Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 22 On the right track

After breaking through the barriers of knowledge and vision in his heart, Ling Yi did not receive any spiritual baptism, nor did his mental strength improve significantly.

At most, the spirit is more active than before, and the belief is three points deeper. It is not only the persistence of cultivation and life, but also the humility to absorb external information, and think twice when things happen, instead of denying them without thinking.

There is no way, the background is still too shallow. The three realms of "seeing oneself, seeing the world, and seeing all living beings" also require enough experience and strong enough mental power to be sublimated in the "movement". Just like ordinary people in previous lives, even if they figured out a math problem in a flash of inspiration, the feeling of being helped by a god is refreshing, but what it should be like afterward is still the same.

Although Ling Yi's mental power is stronger than that of ordinary people, even stronger than some low-level soul masters, he has not reached the critical point of being touched after all. He can only keep this understanding and experience deep in his heart, and transform it into something when he transforms into a butterfly in the future. For a nourishment.

In addition, through Zhang Lei's description of his own cultivation situation, Ling Yi discovered another misunderstanding of his own.

That is, he had previously regarded his extraordinary mental power as the standard for other soul warriors of the same age and level.

It should be noted that according to the analysis of some masters in Douluo forums in previous lives, unless the soul master practices specifically involve spiritual powers, soul masters from other lines will have to reach the soul king level for the first time to come into contact with the Ten Thousand Souls. The Nian Soul Ring, as well as the mental impact of the remnant soul after the death of the Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast, and then when you reach the Soul Saint level and can display your martial soul avatar, you can initially use your own spiritual power, and only when you reach the Titled Douluo level, can you truly With the ability to control one's own mental power, and the soul power that has been raised to level 90 along the way, as well as the powerful physical body nourished by the soul power, the transformation of spirit, energy and spirit is achieved, and the three flowers gather at the top!

As for the value and reliability of these analyses, we can only know it when Ling Yi enters Wuhun Academy and can browse the academy's library to verify the fantasy and reality of the two lives.

Now, for Ling Yi, at least he has broken his own knowledge barrier, his mental power has become more agile, and he has more understanding of the meditation method. He is more interested in subsequent practice and improvement of the meditation method. grasp!

The long pass of Xiongguan is really like iron, but now we are crossing it from the beginning!

With a low voice in his heart, Ling Yi collected his thoughts, closed his eyes, breathed slowly and calmly, and fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

At this time, a human figure that looked like it was carved out of crystal appeared in Ling Yi's mind. The human figure was roughly similar to Ling Yi, with more than 90% of the parts vivid, but some details looked gray and blurry.

As the outside world Ling Yi breathed, the human-shaped crystal in his mind also breathed in and out, and those gray areas gradually began to become transparent.

I believe that before long, this crystal human figure will become completely clear and transparent, like a mirror.

As he entered deep sleep, Ling Yi's brain, heartbeat, blood circulation, internal organs, etc. all began to make spontaneous fine-tuning, turning into an inexplicable state of coordination.


While the mouth and nose were hesitating and the chest was rising and falling, the spiritual energy from the outside world followed the airflow and silently entered Ling Yi's body. Not only the mouth and nose, but everywhere on the body, there are little bits of spiritual energy, slowly infiltrating and permeating, but the amount is very small.

These invisible auras, if viewed from a microscopic perspective, are colorful. As soon as they came to Ling Yi's sleeping body, they spontaneously followed passages of different sizes and lengths.

There are twelve relatively spacious passages in this wandering cycle. Among the five-color aura light spots, the white light spots remain in the lungs, the red light spots come to the heart and stop, and the black, yellow, and turquoise three The light spots go all the way down and reach the kidneys, spleen, and liver respectively.

When various spiritual energy points merge into the corresponding internal organs, a mysterious breath quietly appears, following twelve channels, eight wider channels, and countless thin branches, nourishing every corner of the body.

The inner parts of the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian, which had been somewhat tight and stiff after an hour of practice, gradually regained their original flexibility and activity under the nourishment of this mysterious breath.

An hour later, a blush appeared on the sky outside the window, which was shy and pleasant.

The long black eyelashes fluttered slightly, and Ling Yi opened his eyes. A pair of black and white eyes were piercing, completely different from the confused state of ordinary people when they just woke up.

His eyelids were slightly drooped, he was calm, and his mental power reflected on himself. After careful sensing, Ling Yi found that not only the previously exhausted mind was restored to its original state, but also the "Shou Shaoyin Heart Meridian" on his right arm was rejuvenated, and He is a little tougher than before he practiced.

"Not bad~" The corners of Ling Yi's mouth turned up slightly and he nodded with satisfaction.

Obviously, through the human body's self-restoration recovery from deep sleep, the effect has met Ling Yi's initial expectations.

Ling Yi knew what this meant.

Next, whenever his practice reaches a critical point, he can restore his spirit and meridians by entering deep sleep on his own, thereby greatly extending his daily practice time!

Although Ling Yi didn't know what the effect of soul power training per unit time would be for those talented soul masters (Douluo) who were born with full soul power. Yi Xiang should be able to surpass them.

After all, based on a twenty-four-hour day, if you exclude necessary time for three meals, going to the toilet, etc., Ling Yi can practice for more than ten hours a day through one hour of practice, one hour of deep sleep recovery, and so on!

As for those geniuses (Douluo) who are born with full soul power, at the age of six, regardless of whether the body's meridians can withstand it, the mental and mental exhaustion and the decrease in concentration are enough for their soul power to be cultivated. time drops to a certain level.

Whether the process of cultivation is the ecstatic and refreshing described in some online articles, which can replace sleep, or whether it is boring, requires walking on thin ice all the time, and consumes the mind. Ling Yiyong has experienced it himself and got the answer - it is the second type. .

Maybe it's the difference in world systems. Maybe in some worlds, the cultivation system and the cultivation process can make people feel comfortable and addicted. But unfortunately, in the Douluo Continent where Ling Yi is now, this martial soul system is not in this way.

For example, in the original work, Oscar, who is born with full soul power, has little interest in practicing and is often lazy; Ning Rongrong, the little princess of [Qibao Glazed Sect], is loved by thousands of people and has nine levels of innate soul power. Regardless of her background or Although he himself is extremely good, he still needs someone to supervise his practice; Xiao Wu, who has transformed into a soft bone rabbit for 100,000 years, is obviously a transformed soul beast, and is also responsible for the murder of his mother, but he still fights for three days in practice. The fish is dried on the net for two days...

And for grassroots people like Ling Yi and Zhang Lei, even if they want to work hard to catch up, due to their own qualifications and poor family, sometimes they have to choose to combine work and rest to give their bodies and wallets a break~

Of course, that is the bottom grassroots in the current inherent perception of Douluo Continent.

Ling Yi is cheating.

And Ling Yi, who uses the plug-in by himself, can not only activate the cultivation accelerator for himself, but also bring Zhang Lei's pendant with him, and together we can make great strides on the path of martial arts!

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