Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 432 Two Years Later

Douluo calendar year 2622, August, summer is hot.

[Tian Dou Empire] North, an unknown town.

The first time he stepped into this small town, Yu Xiaogang felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, causing the hairs all over his body to stand up uncontrollably.

The town is not big. Walk along the bluestone road from the south. When you are on the edge of the town, you can see the exit to the north.

Walking on the bluestone road covered with dead leaves, Yu Xiaogang glanced at the jagged and dilapidated old houses on the street. Occasionally, he could find one or more pairs of green eyes flashing from behind the dark windows of the old houses. Pass away.

In the center of the town, in front of a similarly dilapidated tavern, Yu Xiaogang stopped, hesitation appearing in his eyes, and he made no move.


With a loud bang, the vermilion-painted door of the tavern was violently pushed open from the inside, and the turbid smell with a strange stench leaked out. Yu Xiaogang, who was a few meters away, was the first to bear the brunt.

Frowning his brows, Yu Xiaogang subconsciously took two steps back. At this moment, two tall figures walked out of the tavern one after the other.

"Tang Hao?!"/"Yu Xiaogang?"

Two voices sounded at the same time, coming from Yu Xiaogang and one of the tall figures.

With his eyes flickering, Yu Xiaogang looked at the person who walked out of the tavern first with a look of surprise. It turned out to be Tang Hao, the young master of the [Haotian Sect].

And the person following Tang Hao was none other than Tang Hao's eldest brother, Tang Xiao!

It's not surprising that Yu Xiaogang met Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, because in the past two years, the name of 'Haotian Double Star' has been resounding throughout the mainland, and with the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] under [Lingyun City] selling various soul guides with convenient functions Among them, the price of "Image Stone" is relatively close to the people. When many famous figures in Douluo Continent appear in public, it is inevitable that their own images will be left behind.

However, Tang Hao was able to recognize Yu Xiaogang, so he had to mention that in the past two years, Yu Xiaogang had gained a bit of fame on the Douluo Continent, plus he was the [Blue Lightning Overlord] Tang Hao, the youngest son of the 'Thunder Douluo' and the patriarch of the Dragon Family, Yu Yuanzhen, who is also a descendant of the three upper sects, also paid attention to it.

Of course, the fame that Yu Xiaogang has gained in the past two years is different from the Tang Hao brothers' method of showing off their power through force. He spent money freely, well, gold soul coins, to gain the reputation of a boy who scattered money.

According to statistics from people who are interested, in just two years, the number of gold soul coins spent from Yu Xiaogang is at least 1.5 million!

What is this concept?

It can be said that currently on the Douluo Continent, except for [Martial Soul Palace], [Star Luo Empire], [Tian Dou Empire], [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family], [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect], and [Great Soul Fighting Arena Alliance] Except for a few other forces, including the [Haotian Sect], which is the number one sect in the world, no one would let a member personally use such a large amount of funds, including the leader of the force!

To be more precise, even if it is one of the lower four sects like [Xiangjia Sect], if you ask the sect leader Hu Yanzhen to come up with a million gold soul coins in one breath, he will have to go back to the sect to call the elders for a meeting to discuss it before he can confirm Can this huge amount of money be withdrawn from the sect’s treasury?

"What are you doing here?" Tang Hao looked directly at Yu Xiaogang with lightning eyes, a bit of surprise in his tone.

"Do you know where this place is? Do you dare to come here?"

Hearing Tang Hao's question, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but frown. He didn't like the tone of Tang Hao's words and the look in his eyes, as if he was looking at a fool who was overestimating his abilities.

"You don't have to worry about it, Master Tang." Yu Xiaogang replied with an indifferent expression, a calm voice, and an unhurried tone.


When Tang Hao heard this, he raised his eyebrows and smacked his lips. He looked up and down at Yu Xiaogang, who was a few meters away. He shook his head indifferently and said to Tang Xiao beside him: "Brother, let's go."

With that said, while Tang Xiao nodded, he walked towards the south of the town, which is the direction where Yu Xiaogang came from.

As for exploring Yu Xiaogang’s purpose and thoughts?

Sorry, he's not interested.

It was just a thirty-ninth-level soul master who came to the outer entrance of the "Slaughter City". Whether he was killed when he entered it or was killed at the door, it had nothing to do with him, Tang Hao.

After walking about ten meters, Tang Xiao stopped, tilted his head slightly, and reminded Yu Xiaogang, who was still standing behind him: "I advise you not to think about going in. With your current strength, going in is tantamount to seeking death. .”

"If you really want to get something inside, come after the Soul King, preferably after the Soul Emperor."

As soon as the sound fell, without waiting for Yu Xiaogang to respond, Tang Xiao stepped forward and chased after Tang Hao, who was already a few steps ahead.

After glancing at the two Tang brothers who had gone away, Yu Xiaogang turned his attention to the dilapidated tavern in front of him again.

After taking a deep breath, Yu Xiaogang finally took the first step towards the door of the tavern.


A harsh sound sounded, and Yu Xiaogang walked into the dim tavern. Everything he saw was black decoration. Even though the sun was shining brightly outside, he felt a strong sense of coldness inside.

"Oh? Someone is coming again?"

A hoarse voice came, and Yu Xiaogang followed the sound and saw a white-faced middle-aged man wearing black leather armor bending down, holding one ankle of the two corpses with one hand and preparing to pull them off. Drag it to the corner position.

It can be seen that the two corpses seemed to have been killed by violently smashing the skulls and sternums with blunt instruments.

The person who made the move must have mastered the strength very well. Apart from the obvious collapse of the skull and sternum, there was no excess blood flowing out.

After taking a few glances, Yu Xiaogang closed his nose slightly, feeling a little disgusted by the smell that was stronger than what he just smelled at the door. He looked around and saw the scattered people sitting or standing. One after another figures swept past, and he asked indifferently: "Is Hannibal here? I made an appointment with him to meet here."

"Hannibal? Are you looking for Hannibal?!"

The white-faced middle-aged man who spoke before casually threw the two corpses in the corner, turned around and faced Yu Xiaogang, looked at him with a playful expression, and then looked around at the other people in the tavern like Yu Xiaogang, his face A strange smile appeared on the screen: "He's looking for Hannibal?"

As he said that, he raised his hand and pointed at Yu Xiaogang, who was frowning.

The next second, a burst of strange laughter like howling like ghosts and wolves suddenly erupted in the dark and oppressive tavern, and various sounds of "quack quack~" and "jiejiejiejie~" came and went.

After a while, the white-faced middle-aged man approached Yu Xiaogang and said with a smile: "Hannibal is looking for ingredients. Do you want to have a drink first? Wait for him while you drink?"

After saying that, without waiting for Yu Xiaogang's reaction, he turned to the bar of the pub and shouted: "Bill, give this friend of Hannibal a 'Bloody Mary'—!"

About an hour later, on a hillside in the south about forty miles away from the nameless town.

Yu Xiaogang held on to the tall rock with one hand and bent down to vomit wildly until he almost vomited out the gall water, then he gradually stopped.

More than ten meters away, Tang Hao, who was leaning on another boulder about three meters high, crossed his arms and looked down at Yu Xiaogang with a disdainful sneer on his lips.

"Brother Hao~"

Tang Xiao, who was next to him, called out softly, signaling Tang Hao to calm down his expression. After all, he was also the son of the patriarch of the [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family] and one of the three upper sects, so he always had to save some face for others.

After hearing Tang Xiao's reminder, Tang Hao curled his lips and turned sideways nonchalantly, facing the coniferous forest in the southwest, leaving the back of his head to Yu Xiaogang.

Tang Xiao shook his head helplessly, but didn't say anything more. He could still tell who was inside and who was outside.

On the other side, Yu Xiaogang, who really couldn't spit out anything, finally straightened up while holding on to the stone, wiped the bloodshot corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, turned around and walked towards the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao.

"Thank you both for helping me..." Yu Xiaogang handed over his hands and said thank you.

"Nothing~" Tang Xiao waved his hand, a hearty smile appeared on his resolute face, and said: "It's just a little effort. We are all descendants of the three sects, so this is nothing-"

After a pause, Tang Xiao changed the subject and asked with a hint of curiosity on his face: "By the way, why did you get there so early? Didn't His Majesty Lei Lei stop you?"


Yu Xiaogang, who had just thought of the 'Bloody Mary' because of Tang Xiao's words, and whose stomach began to churn again, was attracted by his attention. He directly suppressed the nausea in his heart and asked in a hoarse voice: "My father? Where is he? What place is it? Does my father also know where it is?"

"You don't know?" Tang Xiao had a strange look in his eyes, and Tang Hao next to him couldn't help turning his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang.

"Then what are you doing there?" Tang Xiao asked.

"..." Yu Xiaogang bit his tongue, using the pain to temporarily forget the not-so-good memory scene before, and replied to Tang Xiao: "I made an appointment with someone to trade, and the location was just now. Tavern.”


Tang Xiao and Tang Hao fell silent at the same time.

"Tsk!" Tang Hao sucked his teeth and said nothing.

Tang Xiao organized his words and reminded him kindly: "Next time there is such a transaction in a remote location, it is better to bring some people from the family with you~"

"Yeah~" Yu Xiaogang nodded and said again: "Thank you."

Next, there was silence between the three of them, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Five days later, [Tian Dou Empire], Fasnuo Province, near a branch of the "Tian Yuan River".

"Old Mo, give me a fish——!" Li Yang shouted at the top of his voice to the water.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge splash of water suddenly burst out of the gently flowing river, and a huge black shadow hit Li Yang directly.

"Fuck——!" Li Yang screamed strangely, stretched his right hand forward into a claw, and grabbed the black shadow.

As soon as I took it, I felt another strong wind blowing towards my face. I immediately moved my left hand towards the direction of the strong wind.

Holding two large blue-black pliers tightly on one left and one on the right, Li Yang pressed the large crab, which was about half a meter square, to the ground with force, then stepped on it with his feet and looked towards the river with raised eyebrows.

I saw a big man with a height of more than two meters and a muscular body walking up to the shore step by step.

On the left and right hands of the big man, there is a large fish more than two meters long, one with large silver-gray scales, and one with fine black scales.

"Father Bear, your uncle——!" Li Yang yelled at the big man, cursing.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Mo Yuxiong dropped the two big fish with gills in his hands at his feet and glanced sideways at Li Yang: "What are you calling me for?"

Li Yang: "What the hell...!"

"Wow! Such a big "green crab"? ! "

An exclamation rang out, interrupting the fragrant words behind Li Yang, and a white figure quickly ran to Li Yang's side, squatting down and looking at the big blue-black crab that was still showing its teeth and claws.

"Huh? Lao Chen?" Li Yang, who had just swallowed the fragrance, lowered his head and looked at the visitor, curiously asking: "What do you mean, is this crab a good thing? A soul beast?"

After saying that, he raised his head and glared at Mo Yuxiong who was approaching again.

"Good things are indeed good things." Chen Tianqi reached out and grabbed the two large pincers of the "Green Qiu Crab", motioned Li Yang to lift his feet, and replied at the same time: "But it is not a spirit beast, but a strange beast!"

"I heard my master (Li Zhishu) say that alien beasts are different from soul beasts. The power of flesh and blood is more pure than that of soul beasts, because they have no soul power. They are either pure blood power or elemental power. …”

"So?" Li Yang scratched his head, still not understanding what was good about this strange beast.

"If you are ugly, you should study more." Next to him, Mo Yuxiong said coldly while putting on his clothes.

"Ci'ao——!" Li Yang couldn't help it anymore, rolled up his sleeves and was about to summon his martial spirit to start the fight.

"Ahem!" Chen Tianqi hurriedly took a step forward, grabbing the big pliers of the "Green Qiu Crab" with both hands. He could only stop the opponent with his shoulders and whispered: "You forgot, there are some in the library in the city. This "Douluo Strange Beast Record" is written by the Lord of the City."

"Because there is no soul power in the body of the alien beast, the pure power of blood or elements is more easily absorbed by people. It can be said that every alien beast, as long as it is not poisonous, is a great tonic!"

"Even, I heard the master said that if you can cook it, even poisonous beasts can be turned into delicacies, and they are still the most top-notch delicacies!"

"Come on, come on, you two, stop arguing, take these two fish with me, and let me show off my skills later and make a 'fish and crab feast'!"

"Save your tongues to swallow them all!"

Hearing what Chen Tianqi said, Li Yang took advantage of the situation and put down his posture, only taking the time to give Mo Yuxiong a middle finger next to him.

Just as the three of them were grabbing fish and crabs respectively and preparing to walk towards the caravan, three figures came from a distance.

"Huh? "Green Qiu Crab"? ! "

The young man on the right among the three people glanced at the big blue-black crab in Chen Tianqi's hand. His eyes immediately lit up, and he walked toward Chen Tianqi and the others with a crooked step. .

Just as they got closer, the six people on both sides saw each other's faces clearly at the same time.

"Tang Hao?! Tang Xiao?! Yu Xiaogang?"*3

Yu Xiaogang: "Li Yang?"

After glancing at Mo Yuxiong, who was taller than the two Tang Hao brothers, and Chen Tianqi, who was somewhat handsome, Yu Xiaogang's eyes met Li Yang, whom he had met for some time.

After all, he was the deputy captain of the escort team who escorted him all the way from "Lingyun City" to "Jade Dragon Mountain Range".

"Captain Li Yang," Yu Xiaogang greeted, "Long time no see."

"It's been a long time~" Li Yang responded with a nod while holding the big silver-scaled fish in one hand.

Feeling Li Yang's somewhat distanced response, Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth, but was unable to say the next words directly for a while.

Tang Hao, who was next to him, took a step forward nonchalantly, ignoring Li Yang and Mo Yuxiong, who were catching big fish on one side and one on the right, and said directly to Chen Tianqi between them: "How much does this "Green Qiu Crab" cost? We bought it! "

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