Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 489 Frozen Forest

"So full of vitality——!"

"Baihua Valley", in the center of the Ye family, under a flower tree about twenty meters high with lush branches and leaves, Ling Yi sincerely praised it.

At this moment, Ye Jiaxin, the head of the Ye family, is holding a pink begonia flower with bright colors and graceful appearance, palms up.

The white and pink petals are shining, and the soft flowers, leaves and branches slide down from both sides of the white palm. The breeze blows past, and the hanging graceful birds are just like the hair of a beautiful woman, and they are graceful and compassionate.

Compared with Ye Lingling who will appear in future plots, Ye Jiaxin's talent is obviously much better.

Now he is only over forty years old, and he is already a seventy-fifth level soul saint. With this talent, as long as he does not die unexpectedly midway, he will have a great chance of becoming a titled Douluo in no more than thirty years. Titled Douluo of the healing department!

However, in the original timeline, I don't know if it was because the setting description of "Nine-Hearted Begonia" when it appeared was too powerful. For the needs of the plot, it was made invisible halfway through.

But such a character who only appeared a few times and occupied a very marginal space has achieved a very high status in the hearts of many people.

Unlike those LSPs who follow the five senses in their three senses, Ling Yi knows very well that the most powerful spirit is the martial spirit "Nine Hearts Haitang". Ye Lingling's talent is actually not that good, and is not even worthy of the "Nine Hearts Haitang". Begonia" those praises in the original work.

Think about the age description of the ‘Tian Dou Royal Academy Team’ when they first appeared on the scene: ‘They all look like they are in their early twenties’.

According to the personnel list and corresponding information provided to everyone in Shrek by the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, captain Yu Tianheng is level 39, deputy captain Dugu Yan is level 38, and team member Ye Lingling is only at level 39. Only level thirty-five!

Together with other team members from level 36 to level 38, this is the most valuable No. 1 seed team in [Tian Dou Royal Academy]!

Ignore those supporting actors, ignore Yu Tianheng of the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family], and ignore Dugu Yan, who is the granddaughter of 'Poison Douluo' Dugu Bo, and just look at Ye Lingling, a level 35 in her early twenties. A three-ringed soul master, and also a healing soul master who is recognized as slow in cultivation. Compared to other ordinary grassroots backgrounds on the mainland, he can indeed be called a 'genius'.

But Ye Lingling couldn't. As there were only two "Nine-Hearted Begonia" martial spirit soul masters in the world, this talent was really hard for people to accept.

Even Hu Liena was able to practice to level 40 at the age of fifteen, and in her early twenties she would immediately enter the realm of the five-ring soul king. Even if [Martial Soul Hall]'s family was rich, it would not allow such a big gap between the two.

It is true that Yu Tianheng, as a genius of the younger generation of the [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family], was only level 39 in his early twenties, but Dai Mubai, a 'dandy' who often went out to find young ladies to consume his energy, was able to Cultivating to the thirty-seventh level at the age of fifteen is a weird plot setting that is completely unreasonable.

In terms of martial soul quality, innate soul power, cultivation resources and environment, and the level of hard work in cultivation, what is it that makes Dai Mubai surpass Yu Tianheng so much? In the world of the novel, there is no need to delve into it, but in the world of the novel, In the world that evolved into reality before him, Ling Yi had to carefully verify it.

Even if these characters with extraordinary backgrounds and high status are needed as stepping stones for the protagonist group, and they are deliberately suppressed, Ling Yi still has to figure out how the plot needs to evolve in this real world so that the logic does not collapse.

With such an inquiring mind, Ling Yi turned his attention to the second owner of the "Nine-Hearted Begonia" martial spirit.

Ye Lingyun, fifteen years old, is a level 37 healing third-ring soul master.

At this age and this level of soul power, it barely meets the qualifications of the only two martial arts souls in the world. It is not like the "Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus" and "Haotian Hammer", which are said to be top martial souls, but there are hundreds of them. Among the awakened ones, there will inevitably be those with less talent.

"Nine-Hearted Begonia" is different. It is limited to only two in the world, and there are still more restrictions on the talents of awakened people. Then what meaning does the martial spirit "Nine-Hearted Begonia" have in the world?

At this time, she has a waterfall of blue hair and an indifferent expression. She looks like Ye Lingyun carved from ice jade. Like her aunt Ye Jiaxin, she is holding the martial soul "Nine-Hearted Begonia" in her hands, with soul rings hovering at her feet. Let Ling Yi's eyes look over his body.

Regarding Ye Lingyun's indifference, Ling Yi knew clearly that nine years ago, a few days before Ye Lingyun's sixth birthday, Mrs. Ye Qihong, who was nearly 70 years old, chose to end her life in exchange for Ye Lingyun to perform martial arts. The opportunity for soul awakening.

Otherwise, according to the rules of the Ye family, Ye Lingyun would most likely have to live her whole life as an ordinary person.

You must know that even if Ye Qihong and Ye Jiaxin die in battle one day in the future, Ye Lingyun may not be the first to perform the martial arts awakening ceremony. The priority will definitely be the children of the Ye family who are closest to six years old, and the others You can only continue to awaken the martial souls in sequence if the previous one has awakened other martial souls.

Although Mrs. Ye Qihong's sacrifice changed Ye Lingyun's life, it also had an indelible impact on her young heart.

Looking at those beautiful big eyes, under the slightly upward curved slender eyelashes, the blue eyes are like the purest gems in the world, without any impurities. At this time, there is no youthful vigor at all, and there is only endless indifference and indifference. The color of death.

Shaking his head, Ling Yi walked up to Ye Lingyun under the strange looks of everyone around him, raised his right hand, pointed his two fingers together to form a sword, and pointed at the little girl's eyebrows.


A mark condensed from Ling Yi's mental power appeared between Ye Lingyun's eyebrows.

As the mark was imprinted, the little girl's expression was blank at first, then she blinked, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her whole expression gradually became vivid under everyone's attention.

"This is...?"*N

At this moment, every member of the Ye family was confused. They couldn't understand why Ling Yi just pointed a finger at Ye Lingyun's eyebrows. This girl who had been silent for nearly ten years suddenly became alive. .

"Are you...?" Ye Lingyun felt the clarity and calmness in her mind that she had never experienced before, while looking at Ling Yi in front of her with curious eyes.

"Don't worry."

Ling Yi's right index finger made a gesture in front of his lips, and with the little girl's cheeks slightly red, he pressed his palm against the pink "Nine-Hearted Begonia".

Without touching it directly, Ling Yi's palm stopped when there was still about the thickness of a piece of paper.

Spiritual perception, telepathy, life attribute perception, wood attribute vitality resonance...

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Facing Ling Yi's handsome face so close at hand, Ye Lingyun was at a loss at first, then gradually became shy, and then in a daze. After nearly ten minutes, she was about to look forward to the future. When the son and daughter looked more like each other, Ling Yi took his hand away and turned around to face Ye Jiaxin next to him.

The same reaching out, the same all-round exploration, the same ten minutes later, when Ye Jiaxin, who had the same reddish cheeks, was about to say something, Ling Yi spoke first and asked harmoniously: "Master Ye, can you give me a few drops of your Blood on the tip of your right middle finger?”

"And this little girl?"

As he said that, his eyes turned to Ye Lingyun, who had come back to his senses and was looking at him and Ye Jiaxin inexplicably: "Can you also give me a few drops of blood from your fingertips?"

Ye Jiaxin: "..."

Ye Lingyun: "..."

Ye Juhong and others looked on: "..."

Chen Xin: ‘I always feel like something is wrong, but I don’t know what is wrong—’

At about the same time, a battle was going on in full swing at the northern end of the [Tian Dou Empire], which was about two thousand miles away from the [Hundred Flowers Valley].

The "Ice Forest" is a super large coniferous forest that stretches between the northern end of the "Tian Dou Empire" and the "Ultra North". Its area is not even much smaller than the "Star Dou Forest". The most important thing is that its east-west span is extremely large. It is long, connecting the "Winter Mountains" at the northern end of the "Haagen-Dazs Kingdom" to the west, and extending to the "Frost Forest" in the north of the "Shuimu Principality" to the east.

The cold wind from the "Far North" keeps this place in a frosty environment all year round, not to mention that in the current season of mid-October, the snow on the ground is as high as half a person.

The harsh environment makes this place inaccessible. Ordinary people will not come here at all, and they will not survive for a day or two. Only some soul masters with cold-attribute martial souls will choose to come here to hunt the soul beasts they need. .

Deep in the forest, in front of a deserted cliff.

"Die! You bastards——!"

Mo Yuxiong was possessed by the "White Spirit Bear" martial spirit, and the whole person looked like a white-haired human bear. The bear's paw turned into a knife and slashed out. A snow-colored air blade cut through the air and roared into a group of snow-white wolves. middle.


Amidst the howls of wolves one after another, the tough fur of the four or five "ice and snow wolves" along the road were cut, and the bright red blood flowed out quickly, dyeing the snow-white fur red.

Unfortunately, as long as they are not seriously injured, these "ice and snow wolves" will just roll on the spot and bury their wounds in the snow on the ground. The cold frost will freeze the wounds on their bodies and stop the bleeding. .

Seeing this, Mo Yuxiong couldn't help but cursed: "So, I hate these wolf cubs the most——!"


With the sound of a knife, Li Yang's figure appeared next to Mo Yuxiong. He cut off the head of an "Ice Snow Wolf" with a thousand-forged sword in his hand. The black blade was not stained with a trace of blood. He squinted at Mo Yuxiong: "What did you say? "

At this time, Li Yang, who was also possessed by the "Lone Wolf" martial spirit, had green eyes, canine teeth protruding from his lips, and his face looked a bit ferocious.

"Go!" Mo Yuxiong stared back and said angrily: "The soldiers are in danger and the battle is dangerous. You sir, please stop for a moment -!"

When Li Yang heard this, he stopped arguing. He flicked the sword in his hand, and the soul ring around him flashed with purple light. The gray wind lingered under his feet, and his whole body turned into a silver thunderbolt, heading towards Chen Ningqi and others not far away. Rush away.

Seeing this, Mo Yuxiong slapped away an "Ice Snow Wolf" that sneaked up on him from behind, and cursed again: "Grandma, this is my first time leading a team, you beasts are giving me gifts, right?! "

As he spoke, yellow and purple lights flashed alternately around his body, and his figure instantly rose a little higher. He first glanced at the cliff behind him, and saw that the cave underneath was still the same as usual, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as we hold on to this place, everything else is easy.

To be honest, Mo Yuxiong really didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. He had already been so cautious and guarded, but he didn't expect that the new guy from [Tianshui College] was a pig teammate.

He spat on the ground angrily. Seeing the spit hitting the frozen soil and breaking into ice shards, Mo Yuxiong adjusted his mentality and continued to guard silently.

No matter what, he couldn't let these "ice and snow wolves" get past him and rush into the cave behind him.

Fortunately, with the fighting of Li Yang, Chen Tianqi and others, the first group of "Ice Snow Wolves" that rushed towards the cliff have been killed, and the remaining wolves were stopped by other members of the escort team using the terrain. No more than a hundred meters away.

On the other side of the cave, in a valley that is 100 meters square, a side of sapphire about ten feet in diameter is inlaid on the frozen soil that is stronger than iron stone.

If you look closely, you will find that it is not a sapphire, but a pool of water that is bone-chilling, or in other words, a cold spring!

That's right, it's the source of one of the high-end treasures used by blacksmiths to quench: "cold spring water".

This cold spring pool is not a rare place in the northern part of [Tian Dou Empire] or [Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs], not to mention that it is located deep in the "Ice Forest". This valley is a hundred miles further north. Here is the snow-capped mountains on the outskirts of the "Far North".

Of course, the quality of the "cold spring water" produced in different places will naturally vary.

Shui Qingyue squatted by the cold spring pool, with blue light shining in her palms. She scooped up a handful of blue spring water and sprinkled it on the roots of a small white plant beside the pool.

The bone-chilling "cold spring water" can cool even blazingly hot metal in an instant. When splashed on the ground, it should have instantly condensed into unmelting ice. But the moment it came into contact with the white plant, it was like ordinary clear water. Silently soaked into the dark soil.

With his soul power wrapped around his index finger, Shui Qingyue tapped the stems and leaves of the plant with his fingers, feeling the ice inside gradually grow stronger, and a touching smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

But soon, the smile faded. Shui Qingyue stood up, frowning slightly, and looked at the man and woman more than ten meters away.

To be precise, he was looking at that man.

"Bingle, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? Huh?!"

Lan Lan stared at the handsome man in front of her with a sullen look on her face. She wished she could chop off his head with a knife, kick him out of the valley, and feed it to the "ice and snow wolves" outside.

The jade finger was like a needle, tapping fiercely on the man's shoulder, Lan Lan's voice continued to output steadily: "What can I and Qingyue do in this "frozen forest"? Huh?!"

"We are just here to steal the sunshine, so we should find a warmer place, right?"

"It's so cold here that even if you take off your pants, your butt will be freezing——!"

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