Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 316 Out of place

Standing in front of the forest, I looked at the outermost group of 20-meter-high tall trees that stretched upward to the left and right, with no end in sight.

Ling Yi looked inside the forest, but unfortunately there were heavy shadows from the trees. Except for a few abruptly ending paths on the outermost edge, he couldn't see anything inside.

"Would you like to rest for a while?"

Zhang Ji looked at Ling Yi and asked, after all, he was the only auxiliary soul master here, and his soul power was still the lowest.

"No need~" Ling Yi smiled and shook his head, indicating that his physical fitness was not bad.

Next to her, Shirley Yang blinked. To be honest, she had always been curious about Ling Yi's physical strength.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly blushed and didn't know what he thought of.

Zhang Ji and Woma consciously did not pay attention to the only female family member in the team. They were not aware of this episode and focused on communicating with Ling Yi.

"In that case, let's go in directly~" Zhang Ji said.

After the sound fell, Bendang took the lead and walked towards the forest.

On the forest path, the temperature dropped a few degrees, and it was cool and pleasant. The air with high oxygen content washed everyone's bodies and minds, and every step was filled with the fragrance of vegetation and earth.

Zhang Ji walked at the front, and as he walked, he warned in a solemn tone: "Remember, this is the "Star Dou Forest", not those small forests where soul beasts are kept in captivity. Almost every soul beast here is full of intense energy. The aggressiveness. Although we are still in the outer area at the moment, we cannot relax and be careless!"

"Especially you, Ling Yi, you are a healing soul master. If a thousand-year-old soul beast pops up randomly, or even a century-old soul beast sneaks up on you, you may not be able to dodge it. You must be vigilant!"

"Next time in the forest, it's best not to go more than thirty meters away from me."

"In addition, for those soul beasts that are not hunting targets and do not actively attack us, do not attack them. Do you understand?"

This last sentence was obviously meant for his eldest nephew Woma and Yang Shirley, who had remained silent.

Although based on their family backgrounds, generally speaking, they must have been instilled with the corresponding concept of sustainable development of soul beasts before, but in fact, such instructions will be said every time they enter the soul beast forest, something like The same brainwashing slogans.

According to the comment made by a book friend in the Douluo fan novels Ling Yi read in his previous life, the existence of soul masters is to continuously squeeze the soul beast race, that is, to prevent them from growing stronger and to prevent them from becoming extinct.

The conspiracy theory is that just like raising poison, human soul masters and soul beast races are entangled with each other, fighting each other, and eroding each other's heritage and potential.

As for whether this point of view exists in this real world, Ling Yi is not sure, and he is not ready to delve into it at the moment.

He just followed Zhang Ji's footsteps while reviewing the [Martial Spirit Hall]'s records about this forest.

"Star Forest" is one of the three most famous soul beast settlements in Douluo Continent. The area is so large that it is almost the same as the land area of ​​the "Kingdom of Barak". This is a huge virgin forest as a whole. The terrain in the forest is complex, including wetlands, swamps, mountains, etc. The soul beasts inside are also extremely terrifying. The closer you get to the center of the forest, the more powerful the soul beasts are. It is said that there are even 100,000-year-old soul beasts inside.

Geographically, the "Star Dou Forest" is located directly south of the "Tian Dou Empire", straddling the borders of the "Tian Dou Empire" and the "Xing Luo Empire". Due to the large number of spirit beasts here, this is also the place where the border between the two countries is least clear. place. Judging from the map, two-fifths of the area is in the "Tian Dou Empire", and the other three-fifths are in the "Star Luo Empire".

However, the "Tian Dou Empire" has never admitted this.

No one can tell how many years this primitive and ancient forest has existed in Douluo Continent, but after walking into the forest, the denseness that blocks the sky and the sun is enough to tell people how long it has existed.

More than half an hour later, there was a forest clearing outside the "Star Forest".

As Woma smashed away three "White-tailed Weasels" with a stick, the malicious sights around them gradually faded away, and Ling Yi and others continued to move forward.

Different from the previous time outside the forest, Ling Yi and Yang Shirley had already changed into a different set of clothes. The package originally carried on their backs for cover was also put back into the storage together with the special clothes with more than ten pockets. In the material soul guide.

His eyes swept over Ling Yi and Yang Xueli, looking at the two men's fully armed metal armors, and there was a silence on Woma's face.

It's very strange. I always feel that the painting style of these two people is incompatible with Douluo Continent. Why?

Not only Woma, but also Zhang Ji, who was standing with his hands behind his back, had the urge to twitch the corner of his mouth at this time.

Zhang Ji has seen many soul masters wearing armor. Even Zhang Ji's storage soul guide currently contains a set of heavy armor that he wore in the past, handmade by the master craftsman Tie Futu. , enough to withstand multiple attacks from the fifth soul skill of the powerful attack soul king.

But for Ling Yi and Yang Xueli, it was the first time for the two uncles and nephews to see combat armor including helmets, neck armor, shoulder pads, arm armor, skirt armor, combat boots, etc.

Especially after seeing Ling Yi put on the armor and take out a spear and hold it in his hand, the weird feeling became even stronger.

No, aren't you a healing soul master?

Looking at you like this, are you still ready to fight?

There were countless things they wanted to say, but Zhang Ji and Woma didn't know how to say it. After all, in this dangerous "Star Dou Forest", no matter how cautious you are, Ling Yi and the two wore It seems that it is not incomprehensible that the armor is more protective... right?

In addition, both Ling Yi and Yang Xueli are soul masters with martial arts souls. They don't have to change their body shape after being possessed by a martial soul soul master like a beast martial soul soul master. Wearing this kind of almost full-coverage armor, and It won't affect the combat performance too much, just pay attention to the weight of the armor.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ji nodded silently.


At this moment, he saw Ling Yi holding the spear upside down, using the tail of the spear as a stick, and struck an emerald poisonous snake that jumped from the treetop above his head.

The fleeting shadow of the trembling stick and the emerald green snake that was deflected by Beng Jin once again made Zhang Ji and Woma fall into silence.

Watching Ling Yi reach out to pick up the fainted emerald green snake, throw it into a special sealed bamboo basket, and then put it into a blue leather bag-style storage soul guide, Zhang Jifang was like a dream When he first woke up, he asked:

"Ling Yi, you... know how to use sticks?"

Although it was only a glimpse, as a Contra with a stick martial spirit, Zhang Ji asked himself that he was quite accomplished in stick techniques.

He might not be able to defeat the two brothers Qian Jun and Jiang Mo, but that was because the other party's soul power was five levels higher than his own, and his soul ring and soul skills were slightly stronger, rather than simply surpassing him in terms of stick skills.

Anyway, Zhang Ji thinks so.

"Understand a little ~ understand a little ~~"

Ling Yi, who put away the "Nine-section Jade", stood up and smiled modestly at Zhang Ji.

Before Zhang Ji could ask any more questions, Ling Yi spoke again and said, "Senior, I have the ability to explore the surroundings. How about I take a look at the situation ahead and then we set off?"

"You can also perceive soul skills?!"

Zhang Jihu's eyes widened and he stared at Ling Yi, his heart becoming confused again.

"Luckily~" Ling Yi's face remained humble: "There have been some opportunities, and the little skills that the martial soul possessed after evolving made the seniors laugh."

After saying that, he handed the spear to his left hand and spread his right hand, palm facing up. In the shining blue soul power, a blue-green grass appeared, as if carved from the purest crystal, full of vitality.

Seeing the martial spirit that looked like a small grass, Zhang Jizheng was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Continue tomorrow, good night everyone~

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