Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 476 Past and Present Life

Ling Yi has always been full of doubts about the Douluo Continent he traveled through.

When it is just a novel or an animation, no matter how many logical loopholes, inconsistencies and other unreasonable things there are in it, as a reader and audience, Ling Yi can laugh it off and make a few complaints at most. Didn't graduate from elementary school" and the like.

But when it became a real world, what faced Ling Yi was how the unreasonable things became reasonable after the world evolved on its own.

In his previous life, Ling Yi once communicated with a young lady who wrote female novels. The other person told him that the world he wrote was virtual, but it was also the most important thing to pay attention to its logic.

Reality does not require logic, because no one will delve into it, and cannot delve into the huge and complicated real world. But a virtual world like a novel is "completely" presented to readers in a sense, as long as there is a little bit of it. If it is unreasonable, it will be discovered by those who pay attention to the party or who are just idle and bored.

Authors in the real world are all human beings, ordinary people, and everyone makes mistakes. It’s just that some people are strong in ability and can minimize the mistakes they make as much as possible, but there are also people with insufficient ability who make too many mistakes. No one can see.

"So, how to avoid making this kind of logical mistake?" Ling Yi took the time to ask when he was helping the other party find inspiration and guest-starring as the muse.

In this regard, the young lady who was sitting in front of the computer in a natural state, feeling the inspiration brought by Ling Yi while typing words, was a little absent-minded because of her busy work, and took the time to answer intermittently: "It's... um... it's very simple. ...Uh...just...just...ah...just don't...don't...don''t be smart..."

"Are you smart?" Ling Yi blinked when he heard this.

The young lady bit her lip and replied with a wink: "I'm not talking about you~"

After getting the look, Ling Yi, who knew that he had misunderstood, scratched his head and looked at the young lady with some confusion.

"Hmm~" The young lady gritted her teeth. Her inspiration seemed to be delayed due to the interruption of the rhythm. She twisted her waist uncomfortably and quickly replied: "Yes, I'm just being smart. Many authors order to show off their ...The ability to bring some real-life data into novels, but...often this kind of behavior is the stupidest..."

"It's's true that these data...seem to make the contents of the book...more intuitive, and...can also...reflect a stronger sense of...reality, but...often... These data...are the root cause of the logical the novel..."

"Those of us who write novels... are ordinary people, not supercomputers. Unless we are writing about... realistic themes, we can directly... obtain relevant data... from reality... otherwise... once it is involved To the extraordinary content, because there is nothingness... nothingness, illusion, in reality... there is no material for comparison, we can only... we can only imagine...

However, human cognition... is limited. People can only understand... what they know. Things beyond the scope... can only rely on those realistic things... to expand, divergence, and association..."

"In this case, once a realistic data is given, it basically cannot withstand scrutiny."

"For example?" Ling Yi listened a little fascinated and quickly asked in depth.

The young lady rolled her eyes, seemingly dissatisfied with Ling Yi for not giving her time to breathe, but she still gave the answer immediately: "For example, in the novel written by Huang Lao, if you practice martial arts to a certain level, you can' Shatter the Void'."

"Have you ever seen what Mr. Huang wrote about how many kilograms of power these Broken Ones have?"

"Uh~" Ling Yi blinked when he heard the words, thought for a while and said: "I don't remember, I guess not -"

"Then how much power do you think these Broken Ones have to break space and achieve 'Broken Void'? Ten thousand catties? One hundred thousand catties? One million catties? Or ten million catties?!"

The young lady took a deep breath and continued: "Isn't it scary for a human being who is less than two meters tall and weighs no more than two hundred kilograms to have a strength of ten million kilograms?"

"But 10 million jins, that is, 5 million kilograms. If you convert it again, it is 5,000 tons."

"A few years ago, Longguo Science and Technology Institute has developed a hydraulic press with a pressure of 80,000 tons. Do you think that hydraulic press can break through space?"

"Uh, that's right~" Ling Yi thought for a while and found that this was indeed the case.

"So," the young lady stopped typing on the keyboard, tapped Ling Yi's Adam's apple with her jade finger, and said with a smile: "The best way is to use some imaginary numbers or exaggerated adjectives. Anyway, you can't write them directly, you have to leave them Leave enough blank space for readers to imagine and make up their own minds. In this way, this virtual world will become real in the minds of readers, and they themselves will have more sense of participation..."

"Huh——!" Ling Yi let out a sigh of relief. The young lady's answers and examples solved his doubts.


"Wait until I finish coding this chapter...ah! You don't mean to wait for me...well..."

Reviewing a piece of content in his mind that requires an extra fee and cannot be described in detail, Ling Yi strolled on the stone path less than half a foot wide on Hell Road. As he walked, he was thinking about all the unreasonable things in Douluo Continent. at.

For example, how did the "Slaughter City", where there was constant fighting, keep the degenerates inside killing and dying endlessly?

For example, when he unlocked the map of the blessed land of "Ice and Fire Eyes" before, Ling Yi was wondering in his heart, how could those rare flowers and herbs in the world, and various precious medicines with conflicting properties, appear in the Ice and Fire Eyes at the same time so coincidentally? Next to the spring?

Although the Blessed Land is powerful, can those exotic flowers, exotic herbs and precious medicines grow out of thin air without seeds?

Are these seeds like the original understory ginseng plant in the old forest behind Lingyi's hometown village? The seeds were pulled there together by the droppings of birds?

What kind of bird is so powerful? Can so many seeds of all kinds be accurately dropped next to the spring of the "Ice and Fire Eye"?

Therefore, before receiving the news about the "Eye of Ice and Fire" from Dugu Bo, Ling Yi had no intention of going to the Sunset Forest alone to search for the "Eye of Ice and Fire" and cut off those fairy flowers and rare herbs in advance.

No matter how you look at it, this "Eye of Ice and Fire" looks like someone's back garden or elixir garden. Those rare flowers and herbs, and rare elixirs with conflicting properties, are also specially planted there.

As the treasure-giving old man in the original work, Dugubo, the NPC, triggers the chance of a blessed land. For Ling Yi, an anomaly, there is inherently more room for slow change.

Is the world line evolving? As a helper invited by Dugu Bo, Ling Yi's appearance can barely bring some rationality.

After all, even the original work never mentioned whether Dugu Bo discovered the "Ice and Fire Eyes" alone or with others.

Anyway, in the end, Dugu Bo, the 'Poison Douluo', went from owning the "Ice and Fire Eyes" to being used by the 'Destined Protagonist' Tang San to use the 'information gap' to steal the fairy flowers, exotic herbs and precious medicines. Catch them all in one fell swoop, and if this 'general trend' does not change, basically the 'mastermind' who does not exist or exists will not be touched.

Furthermore, although those "named" fairy herbs were fragrant, they were not indispensable and urgently needed for Ling Yi, who was progressing step by step at that time.

Even now, Ling Yi does not directly use the finished fairy grass, but uses it sustainably by cultivating ramets and other methods, and then trains his subordinates, or trades with other people and forces.

As for Ling Yi himself, compared to these 'immortal grasses' that seemed to have incredible effects and different functions, and were highly praised in the original work, he believed more in the blue silver grass that he cultivated with his own hands.

The problem with the "Eye of Ice and Fire" is the various fairy flowers, rare herbs and precious medicines that should not appear at the same time.

As a sacrificer of hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings and soul bones, Xiao Wu chose Notting City by coincidence because there were so many cities in the Douluo Continent to choose from, and it happened to be the same as Tang San's background. The protagonists, who all have unusual origins, are in the same class, the same dormitory, and ultimately the same bed.

As for the current "City of Killing", which is one of the many opportunities for the protagonist Tang San, the biggest logical flaw is the fighting rules of the Hell Killing Fields.

As a spiritual person who has reached the state of "entering concentration and constant concentration" and has initially cultivated the "holy fetus", Ling Yi can already turn all the memories of his previous life into an extremely detailed and clear movie. , so when he retrieved the content of the original novel and watched it repeatedly, he discovered details that many people ignored because of their quick glances.

For example, when Tang San first entered the "Slaughter City", Hu Liena, who entered a year in advance, had sixteen wins and could enter the top 100 in the Hell Killing Fields.

The first place at the time was sixty-seven wins.

For example, Tang San entered the "Killing City" for three days and killed three figures in total. One year later, the figure was "more than a thousand people."

For example, one month after Tang San entered the "City of Killing", he mentioned a competition rule in the Hell Killing Fields, that is, the ten people participating in the Hell Killing Fields competition could not compete with each other more than five times.

Of course, there is a patch here, that is, if someone can surpass everyone more than five times, this rule does not need to be followed. That is to say, a person with ninety-nine wins does not really need to gather the other nine ninety-nine winners to determine the final hundred wins. Even if the other nine people have less than sixty wins, they can still compete.

Therefore, in the hell killing fields of the "Killing City", the determination of a strong man with a hundred victories, who has the road to challenge hell, does not have to be measured in units of billions and trillions, as those data gangsters on the Internet in the previous life said.

But even so, the number of people dying in the "Killing City" every day exceeds double digits, or even triple digits!

So, how many people are there in one year or two years? How many people are there in ten years or one hundred years? How many people are there in a thousand years?

In the original novel, the author did not give an answer, or he may have thought that by providing a ‘patch’, the population problem would be solved.

But they forgot that even without the mandatory rules of the Hell Killing Fields, just this environment that allows for wanton killing is enough to turn life into a string of numbers that can be easily erased.

Just now, Ling Yi discovered a possible 'truth'.

"City of Killing" is not only attached to Douluo Continent, or the sub-plane of Douluo Star, it is also linked to some other planes.

Thinking of the few fleeting pictures that were transmitted back just before the power of the mind was extinguished, the cliff and abyss that is difficult for birds to cross, the huge gate tower with the word "Tangmen" written on it, and a few vigorous figures leaping...

'I have long heard that the world view of Douluo Continent coexists with other worlds. The God Realm governs one hundred and eight worlds, such as Douluo Continent, Five Elements Continent, Xuantian Continent, Vast Continent, Yangon Continent and other high-energy worlds. It is easier for human practitioners in the world to understand the great road of heaven and earth and reach the level of gods. ’

Ling Yi reviewed the memories of his previous life and searched for relevant information: 'The Yangon Continent of "The Demon Chef of Ice and Fire", the Five Elements Continent of "Bacchus", the Vast Continent of "Dzi Bead Transformation", the Jinyuan Continent of "Crazy God", Ryuzakinusi Continent of "Qin Emperor"... and Douluo Continent of "Douluo Continent"! ’

'These are named worlds, but what about the worlds that are never mentioned? ’

‘The energy level of the world is low and there is no god-level existence. What is the meaning of the existence of these worlds? Provide population and faith? ’

‘So, was the martial arts world in Tang San’s previous life one of those one hundred and eight worlds? ’

‘So, Tang San’s existence is a coincidence? Or was he just a puppet from the beginning? What is his relationship with God Shura? What's the relationship with Tang Chen? ’

'In addition, Tang San in his previous life created the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus at the age of twenty-nine, and then jumped off a cliff to express his ambition.

So, how did Tang San in his previous life successfully smelt materials that required the cooperation of Tang Xiao, a ninety-seventh-level super Douluo?

There are also the Torrential Pear Blossom Needle, which requires the maker Lou Gao to jump into the furnace and make a blood sacrifice to open the front, the "Purple Demonic Eyes", which has four levels of 'overview', 'observation', 'mustard seed' and 'vastness', and cultivates spiritual power. The "Tears of Guanyin" that can penetrate the heart of Qian Renxue, who has just become an angel god, the "Xuantian Baolu" which contains information about the "Eye of Ice and Fire", as well as various fairy products, exotic flowers and rare herbs...'

‘The Tang Sect is so awesome, but the other top forces in the martial arts world are still not allowed to go to heaven? ’

After walking all the way to the end of the Hell Road, Ling Yi finally suppressed the thoughts surging in his mind.

Looking at the dark cave entrance on the rock wall a thousand meters away, Ling Yi stepped forward and appeared three feet in front of the cave entrance. He used the void to control the air and looked at the Hell Road exit in front of him.

Ling Yi knew that he couldn't proceed with the next process. He used the power of the fallen titled Douluo Sauron to cover up his aura, and then he wandered around here like an 'invisible' one. This was done with the help of Qian Dao The opportunity for Liu Da to come to the door attracted as much possible attention as possible, but if he really walked into the exit space and accepted the brand of 'Killing God Realm', he would directly expose himself to the eyes of Shura God. .

Not advisable.

Turning around, he took another step forward, following the fluctuations in the space where the Slaughter King left before, Ling Yi returned to Douluo Continent.

As far as the eye can see, it is the King of Slaughter and Sendo Liu.

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