Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 339 The Fifth Soul Skill

Ling Yi looked at the new black soul rings surrounding him, lowered his eyes to sense, and suddenly said softly as if he understood:

"The spring breeze turns into rain, and sweet rain falls from the sky——!"

As the sound fell, the black soul ring suddenly glowed brightly, and a green-gold light pillar shot up into the sky from the "Aoki Blue Silver King" in Ling Yi's right hand.

The next second, a continuous curtain of rain fell from the void, covering a small half of the "Lake of Life" and a large area of ​​land around the lake with Ling Yi as the center, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred meters in radius.

The light green raindrops carry vitality and moisturize this area.

Ling Yi, "Blue Silver King", "Blue Silver Marquis", Yang Xueli who was sleeping in the "Coffin of Life", Da Ming who came to the lake, A Rou, Xiao Wu, Er Ming who came forward, and many others who had just The newly grown "Blue Silver Grass" plants were all bathed in the rain.


A pleasant moan sounded, and Xiao Wu's three-petal mouth unconsciously murmured: "It feels so comfortable——!"

It could feel that after the light green raindrops fell on its pink hair, they immediately turned into silky life force, passing through the fur, drilling into the flesh, and heading towards the bone marrow, It proceeds to the internal organs and other parts of the body, moistening every place along the way.

Not only Xiao Wu, but also A Rou and Er Ming beside her, as well as Da Ming, who had most of his body exposed in the lake, all had the same feeling.

There were ripples in Aroumei's eyes: "This feeling...if I hadn't seen with my own eyes that this guy's martial spirit was a plant, I would definitely have regarded him as the "Emerald Swan" incarnation..."

With such a powerful vitality, she searched Arou's memories for tens of thousands of years. Except for the "Emerald Swan" clan, she really couldn't find any soul beast that could correspond to Ling Yi's current state.

"The fifth soul skill - rain from the sky!"

Ling Yi raised his head, letting the drizzle fall on his head and face, and looked up into the void with a smile.

Consume soul power to summon rain and dew from the sky in an area to moisten everything.

The introduction is simple, but the effect is a bit explosive. Let's put it this way, the "Return to Origin Seal" between Ling Yi's eyebrows seals the first four soul skills he instilled in a certain proportion, which Ling Yi calls the source of life.

With the existence of this 'origin of life', Ling Yi was able to regenerate his right palm that had been wiped out by space in an instant, as well as other missing parts of his body.

Ling Yi's second soul skill can only regenerate a severed finger. Even if the soul ring's age has exceeded a thousand years, it can regenerate at most half of the hand. But the ‘origin of life’ in the ‘Return to Origin Seal’ can truly regenerate a severed limb!

At this time, the rain and dew summoned by the ‘fifth soul skill: Rain from the sky’, although the unit effect is not as good as the ‘origin of life’ in the ‘Return to Origin Seal’, it still has five effects!

The five-success effect is enough to turn Ling Yi's allies into invincible weaklings within the scope of this sweet rain and dew, and even have a very strong gain during practice!

It's not in vain that Ling Yi worked together with his "Blue Silver King" and "Blue Silver Marquis", as well as the tens of thousands of "Blue Silver Grass" within a radius of more than a hundred miles. The soul ring that was condensed not only lasted It has reached more than 48,000 years, which is close to the upper limit of the number of years that a soul saint can absorb soul rings. Even the effects of soul skills are so overbearing!

With a thought, the rain curtain that originally covered a hundred meters in radius gradually shrank.

One hundred meters, eighty meters, fifty meters... ten meters, five meters.

When the rain curtain was controlled by Ling Yi to shrink to within five meters, and the drizzle turned into a downpour, it could no longer be compressed.

Fortunately, the rain and dew in such a state seemed to have a stronger life response. The "Coffin of Life" whose lid was pushed open by Ling Yi was quickly filled with 'rainwater' in the pouring rain, and the eyes were closed inside. , the calm-looking Shirley Yang was overwhelmed.

At the same time, in the "Sunset Forest" thousands of miles away.

Wushan, "Ice and Fire Eyes".

Ah Yin leaned against the hard and rough cliff, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, surrounded by clumps of "Blue Silver Grass". When he felt Dugu Bo's gradually receding breath, he immediately stopped waiting, and with a thought, he felt a sense of nobility. , a huge soul power aura appeared from within the body.

Inspired by this aura, four soul rings, two yellow, two purple, appeared together, coiling and pulsing around A Yin's body.

Suddenly, a blue-gold light point floated out from A Yin's head and came to the top of the four soul rings.

This scene seemed to turn on some switch, but in an instant, blue-gold light spots floated out one after another, gathering towards the top of the four soul rings.

If there were other soul masters here, anyone would find this scene in front of them extremely familiar.

Isn't this the scene where the soul ring is condensed after the soul beast dies?

Of course, Ah Yin is not dead at this moment, and there will naturally be no death explosion equipment.

As time goes by slowly, Ah Yin, who has experienced it four times and can be said to be very familiar with it, has already condensed his fifth soul ring.

Soul King, get√!

Opening his eyes, Ah Yin's face showed joy.

This is February of the year 2615 in the Douluo Calendar, and almost twelve years have passed since its transformation at the end of the year 2603 in the Douluo Calendar!

In less than ten months, she will turn eighteen in human age!

Breaking through the Soul King realm at the age of seventeen, Ah Yin believed that even the top geniuses among humans would be inferior to him.

"I heard that Tang Hao, the rumored miraculous young master of [Haotian Sect], seems to be the Soul King who broke through at the age of nineteen?"

Ah Yin murmured to himself, recalling the news that he had heard people talk about before at the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce].

After the sound fell, a slight smile appeared on the beautiful face: "That's all."

But soon, the smile on Ah Yin's face faded slightly, and her beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly: "The aura left by Brother Yi on my body has been consumed by nearly 90%. If it is not replenished, the speed of cultivation will slow down or even stagnate. Before, even the soul beast aura on my body would not cover it up..."

In terms of cultivation, although we can use the abundant human aura in "Tian Dou City" to prevent us from really stagnating, we can enjoy the experience of being around Ling Yi or having Ling Yi's aura and making rapid progress in cultivation. Silver certainly doesn't want to return to the original 'turtle speed' again.

What's more, before they reach the sixtieth level of cultivation and then break through to the human soul emperor realm, that is, the mature stage of the transformed soul beast, the juvenile transformed soul beast that cannot conceal its own soul beast aura is, to humans, The walking gift bag may be killed by a human soul master who suddenly pops up at any time and absorb soul rings and soul bones.

"Brother Yi said before he left that he could return in as little as three months or as long as five months..."

Ah Yin was counting the days until Ling Yi left, "No, there's still more than a month, it's too long!"

"Besides, with Shirley Yang by his side, it's hard to say whether Brother Yi can really come back on time~"

Just as Yang Xueli knew Ah Yin, A Yin also knew Yang Shirley quite well. She could be sure that Yang Xueli would definitely pester Brother Yi and ask Yi Ge to take her to stay outside so that she could enjoy more of the world between the two of them.


Ah Yin stood up, and the natural grass blades of the surrounding "Blue Silver Grass" fell down, as if paying homage to the emperor.

"Tell me, Brother Yi...well, Ling Yi, which direction is he now?"

A faint voice resounded in the valley of "Ice and Fire Eyes". The fairy flowers and exotic grasses were unmoved, but the "Blue Silver Grass" after hesitating for a few breaths, they all moved away. Ye worshiped in the other direction.

Go out for a while, come back and continue typing. It’s hard to say the next chapter, so try to do it before 0 o’clock~

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