Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 29 Find a new way

Whether it was the memory of his previous life or the recommendation from Ling Bai last year, when he first came to Jiang's blacksmith shop to learn skills, he listened to Master Jiang's introduction and told Ling Yi that the blacksmiths on Douluo Continent are divided into seven levels, starting from the lowest to the lowest. From high to high, they are: junior blacksmith, intermediate blacksmith, senior blacksmith, master blacksmith, master blacksmith, master blacksmith and divine blacksmith.

As the leader of Ling Yi's forging, Master Jiang is an intermediate blacksmith. In terms of blacksmithing skills, it is second to none in Beikouhe Town and several nearby towns.

As for the 'Three Great Craftsmen' mentioned by the other party, even though they were in the middle of the seven levels of blacksmiths, they thought they were nothing special.

It should be noted that this is a world that belongs to the soul master, and everything is measured by the power of the soul master.

In Ling Yi's impression, in the original timeline, Lou Gao, the president of the [Blacksmith Association], one of the three great master craftsmen, spent ten years researching a strange metal alloy and casting two quilts. The "Eight Treasures Ruyi Soft Armor" is called an artifact.

This soft armor is extremely elastic, allowing the spirit master with a beast spirit to expand even if his body doubles in size after using the spirit, without any loss of defensive performance.

The most important thing is that it is so tough that it can withstand the sixth soul skill of an attack-type soul master!

What is this concept?

In the suzerain country of [Shuimu Principality], [Tian Dou Empire], soul masters of level 30 or above can obtain the title of baron from the empire, and those who reach level 40 soul master are viscounts!

Although the title of Soul King alone is no longer enough for higher titles, it is enough to explain the status of Soul Master.

If we compare the levels between blacksmiths and soul masters in a general way, it can be as follows:

Junior Blacksmith——Soul Warrior

Intermediate Blacksmith - Soul Master

Senior Blacksmith——Great Soul Master

Blacksmith - Soul Master

Master Blacksmith - Soul Sect

Blacksmith Master——Soul King

Divine Craftsman——Soul Emperor

Of course, the above is just a rough comparison in Ling Yi's own mind, and the actual situation cannot be measured in such a simple and crude way.

Let’s talk about the level of the blacksmith.

According to the skills that blacksmiths are good at, some make swords, some make treasured armor, and some develop strange tools, but no matter which one they are, the qualified works in their hands can be used to fight as a soul master at the soul master level. , playing a sufficient supporting role!

Moreover, although it may take years for a blacksmith to create a qualified work, the number of pieces that can be produced in a lifetime is also considerable.

Therefore, in a sense, the status of a blacksmith master is still higher than that of an ordinary soul master.

If there is a need, it is enough to be comparable to the Soul King!

‘So, it is still necessary to maintain the identity of the blacksmith as a label to the outside world~’ Ling Yi thought in his mind.

Master Jiang's letter and the identity of the other master were a big surprise for Ling Yi.

‘I just don’t know if Master Huang has any reliable comrades~’

Ling Yi suddenly thought of the retired veteran who taught him how to use weapons for a year, and... Yan Bin!

"Yan Bin is easy to talk to here~" Ling Yi turned his head and looked at the slowly changing scenery outside through the gap in the carriage window: "Yesterday when he said goodbye, he also asked me to serve in the main martial arts hall of "Muzhi City" Lu Yi sent a message of greetings...'

'Master Jiang...Master Jin...Deacon Yan Bin...respectively represent the three branches of the blacksmith group, [Shuimu Principality] military, and [Martial Soul Hall]...'

Thinking of this, although the expression on Ling Yi's face maintained the reluctance and sadness that should have occurred when parting, as well as the hesitation and expectation of the unknown when traveling far away, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes when he looked out the window:

'Sure enough, the "six-dimensional space theory" of the previous life is generally applicable even in this other world~'

The "six-dimensional space theory" means that there will be no more than six people between you and any stranger. In other words, you can get to know any stranger through up to five intermediaries.

For example, through Lu Yi, Ling Yi can get acquainted with the master of the Wuhun Main Hall of "Muzhi City", and then get to know a certain bishop of the [Wuhun Palace], and then through this bishop, he can meet with Bai Jin of the [Wuhun Palace] Bishops and elders meet above...

No matter how much scheming and effort it takes, at least if the strategy is right, even the current Pope Clement, as well as the Pope's teacher, the current ruling elder, 'Angel Douluo' Qian Daoliu, Ling Yi will have the opportunity to meet Say hello~

Of course, just like the village books in the previous life, going up to town books, city books, provincial books... and then to the unspeakable ***, there are only a few steps of ridicule. Theory is theory, reality is reality.

The reality is that Ling Yi is still quite far away from the [Martial Soul Palace], [Haotian Sect], and the two major empires on the central stage of Douluo Continent.

As time passed, and the scenery outside the window became no longer familiar, the hesitant look on Ling Yi's face gradually faded a little, and he became more curious. Even his body unconsciously leaned towards the window, his eyes Narrowing his eyes slightly, he looked out through the gap in the window.

During this period, he also turned around and looked at the Ethan family's first and second children, whose expressions were complicated, a little contemptuous, a little arrogant, and a little emotional, and smiled harmlessly.

Even if he turned his head and faced the window, the smile on Ling Yi's face did not disappear, but turned into a somewhat cheerful look.

The mental activity continues.

At present, Ling Yi doesn't know much about "Muzhi City" and "Greenleaf Junior Soul Master Academy". He only knows some sporadic information from Yan Bin's mouth.

Unfortunately, Yan Bin was not a graduate of the [Greenleaf Junior Soul Master College]. He only knew about such a junior college through chatting with colleagues and former classmates.

Therefore, the first thing Ling Yi should do after enrolling is to become familiar with the environment of the college, get to know the teachers and classmates of the college, and understand the teaching style and general direction of the college...

Thinking about it this way, even though he reported to the college more than half a month in advance, for Ling Yi, time was still a bit tight.

You know, Ling Yi still has the letter from Master Jiang in his arms at the moment. He can't wait until school starts before looking for Mr. Jin, right?

Ling Yi's current identity was that of a poor boy from a rural background. He was able to study in the capital of Shuimu Principality only because of the convenience of being a "work-study student". On weekdays, the college should have some work-study programs to allow him to earn some meager income to supplement his living expenses.

But Ling Yi has a pretty good blacksmith skill, and Master Jiang gave him the opportunity to matchmaking. He entered the sect of one of the "three great craftsmen" of the [Shuimu Principality] to learn forging skills. No matter how you look at it, he should not be easily dismissed. Just put it on hold.

'...' Ling Yi glanced at Ethan Pike and the others from the corner of his eyes. Through some facial expressions and movements from departure to now, he observed their attitudes towards returning to the academy and analyzed the status and status of the three in the academy. communication situation.

Sometimes resistance and fear appear faintly on Ethan Lillian's face, while Ethan Anno's anger appears when he thinks of something...

Ethan Peck... is generally calm, almost indifferent, with a hint of self-motivation about to be proud of his eyes, lips, and other micro-expressions...

'Obviously, these three young masters and young ladies are not living a very good life in the Capital College where there are descendants of big people everywhere——'

Ling Yi looked at the green trees and shrubs outside the window of the carriage, with a faint look in his eyes: "So, I need a new identity in the city, in front of my classmates, that may not be very high, but can be used..." '

‘I just don’t know how important Master Jiang, an apprentice who has returned to the countryside, is in the eyes of Mr. Jin——’

'Fortunately, I just need a chance, a ticket to meet each other -'

He, Ling Yi, studied for a year. After taking into account soul power, physical fitness, weapon skills, meditation improvement, etc., ordinary people would spend all their efforts to complete one of them, and he also upgraded his forging skills to the level of an intermediate blacksmith. level.

Yes, it’s the same level as Master Jiang’s current level!

This year, Ling Yi is seven years old and has been exposed to forging for one year. Master Jiang is forty-nine and has been exposed to forging for nearly forty years.

It can be seen from this that the talent gap between people really cannot be measured by reason.

That's why Master Jiang personally wrote that letter to introduce Ling Yi to his former master.

Thanks to the book friend [Just Like the Snow Between the Eyebrows] for his monthly votes and rewards for becoming the first disciple of this book. Thanks to the book friends [Fantasy Lover], [Book Friends 20211029220526053], and [Wang Hou Zhi Ming] for their monthly votes. I am also grateful to Thank you for your support and follow-up reading! ! ! \\(^o^)/~

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