Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 479 The road is long

Turning to look at the black-armored figure in the center of the pit, Qian Daoliu swallowed hard, just like the killing king pointed at by his sword before.

After a slight hesitation, Qian Daoliu finally did not help Tang Chen, who was all weak in muscles and bones. Instead, he turned around and took two steps towards where Ling Yi was. He crossed his hands on his shoulders and bowed slightly towards Ling Yi. , asked respectfully:

"I don't know how to honor God's name, sir?"

After asking, Qian Daoliu thought about his words in his heart, and his voice became a little softer again, and then said: "The ancestor 'Angel of Light' Chessia, do you know me?"

Although he asked, in Qian Daoliu's mind, he was guessing that this terrifying powerful man who called himself "Wudi" was most likely the Rakshasa God himself!

Although in the relevant legend records of [Martial Soul Hall], the Rakshasa God was not dressed like this, and the opponent did not take out the iconic "Rakshasa Demon Scythe". He might be able to beat Tang Chen with his bare hands without being able to fight back. Lili, you and I were coming and going for a few minutes in the past, obviously you were teasing Tang Chen, he must be a god above level 100!

Qian Daoliu is extremely convinced of this!

Qian Daoliu didn't believe that there were mortals in this world who could defeat Tang Chen so easily!

He, Qian Daoliu, dared to swear on the ancestral angel god he believed in that Tang Chen would be defeated, but he would never be defeated by someone below a hundred-level gods. It would still be such a devastating defeat!

Combined with the fact that the other party claims to be the [Rakshasa Cult], he once said in front of the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao that the [Rakshasa Cult] teaches: 'Whoever can kill the Rakshasa God will be the new Rakshasa God. ! ’

I would like to ask who in this world, except the Rakshasa God himself, would lay down such outrageous teachings?

So, is this ‘Wudi’ in front of him really the Rakshasa God? !

'hiss--! ’

Qian Daoliu secretly took a deep breath, his mind shaken by the 'truth' he had deduced.

This is a god who is the same first-level main god as his ancestor Angel God. He is also the god of evil thoughts who controls the corruption and evil thoughts in the world. I am afraid that with a raise of his hand, he, Qian Daoliu, can be wiped out along with Tang Chen beside him.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Qian Daoliu became.

This is really not because he is a coward and does not have the heart to be strong, but as a servant of the angel god, he is well aware of how far the gap is between mortals and gods.

Especially since Rakshasa God is still a first-level main god, not an ordinary priest who has just broken through to level 100!

Thinking of this, Qian Daoliu suddenly felt something in his heart.

'Oops! Forgetting that the other party is the God of Evil Thoughts, and is in opposition to the ancestor Angel God, Tang Chen inherited the Asura God, and he is also an existence that cannot be dealt with by the Rakshasa God...'

Cold sweat filled his forehead and back of his heart in an instant.

At this moment, a trembling voice sounded:

"So... so strong... ahem... such physical strength! So... so mysterious... the secret technique of thunder and lightning amplification——!"

It's Tang Chen!

I saw him holding the handle of the red magic-patterned giant hammer with his right hand, struggling to stand up unsteadily, with a somewhat abnormal flush on his face. Every time he spoke a word, his chest heaved violently like a broken bellows. With.

As smart as Tang Chen, like Qian Daoliu, he also believed that Wu Wudi in front of him was a god above level 100.

But the difference is that Tang Chen did not associate the god Wu Wudi with Ling Yi and the Rakshasa god.

Although the power of a god must have mysteries that are difficult to fathom, and may have the ability to change like all things, there is a high probability that the essence of a god's power will not be much different.

Especially when facing a weak person like him, there should be no need to covertly use power that is not his own.


After taking a look at Ling Yi, who was covered in dark and ferocious battle armor, with even his face obscured by a black visor, Tang Chen added in his mind.

Anyway, in the previous battle, Tang Chen experienced the power from Ling Yi up close and personal. The terrifying power that shook the world, the fighting skills that were almost Taoist, and the magical thunder and lightning secrets. All of them reveal that this god is most likely to be a being who follows the path of strength and thunder, not the Rakshasa God who follows the path of darkness and evil, let alone the Shura God who takes the path of killing!

Tang Chen, who already has 85% affinity with Shura God's divine power, and whose soul and spirit has been contaminated by Rakshasa God's divine thoughts, is very convinced of this!

As soon as he thought about this, Tang Chen forced himself to hold on to the injuries and pain on his body and walked out of the five or six meter deep cave. Like Qian Daoliu, he crossed his hands on his left and right shoulders and bowed to Ling Yi: " Tang Chen, thank you Lord God for showing mercy."

It can be seen that Tang Chen's movements are not very coordinated. Part of it is because he is injured. The more reason is that he has not been polite to others for more than a hundred years since his debut. It was always others who saluted him.

In this regard, Qian Daoliu next to him is similar, except that Qian Daoliu often salutes his own angel god statue, and his movements are relatively more skillful.

On the other side, seeing the changes in the words and deeds of Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, Ling Yi's face looked a little strange under his mask.

Although being defeated by two of the top three ceiling-level powerhouses in Douluo Continent, the two peaks of the soul master world, 'Invincible in the Sky' and 'Invincible on the Ground', one after another, bent down and saluted, it felt a little bit refreshing, but with Ling Yi's mental state, A few mood swings could not affect his thinking at all.

Listening to the changes in the names of these two people, it was obvious that they regarded him as a certain god who came down to play the human world.

Seeing this, Ling Yi suppressed the sudden bad taste in his heart, shook his head, and said in a very boring tone: "It's boring, you can just play~"

As soon as the sound fell, he turned around and took a step forward. Following an imperceptible spatial fluctuation, his figure disappeared from the spot.

In the deep pit of more than 100 meters, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly at the same time as they looked at the empty ground in the center of the pit.

Subconsciously, the two of them looked at each other and saw the horrified look in each other's eyes.

Both of them have experienced teleportation soul skills. Even the soul ring soul skill of the ten-thousand-year-old soul beast "Void Breaking Mantis", which can break the space blockade, the enhanced version of teleportation, the two of them have faced directly before.

But the teleportation soul skill of that Contra/Tiled Douluo back then was just teleportation within a few hundred meters.

But the person just now not only did not summon a soul ring, nor did the two of them feel a trace of soul power or divine power fluctuations, and based on their perception range, there was no existence of this mysterious god within several kilometers.

I don't know if the other party's aura is too secretive for the two of them to sense, or if the teleportation distance the other party just took was directly beyond the range of the two of them.

But no matter which one it is, it shows how powerful the opponent is, not only the unparalleled physical strength and the mysterious thunder and lightning amplification technique shown in the battle with Tang Chen just now, but also the mysterious and unpredictable power of space control!

Anyway, neither Qian Daoliu nor Tang Chen could carry out space transfer so lightly.

Even Tang Chen can use the divine domain authority of the "City of Slaughter" to travel between the sub-plane where the "City of Slaughter" is located and the main plane of Douluo Continent. Not to mention that this is not his own strength, the operation is also more mechanized.

Just like Qian Daoliu before entering the "City of Slaughter" from the main plane of Douluo Continent, and in the "City of Slaughter" with a sword, he opened the space passage leading to the main plane of Douluo Continent, pulling the then King of Slaughter to the An operation from Douluo Continent.

They can travel between the sub-plane and the main plane, regardless of their strength or mental state.

But they really can't do space transfer on the main plane of Douluo Continent.

As for the person just now, did he turn around and enter the subspace where the "Slaughter City" is located?

Tang Chen shook the red magic-patterned giant hammer in his hand and shook his head inwardly: 'No, there is no foreign aura in the 'City of Slaughter'! ’

the other side.

Ling Yi is indeed not in the "City of Slaughter". The dark soul blood aura from the fallen titled Douluo Sauron has been exhausted on the road to hell. If he enters the "City of Slaughter" again, he may be targeted by God Shura.

It's like the factory director has installed all-round monitoring in his factory. He can go to the monitoring room to monitor every plant and tree in the factory in real time at any time. Ling Yi just borrowed a set of work clothes from an old employee. Taking advantage of the time when the factory was probably not paying attention, Ling Yi walked around the factory, looking at the workstations in the production workshop and the warehouse where raw materials were stacked. Looking at the exit where the products are stored, nothing has been touched...

Well, the dog guarding the finished product storage warehouse was beaten to death because of biting someone.

But this is not a big problem. After all, he was an 'old employee' at the time. He was just a watchdog. If he died, he would die. It’s not like the dragon-blooded koi stocked by the ‘Ocean Group’ next door can help the future heirs of the group add a little help on the road to succession...

Ling Yi patted his butt and left, not caring about the psychological activities of Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen who stayed behind.

Through the battle with Tang Chen, Ling Yi completely determined his current combat power positioning on Douluo Continent:

Breaking the barrier between gods and mortals, there is an existence above the hundred-level priest!

As for the specific level he has reached, whether it is a third-level god, a second-level god, or a first-level god, Ling Yi still doesn't know.

But it doesn't matter. After all, he has not wiped out the world and slaughtered the people, and he has not shown any ambition to dominate the Douluo Continent or collect the faith of all living beings in the world. The gods of the God Realm have come to trouble him when they are full and full.

Although Ling Yi is stubborn and has the usual cautious attitude of a rabbit, he does not suffer from paranoia.

He is ready to face the God Realm, just like the rabbit in his previous life, he is ready for three wars at any time, and he is still ready to fight the whole world with the power of one country, but in reality, there is no way As for getting to the point where the whole world is the enemy.

After all, when it comes to combining vertical and horizontal techniques, that is a game that rabbits have been playing thousands of years ago. There will only be more and more companions, not more and more enemies.

If the whole world is really an enemy, then Ling Yi believes that it must be Rabbit who is the "remnant of the Sixth Generation". The national power has surpassed the Blue Star level. He doesn't want to continue the player's family wine and is ready to have another "book with the same text and cars with the same track".

Of course, Brother Zheng in the previous world had been dead for thousands of years, and before Ling Yi traveled through time, not even the small chargers had the same model, let alone 'books with the same text, cars with the same track'.

Back to the subject, in short, Ling Yi believes that since he has traveled through time for thirty-three years, some people on the Douluo Continent may be unhappy with him. After all, even the gold soul coins are regarded by some people as "money is like dirt", let alone what Ling Yi has brought with him [ In the process of Lingyun City's rise, it has indeed violated the interests of some people.

For example, some of the former high-level officials of the [Shuimu Principality], some local nobles of the [Tian Dou Empire], such as the royal family of the [Xing Luo Empire], and the [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect], one of the top three sects that was once rich and powerful in the world...

However, Ling Yi believed that in the Douluo Continent, everyone from ordinary people to soul masters, from villages to big cities, from county squires to the [Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family], [Haotian Sect], [Martial Spirit Hall], etc. More than 90% of the top forces would not mind showing kindness to him, Ling Yi!

Do you really think that Master Ling's good reputation and good image over the years have been in vain? There are also interest alliances related to the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce], as well as the ‘Seven Kills Douluo’ Chen Jianjun and ‘Sword Douluo’ Chen Xin who just shocked the mainland.

Bright image + interest bundling + powerful force

The three progressed layer by layer and interlocked with each other, forming the impeccable status of [Lingyun City] today!

As Master Ling, who single-handedly built [Lingyun City] and brought it to this status, he is also a healing soul master whose talent is comparable to that of a genius. He is expected to be titled in the future. Who would be rude to see him?

Didn’t you see [Martial Soul Hall] that Pope Qian Xunji took the initiative to set up a gilded chair for Ling Yi, and recognized his status in front of all the forces in the continent? Can he be on an equal footing with the emperors of the two empires, the heads of the three upper sects, and the patriarchs~

During this period, Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family, was waiting with a smile. Later, when he arrived at the Haotian Sect, Tang Zhen, the leader of the clan, also communicated on an equal footing, which all showed how popular Ling Yi was.

Don't worry about whether Qian Xunji is doing it to plot and balance the forces of all parties, whether Yu Yuanzhen is doing it for the pure dragon power in Ling Yi's hands, whether Tang Zhen is waiting to be treated by Ling Yi, being able to be calculated and demanded by others is a person in itself. A manifestation of this ability!

But now, unknown to everyone, Ling Yi's own combat power has exceeded the mortal limits of Douluo Continent. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is "invincible in the world"!

As for the possible ‘enemy coming from the sky’, aren’t they still cultivating and continuing to develop~

His own soul power has not yet reached the limit, his soul ring has not been filled up, his physical body is still strengthening, the 'holy fetus' is still being cultivated, the upper limit of the magnetic field rotation has not been reached, and the grass and trees are still continuing to comprehend. In addition, other attributes such as wind and thunder attributes, water and fire attributes, earth elemental magnetic attributes, space attributes, etc. are also being understood and studied step by step.

In less than half an hour, Ling Yi, who returned to Lingyun City from the northern border of the Tiandou Empire and returned to Lingyun City thousands of miles away, stood on the top of Qingyun Mountain with his hands behind his hands, overlooking the noisy human fireworks below, and said with a smile:

"The road is still long, so walk slowly."

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