Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 237 Return to Shuimu

"Lord Captain..."

One of the guards spoke, ready to say something.

Xiao Yan raised his hand and interrupted: "Don't worry about him."

As he spoke, he looked at the retreating figure with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Although the other party did not reveal his identity, Xiao Yan guessed from the name 'Yu Xiaogang' and the two century-old soul rings that the other party was probably from the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family].

It means knowing whether the other person is a direct descendant of the main lineage or a descendant of a branch of a branch family.

"go back!"

After giving the order, Xiao Yan turned around and led a group of personal guards towards the direction of the border army camp.

Turning over and riding on the war horse brought by the guards, Xiao Yan's thoughts were racing in his heart.

‘[The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family] is eyeing the interests of those prescriptions? ’

‘Is it the main vein? Or a side branch? Or rather, the entire [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family]? Or some individuals? ’

‘It should not be the entire [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family]. Although those prescriptions can create a lot of value, they should not bring about the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family]’s end...'

‘So, it’s the behavior of some individuals? ’

'Fortunately, Brother Yi has given all the prescriptions to the general and the earl. This matter should not involve Brother Yi...'

‘But it’s hard to say~’

'In case the other party thinks that Brother Yi can develop those previous prescriptions, he may be able to... No, Brother Yi can definitely develop new prescriptions...'

‘So, this is the golden egg and the golden chicken that lays it? ’

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but have a worried look in his eyes: 'If this happens, wouldn't Brother Yi be in danger? ’

Having seen through Yu Xiaogang's 'plot' before, Xiao Yan would naturally not tell the other party about Brother Yi's news as the other party wanted, and let the other party return without success.

But if the other party is really from the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family], it is obvious that he will not give up easily, and will definitely explore and hear the news about Brother Yi through other people's channels.

And among the Tiandou frontier army, there are some corpses that are just garbage. I was jealous of Brother Yi's ability and reputation before, but now that Brother Yi is not in the army, there is no guarantee that Yu Xiaogang will sell the information about Brother Yi when he comes to the door...

the other side.

Yu Yi saw that Yu Xiaogang was not beaten up by the soul-level captain. Although he was disappointed, he did not delay his business.

Record the news about the healing soul master named 'Ling Yi' on a small piece of paper, and then send it to a family in "Clo City" as quickly as possible In the hands of the person in charge of the contact point.

When Yu Yi returned to the town, Yu Xiaogang had not left yet, but was silently cultivating his soul power in the hotel room.

Although he still looked down on the opponent's useless qualifications in his heart, he believed that he had wasted the super strong bloodline of his titled Douluo-level father Yu Yuanzhen, and wasted the money provided by the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family], one of the top forces in the Douluo Continent. Luxurious cultivation resources, but it has to be said that seeing Yu Xiaogang's hard work immersed in cultivation, Yu Yi's impression of Yu Xiaogang began to change.

It can be seen that Yu Xiaogang really put in 120,000 efforts in cultivation.

Ever since he came out of the "Jade Dragon Mountain Range", Yu Xiaogang has never stopped practicing every day. Basically, he would practice every day until his body could no longer sustain it, and then he stopped.

This kind of perseverance is something that many direct descendants of the main line of the Yu family do not have.

‘At least it’s worthy of recognition in terms of concentrating on cultivation—’ Yu Yiru thought.

He Yuyi was able to cultivate to the soul king level and then stand out from the side sect. In addition to his pretty good qualifications, he also worked hard enough in cultivation.

Therefore, for Yu Xiaogang, who is also serious about cultivation and has a meticulous attitude, Yu Yi's heart will inevitably have some emotions of recognition.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the [Shuimu Principality].

Walking on the official road that had obviously been repaired recently, Ah Yin sat on Qingfeng's back, Yangliu's thin waist turned left and right, looking at the scenery around the official road.

As far as the eye can see, the sky and the earth are completely white.

This is a snow scene that Ah Yin rarely sees, and it looks pure and white.

The beauty of April in the world is gone, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are beginning to bloom.

Now in March, not to mention the [Star Luo Empire], even the Fasno Province, Ionia Province and Biqi Province of the [Tian Dou Empire] are now experiencing the revival of spring. Greenery.

But here in the [Shuimu Principality] in the northeast corner of the mainland, the cold winter has not completely left. It is not uncommon for a heavy snow to cover up all the filth in the world.

A pair of water-cut pupils narrowed slightly. Ah Yin sensed that under the thick snow cover, there were plants of "Blue Silver Grass" that were completely immune to the cold. They looked so full of vitality that they were ready to break through the ice and snow on their bodies. , to welcome the light from the outside world.

Turning his head and looking at Ling Yi, who was letting Tuxue move forward on his own, Ah Yin's pink lips moved slightly, but finally couldn't hold it back and said:

"Brother Yi, since entering [Shuimu Principality], I have found that the "Blue Silver Grass" here seems... seems... somewhat..."

"Is it a lot? Or is it still full of vitality?" Ling Yi opened his eyes, met A Yin's gaze, and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Ah Yin nodded and said, "Both."

"Before, whether it was in the Fasnuo Province of the [Tian Dou Empire] or around the 'Gengxin City' of the [Star Luo Empire], although there were large areas of "Blue Silver Grass", the "Blue Silver Grass" there was It gives me a completely different feeling from the "Blue Silver Grass" here in [Shuimu Principality]! "

"If the "Blue Silver Grass" over there is a naturally grown weed, there are many good and bad among the vast number. "

"The "Blue Silver Grass" here in [Shuimu Principality] seems to have been carefully taken care of. While not losing the 'wildness' of natural growth, there are also signs of vigorous growth after being watered..."

"This is how the same thing?"

Facing Ah Yin's confused eyes, Ling Yi showed an inexplicable smile.

This smile gave Ah Yin a creepy feeling. However, this feeling was fleeting, and Ah Yin almost thought it was his illusion.

Just listen, Ling Yi said leisurely: "It's very simple, because I am not here, these "Blue Silver Grass" can be allowed to be cultivated on a large scale..."

Ah Yin_?

Please say something that humans can understand, thank you!

Okay, I almost forgot, I am a soul beast incarnation. But even so, Ah Yin also believed that even if the violent woman Yang Xueli was here, she would not be able to understand what Ling Yi meant.

He could feel Ah Yin's small eyes, but Ling Yi did not continue to explain anything. He just sat on Tuxue's back with a leisurely expression, feeling the breath of "Blue Silver Grass" from all directions.

Even in some areas that are obviously farmland, there is still a lot of "Blue Silver Grass" atmosphere left.

Obviously, the development plan he left behind before he left was carried out beautifully by his cousin Zhang Lei, Long Yin, Qingqiu Xin, and Zhang Mufeng.

I just don’t know how well everyone has mastered the advanced version of "Beast Martial Soul: Xingyi Fist Frame" - the two styles of 'Wrathful Horse Lingguan' and 'Ou Demon Powerful' that I asked Li Zhishu to bring back. .

My liver can’t move anymore, I’ve tried my best~

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