Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 505 Python Niu Dali

It is the eighth day of the second lunar month in the year 2625 of the Douluo Calendar.

Ling Yi sat at the desk, looking through the intelligence documents in his hand, and his eyes paused briefly on one of the paragraphs.

"Oh? The fourth ring of ten thousand years? It seems to have been successful——"

What this piece of information records is that two days ago, Tang Yuehua, the third young lady of [Haotian Sect], was on her way back to "Haoyang Cliff" when she encountered a soul beast that attacked the village. Tang Yuehua's divine sword was unsheathed, and the sword killed the soul beast. information.

Of course, a mere soul beast with a century-old cultivation level is not worthy of being recorded in the intelligence. What really made people care was the soul ring that Tang Yuehua appeared at that time!

Tang Yuehua, who was once judged to be trapped in the ninth-level soul warrior realm for her whole life, unable to break through, now broke through the shackles of her innate nature and became a fourth-ring soul sect at the age of less than twenty-five!

The most important thing is that Tang Yuehua's fourth soul ring is a black ten-thousand-year soul ring! !

Soul masters with some background will know that the absorption of a ten thousand year soul ring not only requires the soul master's physical strength to reach a certain limit, but also requires the soul master's mental strength to reach a certain limit.

Generally speaking, only when one has reached level 50 can a soul master hope to successfully absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

But in fact, currently on the Douluo Continent, even among the top forces and clans, there are many members whose fifth soul ring is the purple thousand-year level. They will not have a life until they obtain the sixth soul ring and break through the Soul Emperor. The first and possibly the only ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Before the popularization of Blue Silver Grass as soul rings in [Lingyun City], it was the most common phenomenon on the Douluo Continent that the first soul ring was white at the ten-year level, and the third soul ring was at the yellow centenary level.

Now that Tang Yuehua has broken the upper limit of soul ring absorption years in Douluo Continent for thousands of years, it will inevitably cause a small ripple on the continent.

You know, so far, Erlang's all-red soul ring configuration is still only spread by word of mouth among a very small number of people.

But that's all. After all, Tang Yuehua is the daughter of Tang Zhen, the leader of the Haotian Sect. As the little princess of the No. 1 sect in the world, it is not difficult for the general public to accept such extraordinary achievements.

This is like a small-town problem solver who created a billion-dollar fortune at the age of twenty, and the son of the richest man who successfully started a business at the age of twenty and made billions of wealth. People have completely different views on this.

She is the daughter of the 'Zhentian Douluo' and the sister of the 'Haotian Double Star'. Isn't it normal to have such an achievement?

For Tang Yuehua, who has such a background, hunting a ten thousand year soul beast is as easy as slaughtering a captive poultry.

The above are the opinions of more than 80% of the civilian soul masters on Douluo Continent.

Only the various forces with certain foundations know the significance of Tang Yuehua's ability to absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring at level 40.

But no matter how great the significance is, facing [Haotian Sect], the number one sect in the world, even [Martial Soul Palace] cannot force the other party to hand over Tang Yuehua's secret about the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

While others in the outside world focused on how Tang Yuehua absorbed the fourth ten-thousand-year soul ring, Ling Yi's attention was on the origin of the ten-thousand-year soul ring.

His eyes scanned the other contents on the document in his hand, although there were things such as Ning Feng, the leader of the [Qibao Glazed Sect], who had missed the extremely rare "Hanxin Iron Essence" in the capital of the "Kingdom of Silvis", "Sylvis City"; [Blue Yu Luoqiu, a direct member of the Electric Tyrannosaurus Family, had a conflict with Tuoba Meng, a direct member of the White Armor Earth Dragon Sect, due to a dragon-blooded soul beast. The former severely injured the latter... and other news, but Ling Yi did not have any Care too much.

After roughly understanding the movements of all parties on the Douluo Continent during the recent period, Ling Yi did not find anything he was interested in, so he refocused his attention on Tang Yuehua's fourth ring of ten thousand years.

What Ling Yi cares about is not that Tang Yuehua's fourth soul ring is ten thousand years old. What he cares about is where that ten thousand year soul ring comes from~

He turned to look at the window on the left side of the desk. Seeing that the sky was just right outside, he had the idea of ​​going out for a walk.

As soon as he thought of it, Ling Yi got up and walked outside the study, walking straight towards the martial arts field of the City Lord's Mansion.

Not long after, when Ling Yi arrived at the martial arts arena, he happened to see two figures, one gray and one yellow, fighting fiercely at a speed that could not be captured by ordinary people's vision.

The pause caused by the occasional collision allowed people to clearly see the appearance of the two figures, a tabby cat that looked like a small tiger, and a majestic native dog with yellow hair and a white belly.

On the edge of the martial arts arena, two dark figures, one large and one small, squatted on each side, silently watching the battle in the arena.

The former is a tall horse with a coat as smooth as silk, with head and tail more than ten feet tall, and a shoulder height of eight feet; the latter is a strange-looking black cat, with head and tail only about a foot in size, like a briquette-like toy.

"Treading in the snow~"

Ling Yi came to the side of the tall horse, raised his hand and patted the other person's neck, and said, "Come out with me."

"Whoa! Whoa!"

As soon as Ling Yi finished speaking, two figures roared towards him with the sound of wind, and one of them rushed towards Ling Yi's chest and abdomen without stopping.

Ling Yi used his left hand to lure the incoming man and stopped him. He pressed the palm of his right hand on the opponent's head and rubbed it. However, his eyes met the gray figure of Mi Xu who stopped in front of him. He asked with a smile: "Meow. Meow, do you want to come with me?”

"Woof woof!" Ah Huang slipped his head out from under Ling Yi's palm and barked twice at Ling Yi, his fluffy tail behind him wagging rapidly.

Meow Meow didn't call, but just stepped forward and rubbed the back of Ling Yi's hand with her round head, but her meaning was very obvious.

Not far away, the strange-looking black cat saw this scene, with a hint of disdain in its scarlet eyes, and turned around to leave.

"Xiao Hei——"

A cry caused the black cat to freeze, and its scarlet eyes revealed a cold murderous intent that was completely inconsistent with its figure.

Just when the black cat was about to show its teeth and growl, the voice that had called before had already come to it: "You can come too, I won't worry about leaving you at home without Ah Huang and Miaomiao watching you."

Listening to this calm and indifferent voice, the black cat's eyes flashed fiercely at first, but soon turned into a mixture of fear and resentment.

The next second, under the black cat's shameful and angry gaze, the skin on the back of its neck was pinched, and it was lifted up so easily.

Ling Yi held the black cat in his right hand, and took out a collar with a bell from the storage soul guide in his left hand. After putting it on the black cat, he released it.

"Jingle Bell--"

The sound of the bell was clear and sweet, but when it fell on the black cat's ears, it seemed like some kind of torture and it was unbearable. A pair of front paws were placed on both sides of the neck, ready to use force to break free.


A pain hit the back of his head, causing the black cat to stop struggling and look to the side with a ferocious look in its eyes.

It was Meow Meow, who just raised his paw and slapped the black cat on the back of the head.

Faced with the ferocity in the black cat's eyes, Miao Miao didn't care at all and just stared at it with indifferent eyes.

On the other hand, Ah Huang, who was on the side, felt very unhappy when he saw the black cat's expression at this time. He immediately raised his left paw, preparing to slap the black cat in the face to make him remember.

In response to this, the black cat still stared at Meow Meow on the surface, looking unconvinced, but the tail composed of several joints behind it quietly lifted up. Although it was small, the scorpion tail that had begun to show its cold light was secretly preparing to sting. .

"Shua!" "Bang——!"

Two strange sounds appeared almost at the same time, but Ah Huang's left paw suddenly moved sideways two centimeters away from the black cat's head, and then the sharp claw protruded and grabbed diagonally, knocking the scorpion-tailed sting that attacked him away.

It can be seen that Ah Huang's dog's face showed an extremely human expression of ridicule at this time, and the object of ridicule was the black cat who just wanted to attack it.

Regarding the small conflict here, Ling Yi just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. He turned over and sat on Ta Xue's back, shook the reins in his hands, and shouted: "Follow, let's go -!"

"Hissing law——!"

Taxue raised his head and neighed, and his four hooves as white as clouds began to move. In just a few steps, he crossed the martial arts field. With a slight jump on the ground, he crossed the wall of the city lord's palace and ran towards the back mountain.

Ling Yi planned to directly climb over the "Tianling Mountains" and go straight to the "Shuimu Principality".

With his current strength, there are almost no dangerous Jedi on the Douluo Continent, and Taxue is now equivalent to a soul beast horse with more than 3,000 years of cultivation. He cannot walk on the air, but he can climb the water. It’s no problem, even climbing over mountains and ridges is like walking on flat ground!

Watching Taxue leading Ling Yi away quickly, Ah Huang and Miaomiao both turned their attention to the black cat.

Noticing Ah Huang and Miaomiao's claws that were about to move, the black cat's face showed a look of human resentment, but its reason made it move towards Ling Yi and Taxue with great sincerity.

Just like that, Ling Yi rode on the snow and took the lead, galloping in front. Behind him, Ah Huang and Miaomiao held the black cat between them, and they were positioned about ten meters behind Ling Yi, neither far nor close.

Suddenly, Ling Yi's voice sounded and floated to the ears of Ah Huang, Miao Miao, and Black Cat: "Xiao Hei, go to the front and lead the way. The target is northeast, just run in a straight line~"

After hearing Ling Yi's instructions, adhering to the wise concept of self-protection that his arms could not twist his thighs and the tiger had to lower his head under the eaves, Xiao Hei speeded up without saying a word, surpassing Tuxue in an instant, and running faster and faster.

Just when he was about fifty meters ahead of Ling Yi and Ta Xue, the collar around his neck suddenly shrank, and a flash of cyan fluorescence began to shine.


Xiao Hei roared, and the hair all over his body exploded, and his figure was like an inflated balloon, changing from big to small.

Within two breaths, the changes stopped, and Xiao Hei's running speed was still the same. Only the scarlet pupils looking straight ahead were filled with the desire for freedom.

Behind, Ling Yi, who was chasing Ta Xue within twenty meters, quietly dissipated the green light in his left hand. He stroked the satin-smooth mane on Ta Xue's neck and said to him and Ah Huang and Miao Miao who were following him. : "Pay attention to Xiao Hei's movements and the flow of breath on his body. This will be of great help to you on the path you are going to take next..."

Hearing Ling Yi's signal, the three little guys immediately started to focus on running quickly. At the same time, they focused part of their attention on Xiao Hei, who was running wildly in front of him.

In Texue's eyes, Xiao Hei's movement was vaguely like wind and thunder, making every step he took extremely light and swift.

Miao Miao's vertical pupils reflected Xiao Hei's figure. In addition to the wind and thunder accidents that he noticed like Ta Xue, what made him even more concerned was that every time Xiao Hei set foot, he accurately chose the dark place in the mountain forest, as if a An instinctive hiding behavior.

As for Ah Huang, he didn't think too much. In his opinion, what deserves his attention most in Xiao Hei's progress is the use of power. Every time he steps on the ground, every time he kicks on four legs, the energy in it is The movement of its body's power is extremely coordinated. For it to walk on the same four limbs, it has a lot to learn.

Although the owner has taught it many ways to use its own power over the years, these are more based on the owner's own perception of power. For Ah Huang, there is still some estrangement in the use of power.

But now in Xiao Hei, Ah Huang sees the goal of progress!

It’s not just Ah Huang, it’s the same for Tuxue and Miaomiao. They suddenly discovered that this ‘black cat’ who was imprisoned by his owner in the city lord’s mansion actually had an opportunity for them to go further!

At about the same time, the main campus in the west of "Lingyun City".

Ni Xing stood on the general commanding platform, looking at the tens of thousands of soldiers below, his heart was surging, but he was also a little uneasy and nervous.

Gu Yiwan, who noticed this, coughed lightly, turned his head slightly, and whispered to Ni Xing: "Don't think too much, they are all brothers, just teach them normally in a while -"

"Now in the entire [Lingyun City], except for those few, you are the only one who has learned all the three new martial arts created by the Lord of the City. We don't dare to hope for those few. Now we can only rely on you, and we have to stand up." ah--!"

Listening to Gu Yiwang's comforting words, Ni Xing not only did not relax, but became even more nervous.

He pursed his dry lips, lowered his voice, and said, "Boss, I just learned the posture, not mastered it at all. How can I teach you this...?"

"How about we go to Director Dugu or Deputy Director Gu Rong...?"

After saying that, Ni Xing looked at Gu Yiwang with some hope, hoping that he would adopt his suggestion.

In response, Gu Yiwan rolled his eyes and vetoed without hesitation: "Don't think about it, Director Dugu has gone to the Sunset Forest. Deputy Director Gu Rong and Deputy Dean Chen Xin went out together, and their return date has not yet been determined. ”

As the temporary director of the 'Martial Arts Department', Dugu Bo basically doesn't care about anything. He spends most of the year in the Sunset Forest. As for Gu Rong, the new deputy director of the 'Martial Arts Department', Recently, accompanied by Chen Xin, the vice-president of Daowuyuan, he has been visiting various large soul beast gathering places, seemingly looking for something.

After rejecting Ni Xing's proposal, Gu Yiwang continued to say in order to eliminate the other party's chance, "Now in the entire [Lingyun City], except for the three people who went out, the beauties of His Majesty Qisha and the Lord of the City are quite... We know the three new boxing techniques, but do you think it’s appropriate to ask these people to teach us?”

"..." Ni Xing murmured a few times, but in the end he still couldn't say the word 'appropriate'.

Gu Yiwan raised his hand and patted the shoulder of this newly made little brother, and encouraged: "You can teach with confidence, it will be more effective than us looking at the stone carvings and gesturing -"

"Okay~" Ni Xing nodded, looking a little reluctant.

Seeing Ni Xing's response, Gu Yiwan turned around and winked at Mo Yuxiong, Li Yang, Chen Ningqi and others below the general stage, and strode towards the side.

After receiving the signal, Mo Yuxiong and others made gestures towards their side, notifying the tens of thousands of people on the campus in the shortest possible time.

In an instant, ninety-nine percent of the soldiers dispersed, leaving only a hundred or so people at the front heading towards the general platform.

Seeing this scene, Ni Xing on the stage was startled for a moment, then realized what he was doing and turned to look at Gu Yiwu who was not far away. What he got was a teasing smile on his face.

Staring at Gu Yiwang with some shyness, Ni Xing nodded to Mo Yuxiong and others who were walking up to the general stage, cleared his throat, went straight to the topic, and shouted softly:

"The first form of "The Python Ox Powerful Fist", the ox python stands up——!!"

While shouting, Nixing began to move into a boxing stance. His whole body was like a standing "Azure Bull Python", his arms were like a pair of horns soaring into the sky, his waist was stretched like a giant python, and all the muscles, bones, and The skin membrane is stretching inch by inch.

Following Ni Xing's movements, everyone on the stage also began to imitate.

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