Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 16 Postponing Admission

Five days later, Beikouhe Town.

There is no market today, so there are not many people coming and going in the town. Pedestrians in twos and threes go their own way. Ling Yi and Ling Xiaoshan are walking among them. They are just two of the most ordinary passers-by among all living beings.

At the Zhenxi Blacksmith Shop, Ling Xiaoshan took out a handful of copper soul coins and two silver soul coins and handed them to a strong man with a gray beard. He took a bulging coarse cloth bag handed over by the other party, opened it and took a look inside.

In front of the foundry next to it, a strong young man dripping with sweat was beating the red iron ingot with a hammer. The rhythm of the hammer was sometimes pleasant, and sometimes there were a few noises.

Ling Yi stood obediently at the door, his eyes curious, watching the scene in the shop quietly.

"Let's go~"

Ling Xiaoshan's clear voice sounded in his ears, and a warm hand covered the top of his head, making Ling Yi look away.

Raising his head and facing Ling Xiaoshan's smiling eyes, Ling Yi nodded: "Yes!"

"Master Jiang, Bai Wa, are gone——"


"Uncle, Ayi, walk slowly——"

Amid the greetings from the blacksmith shop owner and the sturdy young man, two figures, one large and one small, waved their hands and walked out of the town under the scorching sun above their heads.

"Danglang! Danglang——!"

As he walked around, the coarse cloth pocket carried by Ling Xiaoshan in the bamboo basket behind his back made a crisp sound of gold and iron from time to time.

Six brand new iron hoe blades, put them on six straight and strong long wooden sticks, are six good hoe blades.

Nowadays, the Ling and Zhang families, and the three male martial arts spirits of the Zhang family are all "hoes". It is convenient to use the "Farmer's Three Styles" - the hoe swinging style, but Ling Changqing, Ling Xiaoshan and Ling Yi himself need a hoe to perform it. .

In addition, grandma, grandma, mother, and aunt will go to the fields to help with the work from time to time. It is not enough without hoes.



"With this "Basic Meditation Method", you must practice hard when you come back, and don't leave the fields..." Ling Xiaoshan looked down at Ling Yi and said with a somewhat serious expression.

Hearing the sound, Ling Yi reached out and patted his chest, feeling the thin booklet inside. He turned to look at his father and responded with the same serious face: "Dad, don't worry, I will practice well."

"It's just~"

Ling Xiaoshan was just about to nod when Ling Yi's voice sounded again: "Dad, when I took the "Basic Meditation Method" before, Uncle Yan Bin told me that each practice should not be too long. According to the level of each person's talent, , the length of practice in a day can be long or short, beyond this time, not only will the efficiency become extremely low, but if you are not careful, it will also cause damage to the body..."

"Okay~" After listening to Ling Yi's words, Ling Xiaoshan opened his mouth and was speechless. After all, he was a pure novice in martial arts cultivation and had no right to speak at all.

Pursing his lips, Ling Xiaoshan seemed to think of something, and then asked: "By the way, Xiao Yi, can you read this meditation?"

"Although we have taught you some words over the years, I don't know if they are enough. Let me tell you, we might as well sell all the pheasants and hares we raise at home, so that you can have the tuition to go to school in Muzhi City... …”

Ling Xiaoshan did not apply for a place as a work-study student because both he and Ling Yi knew that there would be no place for them this year.

What is a work-study student?

How do the quota of work-study students come about?

It's very simple. A city is supported by surrounding villages and towns, which transport most of the food, fruits, vegetables, meat and other materials it needs daily.

A considerable part of this was donated free of charge by village and town residents. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was tax revenue provided to the rulers.

Under such circumstances, the masters are naturally willing to give those qualified civilian soul masters who are promising to transcend social classes a chance to enter school for free.

Not only is admission free, but it also provides some work-study job opportunities, allowing you to earn some food expenses in your spare time.

In this way, when these civilian soul masters grow up, whether they are absorbed into the inherent circle of masters or return to their hometowns to become a new little master, there will be no harm at all.

If one of them wins the jackpot and a genius emerges, it will be a huge profit!

Without further ado, let’s get back to the topic.

The number of work-study students is allocated downwards from the city where the junior soul master college is located, based on the contribution of the towns and rural areas below, as well as the prosperity of the city itself.

Unfortunately, [Shuimu Principality] is one of the smallest countries in Douluo Continent, and its national land area is not as large as the smallest province of [Tian Dou Empire].

In other words, this was originally divided into the smallest province of the [Tian Dou Empire].

There are only three cities in the country, and the capital "Muzhi City" can only be regarded as an ordinary big city when viewed from the Douluo Continent.

At the same time, due to the national conditions, most people with soul master qualifications are concentrated in the three cities.

In the countryside, it often takes more than ten years for a soul master who is expected to cultivate to the soul master level to appear.

Therefore, most of the places for junior soul master colleges in "Muzhi City" were devolved to the township level, not to the village level.

In short, there are places for work-study students, but there are only two or three in Beikouhe Town.

Coincidentally, this year, three descendants of soul masters in the town turned six years old and awakened their innate soul power.

As the children of soul masters, the probability of awakening innate soul power is higher...

On a sunny rural dirt road, two figures, one large and one small, gradually drifted away. The surrounding fields were empty. The breeze, with a bit of heat, fell on the listless "Blue Silver Grass" beside the road, breaking into pieces of golden color. .

While walking, Ling Yi was thinking about the 'wealth' that his family now has.

As for the quota of work-study students, Ling Yi just went through it in his mind and put it behind him.

Although if you enroll earlier, you can learn more knowledge about martial arts and soul beasts earlier, but in the junior soul master academy, the students still practice the "Basic Meditation Method".

Ling Yi has already confirmed this with Yan Bin.

In this case, for Ling Yi, whose innate soul power is only half a level, it makes no difference whether he enrolls in school one year earlier or one year later.

Anyway, when you get to the academy, you will basically focus on soul power cultivation, supplemented by learning the information on martial souls and soul beasts.

In this case, it is better to cultivate the soul power level at home first, and when the time is right, then go to the Junior Soul Master Academy to learn that knowledge in the name of a work-study student.

With Ling Yi's current level of mental power, and the learning ability and memory he has developed, just like the original Yu Xiaogang, who memorized all the books in the "Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family" and "Martial Soul Hall", he can master a junior soul master. If you quickly master the college's teaching content, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Facing the lush green vegetation on both sides of the rural road, there was a faint light flashing in Ling Yi's eyes.

From tomorrow on, be a soul warrior who works hard to cultivate, and your body, mind, and soul power will go hand in hand.

Starting from tomorrow, bring your relatives and friends from the Ling and Zhang families to farm, breed, and hunt, and become well-off together!

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