Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 193 Not a waste

Following Ling Yi's explanation, Lou Gao seemed to have some understanding, while Tiefu Tu let out a sigh of relief.

People become better with age. Although Tiefutu is limited by the lack of education system on Douluo Continent and deals with metals and forging all day long, whether it is the overall view or the understanding of people's hearts, it is not that grand and thorough, but eight With more than ten years of life experience, when he first heard Lou Gao talk about improving the status of the blacksmith profession on the Douluo Continent, he instinctively felt some uneasiness in his heart, apart from the fact that he also longed for such a picture to come true.

He was worried that if Ling Yi and Lou Gao increased the influence and status of the blacksmith profession and usurped the interests of the established forces in the soul master system, they would be suppressed and maliciously targeted.

The foundation of the [Blacksmith Association] is too shallow, the blacksmiths themselves are not outstanding in combat effectiveness, and the high-level combat effectiveness is zero, so they cannot stop the power from the soul master system.

Originally, these worries could only be hidden in his heart, because Tiefutu didn't know what to do. As a divine craftsman, when it came to forging, looking at Douluo Continent, even Lou Gao, who was also a divine craftsman, was still lacking in his eyes. He has some experience and sophistication, but when it comes to developing power, planning routes, and promoting system changes, Tiefutu knows that he is not the material.

Every other line is like a mountain. This is the Douluo Continent, a barbaric world where knowledge is relatively blocked, the average person is almost illiterate, and personal force is supreme. It is not the people in Ling Yi's previous life who were enlightened, and where life was full of electronic and electronic information of all kinds of ideas and information. Networked world.

Here, farmers grow grains, and besides eating them themselves, they only take them to the market and sell them. They hardly think about whether they can process them a second time and sell them at a higher price.

Similarly, a blacksmith will only think about how to improve his skills and forge better quality works, so as to increase the selling price with peace of mind. Basically, I don’t think about it. If I monopolize all the ironware in a place, can I set the price of the ironware at will?

After trying his best to use concise and clear language to analyze his ideas for Lou Gao and Tiefu Tu, as well as the first step of the reform plan, Ling Yi returned to the topic of spiritual metal:

"Uncle, senior brother, now that the spiritual forging metal has been initially successfully developed, we should proceed to the next step, which is to transform it from raw materials into tools that can be used by soul masters!"

"How far have you progressed in your research on the soul guidance array pattern?" Ling Yi asked Master and Disciple Xiang Tiefutu.


Sensing the anticipation in Ling Yi's eyes, Lou Gao and Tie Futu glanced at each other, both seeing the other's embarrassment.

Well, seeing the two people's behavior, Ling Yi knew that his expectations were in vain.

However, it is not something difficult to understand. Being able to develop thirteen spiritual metal formulas and forging techniques with different attributes has greatly exceeded Ling Yi's expectations. At the same time, studying the metal itself is something that is consistent with their status as master craftsmen.

The Soul Guidance Formation Pattern was a little out of line for two blacksmiths who had barely dabbled in related topics before.

", there is no gain at all..."

Lou Gao stroked his beard and said in a low voice: "My master and I made a new furnace with fire-attributed spiritual metal, and burned it with a soul guide array pattern that has a fire-gathering effect..."

"Oh?" Ling Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked with some anticipation: "Where is it? Can I have a look?"

"It exploded." Lou Gao spread his hands and replied briefly.

Ling Yi: "..."

"Also~" Lou Gao continued: "I also used the strengthened "Chongxuan Steel" to create a new forging hammer and burned it with a gravity soul guide array pattern. "

"This shouldn't explode." Ling Yi complained first, and then asked calmly: "How is the effect?"

Ling Yi has already mastered a gravity soul guidance pattern, and also created a "gravity soul guidance pattern" to use as one of the external auxiliary props when beating the body.

"There." Lou Gao raised his hand and pointed to the corner a dozen steps away.

Ling Yi looked around and saw a claw hammer the size of a human head, with the hammer head facing down, standing there quietly under the corner shelf where a lot of metal minerals were placed.

"At that time, I was thinking of building a dual-purpose hammer that can be used as both a forging hammer and a war hammer..."

Lou Gao, who was also looking at the past, explained: "The whole body is made of "Chongxuan Steel 2.0". It originally weighed 480 kilograms, but after the gravity soul guide array pattern was burned, it is now nearly 2,000 kilograms. The master and I transported With enough soul power, I can barely move it, but I can't swing it at all, so I'm considered useless..."

"Can't you turn it off?" Ling Yi asked sharply.

"It can't be turned off." Lou Gao shook his head and said: "At the beginning, I thought of using the weight of the material itself when forging it. With the strength of my master and I, it is less than five hundred kilograms and has soul power. With the blessing, you can use it freely..."

"Then during the battle, when attacking the enemy, the gravity increase is used. The effect is among the best even among thousand-year soul skills. It's a pity..."

Ling Yi nodded and understood Lou Gao's thinking.

There's nothing wrong with it. Tang San's "Poseidon Trident" in the original book has this effect. It only weighs one hundred and eight kilograms in his own hand, but it weighs one hundred and eight thousand kilograms when facing the enemy.

Next, Lou Gao also introduced to Ling Yi the spare parts made of wind-attributed spiritual metal, which were installed on the bellows to enhance the blast effect; the war knife made of metallic spiritual metal was burned on The soul guidance pattern with a sharp effect; the anvil is made of spiritual metal with earth attributes, and the soul guidance pattern with enhanced defense is burned into it...

How should I put it, the effect is more or less there, but the final results seem to be a little off.

For example, on the bellows, the wind does not blow continuously and evenly. Under the effect of the wind-gathering soul guide pattern, a strong wind will instantly blow, the kind that can blow red coals all over the room; a sharp sword , the sharpness enhancement effect is in the middle section, the front end where the tip of the knife is, and the end near the handle, still the original sharpness of the blade...

After Lou Gao finished speaking, he felt very embarrassed and turned his eyes to the spiritual metals on the workbench.

However, to Lou Gao's surprise, Ling Yi looked delighted, "Senior brother, can you give me what you just said to study?"

"Ayi, what do you want those scraps for?" Tiefutu asked in confusion.

At the beginning, Lou Gao studied the soul guidance patterns with him, but after several failures and the results were quite impressive, Tiefutu gave up researching on the soul guidance patterns and focused on what he was best at. metal research.

"No, Uncle Master, in my opinion, those are not waste products." Ling Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "They just didn't find a suitable position. It's not that these formation patterns failed."

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