Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 365 Time flies like water

【Star Luo Empire】, "Haoyang Cliff".

In Tang Hao's residence, Tang Yuehua was sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, her delicate jade hands gently strumming the strings of the golden harp in her arms.

Elegant, pure and crystal-clear as pearls, and as clear as morning dew, the sound flows in the courtyard and spreads melodiously outside the courtyard.

Along with the sound of the piano, there was also a layer of soft fluctuations, which emanated from Tang Yuehua's body and also filled the entire courtyard.

If we say that this wonderful piano sound is refreshing and refreshing, it is like the beauty of the wonderful scenery gurgling from the fountain under the moonlight, filling the atmosphere with poetry.

Then the fluctuations released by Tang Yuehua were elegant and natural, so gentle that they seemed to be able to heal all the sorrows in the world.

At this moment, the other person in the courtyard and the only audience, Tang Hao, changed from his usual fierceness and strength. His sharp edge was put away, like a sword in a scabbard, calm and quiet.


As the last reverberation that was enough to ring the beams sounded, at the same time as the song ended, Tang Hao opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and there was no longer the ferocious bloodshot look in his eyes when he just returned to [Haotian Sect] two years ago.

Compared to the year 2615 of the Douluo Calendar, when he had just come out of the "Killing City", Tang Hao could no longer find a trace of murderous aura in his body at this time. His whole person seemed to have been baptized by the years and became much calmer.

Of course, this does not mean that the murderous aura he gained from the experience in the "City of Killing" has disappeared, but it is the true inner meaning.

Feeling the purity and natural mood in the courtyard, Tang Hao turned his eyes to his sister Tang Yuehua, and couldn't help but reveal a smile from the bottom of his heart:

"Yuehua, your piano skills have become stronger again. Combined with your talent field, it is simply better than many control-type soul masters——!"

Faced with Tang Hao's praise, Tang Yuehua just smiled calmly: "Second brother, my meager skills mean nothing. If you have listened to Brother Yi's piano music, you will know what the true sound of nature is -"

"Sounds of nature?"

Tang Hao's face twitched and he almost lost control of his emotions. No matter how many times he heard the name 'Brother Yi' from his sister Tang Yuehua's mouth, he could not help but feel an uncontrollable anger welling up in his brain.

As Tang Yuehua stayed in the so-called [Tiangong Academy] for a longer time, everyone in the [Haotian Sect], from the sect leader Tang Zhen to the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, felt that their little cotton-padded jacket was beginning to leak.

I don't know since when, a person's name always appears in the other person's mouth, from Dean Ling at the beginning, to Brother Yi later, and now to Brother Yi now.

Anyway, it has appeared in the minds of the men of the Tang family many times. They picked up the Haotian Hammer and ran to the [Tiangong Academy] to give the pretty boy named Ling Yi a set of 'Haotian Set Meal', from "Chaos." "Cloak Hammer Technique", to "Nine Jue of Haotian", and then to "Great Sumeru Hammer", all in turn!

As for the opponent being a healing soul master with no fighting ability?

The men of the Tang family don't care about this. In their opinion, men must be tough and able to fight, otherwise how can they protect their women?

Well, in fact, Ling Yi has no fighting ability. Although Tang Hao doesn't like him very much, he heard that the other party's healing ability is quite good, and he is versatile, whether it is forging, carving, music, or even business. He was the number one person in Douluo Continent. If such a person became his brother-in-law, he would not be unable to accept it.

But the problem is, according to the information collected by [Haotian Sect], the other party has already been hooked up with the daughter of the Yang family of [Broken Clan]!

Now that you have a woman, you still dare to provoke other girls, especially my Tang Hao’s sister? !

Is it because I, Tang Ritian, have not been walking on the Douluo Continent for five years that made you forget how powerful my sledgehammer is?

Three years in the "Killing City" allowed Tang Hao to obtain the "Killing God Realm" and at the same time, he also accumulated an extremely huge amount of murderous intent in his heart.

Fortunately, the past two years of accumulation in the [Haotian Sect], combined with Tang Yuehua's coming back every two months to stay for ten days, combined with the extraordinary piano sound through his own talent field 'Noble Circle', gave Tang Hao a murderous aura. Practice it, and then you can control it as you like.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao gritted his teeth secretly, but with a rather awkward-looking smile on his face, he said:

"Oh? Since Ling Yi's piano skills are so high, next time I go to Gengxin City, I will have to experience it -"

Seeing through Tang Hao's insincere words at a glance, Tang Yuehua rolled her eyes at her second brother angrily: "Have you seen Brother Yi's piano skills?"

"Brother Yi is very busy on weekdays, how can he have time to play the piano for you——"


Tang Hao: "..."

"Young Master! Master, please come over -!"

Just when Tang Hao was so overwhelmed by Tang Yuehua's words that he almost broke his guard, a direct descendant of the [Haotian Sect] shouted loudly outside the courtyard.

Tang Hao, who was heartbroken, immediately turned his head and responded loudly: "Here we go -!"

After saying that, he opened his mouth to Tang Yuehua. When he was about to say something, he suddenly saw the other party pressing his face against the golden harp, and his face suddenly darkened again.

If he remembered correctly, when Tang Yuehua returned to [Haotian Sect] half a year ago, when he took out this harp, he seemed to have said that this boy named Ling Yi made it himself?

Tang Hao, who didn't see anything, turned around and left without saying a word.

By the way, Yuehua still has the Qingming Divine Sword that the boy made when he was assessing the level of the divine craftsman? !

Why did I personally ask the [Blacksmiths Association] to come here five years ago? !

Halfway through, Tang Hao's thoughts were still racing and he was completely out of control.

Thinking that he was still stuck at the master level of blacksmith skills, he thought about Ling Yi who had broken through to the level of a divine craftsman five or six years ago, and whose sculptures, calligraphy and paintings were sought after by noble soul masters all over the continent. [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] has now grown to cover every city and every town in the continent...

In a daze, Tang Hao unknowingly followed the clan brother to the meeting hall. Before he entered the door, Tang Hao heard a series of suppressed coughs coming from inside.

It was also because of this cough that Tang Hao's original thoughts that were still flying were instantly withdrawn, and his expression became serious.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Striding into the meeting hall, Tang Hao walked up to his father Tang Zhen and said respectfully.

On the other side, watching Tang Hao approach, Tang Zhen suppressed the discomfort in his chest and forced a cheerful smile on his face: "Hao'er, I heard from Tai Tan that your soul power broke through and reached level 70 two days ago?"


Faced with his father's inquiry, Tang Hao did not hide anything and nodded straightforwardly, confirming the authenticity of the news.

He did break through two days ago, with Titans guarding him at the time.

I have been adapting to the soul power after the breakthrough in the past two days. I was planning to come early in the morning to announce the good news to my father. I happened to bump into my sister Tang Yuehua who returned to [Haotian Sect] last night. This morning I went to my courtyard to practice playing the piano for myself. He was full of murderous intent, so he was delayed.

"Okay!" Tang Zhen was overjoyed when he heard Tang Hao's admission: "Okay! Hahaha...!!! Cough...cough cough cough cough cough...!!"

Seeing that Tang Zhen was about to cough up his lungs, Tang Hao didn't care about anything else. He walked forward quickly, transferred his soul power to the palm of his hand, pressed his palm on his father's back, and cooperated with the other party's soul power. At the same time, he suppressed the two powerful forces in the chest that were like gangrene attached to the bones.

Continue coding, try to get the next chapter before 0 o'clock~

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