Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 308 Historical Puzzle

In the collection tower, among the rows of bookshelves full of traces of time, Ling Yi held a brown animal skin scroll in his hand and looked at the scrawled writing on it with relish.

"Storm Douluo - The Legend of Sylven" is the personal biography of a titled elder from [Martial Spirit Hall] more than seven hundred years ago.

This is the authentic original and only copy. Except for [Martial Soul Hall], there will be no second copy in Douluo Continent.

This biography records the more than seventy years of experience of this soul master named Si Erwen, starting from the awakening of the martial arts at the age of six, and practicing all the way to the title Douluo. Although there are many embellishments and personal subjective opinions in it, , but it vividly showed Ling Yi the humanities, geography, current affairs, etc. of Douluo Continent more than 700 years ago.

Because throughout the book, except for a little bit of praise for Sylven himself, there is basically no ulterior secret involved, so this "Storm Douluo - The Legend of Sylven" is classified into the category of humanities and history. Placed on the first floor of the collection tower.

The six-story collection tower has stored the [Martial Soul Palace] for thousands of years. Except for some top-secret information, almost all the written classics, the more recent paper records, the more distant records of animal skins, the more distant metal, Stone carvings, everything.

The first layer is basically the humanistic history of Douluo Continent, the second layer records information on all kinds of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, and the third layer contains all the records in the history of [Martial Soul Palace] Regarding martial arts and bloodline information, the fourth level contains some unclear myths and legends that are not known to be true or false. The classics are the rarest. The fifth level and above are not open to the public. Except for the pope and titled elders, the only one is Mussos. A cardinal can make an exception.

Under Mousos's introduction, Ling Yi got a general understanding of the information on the first four floors of the collection tower, and was also told that he could browse the classics at will on these four floors, but he was not allowed to damage any of the classics.

In terms of time, [Martial Soul Hall] is very generous. Mousos said that even if Ling Yi reads it for half a year, it will be no problem. On weekdays, few people are willing to read these boring classics. With Ling Yi here , this collection tower can also be more popular.

Also, the huge collection tower covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters on the first floor, and the area of ​​each higher floor is only a little smaller. The height of the floor is more than eight meters, and the six floors add up to more than 15,000 square meters! In such a large space, most of the time, there are only Musos who stay on the first floor, and the Contra who has been practicing with his eyes closed all year round at the staircase leading from the fourth floor to the fifth floor. It is difficult to find a third figure.

Of course, Ling Yi would not be so foolish as to believe that there were only three people in the collection tower, including himself.

At least, when Ling Yi was first led up to the fourth floor by Mousos and greeted the Contra named Zhang Ji, for a moment, a feeling of being spied on came to Ling Yi's heart.

Although this feeling is fleeting, ordinary people may not notice it at all. Some soul masters with strong senses may regard it as an illusion, but as Ling who can use the power of the mind to review all his experiences in the 'superego state' Yi was very sure that there was someone at least titled Douluo level who secretly took a look at him.

As for the source of that 'gaze', Ling Yi was 100% sure that it came from the sixth floor of the Collection Tower!

Apart from anything else, the entrance to the fifth floor is guarded by Contra Zhang Ji. It is natural and reasonable to send a titled Douluo to the sixth floor.

Due to the fact that his current strength is too weak, Ling Yi is very self-aware and does not think about what kind of information will be stored in the fifth and sixth floors of the collection tower.

There is no use thinking about it, it will only increase the troubles. It is better to move all the classics on the lower four floors into the sea of ​​​​mind and consciousness.

In the previous life, Ling Yi understood a truth: the gold in your hands is not as good as the copper in your hands.

Just like that young lady from the Academy of Fine Arts, although there was a roommate in the other's dormitory who was even more handsome and stature, Ling Yi always paid attention to the young lady at that time, which made the young lady extremely satisfied both covertly and covertly. , and then allowed Ling Yi to unlock more knowledge.

It can only be said that the young ladies are also very competitive with each other. Otherwise, when the two of them broke up peacefully, the young lady's roommate would not be with Ling Yi right away to help him get over the shadow of relationship failure.

Back to business.

Although Musos was a little surprised that Ling Yi did not go to the second and third floors immediately to see the information about soul beasts and martial spirits, he did not say anything. Anyway, the first four floors were open to Ling Yi. Which part Ling Yi wants to look at first is a personal choice.

When Mussos reach middle age, they don’t have this curiosity, but someone in their prime doesn’t have such good concentration.

"Brother Ling, why don't you go read the soul beast information above? What's so interesting about these biographies? They're all just self-promotion..."

A clear voice like an oriole rang in his ears, 'waking up' Ling Yi from the content of the animal skin scroll in his hand. Ling Yi turned around and saw a picture that, although still childish, was already full of wealth that would captivate the country. A beautiful face comes into view.

She has light burgundy slightly curly hair hanging down her shoulders. Her facial features are exquisite and almost flawless. Her skin is like cream. Her pink little mouth is pouted and her head is tilted slightly. There is a hint of curiosity and exploration in her bright star eyes, flickering. Look at Ling Yi.

Bibi Dong, fourteen-year-old Bibi Dong, is inexperienced, innocent and kind-hearted.

Who would have thought that decades later in the original timeline, the little girl with her head tilted like a cat would become the true number one person in the world in Douluo Continent. Empire】The first female emperor, the new Rakshasa God, started a war that swept through the entire Douluo Continent. If the gods above did not shamelessly cheat the protagonist group, Bibi Dong would definitely complete the feat of unifying the continent and end the extension of the Douluo Continent. A state of division and separatism for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Coming from an ancient race that has adhered to the "idea of ​​great unification" for thousands of years, Ling Yi recognized the unification of the mainland from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, this does not mean that Ling Yi will side with the [Martial Spirit Empire] represented by Bibi Dong. Even if His Majesty the Pope's appearance and figure are very good, the little fox Hu Liena and the little angel Qian Renxue are also very good.

In Ling Yi's view, the war between the [Martial Spirit Empire] and the protagonist's Alliance Army in the original book is essentially just a game of interests between the religious regime and the feudal aristocratic system, and neither side can be considered just.

It can be hypothesized that after the [Martial Spirit Empire] won the victory, and after the two gods Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue ascended to the divine realm, Hu Liena, as a saint, took over the power of the empire.

Hu Liena will be a strong one among the Titled Douluo class, but over the other Titled Douluo in the empire, she does not have the crushing advantage of the two gods like Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue. Even if he becomes a level ninety-nine peerless Douluo like Qian Daoliu, the great ruling elder of [Martial Soul Hall] under the manipulation of the new Rakshasa God and the new Angel God, there is always no shortage of geniuses in this world. .

Not to mention, we are all heroes and elders who conquered the world together. Do you, Hu Liena, have the cold heart to massacre the heroes and elders?

Some people may say that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue can learn from Lao Zhu and clean up in advance to resolve the unstable factors and leave Hu Liena with a 'clean' empire.

But it's a pity that this is Douluo Continent, not Yanhuang, a city with brilliant civilization.

To put it bluntly, Ling Yi doesn’t look down on Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, Ling Yi looks down on the entire Douluo Continent!

Therefore, if the final result does not go as expected, [Martial Spirit Empire] will inevitably embark on a new path of decay.

Ling Yi always felt that instead of looking for a perfectly functioning political, military, economic, and people's livelihood system, it would be better to give Brother Zheng an elixir of immortality.

This is not to say that Zheng Ge is superstitious, but compared to the filth and darkness derived from the grouping of human beings, Ling Yi is more willing to let a strong enough individual become the sole leader.

After all, an individual's desires can be clearly seen and relatively easy to satisfy, but the desires of a group often breed more evil.

Of course, it would be best if this individual leader is Ling Yi himself.

After all, the equality of everyone above oneself and the strict hierarchy below oneself are the desires that have been rooted in the hearts of most people since the birth of human group society.

At this moment of looking at Bibi Dong, Ling Yi's mind was spinning with all kinds of thoughts, his thoughts were infinitely extended, and he was daydreaming about various possibilities of the past and present life, as well as the main plot of the original novel, but he responded immediately.

"Whether it's soul beast information, martial soul bloodline information, or these humanistic histories..."

Ling Yi raised the animal skin scroll in his hand and said: "To me, they are all the same."

"the same?"

Bibi Dong opened her eyes wide and looked at Ling Yi in surprise: "How can it be the same?"

"By studying soul beast information, you can make the best configuration when choosing soul rings and enhance your own strength to the greatest extent. When you encounter a soul beast, you can also find the weakness and countermeasures of the soul beast immediately."

"Understanding martial soul information, on the one hand, understanding the characteristics of one's own martial soul, has many benefits in the development of martial souls. Moreover, when meeting other soul masters, we can also know ourselves and the enemy, which improves our chances of winning..."

Bibi Dong said with a serious face, raising her white chin with a hint of pride on her face.

Looking at it, ‘Isn’t what Teacher Bibi Dong said great? Praise me! Praise me! ’ With Bibi Dong’s expression on his face, Ling Yi smiled slightly, raised the animal skin scroll in his hand again, then opened it, pointed at the content on it, and said: “Look here——”

Unable to get the compliments she expected, Bibi Dong's pink lips pursed slightly, a little moody, with a bit of unhappiness, and her big eyes looked hard at the content on Ling Yi's finger.

[...In mid-August of 1889 in the Douluo Calendar, we encountered a bear-like soul beast with dark gold fur in the Star Dou Forest. It was obviously only a century-old soul beast, but its sharp claws could easily break Quentin's fifth soul. Technical defense, that is the Black Turtle Armor! 〕

[Fortunately, at the critical moment, I used my fifth soul skill and attacked the bear's head with a wind blade like a rainstorm, blinding it and blowing the horn for the final victory. 〕

[Will put away the bear carcass. Originally, I wanted to taste the bear meat, but Will took out the roasted snake meat from his bracelet, which was more delicious. After all, it was a thousand years old. The phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake...]

After reading this content, Bibi Dong blinked and looked at Ling Yi, asking, 'That's it? ’ expression.

Ling Yi smiled, closed the animal skin scroll in his hand, and took down a new animal skin scroll from the third to last shelf of the bookshelf next to him.

Then, he opened the scroll titled "The Strong Man of Corgi City", opened it to a position slightly behind the middle, and stretched out his finger again to point to one of the sections.

‘If it weren’t for your good looks, I wouldn’t accompany you here doing such boring things! ’

After muttering something in her heart, Bibi Dong rolled her eyes angrily, but driven by curiosity, she had the patience to look up.

[...In the year 1899 of the Douluo calendar, Sir Will Smith defeated the former city lord Nobo with absolute strength and became the city lord of Corgi City. The right claw soul skill that can tear everything in the world is enough. He has ruled Corgi City for thirty years! 〕

Seeing this, the smart Bibi Dong frowned slightly, and her eyes paused on the 'right claw soul skill'.

At this moment, Ling Yi took down a new animal skin scroll from the bookshelf on the other side.

Open it in the same way, and turn to one of the contents in the same way. This time, before Ling Yi reaches out to point, Bibi Dong moves his gaze there and looks at it inquiringly.

[...In the year 2077 of the Douluo Calendar, Earl Xizaki Smith defeated the fallen soul master of the soul emperor level with his soul king level strength and defended the XX Territory. The people of the territory believed that the Earl was enough to penetrate the territory. In front of all the hands, there is no crisis that cannot be overcome...]

"How's it going?" Ling Yi looked at Bibi Dong, whose little face turned serious, like a little adult, and asked with a warm smile: "What do you think?"

Hearing Ling Yi's voice, Bibi Dong came back from her thoughts and asked impatiently: "Brother Ling, is the 'Will' in the first volume the same as the 'Will Smith' in the second volume? '?"

"Then, what is the relationship between the 'Kizaki Smith' in the third volume and the 'Will Smith' in the second volume?"

"Douluo calendar year 1889, Douluo calendar year 1899, Douluo calendar year 2077."

"The difference between the first two is ten years, and the difference between the latter two is nearly eighty years. So, is 'Kizaki Smith' a descendant of 'Will Smith'?"

The more she talked, the brighter the light in Bibi Dong's eyes became, until finally, an intoxicating blush appeared on her delicate face, and her whole person felt an indescribable excitement.


Ling Yi closed the animal skin scrolls in his hands one by one, and then put them back in their original positions. He looked at the scrolls in three different positions on the two bookshelves, looked at Bibi Dong, and asked with a chuckle:

"How about it? Does it feel like you are doing a jigsaw puzzle on a 'historical scroll'?"

"Yeah!" Bibi Dong nodded vigorously, looking at Ling Yi's extremely handsome face with glowing eyes, her mood still stuck in the excitement of discovering a piece of unknown history.

I have to say that the fourteen-year-old Bibi Dong is really innocent enough. Just such a little trick can make her succeed like this.

You know, in the past life, I was with the young lady from the Chinese Department in the library. The two of them played games such as History Solitaire, Poetry Solitaire, etc., connecting two historical events hundreds or thousands of years apart to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, and connecting different poems. The contents are spliced ​​together, and the artistic conception is not inconsistent.

In comparison, Ling Yi somewhat understood why Yu Xiaogang, an 'ordinary person' who was not good at words and whose appearance and abilities were not outstanding, could be so enamored of Bibi Dong.

The lack of basic education makes the people on Douluo Continent seem extraordinarily 'simple'?

Thinking of this, Ling Yi thought of those people who have been infected by his personality charm over the years.

‘It’s not that my tea skills have improved, it’s that this place has not been baptized by the tea ceremony~’ Ling Chacha thought to herself.

"Dong'er, how well do you know the information about soul beasts?" Ling Yi asked: "A bear with dark golden fur and indestructible claws. Is there any relevant record on it?"

Continue tomorrow, good night everyone~

Finally, I would like to wish happy birthday to Miss "Just Like the Snow Between My Eyebrows"! ! !

May time change but you remain unchanged. I wish you are gentle and strong, kind but sharp~

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