Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 341 Just come back


Following Ling Yi's soft call, Yang Shirley looked around with her phoenix eyes. After confirming that there was no danger, she stamped her feet on the ground and flew towards the battlefield ahead like a blue falcon.

In mid-air, the fifth soul ring outside Yang Xueli's body flashed with black light, and the two-meter-long "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe Spear" was instantly covered with a layer of black dragon flames.

The dark dragon flames were in sharp contrast to the snow-white jade hands.

The fifth soul skill: Break——! ! !

Ignoring the blazing black dragon flames, Yang Xueli grabbed the barrel of the gun with her jade hand, and with the momentum of falling from the sky, she swung the sickle blade straight down.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through cloth was heard. A three-thousand-year-old "Iron-skeleton Crocodile" with copper skin and iron bones was cut into two pieces. Dark red blood flowed to the ground instantly. The strong vitality made this "Iron-Skeleton Crocodile" The two halves of the body at the front and back were still stirring wildly, leaving the place in a mess.

Such an explosive scene left Zhang Ji and Woma's uncle and nephew stunned as they were smashing their sticks in the middle of the battlefield.

Even though Yang Xueli was shocked by the sudden attack, he was also shocked by the power of the opponent's attack.

Yang Shirley didn't pause much, and succeeded with one strike. The five soul rings circling around her lit up one after another like a revolving lantern. The "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe Spear" in her hand danced like the wind, harvesting the "Iron-Skeleton Crocodiles" one after another on the battlefield. ”, completely ignoring the copper skin and iron bones that gave Woma, the Soul Emperor, a huge headache.

The powerful attack power of [Broken Clan] is vividly demonstrated! ! !

In a short time, the number of "Iron-skeleton Crocodiles" killed in Yang Xueli's hands had already caught up with the previous results of Zhang Ji and Woma. The leader of the "Iron-Skeleton Crocodile" who was hiding in the dark finally couldn't hold himself back any longer. He blended in with several of his own kind and launched a surprise attack towards Yang Shirley.

Zhang Ji, who had been looking for the 10,000-year-old leader, discovered the raid immediately. His expression tightened and he shouted: "Be careful——!"

While shouting, the martial spirit "Wuji Stick" in his hand suddenly waved, and he rushed towards Yang Shirley with long strides.

Unfortunately, the two sides were more than ten feet apart, and there were quite a few "Iron-Skeleton Crocodiles" blocking the way. Zhang Ji's support was obviously too late.

However, although Yang Xueli is just a Soul King at the moment, her powerful combat intuition is comparable to Zhang Ji's mental perception of Soul Douluo, and is even vaguely better!

The five soul rings outside him all lit up, the "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe Spear" glowed with black light, and the jet-black dragon flames faintly condensed into a dragon shape, coiling around the gun body and scythe blade.

The fishy wind blew against her face. Yang Shirley stared at the bloody mouth right in front of her. Her pretty face was as calm as an ancient well, but the "Soul-Breaking Hook Scythe Spear" in her hand struck boldly, with the scythe blade rising from the bottom up and slashing upward into the sky!


The extremely sharp sickle blade sliced ​​open the upper jaw of the leader of the "Iron-skeleton Crocodile", and the powerful attack power turned into violent force, sending the ferocious soul beast weighing several tons into the air.


While still in mid-air, the leader of the "Iron-Skeleton Crocodile" let out a shrill wail, and large swaths of dark red blood splashed out from the large mouth.


Zhang Ji, who had just smashed away several thousand-year-old "iron-bone crocodiles" and walked several feet away, subconsciously stopped and blurted out two words.

This moment reminded him of the scene a few days ago when Shirley Yang single-handedly killed the "One-Horned Flame Dragon Beast".

However, at that time, Shirley Yang also went through a hard battle and finally won with great difficulty, but still won miserably.

At this time, facing a 13,000-year-old "iron-skeletal crocodile" leader, he actually defused the opponent's surprise attack so easily, and even used offense as defense to injure the opponent. The effect was extremely outstanding!

"The spring breeze turns into rain, and sweet rain falls from the sky——!"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from outside the battlefield, drawing Zhang Ji's slightly distracted attention back.

Before Zhang Ji could pursue the leader of the "Iron-Skeleton Crocodile" who finally showed up but was hit head-on by Yang Xueli, it suddenly started to rain.

Miraculously, the rainwater was light green in color, and it accurately avoided all the "iron-skinned crocodiles" in the field, only raining on himself, Shirley Yang, and her eldest nephew Woma.

With the cool and moist rain showering down on their bodies, Zhang Ji and Woma immediately felt that the fatigue caused by their continuous fighting was instantly swept away, whether it was the muscles and skeletal fascia exerting force, or the soul running at high speed. The power channels have been greatly restored, and even the soul power has been faintly restored.

"Ling Yi——??!!"

Zhang Ji looked towards the direction where the sound came from, looking at the familiar handsome face and the taller and taller figure, he immediately forgot to continue attacking the leader of the "Iron-Skeleton Crocodile".

And this also gave the leader of the severely injured "Iron Crocodile" a chance to breathe. Relying on the iron skin on his back, which was several times tougher than fine steel, he withstood another slash from Yang Xueli and carried it with him. With the pain in his mouth, he ran away without looking back, completely ignoring the thousand-year-old and century-old descendants of the same race who were still fighting at the scene.

The leader fled, and the surrounding "Iron-Skeleton Crocodiles" were immediately disheartened, their morale plummeted, and they no longer feared death as before. They could no longer care about continuing the siege and turned around and ran away.

Facing the fleeing "Iron-Skeleton Crocodile" tribe, neither Yang Xueli nor Zhang Ji and Woma's uncles and nephews chose to pursue them.

Focusing on Ling Yi, who was approaching step by step, Zhang Ji looked like he had seen a ghost:

"Ling...Ling Yi? Is it...really you?"


Ling Yi held the martial spirit "Aoki Blue Silver King" in his right hand, slightly curved his mouth, chuckled, and said: "Why, we haven't seen each other for a few days, and Senior Zhang doesn't recognize me anymore?"

"..." Zhang Ji opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

I wanted to ask how Ling Yi escaped from the hands of the king of the forest "Titan Giant Ape", but in this world, everyone has their own secrets. After asking, Ling Yi replied that it was okay. If he didn't want to answer, or Making up an answer to excuse yourself will affect the relatively good atmosphere between the two parties.

After a few breaths of silence, Zhang Ji looked at Yang Shirley, who walked to Ling Yi and stood next to him. He looked heroic and held the "Soul-Breaking Hook and Sickle Spear" in his hand. He said to the two of them:

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back..."

Not only was it good, Zhang Ji felt as if he was in a dream when he saw that Yang Shirley and Ling Yi had exactly the same soul rings at their feet, two yellow, two purple and one black, the best matching soul rings.

If it wasn't a dream, how did Ling Yi, who was abducted by the forest king "Titan Giant Ape", come back safe and sound? He also broke through to the Soul King and obtained a ten thousand year soul ring!

The same goes for Yang Shirley. She looked miserable and seriously injured a few days ago. Logically speaking, if she absorbed the ten thousand-year-level "One-horned Flame Dragon Beast" soul ring in that state, she would probably be exploded by the violent soul power, but now she He looked like he was fine. Not only did he successfully break through to the Soul King realm, his strength also improved by leaps and bounds.

Continue coding, the next chapter will be before 0 o'clock~

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