Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 3 Newcomer Report

Douluo calendar year 2591, early spring.

【Shuimu Principality】, one hundred and sixty miles east of "Muzhi City", Shanhai Village.

Ling Xiaoshan carried his hoe early in the morning and walked to the fields in the west of the village. Before he left the village, he heard a cry from behind:

"Xiaoshan! Xiaoshan——! Come back quickly! Your wife is giving birth——!"

"What——?" Ling Xiaoshan turned around blankly and looked at Zhang Dahe, his younger brother and brother-in-law, who was running quickly.

“What are you stunned about——!”

Zhang Dahe grabbed Ling Xiaoshan's arm and ran towards the road. As he ran, he gasped: "Let's go quickly. Your mother, my mother, and my wife are all serving my sister, my father and you." Dad is boiling water, let me come find you..." (Note 1)

The short dirt road between villages was completed in two sentences, and the two of them arrived at the door of Ling Xiaoshan's house.

Before he entered the door, Ling Xiaoshan's father, Ling Changqing, stared at Ling Xiaoshan and scolded:

"You bastard! Tell me about you. You told me not to go to the fields these days and to serve you at home. I'm going to do the work in the fields. Don't you worry?"

"When I was farming, you damn..."

"Uncle Changqing...Uncle Changqing! Isn't Xiaoshan afraid that you will be tired all the time..."

Zhang Dahe hurriedly stepped forward to stop Ling Changqing. At the same time, he winked at Ling Xiaoshan, who was shrinking his head, and said quickly: "Xiaoshan, hurry up, go see the fire and see how the water is burning -"

"Oh~~" Ling Xiaoshan nodded quickly and ran to the kitchen.

Looking at his son's panicked back, Ling Changqing shook his head helplessly: "This bastard..."

"Uncle Changqing~" Zhang Dahe smiled at the side and said harmoniously: "Xiaoshan is only seventeen years old, and he is a father for the first time. This is normal. Wasn't it the same for me in the past two years -"

Nearly an hour later, with a loud cry, an ordinary little life was added to the ordinary village.

In the house made of earth and stone, with logs and thatch roofs, the little life struggled to keep its eyes open. Although he is a newborn, his eyesight is supposed to be the same as that of someone with high myopia, but he can clearly see everything in front of him.

His eyes swept over the boy who was hugging him stiffly, the middle-aged women and young women who came over to take a look, the middle-aged and young people looking at the door, and the weak and pale girl on the bed, and gently After squeezing the little fist that had been kept in the swaddling clothes, a clear fact appeared in my mind: "Is it a new baby?"

I closed my eyes a little tired and whispered in my heart: "I'm new here, please give me some advice~"

One month later, Ling Xiaoshan's house in Shanhai Village.

The little life named Ling Yi in this life slowly woke up from his deep sleep as the sun rose outside.

Turning his black and white eyes left and right, he took in the empty room. Listening carefully, there was a clear rhythmic sound of water in the courtyard outside the house. Apart from this, there was no other sound. Ling Yi knew in his heart that his father, who was not yet eighteen years old, should now be thirty-eight years old. Grandpa, I went to work in the fields.

As for the sound of water outside the house, it should be the mother in this life washing clothes (Note 2).

Feeling the urge to defecate in his lower abdomen and the hunger in his stomach, Ling Yi skillfully closed his eyes and opened his mouth. The next second, a powerful "Wow" cry was heard outside the house.

The sound only lasted for a few breaths and then stopped, but Zhang Xiaoyu, the mother outside the house, pushed open the wooden door of the house immediately, walked towards Ling Yi on the bed, and put her white and blistered hands on her waist. Wiping.

After being changed, Ling Yi lay in her mother's arms, sipping her own special drink and thinking about what kind of world this was.

In the past month, Ling Yi spent most of the time sleeping. During the occasional waking moments, she was either eating or changing diapers.

During this period, although through the few words exchanged between this life's father, mother, grandparents, and even the uncle's family next door, Ling Yi was able to confirm that this was a world that used the 'Yanhuang Common Language', but what kind of world view it was still remains to be seen. Explore.

Time is very slow for babies because they have nothing to do but be in a daze.

Babies' time is very fast, because they tend to get sleepy, and it's dusk as soon as they wake up.

Accompanied by the sunset, Ling Xiaoshan returned home with a hoe on his shoulders. He washed his hands and face immediately, stretched his head to look at his wife who was busy in the kitchen, then ran into the house and looked at her son, Ling Yi, on the bed.

Eyes facing each other, Ling Yi looked at his father, whose face was still a little green. His face was slightly dark, and his skin was slightly rough. Only his big white teeth and relatively clear eyes showed the elements he should have at his age.

When Ling Xiaoshan saw his son looking at him with bright eyes, he immediately grinned, bared his teeth, and rolled his eyes. The fatigue caused by a day's work seemed to disappear.

Suddenly, Ling Yi's eyes paused, and he looked at the hair on the top of his father's head in a funny way. A blade of grass in my hair, to be exact.

As if noticing Ling Yi's attention, Ling Xiaoshan raised his hand to touch the top of his head, pulled off a blue leaf, shook it in front of Ling Yi, and said happily: "Xiaobao is reminding dad that there is this thing on his head." A leaf of bluesilver grass?"

'It's a shame it's not a green grass...'

Ling Yi rolled his eyes silently, but immediately, he felt like he had overlooked something.

Next, Ling Xiaoshan clumsily teased Ling Yi, and Ling Yi opened his mouth, rolled his eyes, and grinned in cooperation, which in turn made Ling Xiaoshan happy. Both father and son smiled happily. Until the mother Zhang Xiaoyu said, "It's time to eat!" and ended the interaction.

During dinner, Ling Yi lay on the bed with his eyes closed and rested, regaining the energy he had spent playing with Ling Xiaoshan.

Ling Xiaoshan and Zhang Xiaoyu, the couple sitting at the dinner table, each had a bowl of white rice and a plate of boiled vegetables, and they were eating deliciously.

In front of Zhang Xiaoyu, there is a small bowl with fish soup with a few oil stars floating in it. This fish was caught by Ling Yi's uncle Zhang Dahe in the river a few miles outside the village, and was specially sent to supplement the nutrition of Zhang Xiaoyu during the lactation period.

In the past month, as far as Ling Yi knew, Zhang Dahe had only successfully caught twice. The first time was two small fish as big as a palm, and the second time was only one fish, the size of two fingers. Zhang Xiaoyu had already caught it repeatedly. Stewed for three days.

I don't know why it is so difficult to catch a few fish in an era when there were obviously hoes and other iron tools. Ling Yi expressed that it was a bit puzzling.

Although his brain was a little tired, his spirit was somewhat active. Ling Yi was thinking freely, listening to his father Ling Xiaoshan offering treasures, recounting all his previous interactions with Ling Yi.


I saw that Ling Xiaoshan took out a blue blade of grass from his arms, stretched it out in front of Zhang Xiaoyu, shook it, and said with a smile: "Look, just now Xiaobao saw this hanging on my head, and he kept Look, remind me..."

Looking at the swaying blue in front of him, Zhang Xiaoyu put down the bowl of clean fish soup, pursed his lips, and said softly: "Lan Yincao? You, when you are working..."

On the bed, Ling Yi suddenly opened his eyes, squinted again, and turned to look in the direction of the dining table.

Note 1: The relationship between the characters is relatively complicated, and the names are based on the names used by the characters in the book since childhood.

Note 2: Logically speaking, women have to confine themselves to give birth, but in the extraordinary world, even the physical fitness and resilience of ordinary people should be a little better than in the ordinary world like reality (probably, that’s it) Happy setting)

PS: I heard from an elderly person in my family that when conditions were difficult in the past, there was no serious way of confinement, so I just went to work in the fields. However, this will really cause a series of physical illnesses in the postpartum period, which is very painful.

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