o(╥﹏╥)oObviously, I was delayed by work tonight. I worked overtime until almost nine o'clock before I got home to code. It was really a great effort to be able to click and send it out. Because in this chapter, I not only have to refer to some relevant content from Dou 2 and Dou 3, but also have to prevent myself from quoting these content, which is a bit torturous.

Sometimes I wonder if I should follow the example of those Douluo fans with good grades, follow the cool writing route, and not consider too much logic, speed up the growth of the protagonist, speed up the appearance of the original characters, and let the protagonist interact with these The characters interact with each other, flirting with the female characters, and pretending to be cool in front of the male characters. Anyway, with me as the author behind the scenes, no matter how the protagonist behaves, it can be arranged without any danger.

But, a little obsessive-compulsive disorder makes me not want to write like this. Some people say that if you write fan fiction, don’t pursue anything else. Results and subscriptions are the most important. If you really want to pursue something, just write original works instead of Fans are at the bottom of the online contempt chain.

I know he's right, but I'm not ready to listen to him.

I have mentioned several times that this Douluo fanfic is based on the framework of the previous book and is extended to make up for many missing details in the previous book. The last one I read was the Douluo anime, and I was running out of Douluo fan novels, so I came up with the idea of ​​writing my own.

At that time, I was thinking, what would it be like if I traveled to Douluo Continent?

I was very confused at the time. On the one hand, reality told me that you are at the bottom of society, and struggling to survive is your path. Therefore, Wuhun is Blue Silver Grass. On the other hand, I have worn all the clothes and I am not allowed to I feel good? Therefore, the golden finger is a bit wide open.

When I started writing the last book, I thought that I wanted to design a final boss that no one else had written. Therefore, although the protagonist has the strength to conquer the Douluo Continent early on, he still hides himself behind the scenes. Even if he can overthrow the God Realm in the later stage, he does not take action directly, but waits for me to take the protagonist. His strength was exaggerated to the point where he could break the fourth wall, and only then did the final BOSS behind Douluo Dalu appear.

For this final BOSS, I gave up on the Shura God and Poseidon from the God Realm from the beginning. It was too low. When I was looking up information, I saw the Great God Circle, and also the God Realm Committee, as well as the first chairman of the committee, Poseidon Tang San, and the second chairman of the committee, King of Light God Changgong Wei...

It is because the final BOSS was set too early and too high that the plot of Douluo was poorly advanced.

During that time, I read several Hong Kong mystery novels. They were either unfinished or eunuchs. There were also some novels about the martial arts of the Republic of China. The creative and imaginative openings of the novels were eye-catching, but when I read them with great interest, At that time, I found that the development route of the protagonist in the author's novel did not meet my expectations, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​writing a book that I wanted to read.

So, I made an outline of a new book about Maoshan and the national martial arts of the Republic of China.

Just when I was about to start writing, I saw the information folder I created before when I was writing about Douluo fandom, and I was a little unwilling to do so——

I'm going too far, the above is a lot of verbosity, and there are some prefaces that don't match the afterwords. The main thing is that in June, July, and August, I have maintained a daily update volume of two chapters and 4K+. While I have my own job, It’s very tiring, really tiring. If you are a book lover of the previous book, you should know that 2K chapters a day is my normal update speed. But for this book, I try to ensure 12K+ updates per month. It’s just manpower. Sometimes you are poor, and there are always various unexpected situations in life that have to interrupt the originally smooth state.

No, unless you stay up late tonight, it will definitely be too late for the update tomorrow morning. In that case, just take a day off~

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