Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 372 Extraordinary Origin

A few days later, Lingyun Library.

"Are you Yu Xiaogang?"

A calm voice sounded, bringing Yu Xiaogang, who was immersed in the book, back to his senses.

Looking up, Yu Xiaogang saw three figures of different heights standing a few meters in front of him. The one on the left was Liu Hao, whom he met a few days ago.

Yu Xiaogang remembered that the other party's martial soul was a "brain" with no ability at all except a very good memory. It was an orphan. It was said that the village where he came from was slaughtered by a fallen soul master, leaving only him hiding in the cellar. Later, He was met by people from the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] while begging, and was moved to the "Lingyun City" with a lack of population along with many civilians. Finally, he was discovered by Ling Yi and recruited into the "Martial Soul Research Institute".

"I am Yu Xiaogang."

Yu Xiaogang closed the book in his hand, with an indifferent expression, but looked at Liu Hao: "What's the matter?"

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's indifferent look, except for Liu Hao, one of the other two people looked motionless, while the other frowned slightly.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang, Liu Hao shrugged, raised his hand and pointed at the two people beside him, and said to Yu Xiaogang: "You have been in the institute for several days, and you haven't communicated with anyone except me. But, Brother Yi asked me to show you someone..."

With that said, regardless of Yu Xiaogang's attitude, he pointed to the tall man in the middle of the three and continued:

"This is Shang Wenqing, the martial soul "mirror box", responsible for the research on storage soul guides and space-based martial arts..."

Following Liu Hao's introduction, Yu Xiaogang nodded to Shang Wenqing with a calm expression, as a greeting.

Shang Wenqing, however, smiled nonchalantly, nodded and said, "Hello~"

Liu Hao pointed his finger at the young man on the far right with a look of worry on his face, and continued to introduce: "This is Yue Xuan, the martial spirit "Golden Pocket Watch", who is responsible for cultivating some plant seedlings in the institute..."

Yu Xiaogang noticed that Er Er Xuan had a problem with him, and his thoughts turned rapidly. Almost instantly, he said to Er Er Xuan: "Hello~ I am Yu Xiaogang."

If you heard correctly just now, the question "Are you Yu Xiaogang?" seems to be what Yue Xuan asked.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's sudden release of... kindness? Er Er Xuan narrowed his eyes, but could not continue to show his face. He nodded slightly stiffly and responded: "Yes."

Seeing the awkward interaction between the three of them, Liu Hao quickly spoke to Shang Wenqing and Yue Erxuan:

"Yu Xiaogang was brought into the institute by Brother Yi a few days ago. Because he is new here, he has not decided on the next research direction, so he has been reading in the library..."

At this point, Liu Hao, who was not very good at communication, pursed his lips and got stuck, not knowing what to say next.

Fortunately, Shang Wenqing had some experience in this area, so he quickly said haha, one in each hand, pulled Liu Hao and Yue Erxuan to sit down at the table opposite Yu Xiaogang, and said:

"It's good to read books. To do research, the amount of knowledge is indispensable. Brother Yi collected the books in this library with great difficulty. Many people outside can't see them even if they want to -"

After saying that, he took out a thick book from the storage medal on his chest, put it on the table and opened it: "That's right, Ah Hao, there are a few things I don't understand here. Please help me take a look. Can you find other relevant information in the library for me to refer to..."

In order not to disturb other people in the library, Shang Wenqing took out a big-mouthed bat statue from the storage medal and placed it on the table.

"Sound-eating Bat Statue" is one of the first batch of soul guidance devices successfully mass-produced by the "Martial Soul Research Institute". It can absorb and restrain sounds within a certain range.

Glancing at the "Sound-eating Bat Statue" that was already functioning, Yue Erxuan suddenly let out a "poof" and cursed: "What the hell~"

While speaking, he glanced at Yu Xiaogang not far away from the corner of his eye.

"Okay~" Shang Wenqing put his right hand on the book and said calmly: "At least I took the initiative to say hello to you~"

"So what?" Yue Erxuan curled his lips, "This person looks like the kind of person who bullies the weak and fears the strong. I can't look down on such a person -"

"Also, Old Shang, you have such a good temper. This guy just did that to you. If it were me, I would have spat on him. It would be better for you to rub your hot face against his cold butt. He won't appreciate it—— "

"Ahao, what do you think?"

When Leng Buding heard that Yue Erxuan brought the topic to him, Liu Hao tilted his head and did not mean to spoil the other party. He said directly: "Wenqing Shang is a business of negotiation. Everything is discussed and negotiated. Yes, you think everyone is like you, 11, who is famous for his bad temper in the institute——"

"Damn!" Yue Erxuan's face darkened, "Why did you mention this name again? I just made a clerical mistake at the time. Do you remember it all the time?"

Obviously, he cares more about the title '11' than being said to have a bad temper.

"Hehe~" Liu Hao bared his teeth and smiled: "A clerical error? Can February Xuan be written as 'November Xuan' by a clerical error?"

"I won't tell you, you little brat~" Er Erxuan's face turned even darker, and he turned to look at Shang Wenqing next to him:

"Wen Qing, what do you think this Yu Xiaogang is? Why do I feel that this guy is different from us?"

"It's hard to say~"

Shang Wenqing turned a page of the book, looked around casually in the book, and said calmly: "In the institute, our backgrounds are all very different. The best one is the only kid, but he is just a ruined soul master. Family, my family is a civilian businessman, your family is a fisherman, let alone this kid Ahao~

I just noticed this Yu Xiaogang. The bracelet on his wrist is a storage soul guide. Not everyone has this thing, even among many powerful soul masters. If I hadn't made some contributions in the last research experiment, Brother Yi would have rewarded me with a storage medal. With my family's conditions, no It would take years to save up even if you don’t eat or drink, just to buy one. "

"That's it, it has to be the size of a cubic interior space."

At the same time, Wuhun Research Institute, fourth floor, room 404.

This is a room covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. The four walls, ceiling, and floor are all covered with a layer of metal plates, with textures engraved on them.

In the corner of the room, Ling Yi crouched down, holding a carving knife in his hand. He moved the knife like the wind, and new textures were carved and shaped.

Looking at it, the textures in all directions of the room look very much like the integrated circuits of Ling Yi's previous life. A large number of basic and repeated textures build the underlying array base, forming complex soul guidance array diagrams.

When the last corner was completed, Ling Yi put away the carving knife and stood up. He came to the center of the room and looked around. His powerful eyesight did not miss any inch. After confirming that there were no mistakes, he nodded with satisfaction.

Turning his head, Ling Yi shouted loudly to the door: "Come in~"

The next second, the door was opened, and a figure even thinner than Liu Hao walked in.

"Only," Ling Yi said to the visitor: "I will activate the "Nine Shao Dingyin Soul Guidance Array" in this room in a while. Now I ask you again, are you sure you want to verify it yourself? "

The boy who was called the only one nodded vigorously and said firmly: "I'm sure!"

"Okay~" Ling Yi shook his head, took out a mottled citrine from the storage soul guide, handed it to the other party, and said: "If you can't hold it anymore, just crush this, it should be able to hold me up Close "Nine Shao Dingyin Soul Guidance Formation". "

"Remember, although you are called 'Youyi', you are not the only descendant of the Wu family. There is no need to put everything on your own shoulders. "Tai Yizhong" and your cousin Wu Xian will inherit it—— "

Continue tomorrow, good night everyone~

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