Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 500 The Ling Family’s Old House

The sky is getting brighter, and the bone-chilling wind is sweeping in from the far north.

Even though it was intercepted by the mountains along the way, the cold current still reached Qingyun Mountain, which is a branch of the "Tianling Mountain Range".

On the strong dark branches on the cliff, red plum blossoms are blooming in the cold wind, and some light yellow stamens are gently swaying, overlooking the spring-filled valley below.

When the faint fragrance of plum blossoms spreads in the valley, set off by the fragrance of "Blue Silver Grass", this difference wakes up Ling Yi from his deep sleep.

In the huge grass ball tent with a diameter of more than one foot, Ling Yi slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the grass tent roof with a light blue-green light.

He gently took away the jade arm on his chest. Before Ling Yi could sit up, the beauty beside him had already woken up and subconsciously stood up, ready to help Ling Yi get dressed.

Ling Yi stretched out his hand and put his hand on the beautiful lady's shoulder, and pushed her back to lie down on her side. At this time, the skylight shone in through the grass blades, pouring on the beautiful lady's delicate body, with exquisite curves and fair skin, like a carefully carved jade statue. generally.

Because the skin was too smooth, Ling Yi's palm unconsciously moved down, pressed on the milky white snow, and squeezed subconsciously.

The beauty was not shy about Ling Yi's little moves. The tacit understanding between the two of them had basically reached the point where they would raise their waists with one pat and pinch their legs with two pats. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were connected.

The beauty lowered her head, her eyes falling on the position covered by Ling Yi's palm, feeling the strong beating of her heart, and the corners of her lips formed a smile that could captivate all living beings: "Brother Yi, don't worry, I will cultivate this power well."

At this time, in the beauty's heart, there was a faint emerald green fluorescence, shining brightly.

As the blood flows, bit by bit of vitality is absorbed by the weak fluorescence, causing it to gradually grow at an imperceptible speed.

That is the power of 'Ultimate Life', extracted from the bloodline of "Nine-Hearted Begonia", so weak that it is almost negligible.

If it hadn't been preserved and nurtured by Ling Yi with the martial spirit "Aoki·Lanyincao", he would probably have been unable to preserve even one breath after leaving the "Nine Heart Begonia" bloodline, and would have dissipated into nothingness.

Now this power has been sent into Ah Yin's body by Ling Yi. Using Ah Yin's naturally raised "Blue Silver Emperor" bloodline as a breeding ground, not only can it be completely preserved, but it can also be cultivated step by step. Complete condition!

In fact, by analyzing the bloodline between himself and Ah Yin, Ling Yi can confirm that the power of the two of them is infinitely close to the 'Ultimate Life', especially Ah Yin. Her "Blue Silver Emperor" bloodline has its own life attribute, but it is only compared to Breaking the boundaries of the mortal world and touching the "ultimate life" of the immortal level is still a step away.

A thin line separates heaven and earth.

It should be noted that even the incomplete 'Ultimate Life' can forcibly change the original attributes of the "Nine Heart Begonia" martial spirit. Even the absorbed foreign soul rings and soul skills can be overwritten with attributes, so you can know that this 'Ultimate Life' How high is the weight of power and how strong is it?

Unlike Ah Yin's "Blue Silver Emperor" bloodline, Ling Yi's "Aoki Blue Silver Emperor", in addition to the same powerful life attribute, also has the same strong wood attribute.

As for the Xunfeng that extends from Yimu, and the thunder that evolves from Jiamu, they are only the attribute control that Ling Yi has gained through personal understanding, and do not affect the attribute components of his bloodline.

Whatever you gain, you will naturally lose something.

Anyone who has a little knowledge of the five elements and heavenly stems knows that the power of the wood attribute is not just about life, it also involves the ups and downs and prosperity.

Ling Yi's heart is so big that no single 'life' can encompass it. Whether it's the reincarnation of dryness and prosperity, the Gengjin, Wutu, Binghuo, Guishui of the Ten Heavenly Stems, or the Xunzhen of the Bagua, he wants it all.

But Ling Yi also knows that food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. Human energy is limited. In the past, when he was still weak, in order to quickly improve his strength, he could only focus on one path, leaving at most the starting point for other paths. A stepping stone.

Now, having initially gained the ability to protect himself, he has entered a bottleneck period due to his improvement in strength. He can finally devote some of his energy and time to the paths he once envisioned.

Since you can't increase the height in a short time, think of ways to expand the width!

Although the capacity of the barrel depends on how high each wooden board is, if the wooden boards are wide enough, the water that can be carried in it can also be much more!

In Ling Yi's eyes, the beauties around him are not only partners of body and soul, but also Taoist companions who support each other on the road of pursuit.

Yang Shirley is to Geng Jin and Zhen Lei, Ah Yin is to Sheng Sheng and Yi Mu, Liu Erlong is to Li Huo, and A Rou is to Xun Feng, which are enough to save Ling Yi a lot of time and energy.

Apart from the beauties around them, the people who belong to [Lingyun City] include Chen Jianjun, Chen Xin and his son, Gu Rong and Dugu Bo in the middle, Ni Xing, Yue Xuan, Li Yang, Mo Yuxiong, etc. below. People all have their own unique insights on the path of spiritual practice, and these are the materials for Ling Yi's progress.

About the same time, thousands of miles away.

Walking in the crowded market, Tang Yuehua's beautiful face showed a little curiosity. She looked left and right, and everything in her eyes felt fresh to her.

In fact, Tang Yuehua had seen everything here before in other places on the mainland, and some were even more prosperous than here.

What really made Tang Yuehua feel different was the market where she was located, called Beikouhe Town.

That’s right, Beikouhe Town in [Shuimu Principality] was once the ‘blue and silver-collar’ Beikouhe Town!

Following the flow of people, Tang Yuehua carried the "Qingming Divine Sword" on his back and walked out of the town step by step, heading to the destination of his trip: Shanhai Village!

Yes, with the overall relocation of 'Lanyinling', Shanhai Village was once again formed at the location that was once changed to 'Shanhaiyuan'.

The difference is that the people living here have already changed their appearance, and things are different.

Walking into Shanhai Village, Tang Yuehua looked at the villagers who were wearing single clothes even in the dead of winter, but did not feel cold at all, with a strange look in their beautiful eyes.

"Girl, I don't know who you are looking for?"

Tang Yuehua observed the villagers, and the villagers also observed her. A white-haired old man in his sixties came forward and asked politely, with a loud voice: "I am the village chief here, and I know everyone in the village. You You can tell me."

"Hello," Tang Yuehua responded with a gentle nod, her movements were graceful, and her clear voice revealed good cultivation: "I'm not looking for anyone, I'm looking for a place."


The village chief paused while stroking his gray beard, squinting at Tang Yuehua's beautiful face, and finally his eyes fell on the hilt of the "Qingming Divine Sword" behind her.

"Where?" The village chief continued to stroke his beard with his right hand and asked nonchalantly, but he quietly made a gesture with his left hand behind him.

Faced with the village chief's inquiry and hidden warning, Tang Yuehua didn't take it seriously. He opened his mouth lightly and said calmly: "The old house of the Ling family."

Upon hearing these four words, the village chief's expression suddenly became much more relaxed, and even the villagers who gathered around him unknowingly became less hostile inexplicably.

"So I'm here to visit the Ling family's old house -" The smile reappeared on the village chief's face, and the hand stroking his beard became much lighter. The other hand was facing a bluestone road leading directly to the southeast corner of the village. He pointed and said: "Follow this road, about two and a half miles away, there is a house there, with the words 'Baicao Garden' written on the plaque at the door, that's it -"

"Girl, the location of the Ling family's old residence is well known to everyone in the Shuimu Principality. You can walk there anywhere in the principality by following the bluestone road under your feet."

Tang Yuehua looked in the direction pointed by the village chief and listened to what was said behind her. Only then did she realize that there was a clear difference between the other earth and stone roads in the village and the bluestone road under her feet. Thinking about the fact that in Beikouhe Town and other places in Shuimu Principality, there was always only one bluestone road, I couldn't help but think of many things.

After thanking the village chief, Tang Yuehua continued walking along the bluestone road, and unknowingly, crystal snowflakes began to fly in the sky.

Looking at the figure gradually submerged in the snow, the village chief sighed, shook his head, turned and walked towards his home.

"Don't miss me all the time, and don't expect me to come back. After I leave, you will be me... A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

To this day, the village chief can still recall what that man said when he left that year in front of the people from all over the [Shuimu Principality] who flocked to him to stay.

Everyone in the "Blue Silver Collar", from the 80-year-old man to the infant baby, all chose to follow him and embark on the unknown road.

Overnight, ‘blue and silver collar’ became a no man’s land.

But also overnight, this place returned to being the most prosperous place in [Shuimu Principality].

Because there are countless people like the village chief who have migrated from various places in [Shuimu Principality] to guard this place voluntarily.

"When you arm your brains with thoughts, when your eyes are polished, when you learn to distinguish right from wrong instead of being superstitious about someone, then you will naturally be me, and you will be like me, to shout and cry out. Phew, be a vanguard, come up with plans based on local conditions, break free from the shackles, and welcome the new world—!"

With those deafening words echoing in his mind, the village chief stretched out his palm, caught a snowflake, watched it melt quietly with his own body temperature, and murmured: "Sir, you asked us not to be superstitious, but do you know that you have already It’s our faith——”

On the other side, Tang Yuehua quickly completed the two and a half miles of bluestone road.

Standing at the end of the road, Tang Yuehua raised his head and looked at the ordinary courtyard in front of him.

It is really ordinary. From the materials used to the construction technology, it is no different from the houses in ordinary villages in Douluo Continent.

"This is the home you grew up in when you were a child?" Tang Yuehua's eyes showed a dazzling desire to explore.

According to the information she heard from the elderly people in "Lingyun City", when the "Blue Silver Collar" moved, every plant, tree, brick and tile in Shanhaiyuan was moved to the current "Lingyun City" .

The ‘Ling Family Old House’ here is actually a replica of the Ling Family Courtyard in Shanhai Village.

It can be said that everything in this yard is no different from ordinary village homes. Even the "blue silver grass" all over the yard has grown like wild weeds because no one has taken care of it for a long time.

Over the years, many people have come here to pay their respects and remember the legendary figure who came out of [Shuimu Principality].

Pushing open the ajar wooden door, Tang Yuehua stepped into the small courtyard and looked around. The "Blue Silver Grass" on the ground was covered with snow. On the window sill, there is a slingshot made of wooden branches.

After passing through the hall, Tang Yuehua finally stopped in a small room with simple displays.

His green jade hands crossed the window edge and the wooden table, not caring about the dust on his jade-white fingertips, and finally stopped on a row of unfinished rough wood carvings at the head of the bed.

Picking up the dog-shaped wooden sculpture at the end, Tang Yuehua looked at the remaining ones:

Cow, horse, pig, sheep, pheasant, chicken, dragon.

Including the dog in his hand, there are eight in total.

"Huh? What is this?" Tang Yuehua was about to put the dog-shaped wooden sculpture back into place when he accidentally caught a glimpse of a strange figure on the lower part of the wooden sculpture.

Out of curiosity, Tang Yuehua stretched out his fingers to explore the pattern. The top horizontal line and the two truncated ones below formed a () pattern.

There is a dog-shaped wood carving underneath, but what about the others?

With this doubt, Tang Yuehua looked at seven other animal wood carvings respectively. Among them, under the horse-shaped wood carvings are (), ox (), dragon (), chicken (), pig (), pheasant (), chicken (), sheep () ).

Looking at these animal wood carvings and the patterns underneath them, a big question mark appeared on Tang Yuehua's head.

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all what these mean.

Shaking his head and putting the wood carvings back into place, Tang Yuehua gave up thinking. If there was any secret hidden in it, how could no one discover it over the years?

So, these may just be graffiti that Ling Yi casually carved on it~

Arriving at the bed in the small room, Tang Yuehua waved his palms into the wind, blowing away all the dust on the wooden bed, and leaned over to lie down on it.

After resting like this for half an hour with her clothes on, she reluctantly got up and walked towards the main room that she had passed before.

In a corner of the main room, separated by a wall from Ling Yi's bedroom, Tang Yuehua recalled the secret that Ling Yi once told her in her ears. She drew out the "Qing Ming Divine Sword" behind her back and silently activated the sword intent contained in it.


An extremely low-frequency buzzing sound came from the autumn-like sword body, and along with it, Tang Yuehua's spirit became sharper.

And with this keenness, Tang Yuehua found that the "Qingming Divine Sword" in his hand seemed to be throbbing, as if he was longing for something.

Following the throbbing, Tang Yuehua's gaze moved downwards, and finally landed on the green bricks not far from his feet.

‘Underground? ’

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