Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 335 Space Collapse

The moment the familiar metal plate appeared, the blood-red pupils of "Dark Demon Evil Tiger" instantly contracted to the extreme.

It possesses spatial attributes and can clearly sense that all directions are filled with unstable spatial power!

Just because he has the ability in space, "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" understands even more how powerful the power of space is.


This idea appeared in the mind of "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger", which was not something difficult for it to accept.

When it was being chased by the "Titan Giant Ape" and the "Azure Bull Python" before, it was much more embarrassed than it is now.

Even if the Ling Yi on the other side is so weak that it can easily crush it to death, it will not show any embarrassment or humiliation. For the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger", everything is false, and only life is the most important.

The question now is, how to withdraw?

There is chaotic space power in all directions and in the sky, surrounding it and the humans on the opposite side. Unless you can escape, you will face the upcoming space fragmentation in any direction.

And its "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" has six powerful attributes: evil (evolved from the dark attribute), time, space, thunder and lightning, wind, and strength, but it has no earth attribute!

‘Is this human being looking for death? He himself is also surrounded by these rioting spatial forces...'

Without giving the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" much time to think, within an area of ​​nearly 100 meters with one person and one tiger as the center, the power of space began to go berserk!

Not caring about continuing to use the evil power of the 'Evil God Realm' to erode the human opposite, the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" contracted its power and concentrated on the broken space around it.

Feeling the gray air flow receding, Ling Yi's 'Blue Silver Domain' that had retreated to three feet outside her body also contracted and was finally withdrawn into her body.

The power of the evil god is too high-end, and just the invasion of evil power can suppress Ling Yi's 'Blue Silver Domain'.

With a gentle step, Ling Yi retreated backwards as if there was an invisible rope pulling him behind him.

As soon as Ling Yi moved, the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" instantly disappeared from the spot and reappeared where Ling Yi originally stood.

Unfortunately, Ling Yi was one step faster after all, and was already a few feet away. The tiger claws and wind blades swung down like death's scythes were just inches away from Ling Yi's body.

And this inch is so close to the end of the world!

The "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" did not continue to pursue, but stared at Ling Yi with bloody tiger eyes and murderous intent.

It's not that it doesn't want to pursue, but that a wall appears between the two, a 'wall' formed by broken space!

Just now, when Ling Yi retreated, there were more than a dozen space fragmentation areas behind him caused by "starry sky fireworks", each of which was nearly a meter in diameter, with only a twenty centimeter gap between them.

Because of the mutual influence of space fragmentation, there is a tendency to expand and connect, causing this gap to shrink rapidly.

Ling Yi was able to pass through these gaps, except for mobilizing the power of his mind at full power and using extreme body postures to dodge, but he also paid a small price.

"Kacha kacha..."

The sound this time was not made up by the imagination, but was actually caused by the fragmentation of space.

Ling Yi, who had lost many peripheral parts of his body, mobilized the source of life in the "Return to Origin Seal" between his eyebrows to remove half of his left shoulder, left ear, half of his left foot, outer right thigh, and right foot that had been wiped out by the broken space. The arm was regenerated from the elbow down and so on, and he waved at the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" with his still intact left hand:

“This feast is called ‘Space Collapse’, please enjoy it——”

At the same time as Ling Yi's words sounded, all the space fragmentation caused by the "starry sky fireworks" exploded around the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" and the sky surrounding the original one person and one tiger.

One broken space after another appeared at the same time, causing a chain reaction. The broken spaces spread and connected, forming a very large-scale space fragmentation, or in other words, a regional space collapse!

A strong sense of weightlessness appeared. Ling Yi hadn't grown up yet. His left foot, which was leaking blood, gave a sudden force. After stabilizing his body, the whole person retreated back again, away from the danger of the space storm in front of him. zone.

If there was no external interference, Ling Yi didn't even know whether this collapsed space would develop into a black hole-like existence, swallowing up Douluo Continent and Douluo Star bit by bit.

As soon as this thought came up in his mind, Ling Yi saw the "Dark Demon Evil Tiger" trapped in the broken space area roaring angrily, and layers of gray light condensed into a ball around its body, facing the space riots in all directions.

Dark Demon Evil Thunder, "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" integrates its own magic power with evil power, and then instantly explodes with terrifying power. It is a mixed range attack with three attributes: wind, thunder, and evil.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom -!!!"

Thunder rolled, a violent roar sounded, and the terrifying explosion sound came through the extremely small gaps in the space debris, causing Ling Yi's eardrums to hurt.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

After more than twenty breaths, it may be that the internal space forces have canceled each other out, or it may be that the external power of Douluo Star World is constantly repairing. In this huge space collapse area, the rioting space forces Gradually it calmed down.

In such a terrifying space collapse, Ling Yi didn't know whether Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen could survive, but he thought that even if they could resist, the situation would not be much better.

As for the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger", in terms of hard power, it must be weaker than those two, if you don't count the bug-level magical skill-'Life and Death Arena'.

Therefore, Ling Yi did not take it lightly. He once again took out a stack of metal cards and a handful of "starry sky stones" the size of rice grains, and assembled them one by one, always alert to any dangers that might arise.

When a mosaic-like broken space was repaired and everything in sight became clear, Ling Yi saw that where the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" was originally located, the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" was not there. Instead, there was a three-meter-diameter Black holes left and right!

‘Tsk! Did you hide in the special space of the Arena of Life and Death at the critical moment——? ’

The moment he saw the black hole, Ling Yi understood how to deal with the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger". To deal with such a heaven-defying super soul beast, his own method was a sure-kill method for those hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts. It lacks a bit of weight in terms of hard power.

Just as he was thinking about it, the next second, the invisible power of space appeared again.

Different from the chaos before, this time it is much more orderly.

Along with this space power, there was also a giant black tiger that was more than eight meters long, the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger"!

The "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" was definitely not in a good condition at this time. There were mottled wounds all over his body, and large swaths of gray blood dripped on the ground beneath his feet, corroding the flour-like rocks with a sizzling sound.

Just now, at the critical moment, it used the "Evil God Hook" on its tail to summon the "Arena of Life and Death". It used this terrifying move that used to kill powerful enemies to block the equally terrifying space collapse outside.

Even so, the ubiquitous space debris still cut wounds on its body.

In addition, using the "Evil God Hook" and the "Arena of Life and Death" is not without cost. The "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" consumes a lot of money, and it has fallen into a low state in terms of mental, physical, and energy.

However, even in the weak state of Tiger Luo Pingyang, for Ling Yi, a small healing soul master, the "Dark Demon Evil Tiger" is still an extremely terrifying existence.

Continue coding, the next chapter will be before 0 o'clock~

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