Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 158 Easy Difficulty

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since Ling Yi was seconded to "Sena City".

Facts have proved that a person like Ling Yi can thrive no matter where he is.

"Sena City" located at the southern end of the Lima Plain, like "Fair City", "Noting City", and "Clo City" in the Fasno Province of the [Tian Dou Empire], are all within the territory of the [Star Luo Empire] border. The farthest distance between the two sides is only two to three hundred miles.

As the frontline of the [Kingdom of Barak] against the [Star Luo Empire], the "Sena City" is not large, but it is extremely strong.

The entire city is made of hard granite. The city wall alone is nearly a hundred meters high and fifty or sixty meters thick, like a stone mountain.

No, it’s not ‘like’, this is a mountain of stone that was excavated, cut, transported, and then rebuilt.

On the city wall, Ling Yi stood behind the wall stacks, looking in the direction of the [Star Luo Empire] in the distance.

As a healing soul master, Ling Yi certainly does not need to stand on duty on the city wall like the city guards.

Staying here at this moment is to wait for the arrival of teammates.

That's right, Ling Yi came to this "Sena City" and was incorporated into the patrol team. The people who specifically followed the patrol team wandered on the border between [Barak Kingdom] and [Star Luo Empire] to investigate. The enemy's movements.

Logically speaking, the best place for a healing soul master like Ling Yi is to stay in "Sena City" to treat injured and poisoned soldiers.

That is to say, it is safe and can maximize its own role and talents.

But obviously, this is the calm period after the war. In the huge "Sena City", the injured before are either in good condition or injured too seriously, and they are dead, so there is no need for Ling Yi. Take action.

As a result, the healing soul master Ling Yi, who was transferred from the border army of the suzerain country of [Tian Dou Empire], found his position somewhat awkward for a while.

Fortunately, with Ling Yi's good skills, he quickly became involved with many middle and low-level people in "Sena City". After understanding the structure of various departments in "Sena City" and the corresponding scope of authority, Ling Yi immediately applied. Join the patrol team as a medic accompanying the patrol team.

As a patrol team that walks on the border, its members are all soul masters, the weakest are all first-level soul masters, and the strong ones are even led by soul masters!

Specializing in searching for defeated generals wandering along the border, fallen soul masters taking advantage of the situation, and soul beasts that occasionally pop up.

It has been seven or eight days since he joined the patrol team. Ling Yi went out with the team three times in total. The first and third time he found nothing. But the second time, he met a "badger pig" that was decades old and had a feast with his teammates. A meal.

These three times, the patrol team did not go too far, only within a hundred miles of "Sena City", which also caused Ling Yi's progress in sowing the "Blue Silver Grass" seeds to be somewhat slow.

Unlike the Tiandou border troops, Ling Yi could mobilize the enthusiasm of the Tiandou border troops through those herbal formulas using "Blue Silver Grass" as the main ingredient, and let them take the initiative to sow the "Blue Silver Grass" seeds. Here in [Barak Kingdom], Ling Yi can no longer use this method.

The original Ling Yi was born in the Shuimu Principality, a vassal state of the Tiandou Empire. He was transferred from the vassal state to the border army of the suzerain country, and showed his ability to prepare small and valuable herbal medicines, which was not a big problem.

But in the [Kingdom of Barak], which is also a vassal state, if you do this again, you have to consider that among the Tiandou border army, those supervisors and partials who were given the herbal formula by Ling Yi Will feel it.

Although in Ling Yi's true heart, he wanted to make these herbal formulas public to the world, so that everyone on the Douluo Continent could learn them, and then take the initiative to plant the "Blue Silver Grass" as the main ingredient one by one.

But obviously, this is unrealistic.

At least, in Douluo Continent, which has relatively conservative values, this kind of secret recipe with certain value must be blocked to a certain extent.

Only in this way can it bring certain benefits to them who have mastered the formula.

Ling Yi is now only a third-ring soul master, and a healing soul master. In terms of strength and the effects he can bring, it is not enough to make the vested interests give up the benefits they are about to obtain.

Even if this benefit was given to them by Ling Yi.

‘You must at least reach the Soul King level, and then upgrade the formula several times before the original version of the formula can be made public to the entire Douluo Continent. ’

Ling Yi looked into the distance and thought in his heart.

At this moment, a cry came from Ling Yi's ears: "Ling Yi, it's time for us to set off -!"

Hearing this voice, Ling Yi faced outside the city wall and frowned slightly.

When he turned around and saw the face of the person who had just spoken, Ling Yi's expression had returned to calm, and he immediately looked surprised and asked curiously:

"Captain Yoshizawa? Why is it you? Where is Captain John?"

The person who came was the captain of another patrol team. There were a total of twelve patrol teams in the entire "Sena City", headed by the Captain Gize in front of him and the Captain John mentioned by Ling Yi.

The difference is that Ji Ze comes from a marquis family in the Kingdom of Barak and is considered a representative of the nobility, while John is a civilian soul master who has climbed up from the junior soul master academy, intermediate soul master academy, and senior soul master academy. Origin.

There are twelve patrol teams, three of which are composed of children from various soul master families and nobles in the kingdom. Their strength is relatively stronger than the other nine teams of civilian soul masters.

But correspondingly, it is relatively difficult for these people to integrate into their circles.

In terms of personality, there is not much discrimination or condescension. Douluo Continent emphasizes respecting the strong. As long as you are strong enough, the soul king who is born as a commoner will also be treated favorably by the established nobles.

But in terms of closeness and distance, these aristocratic disciples naturally stand on the same starting line and in the same camp, and they always feel a little incompatible with civilian soul masters.

Therefore, on weekdays, there is little communication between the three patrol teams of noble children and the nine patrol teams of civilian soul masters.

Ling Yi got along well with both parties, but he was closer to the civilian soul masters headed by John.

Who said that although the aristocratic children maintained their grace in their words, it was difficult for them to open their hearts and quickly become warm to Ling Yi~

Just like the two girls from the management department in the previous life were in the same dormitory, one was on easy difficulty and the other was on normal difficulty. Ling Yi first established a friendly relationship with the one on easy difficulty, and then guided the two on easy difficulty and normal difficulty when getting along. Put the topic on yourself and let yourself appear in the lives of both of them step by step.

Facts have proved that sometimes, even if a green apple is more sour than sweet, if someone snatches it, others will subconsciously think that this green apple may be sweeter than sour.

In the same way, Ling Yi always remained polite and courteous with the three patrol teams headed by Yoshi Ze, and they were able to smile and chat when they met. But when getting along with John and others, the person who can now laugh and curse has become like an old friend and a brother.

Comparing the two sides, Ji Ze and others' importance, or recognition, to Ling Yi has unknowingly become higher.

If Ling Yi can be drawn into the noble team, will it prove in disguise that the noble team is better than the civilian team?

With this thought in mind, Yoshizawa found his uncle, the commander of the city guards of "Sena City", and assigned today's patrol mission, which was hundreds of miles outside the city, to Yoshizawa's own team, while John and others People stay in the city and enjoy a rare leisurely vacation.

Thanks to book friends [Explosion o, Han Ying Bai Hua, Heavenly Court Haotian God, Book Friends 20200704205900339, Wanghou Zhiming, Book Friends 20190624083307120, Book Friends 20201127205301813, Book Friends 20210731220419080, Book Friends 2020072123185059 2. Feng Zhongw Zhui Feng, The Third Young Master of the Yang Family~, BK Zizai Yunfei, I am the master of the pavilion, home master, book friend 20221129233529652, Dr. Edgar] voted for the month, thank the book friend [The Head of the Rockcruid Family, You and Qiong] for the reward, thank you all for your recommendation votes Thanks for reading and reading, everyone! (*^▽^*)

I slept until about nine o'clock in the morning and felt much better. I finished coding this chapter before noon. I should be able to guarantee an update today. The next chapter will be before dinner\\(^o^)/~

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