Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 461 Two pairs of brothers

Ling Yi's eyes did not linger on the Emperor Xue Ye, but casually passed him over. This made Xue Ye feel happy, but also felt a deep feeling of shame, annoyance, and unwillingness.

Although he didn't want Ling Yi to stare at him at this time, Ling Yi's attitude of ignoring him still made him feel humiliated.

No one cared about Xue Ye's mental state at this time, and they all followed Ling Yi's gaze and looked at the leader of the [Qibao Glazed Sect], Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting on pins and needles!

Feeling the malice under Ling Yi's calm gaze, Ning Fengzhi activated the secret method of 'distracted control', suppressing his wildly beating heart while quickly thinking of a response plan.

"The grandfather of Sect Leader Suwen Ning once used the 'Light of the Seven Treasures' to increase the power of two old ladies. The two old ladies were able to compete with level 95 titled Douluo at the Contra realm without losing."

At this moment, Ling Yi's voice sounded leisurely. It didn't sound loud, but it spread easily throughout the audience and fell clearly into everyone's ears.

"Your Majesty, who was only sixty years old and still in his prime, passed on the position of sect leader to Your Excellency. Sect Master Ning must have already surpassed his master and taken over the reputation of 'the first auxiliary soul master in the mainland'!"

"Ling Yi, as a junior healing soul master, has long been aware of the reputation of the "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda" as "the best auxiliary martial soul in the world". I wonder if Sect Master Ning is willing to satisfy Ling Yi's admiration? "

Compared with the previous rudeness to Dai Tianqi, Ling Yi's wording and tone when inviting Ning Fengzhi to fight were much softer, very similar to Ning Fengzhi's previous speech that contained subtle details.

Just like four years ago, the attack team of [Qibao Glazed Sect] lurked outside "Lingyun City" and fired a false shot. People who don't know it think that no matter how good the relationship between the two families is, it can be regarded as a good relationship. scene people.

At this time, the pressure was put on Ning Fengzhi, who was watched by thousands of pairs of eyes in the audience. Ning Fengzhi's brain was working rapidly, but in the end he discovered with dejection that unless he could show enough strength to deal with a title fighter If you are a strong person at the Luo level, you will have no choice but to give in.

But if this happens, the [Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect] will change its original image of being one of the three powerful sects in the eyes of everyone, and become strong on the outside but capable on the inside, weak and easy to bully.

what to do?

Ning Fengzhi pursed her dry lips and swallowed hard, feeling as if she was being roasted on a fire: "I..."

At this moment, a voice that sounded like the sound of nature to Ning Fengzhi suddenly sounded.

"Master Ling, I have a proposal here. I wonder if you and the two titles would like to hear it?"

As soon as these words came out, they instantly attracted everyone's attention. Looking around, everyone was startled.

"His Majesty the Pope?"

Ling Yi also turned to look at the speaker. Pope Qianxunji asked with a faint smile: "I wonder what your Majesty the Pope's proposal is?"

Qian Xunji glanced at Ning Fengzhi, who was relieved that he was no longer paying attention to the audience, and replied to Ling Yi: "'Seven Killing Swords' has a father and son title, and I also have a pair of brothers in [Martial Soul Palace]." , the martial spirit "Coiling Dragon Stick", has good qualifications, and was promoted to the realm of Titled Douluo a few years ago. "

"Oh?" Ling Yi raised his eyebrows and turned his gaze to the twin brothers behind Qian Xunji. His face showed just the right amount of surprise, and he smiled and said, "It turns out that the two princes are in front of each other. Ling Yi is rude."

As he said that, he sat on the big gilt chair and nodded to the two of them as a courtesy.

Seeing this, many people on and off the field twitched their eyes slightly.

Those are Titled Douluo, two of them! Just say hello perfunctorily?

Many people who had dealt with Ling Yi felt that the Ling Yi in front of them was a bit strange. In their impression, Ling Yi had always been so humble and polite, but now Ling Yi sitting there looked strange. There is a sense of pride that denounces Fang Qiu.

"It's normal." Bai He said to Yang Wushuang who raised such doubts: "He is not only Master Ling Yiling now, but also the city lord of [Lingyun City]."

"A martial soul theory master, a healing soul master, he can talk to people in a gentle voice, and he can consider other people's feelings, but as the leader of a force, he has to consider more about the image of the force he represents. , you have to consider the feelings of your people.”

"Why do the Tang family act so tyrannically? Don't they know that being tyrannical makes people hate them?"

"I know, but they still do it."

"Ask your eldest brother, does he like the Tang family's domineering attitude toward others?"...

There was a quiet discussion off the court about Ling Yi changing his past image and becoming tough and aggressive. Ling Yi's eyes on the court turned from his twin brothers back to Qian Xunji:

"His Majesty the Pope, do you mean to allow these two His Majesty to challenge Senior Qisha and Senior Chenxin?"

After hearing Ling Yi's words, everyone immediately stopped discussing and looked at Qian Xunji in front of the Pope's Palace with wide eyes.

In their opinion, the fact that Ling Yi's style remained unchanged was not as important as the battle between the four titled Douluo.

In addition, what is the attitude of [Martial Soul Hall] here? It's also somewhat thought-provoking.

[Lingyun City] Two titled Douluo father and son came on stage. Pope Qianxunji immediately introduced two twin brothers of titled Douluo to compete in the ring. The tit-for-tat meaning should not be too obvious.

"Yes, and no." Qianxun Ji gave it a try and said a riddle that made people want to come up and slap him.

Fortunately, he didn't let everyone make any more guesses, and immediately turned his attention to Chen Jianjun and Chen Xin on the high platform. He looked back and forth between the father and son, and finally stopped at the "Qi" suspended in front of Chen Jianjun. Killing Sword" and said calmly:

"The Seven Kills Crown's soul power is as high as level 97. The two brothers Qianjun and Jiangmo are only at level 92 at the moment. One-on-one, there is a huge disparity in strength. There is not much "Seven Kills Sword". style. "

"How about this, Qianjun and Jiangmo join forces to challenge the Seven Killers."

"As for 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xin..."

After a pause, Qian Xunji glanced at Chen Xin beside Chen Jianjun, and finally glanced at the [Haotian Sect], looking at the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao behind Tang Sheng, especially the indifferent Tang Hao. He paused for a moment and said to Ling Yi and Tang Sheng at the same time: "The 'Haotian Double Star' of [Haotian Sect] has gained a great reputation in recent years. With the tyranny of the 'Haotian Hammer', even though 'Haotian Double Star' Double Star' is just an Eight-ring Soul Douluo at this time, but thinking about it, if the two brothers join forces, they should be able to let 'Sword Douluo' use their methods to their heart's content..."

As Qian Xunji's words fell, the air in front of the huge Pope's Palace froze for several breaths.

But immediately, except for a few people involved, most people opened their eyes wide, with undisguised excitement on their faces.

Almost everyone feels that if the above two battles really happen, then the grand occasion of today's title sealing ceremony will definitely shock the entire continent. Even thousands of years later, it will be a major event worthy of special mention!

This is the right time to attend the ceremony!

This is the unanimous consensus of all melon-eating people!

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