Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 306 Two people riding together

"Tian Dou City", east of the city, where the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] is located.

"..., in the next period of time, we will develop according to this plan."

Ling Yi sat behind his desk, put down the plan in his hand, and told a few middle-aged people:

"Remember, the most important thing is to expand and maintain business channels. Don't force it on whether you can get the most profits."

"During my absence, I will integrate the various trades of the Chamber of Commerce. The purchase and sale of herbal medicines can attract the Yang family of [Broken Clan]. The Yang family's previous business model was too backward. Bring them together to bring them together." Our sales channels are shared with them…”

Hearing this, the blond middle-aged leader couldn't help it and said: "President, you have worked hard to build those sales channel networks, how can you share them so easily?"

"Yeah~" Another brown-haired middle-aged man said at the right time: "President, you said you don't insist on profits. We can understand it. After all, the foundation of our [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] is still shallow at the moment. If the profits are huge, it may cause trouble." There are some soul master families who are coveting us. But if we share the sales channels with the [Po Zhi Clan], there is no guarantee that they will not kick us out for exclusive interests afterwards..."

"So," Ling Yi looked at the two of them and said calmly, "I asked you to reduce the profits of each herbal cultivation base to a minimum, and recruit all the herb collectors into the base with high salaries."

"With the advantage of high quality and low price, we, [Aoki Chamber of Commerce], can supply 90% or even all of the herbal raw materials on the mainland."

"In the future, I don't care about those high-end and precious medicines, but I hope that those low-end, basic herbal medicines will be supplied by us to the entire continent."

[Aoki Chamber of Commerce] involves a variety of commercial operations, ranging from food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc.

Among them, some are very profitable, and naturally some are just average.

For things like herbal medicine and grains, [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] basically follows a people-friendly approach, aiming at small profits but quick turnover, and market control. The terms 'Aoki Grain Store' and 'Aoki Pharmacy' are inserted into Dou Dou. It is among the awareness of residents of all small towns, counties, towns and villages in Luo Continent.

Naturally, there are also high-profit businesses, whether it is the creation of various luxury items derived from forging and carving, the transformation of the textile industry by integrating tailoring and weaving, or the transportation industry developed based on the business roads created by the chamber of commerce, which will bring Douluo Continent to the world. Specialties from all over the southeast and northwest are transported to places where their value can be best exerted...

Of course, because the background of the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] itself is too shallow, the most intuitive thing is that there is no strong person who can take charge of one side, so the goals planned by Ling Yi are still in the development stage.

Therefore, for the next development policy, Ling Yi plans to bring some veteran soul master forces into the game to share the profits, and at the same time, it is logical to take advantage of the other party's power and strength.

In Ling Yi's previous life, he could not become a business tycoon by being alone. In Douluo Continent, there was no strong person in charge, and it was also impossible to develop a force to a true height.

Business giants do not look at how much money they have, but how much other people's money they can mobilize.

On the Douluo Continent, the strength of a force depends on the level of high-level combat power.

The overall power of [Haotian Sect] is inferior to [Martial Soul Palace] by several [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Clan] and [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect], plus the two major empires.

The confidence that allowed [Haotian Sect] and [Martial Soul Hall] to have an equal dialogue was Tang Chen, the ninety-ninth level 'Haotian Douluo'.

This is the Douluo Continent where one person can control a country!

Five days later, outside the north gate of "Martial Spirit City".

Two extraordinary tall horses came galloping along the official road from a distance. One's coat is dark, with only four hooves flying like four white clouds; the other's coat is maroon, although he is a hair shorter than the former, his body is exactly the same, equally strong and perfect.

Far away, the soul master guards standing on the mottled city wall raised their attention, and the soul power in their bodies was faintly mobilized.

Although Qian Daoliu, the ruling elder, has retired and the strongest pillar of [Martial Soul Palace] no longer appears, in recent years, under the governance of the new Pope Qian Xunji, [Martial Soul Palace] has become more powerful. It is more powerful than before.

Therefore, due to their reputation, these guards who are above average soul masters do not think that anyone will come to "Martial Soul City" to provoke, which is no different than seeking death.

However, if you think about it, no one will be careless because of their responsibilities. The vigilance that should be exercised is absolutely essential!

Time passed quickly, and after a dozen breaths, the two horses had arrived more than a hundred meters outside the city gate.

Just when the Soul King-level leader raised his hand and was about to say something, the knights behind the two horses pulled the reins, and in an instant, the speeding figures stopped.

This sudden scene made most people who saw it feel frustrated.

In this way, with strange looks in their eyes, Ling Yi and Yang Xueli held hands with Ta Xue and Chi Yun respectively, and approached the city gate on foot. After reporting their identities and intentions, they entered the city smoothly.

Walking on the ancient city roads, the two of them walked leisurely, looking around at the few pedestrians and a few open shops.

Yang Xueli's face was filled with joy and a bit of curiosity. She moved closer to Ling Yi and lowered her voice: "Brother Yi, there are so few people in this "Martial Spirit City"? There are also so few shops..."

Ling Yi looked around like Yang Xueli, with the same look of surprise on their faces, and responded softly: "Maybe it's because there are all soul masters here, and most of the things sold in the shops are related to soul masters, which is why The number is scarce——"

"After all, even if this is the 'Martial Soul City', the number of soul masters is not as large as that of ordinary people in other cities..."


Shirley Yang looked at the surrounding environment for a while, and then looked at Ling Yi beside her, with her eyes smiling like crescent moons.

It was rare that there was no such annoying figure around her. She and Brother Yi were the only ones getting along. No matter what the environment was, Shirley Yang actually didn't care much.

Although I don't know why that stinky girl Ah Yin refused to come to "Martial Soul City" with Brother Yi this time, but who cares about her~

As long as she can enjoy time with Brother Yi, Shirley Yang won't think too much about it. She also disliked that the time she had to rush before was too short~

In this way, a man, a woman, and two horses, one black and one red, four people with good looks at the top of their respective races, formed a landscape with a high turn-taking rate on this ten-meter-wide street.

Ling Yi politely asked a passerby soul master, and Ling Yi got the location of Li Qi's residence. The address was told to Ling Yi by Ling Qi before leaving Tiandou City last year.

Continue coding, the next chapter should be before midnight~

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