Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 498 Taboo Relationship

A month later, in the "Baihua Valley", in the center of the Ye clan, under the ten thousand-year-old crabapple tree.

Ling Yi's right hand "Aoki·Blue Silver Emperor" shines brightly, and the "Blue Silver Domain" is deployed at full power. His left hand is pressed on a "Blue Silver Grass" that is intertwined with red, blue, and black colors.

As time passed, a bit of green fluorescence was extracted from the mutated "Blue Silver Grass" like a thread, absorbed into the palm of Ling Yi's hand, and finally pulled into the "Aoki·Blue Silver Emperor" in the palm of his right hand. .

At a certain moment, the green fluorescence stopped overflowing, and the color of the mutated "Blue Silver Grass" changed significantly. Among the original three colors of red, blue, and black, the blue and red gradually faded, and the area occupied by black began to appear as visible to the naked eye. The speed spread and expanded until almost every blade of grass was infected with black, leaving only a few red and blue textures.

Nostrils twitching, sniffing the faint sweet smell emitted by this "Pitch Black" "Blue Silver Grass", Ling Yi's eyes flashed, and he immediately judged in his mind the identity of this mutated "Blue Silver Grass" The intensity of the toxin contained in it.

"Almost on the same level as the ten-year-old Heartbroken Grass~" Ling Yi touched his chin and murmured softly.

Shaking his head, he raised his head and glanced at the tall and tall ten thousand-year-old crabapple tree beside him. Ling Yi waved his hand and put the poisonous mutated "Bluesilver Grass" and the flower pot into the "Ruyi Baibao", and turned towards Go to the vestibule of the Ye clan.

"What?! You...Master Ling, you want to leave?!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, in a spacious hall, Ye Juhong looked at Ling Yi who came over with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes~" Ling Yi nodded in response, with a hint of apology on his face, and said with a smile: "I've been bothering you in your house for a while, and now it's time to leave -"

"Really..." Ye Juhong's face was filled with joy at first, but it turned to regret in an instant. She tried her best to suppress her voice and said softly: "It's such a pity that I still want to ask the patriarch and that girl Lingyun to ask Master Ling for some medical advice. Where’s the knowledge——”

"Then, should I stay for two more days? Can you tell me about medical theory for Patriarch Ye and Lingyun?" As he said that, Ling Yi's mouth slightly raised and he looked at Ye Juhong with a half-smile.

"This...ahem...that's not necessary..." Ye Juhong coughed twice strategically, with an awkward yet polite smile on her face: "Master Ling is busy with affairs, how dare I delay it for a little selfish desire?" Where is your time——"

"It doesn't matter~" Ling Yi's smile grew brighter and he said unhurriedly: "Now [Lingyun City] is on the right track. It doesn't matter whether I am here or not. It only takes two days..."

Ye Juhong: "..."

"Haha——" Ling Yi looked at Ye Juhong's gradually forced smile, and immediately chuckled, shook his head, and said: "Okay, no joke, I really have to say goodbye.

Mrs. Ye, if the Ye family needs anything later, please come to Lingyun City to find me, or leave a message at any [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] store on the mainland, and it will be delivered to me within three days. "

Leaving behind a promise, Ling Yi said nothing more, turned around and walked out of the hall, nodded to Chen Xin who happened to arrive, and the two of them walked side by side towards the outside of the Ye clan.

While walking, Chen Xin handed Ling Yi a silver metal box that was about a foot long and about two inches high and wide.

Ling Yi took it with his hand, and with his other hand he caressed the lid of the box, which was engraved with various textures, etc., and asked, "How have you been doing Nobita these past two days?"

Chen Xin glanced at the metal box, looked at Ling Yi with an indescribable strange look in his eyes, and replied: "Fortunately, I can wake up for an hour every day, which is perfect for eating, drinking, and defecating."

"Hmm~" Ling Yi lowered his eyes and looked at the metal box in his hand, and said with a smile: "Not bad, this means that his digestive system such as the stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas has returned to normal, and he can start repairing the heart, lungs and kidneys later. "

'I always feel like you are using him as a guinea pig for experiments——'

Seeing the bright and heartfelt smile on Ling Yi's face, Chen Xin complained silently in his heart.

During this period of time, Chen Xin saw with her own eyes how many so-called therapeutic surgeries Ling Yi had performed on Mo Yuxiong. If Mo Yuxiong's health hadn't really improved step by step, Chen Xin would have even doubted that Ling Yi Are you conducting research on some evil forbidden technique?

Noticing Chen Xin's strange look, Ling Yi just changed his mind for a moment and guessed what he was thinking, with a faint smile flashing in his eyes.

As a super healing soul master whose healing ability ranks second in the current Douluo Continent, and no one can rank first, I can responsibly tell Chen Xin that he has indeed done a lot on Mo Yuxiong. experimental verification.

But with Ling Yi's strength, firstly, Mo Yuxiong's life safety can be completely guaranteed. Secondly, in these experiments, Mo Yuxiong himself can obtain many benefits.

Not much to say, just take the digestive system just mentioned. Under Ling Yi's experimental transformation, Mo Yuxiong's digestive ability is more than ten times stronger than before!

To put it in more fantasy terms, from now on, even if Mo Yuxiong eats radish, he will be able to get the effects of ginseng!

In Mo Yuxiong's previous situation, he mainly used the "Blood Explosion Technique" to burn all his energy and blood, in exchange for a super burst of power in just three breaths.

The price of such an over-limit explosion was that not only was Mo Yuxiong's whole body qi and blood burned out, but his internal organs, membranes, meridians, acupuncture points, etc. were all severely impacted and became riddled with holes.

It was like a small water pipe with a diameter of only two centimeters, but Mo Yuxiong insisted on pouring out decades of savings in a short period of time. Naturally, the small water pipe burst.

It didn't explode in the first place. It was all due to the dozens of members of the escort team at that time performing 'Vitality', using the majestic power of vitality as an adhesive to barely save Mo Yuxiong's small water pipe. .

But the cracks that have already appeared cannot be completely glued by these vital forces. Once the time limit has passed, what should have passed will always be quietly missed without human will, just like the elderly and babies who are unable to take care of themselves.

Friends who often do craft work know that the consequences of energy overflow are very serious, ranging from physical weakness and mental fatigue to severe death.

In this situation, the first thing Ling Yi had to do was to rejuvenate the internal organs of Mo Yuxiong, an 'old man'.

As the saying goes: medicinal supplements are not as good as food supplements, and food supplements are not as good as qi supplements.

Although saying "it's three parts of a medicine's poison" is a bit of a hooliganism, it's a bit of a hooliganism to talk about toxicity without regard to dose, but the truth is the same.

Diet is the most important way for human beings to obtain energy for survival.

As early as many years ago, when Ling Yi was a child and her family was still relatively poor, she was thinking about how she could eat more and better and provide her body with more nutrients for growth and development.

At that time, Ling Yi thought of "Liuku Immortal Thief", one of the eight magical skills in "Under One Person", and also thought of "Yuan Python Swallowing Star Record" created by Governor Chen Ang in "Projection World of All Heavens". They are all super treasures that foodies dream of.

Unfortunately, Ling Yi did not have enough background at that time, and the accumulated knowledge was not enough to support him in creating secret techniques similar to these two treasures.

Later, as Ling Yi created his own body-building technique and strengthened his body step by step, his internal organs became increasingly stronger, his digestive ability also increased, and he became less eager for secret methods to strengthen the digestive system.

There are so many topics related to cultivation, plus the knowledge of martial arts and soul beasts to be learned, the soul skills to be deduced, as well as a series of things such as cultivating soul power, strengthening the body, maintaining interpersonal relationships, etc., these all occupy Ling Yi's time. For a large amount of time, some minor projects were naturally put on hold.

Now is the right time. While studying the 'extreme life' attribute hidden in the bloodline of "Nine-Hearted Begonia", I would like to change my mind by taking some time to treat Mo Yuxiong.

Now Mo Yuxiong's digestive system has been rebuilt by Ling Yi. The food and medicine he eats can absorb the maximum amount of energy in the shortest time, and can basically maintain a balance with the energy leaked from the body.

As long as he eats regularly, it is almost equivalent to Mo Yuxiong carrying several first-level soul masters with him to perform the 'vital' soul skills for him. Later, Ling Yi will repair his 'small water pipe' and stop leaking energy. , Mo Yuxiong's cultivation will inevitably usher in a period of rapid improvement.

In addition, compared to soul power cultivation, strong digestion ability is more suitable for the increase in physical training, and has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort!

When Ling Yi and Chen Xin returned to "Lingyun City", it was already the end of Douluo Calendar 2624, and the new Lingyun Annual Auction was about to take place.

Before returning, Ling Yi, accompanied by Chen Xin, first went to the north of the [Tian Dou Empire], which was getting colder now, and met Shui Qingyue and Lan Lan, soothing the two women's hearts. Guilt and anxiety.

In addition, by transplanting grass and trees in the "Frozen Forest" and arranging a large soul guidance array, the cold current from the "Far North" is directed to specific nodes, and the young plants of "Octagonal Black Ice Grass" are spawned.

Of course, in addition to "Star Anise", there are also "Snow Ginseng", "Bingling Iris", "Snow Lotus", "Cordyceps Sinensis"... and a series of specialty herbs from the alpine zone, all planned by Lingyi Each and every "Ice Spiritual Land" is thriving.

When the annual auction was about to be held in "Lingyun City", a meeting was going on in "Tianshui College" thousands of miles away in "Tianshui City".


Lan Lan slapped the conference table in front of her, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and she looked straight at the beautiful middle-aged woman sitting at the head of the table, and asked unceremoniously: "Dean, just tell the truth. Well, do you agree with Qingyue’s proposal or not?”

The middle-aged beautiful woman is the dean of [Tianshui College], her name is Lan Yue, her martial spirit is "Snowflake", and she is an eighty-third level control soul douluo.

Of course, she also has another identity, that is, Lan Lan's mother.

Seeing her daughter's tough attitude of never giving up, Lan Yuefeng narrowed her eyes slightly. Although she was sitting, Lan Lan, who was standing there, had the illusion of being overlooked from a high place, and her eyes began to drift unconsciously. .

Seeing Lan Lan's momentum weakening by three points, a faint smile appeared on Lan Yue's lips: "Before asking me whether I agree or not, I would like to know first whether your proposal is your own idea or whether it is because of others. Impact?"

Not long ago, Lan Lan and her best friend Shui Qingyue suddenly approached her mother and proposed to select a group of students with the best talent and combat power in the academy to form a 'Tianshui Academy Team', and then the two of them would lead the team to travel and fight. Luo Continent, challenge in the big soul fighting arenas in various big cities on the continent.

In this regard, Lan Yue, as the dean of [Tianshui College], is actually happy to see this happen.

But this proposal was made by Lan Lan, and she also involved the usually quiet Shui Qingyue, which made Lan Yue curious.

Lan Yue's intuition told her that her daughter and Shui Qingyue must have gone through something to suddenly make this proposal.

Reminiscent of the fact that Lan Lan took the trophy from her early years, the 17,000-year-old "Exploding Red Flame Right Leg Bone", and sent it to "Lingyun City" to participate in the annual auction, and got back a piece of 21,000 "Ice Jade Scorpion's Right Arm Bone" in 2008, and the increasingly frequent use of "Soul Storage Crystals" to collect the soul power of ice-attribute soul masters in the academy. Lan Yue knew that her daughter must have reached an agreement with [Lingyun City] What a deal.

In recent years, Lan Yue, as the dean, has gradually delegated power and handed over all affairs of Tianshui College to her daughter Lan Lan. In fact, she is cultivating her daughter's management skills. She will wait until Lan Lan's strength breaks through to seven. Huanhun Sheng is preparing to hand over the position of dean of [Tianshui Academy] to Lan Lan.

But Lan Yue knows that even though her daughter is now thirty-two years old, because she spends most of her time on cultivation, her thoughts are no different from those of ordinary girls in their teens or twenties, and are even simpler.

At this point, Lan Lan may not be as good as Shui Qingyue. Even though the latter usually looks gentle and quiet, as if she is an inexperienced fool, Lan Yue can clearly see that behind Shui Qingyue's quiet appearance He has a crystal clear heart and can easily see through a person's hidden thoughts.

As the dean of Tianshui College, Lan Yue knows all the teachers in the college very well, including childhood sweethearts Shui Qingyue and Bing Le.

Regarding Bing Le, Lan Yue's evaluation is: he is fierce and timid, with many and uncertain thoughts. He looks like a mountain, but he doesn't have a clear understanding of his own abilities.

From Lan Yue's point of view, Bing Le is not a good match. If he really marries Shui Qingyue, there is a high probability that he will no longer value Shui Qingyue after a period of time. Lan Yue would never be surprised if the other party hooked up with other women during Shui Qingyue's pregnancy and birth.

It's just that Shui Qingyue used to be more accepting of death. Because of their childhood sweetheart relationship, she had always been very tolerant of Bing Le. Even if she knew about some of the other person's character flaws, she still suffered in silence. It is naturally inconvenient for Lan Yue, an outsider, to interfere in such personal and emotional matters, so he can only let it go.

But just a few years ago, for some reason, Shui Qingyue seemed to suddenly have an enlightenment and began to keep a distance from Bingle.

For this reason, Lan Yue was naturally happy to see the result. She only asked her daughter Lan Lan in private, but Lan Lan only said that Shui Qingyue had figured it out by herself, and Lan Yue did not continue to investigate.

Until later, taboo rumors about the relationship between Shui Qingyue and Lan Lan suddenly spread in [Tianshui College], which made Lan Yue suddenly become interested.

Although Lan Yue and Lan Lan's father were estranged from each other in her early years and she no longer believed in love, this did not mean that she could accept that her daughter had gone astray.

For this reason, Lan Yue secretly observed every move of her daughter and Shui Qingyue many times.

Fortunately, the final result made Lan Yue relieved. The two women just had a normal sisterly relationship and did not have the taboo relationship as rumored.

But as she observed, Lan Yue discovered another thing that she had to treat with caution, and that was the fact that the two women had been in contact with the [Aoki Chamber of Commerce] too frequently.

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