Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 147 Selfless Dedication

Standing up refreshed, Ling Yi looked around, looking at the "Blue Silver Grass" that had exceeded the age of a thousand years.

Original "Blue Silver Grass", "Iron Birch Blue Silver Grass", "Nvluo Blue Silver Grass", "Agarwood Blue Silver Grass"...

Ever since he unexpectedly bought the "Wishful Treasure Bag" at the auction, Ling Yi no longer had to worry about how to arrange the "Blue Silver Grass" that he had painstakingly cultivated.

Feeling that every thousand-year-old "Blue Silver Grass" is being digested silently, the soul power just injected by Ling Yi, as well as the vitality drawn from the "Blue Silver Grass" everywhere in the outside world, Ling Yi's release of these will definitely cause The sensational thousand-year-old soul beasts were taken back into the "Wishful Treasure Bag" one by one.

As soon as he put away the last one, Ling Yi turned his attention towards the entrance of the tent.

Although the curtain door was tightly closed, the "Blue Silver Grass" all over the ground allowed Ling Yi to 'see' that someone was walking this way. Judging from the direction of travel, they should be looking for him.

Sure enough, the next second, I heard:

"Brother Yi—Brother Yi—are you here? Brother Yi—?"

Before the sound from outside could continue, Ling Yi opened the tent door with a faint smile and said, "Here you are -"

"What's wrong? Ayan, are you in such a hurry?" Ling Yi walked towards the person and continued to ask: "Even if someone is injured, I remember that those people should be here at the moment, and they will not find me here—— ?”

As he spoke, a pair of pupils looked at each other quietly with a sense of tranquility and peace.

This is a strong man who is more than two meters tall, with muscles all over his body, and the bulges are as hard as rock.

The strong man's name is Xiao Yan, and his martial spirit is "Panshi". He looks like he is in his early thirties, but he is actually only twenty-one years old. He is a level 29 defense-type great soul master.

At this time, being watched by Ling Yi's eyes, the burly and muscular Xiao Yan looked like a child. He scratched his head shyly and said sheepishly: " one was injured——"

"Oh?" Ling Yi raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed slightly, he tilted his head as if thinking, and asked: "Is it... the thing I asked you to pay attention to last time? Do you have any clues about it?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yan nodded vigorously, grinned and said with a naive smile: "A few days ago, Tang Chuan and I escorted a batch of supplies to the camp over the Golden Eagle Gorge, and saw a martial spirit there. Captain of the "One-Horned Serpent"..."


Ling Yi shouted "Hello" when he heard this, and there was obvious joy in his eyebrows. This made Xiao Yan opposite him also greatly inspired and infected. He grinned and could see the uvula trembling in his throat.

Ling Yi patted Xiao Yan's strong arm, then waved his hand and said: "Let's go! Let's go to Mr. Altimus and apply to him to go to the "Golden Eagle Gorge" to communicate for a while - "


Xiao Yan nodded hurriedly and followed Ling Yi step by step, like a bodyguard beside a rich man.

Ever since Ling Yi was pulled back from the brink of death three months ago, Xiao Yan secretly swore in his heart that he would follow Ling Yi for the rest of his life.

You know, as a defensive soul master, he has always been at the forefront of the battlefield.

Although his defensive power is strong and he is an absolute leader among soul masters of the same level, on the battlefield, it is not a one-on-one duel among soul masters of the same level, and injuries are commonplace.

But the time three months ago was definitely the biggest crisis Xiao Yan had ever encountered in his life!

A soul king, with a thousand-level fourth soul skill, an attack like a sharp arrow, it pierced Xiao Yan's heart with just one glance, and also the bodies of three comrades lined up behind Xiao Yan .

Maybe it was his strong vitality as a soul master, or maybe Xiao Yan's willpower and desire to survive were strong enough. After a full hour, the battle ended. The people cleaning the battlefield discovered Xiao Yan, who had begun to feel cold and stopped breathing. Rock, but his breath still did not disappear.

Even if the breath is as weak as a candle in the wind.

But it was Ling Yi who discovered him, and Ling Yi's perception was much stronger than that of his peers. In an environment full of "blue silver grass", even the snake and rat hiding in the Mi Xu Cave underground, Ling Yi Yidu can sense their breath.

As early as half a year ago, more than 80% of the land on the border between the two empires had been sown with the seeds of "Blue Silver Grass".

Ling Yi, who was still a level 29 great soul master at the time, used his second soul skill, Finger Rebirth, to restore Xiao Yan's pierced heart and pull him back half-foot into the gate of hell. One after another, the first soul skill, Vitality, reactivated the body that had lost most of its vitality and was almost the same as a corpse.

In the short half a year that they stayed in the [Tian Dou Empire] frontier army, there were many people like Xiao Yan who were pulled back from the brink of death by Ling Yi.

Although not everyone is like Xiao Yan, they all remember the kindness of Ling Yi as a lifesaver. In addition, other injured and poisoned people were treated by Ling Yi, which is also a big friendship.

In just over five months, Ling Yi had already established a firm foothold among the middle and lower ranks of the [Tian Dou Empire] border army, with a network of connections all over the border.

It was not in vain that Ling Yi had applied to follow the team cleaning the battlefield from the second month and conduct the first search and rescue operation.

Another one is the attitude when dealing with ordinary people and low-level soul masters. Although Artimos, Lianlian and others do not show any arrogance, their self-confidence as soul masters and strong men has been cultivated for many years. Cheng's character is also the cognitive concept of Douluo Continent for thousands of years.

Unlike Altimus and others, Ling Yi's seemingly innate affinity when getting along with others, as well as his words and attitude that make people feel like they are in a state of spring breeze, can be called the ultimate in making friends!

The application with Artimus was easily approved.

Even though Ling Yi was asked to stay by the superiors of the border army, this kind of stay was not treated as a treasure. He just saw an interesting talent and felt that he had a certain value, so he opened his mouth to recruit him. .

In the eyes of the senior executive who spoke, he was giving Ling Yi a chance, an opportunity to serve him and the border forces. This was Ling Yi's honor!

Similarly, in Artimus's eyes, Ling Yi was indeed a talent, the kind of smart person who had fantastic ideas and could turn them into practical operations.

However, due to the fact that his strength is only over 20 levels, no matter how superb Ling Yi's surgical skills are, he cannot obtain the same status as a Soul Sect-level healing soul master.

After all, the most important thing about surgical operations is the kind of cognition and thinking. After Ling Yi showed it nakedly in front of their eyes, the surgical techniques were no longer exclusive to Ling Yi.

What surprised them was that before they could study the secrets of surgery in secret, Ling Yi took the initiative to teach them some of the tricks.

Among these people, there were those like Artimus and Lianlian who appreciated Ling Yi even more and their favorability increased greatly because of this. There were also some who secretly laughed at Ling Yi for being stupid and naive.

But no matter what, the entire [Tian Dou Empire] frontier army, because of Ling Yi's selfless dedication, the battle damage rate has actually dropped.

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