Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 311 Registration Time

Scarborough is a market located more than 100 miles away from the "Star Forest" in Fasno Province.

Rows of houses and shops form criss-crossing streets, most of which are small two- or three-story buildings, with almost no one-story bungalows visible.

Ling Yi and Yang Shirley each held their horses and walked through the bustling bluestone road listening to the constant shouts and requests for team formation.

"Hundred-year-old soul beast, fresh "tusked pig", pork belly, hind legs, tenderloins... everything -! "

"A professional soul hunting team, undertaking the hunting of century-old soul beasts, with gold soul coins in place, we will also kill thousand-year soul beasts for you to see——!"

"A great second-level soul master in the healing department. He has hundreds of years of soul skills. The healing effects are guaranteed to satisfy you—!"...

Similar shouts came one after another, and most of the shops selling weapons, armor, and various food supplies.

With curiosity in her eyes, Yang Xueli scanned the shops and clicked her tongue slightly when she saw the prices marked one by one.

Although the last time she was taken by her parents to hunt for the fourth soul ring, she had seen it at the snooker market in [Star Luo Empire], but when she saw the price increased several times again, Yang Shirley would still say Shock.

Ling Yi, who also saw these prices, noticed Yang Shirley's smacking of tongue and said with a smile: "For soul masters, soul beasts are a necessity. Wherever there are soul beasts, there are benefits."

"Although there are soul masters living in poverty, they are a very small number after all. Compared with ordinary people, the vast majority of soul masters are wealthy people with a high net worth. When faced with the goods they have demand for, , most of them are not stingy about spending money.”

"But," Shirley Yang pursed her lips and asked in confusion: "Why don't they buy a set of supplies elsewhere at the original price and then use a storage soul guide to carry them with them?"

Ling Yi⊙_⊙: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Ling Yi took a gentle breath, exhaled it slowly, and said to the Douluo version of 'why not eat minced meat' girl next to him: "You have to know, Shirley, not all souls Every master will have a storage soul guide."

After a pause, Ling Yi thought back to those years when he was dormant in the Shuimu Principality. Storage soul guides, what a distant term. Not to mention the soul masters who could be awarded titles, they were just some soul kings who were short of money. , none of them have this kind of treasure.

Turning his eyes, he glanced at the soul masters who were either hawking or bargaining around. He lingered on the packages on their backs, waists, hands, and feet. He motioned to Yang Xueli: "A cubic storage box." Based on the current pricing standards for soul guides on the Douluo Continent, a physical soul guide would cost at least five thousand gold soul coins."

"If a three-ring soul master has no other source of income, if he receives a subsidy of one hundred gold soul coins a month without food or water, it will take him almost fifty months, more than four years."

Hearing the data from Ling Yi's mouth, Yang Xueli was silent. She had indeed taken it for granted before. She was from the "Poor Clan", even if she was just a side clan, her financial situation was not comparable to that of ordinary soul masters who had no backing. of.

To practice, you need to eat and drink to replenish your nutrition. When you are tired, you need accommodation to ensure rest. In battle, you need weapons and armor to strengthen yourself. When you are injured, you need treatment...

Unless you choose to lie down, the life of a soul master is not easy.

Of course, no matter what, he must be much better than ordinary people who have no cultivation talent.

Just when she thought of this, before the thoughts of shame came into her mind, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Yang Xueli's mind, and then she looked at Ling Yi next to her with a strange look.

Ling Yi, who was a little puzzled by Yang Xueli's look, first subconsciously looked down at himself, then raised his head and asked, "What's wrong? Looking at me like this?"

"Brother Yi, you are so amazing!" Yang Xueli suddenly and sincerely praised.

Ling Yi blinked and said in his mind: 'You haven't seen anything more powerful yet~'

Although he felt a twitch in his heart, Ling Yi understood the meaning of Yang Xueli's words. It was obviously because he was able to work hard from a low-level background to reach the current level of strength, status and wealth, which indeed surpassed Douluo Continent. More than 99% of people.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of wealth alone, Ling Yi can now easily spend hundreds of thousands or millions of gold soul coins, not to mention the storage that is most favored by soul masters among various soul tools. Ling Yi carries hundreds of soul guides with him, and the combined space is nearly a thousand cubic meters!

If these storage soul guides were sent to the auction house, it would be easy to fetch several million gold soul coins.

If so many golden soul coins are used to purchase materials, it will be enough for Ling Yi to build dozens of sets of "Aoki Armor", adding dozens of Soul Emperor-level combat capabilities to the [Blacksmith Association] or [Aoki Chamber of Commerce]!

Unfortunately, until the [Blacksmiths Association] and [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] have enough strength to protect themselves, new storage soul guides made of "Starry Sky Stone" cannot flow out of the market in large quantities. His small body cannot withstand the various forces that will emerge overtly or covertly.

Soul Douluo and Soul Saint are powerful men who stand at the top of Douluo Continent, but they are still not enough to face the real big forces!

At night, the moon and stars are sparse.

The white gauze-like moonlight shines on Scarborough Market, casting a beautiful filter over the place.

In the room facing the street on the third floor of the hotel, Ling Yi sat on a chair by the window, looking at everything white outside with a blank look.

In the sea of ​​mind and consciousness, a nine-story tower that is 80% similar to the collection tower of [Martial Soul Palace] stands in the center of this space, towering over the sky.

On the first floor at the bottom of the tower, Ling Yi's illusory figure floated in it. With a thought, a 16K book flew in front of him.

Ling Yi raised his hand to grab the book, opened it, and looked at the contents inside:

[Name: Arou, gender: female, Douluo Calendar 2610, registered in the Wuhun Branch Hall of Keji City, Wuhun Rougui Rabbit. 〕

[Tenth level soul master, registration time, Douluo calendar year 2610. Registered at the Wuhun Branch Hall of Keji City. 〕

[Twenty-level great soul master, registration time, Douluo calendar year 2612. Registered at the Wuhun Branch Hall of Keji City. 〕

(Note: An orphan without a father or a mother is born with full soul power)

The illusory fingers traced over these four short lines of text one by one, and Ling Yi (spiritual body) showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"Corgi City" is more than a hundred miles north of Skarobe Market, and "Star Forest" is more than a hundred miles due east of Skarobe Market.

Within a radius of five hundred miles, Scarobe Market is the closest gathering point for soul masters to the Star Forest.

"If this Arou is the one I think of, does that mean that the other party has been targeted by [Martial Soul Hall]?" Ling Yi (spiritual body) murmured to himself.

Continue coding, try to get the next chapter before midnight~

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