Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 369 Lingyun City

"Tianling Mountain Range" is the largest mountain range in the [Tian Dou Empire]. It can also be said to be the famous large mountain range in the Douluo Continent.

The "Jialing Pass" located in its center is a battleground for military strategists. If one man is in charge of the pass, it will be invincible. It is also the place where gods fight in the future in the original work.

It can be said that more than 80% of the large and small mountain ranges in the [Tian Dou Empire] are connected to the "Tianling Mountain Range", either its branches or the branches of its branches.

"Lingyun City", originally named Qingyun Mountain, is located on the edge of a branch of the "Tianling Mountain Range".

A year ago, in the midsummer of Douluo Calendar 2616, a group of extraordinary spirit masters first came to Qingshan Town, located at the foot of Qingyun Mountain. They then recruited people aggressively, and it took more than eight months to finally surround Qingyun. Half of the city was built on the mountain.

All the buildings in the originally poor and dilapidated Qingshan Town were knocked down, and the people in the town and several surrounding villages were moved into the new city to continue their lives.

Yu Xiaogang stood in front of "Lingyun City" and was in a daze, with all kinds of information about the half of the city in front of him in his mind.

As the legitimate son of the leader of the [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family], Yu Xiaogang has studied the geography of Douluo Continent in detail.

In Douluo Continent, an extraordinary world where personal power is attributed to oneself, the territorial topography map is important, but not important, and not that important.

In terms of marching, fighting, conquering cities, etc., having detailed maps will naturally get twice the result with half the effort. However, if one party has a powerful person with a title of Douluo level, no matter what dense forests, mountains, dangerous peaks and deep valleys, its actual strategic significance will inevitably be reduced by half.

Therefore, ordinary people cannot have access to the topographic map of the entire continent, and they may not be able to use it in their lifetime. People like Yu Xiaogang who come from a powerful family dare not say that everyone has a share. After all, there are always those who don’t like to learn. However, it happened that Yu Xiaogang, who had intentionally left home in his early years, had one of his storage soul guides at this time.

Taking out the map and spreading it out, Yu Xiaogang focused on it.

From the map, the "Tianling Mountain Range" runs across the [Tian Dou Empire] from east to west, forming a '乛ㄈ' shape. Directly reaching the seaside in the west, "Hanhai City" stands on the branch, starting from the middle to the east end and gradually bordering the "Star Forest".

Taking the "Jialing Pass" at the center of the "Tianling Mountains" as the coordinate, the mountains spreading to the west cover most of the land of the "Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs". It can be said that this kingdom is almost a country built on mountains and valleys.

To the north of the "Tianling Mountains" where "Jialing Pass" is located is the hinterland of the "Tian Dou Empire", to the south is the "Kingdom of Silvis", and further south is the "Fasnuo Province".

These places are all flat plains.

A river that spans half of the continent originates from the middle of the "Tianling Mountains", flows through the border between the "Kingdom of Silvis" and the "Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs", and approaches the "Lima Plain" of the "Kingdom of Barak". It is two tributaries that eventually merge westward into the ocean at the western end of the continent.

The Qingyun Mountain where Yu Xiaogang was at this time, which can now be renamed "Lingyun City", can be said to be located exactly at the center of Douluo Continent.

The mountain is a thousand meters high, and the small mountain range stretches for nearly twenty miles behind. In terms of location, it is right between the [Tian Dou Empire], the [Star Luo Empire], and the "Star Dou Great Forest".

That is to say, Yu Xiaogang can't fly. Otherwise, if he looked down from the sky, he would find that deep behind Qingyun Mountain, there are undulating peaks one after another, towering. Starting from Qingyun Mountain, there are a total of seven peaks more than a thousand meters high. , the one at the deepest point is even surrounded by white clouds on the mountainside, and the true appearance of the top of the mountain is unknown.

"Young man, are you going to the city?"

An old inquiry woke Yu Xiaogang up, and following the sound, he saw an old farmer driving a donkey cart.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang looking over, the old farmer grinned, showing his yellow teeth: "If you go into the city, you can come up and sit down. The old man will give you a ride -"

As he spoke, the whip in his right hand moved towards the car panel behind him.

Yu Xiaogang glanced at the baskets of fruits and vegetables in the car, as well as some chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits with their wings, legs and feet bound, and immediately shook his head: "No, I'll go by myself."

After the sound fell, he nodded to the old farmer as a greeting and then walked towards the city gate a few kilometers ahead.

Being rejected by Yu Xiaogang, the old farmer didn't take it seriously. He whipped the whip in his hand. Amidst the crisp popping sound, the donkey pulling the cart seemed to feel the pain on a psychological level. He let out a long melodious drawl and trotted towards Yu Xiaogang. Xiaogang chased after him.

Looking from a distance, one person is in front, striding like stars, and the donkey cart is behind, with hooves slapping together, which gives people an inexplicable sense of coordination.

Not long after, Yu Xiaogang, who was the Second Ring Great Soul Master, arrived at the city gate first, never giving the donkey cart behind him a chance to pass him. Although the old farmer didn't whip the donkey to speed it up at all.

His eyes first glanced at the group of armored guards at the city gate, and then at the soldiers standing proudly on the city wall. Yu Xiaogang's brows raised slightly.

‘Elite people—! ’

With such a judgment in his mind, Yu Xiaogang felt more and more mysterious about Ling Yi, whom he had a close relationship with.

This man actually has such an army, and the [Tian Dou Empire] doesn't care about it?

'Yes, he has been in the Tiandou Frontier Army. These people should be retired veterans of the Frontier Army...'

With complicated emotions, Yu Xiaogang looked around while walking, silently observing this "Lingyun City" that had just been built less than three months ago.

Because it was built according to Qingyun Mountain, "Lingyun City" has only three walls, all of which are more than eighty meters high, and the wall thickness is more than a hundred meters!

Along the way, Yu Xiaogang discovered that the houses here were very neat, and the streets and houses were distributed in an extremely regular manner, giving people a neat and beautiful feeling.

That is to say, Yu Xiaogang is a native of Douluo. If he were a traveler from the Yanhuang system, he would have to recite a poem by Bai Letian.

"Thousands of houses are like a chess game, and twelve streets are like vegetable beds. From a distance, you can see the fire coming slightly into the sky, and there is a star constellating five gates to the west."

On the top of Qingyun Mountain, Ling Yi stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at the "Lingyun City" below, and chanting softly.

This city, which was built after emptying out all the assets of the [Blacksmiths Association], [Aoki Chamber of Commerce], and the 'Lanyinling' family, is several times larger than the ancient Chang'an City in the previous life, both in terms of area and city walls. more than.

The only thing that is not as good as it is, that is, because it has only been completed for a short period of time, the number of residents inside is still smaller.

Even if the entire 'blue silver collar' population is relocated here, and the [Blacksmiths Association] and [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] recruit people willing to move from all over the continent, the population is still barely above 180,000.

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