked at the cats and dogs that had come to the feet of several people at some unknown time, and then said: "There are also Ah Huang and Miaomiao here——"

Hearing this, Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Dahe also turned their attention to the yellow dog and gray cat beside their legs. They were originally planning to preach, but they swallowed it down at this time.

There was no way, Ah Huang, who was now two and a half years old, looked quite strong, comparable to the wild wolves the two of them had seen at the market in Beikouhe Town in the early years, which were sold to wealthy families and restaurant merchants!

Although Miaomiao, who is the same age, is not as big as Ah Huang, his streamlined body and strong posture are like a small leopard.

The two bodyguards accompanying them, with their strength and alertness, were enough to ensure the safety of Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, at least within the three to five miles outside the old forest.


Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Dahe looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

There is no way, not to mention that Zhang Lei is six years old this year and will soon undergo the martial soul awakening ceremony to have his own martial soul and thus have a certain degree of autonomy.

Even Ling Yi, although he has been well-behaved since he was a child, has always been very right in his ideas. He always has all kinds of unreasonable principles and ideas that can convince them.

While the two pairs of father and son were talking, the two women at home had already prepared the meal and began to invite the four people into the house to eat.

The current living conditions are several times better than before. With Ling Yi and Zhang Lei able to take care of themselves, Ling Shan and Zhang Xin are about to turn one year old, and the two families have already planned to have a third child.

It can be foreseen that in the future, the Ling and Zhang families will definitely be prosperous and prosperous!

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