Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 507 Goodbye Tang Chen

"[Lingyun City] Ling Yi, I have met Haotian Mianxia."

In the ruins of the original Hanshi Town, the latest restricted area in Douluo Continent, Ling Yi looked at Tang Chen in front of him with an indifferent expression.

As the leader of a new force on Douluo Continent that can already stand on an equal footing with the Haotian Sect, Ling Yi will not show humility even if the opponent is a level ninety-nine peerless Douluo. After all, he not only represents himself, but behind him there are millions of people who belong to [Lingyun City].

Of course, the most important thing is that Ling Yi's strength gave him enough confidence to talk to Tang Chen on an equal footing.

It can even be said that Ling Yi's choice to communicate with Tang Chen on an equal footing actually showed enough grace and courtesy.

After all, with Ling Yi's strength, he had knocked Tang Chen into autism during their first meeting. Now more than a year has passed, compared to Tang Chen who is still standing still, Ling Yi's strength has improved a little. He did not say "I don't eat beef" loudly, which is enough to show that his character cultivation is strong enough.

Sticking to one's heart is not a simple four-word phrase, just like people's thoughts will always change depending on where they are.

In the extraordinary world view of Douluo Dalu, power represents status.

Therefore, we really can’t blame Tang San for going to the [Haotian Sect] three times in the original timeline and showing three different attitudes.

When people are weak in strength, they tend to be humble enough; when their strength is equal, they will naturally want to talk to each other on an equal footing; and when their strength exceeds that of the other party, they will obviously gain the right to speak as a matter of course.

If you look at the character Tang San through many filters, you will find that he is a semi-illiterate who does not have much knowledge and only relies on a "third-rate" martial arts disciple's manual to shape his three views.

He is literate, but he probably only knows half of the fifteen words of 'benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, trust, gentleness, kindness, respect, modesty, yielding, loyalty, filial piety, integrity, shame and courage'.

The three views are different from the modern people who have been shaped by the ideological and moral guidance of nine years of compulsory education, and also different from the ancient people who were influenced by Confucian and Legalist articles and thoughts. The world he faced since childhood told him that the law of the jungle is the truth of the world.

Of course, the law of the jungle is indeed a truth in the world, and even Ling Yi agrees with this.

The difference is that Ling Yi's three views shaped in his previous life allowed him to retain some self-restraint on the basis of the law of the jungle.

Predation between the weak and the strong among living creatures is called bestiality; standing at the top of the biological chain, the cannibalism of the weak and the strong in the entire world can be said to be divine (demonic?); and only after self-restraint is achieved can human nature exist.

In Ling Yi's eyes, Tang San's humanity before entering the Killing City was greater than his animal nature, because his strength allowed him to understand his own weakness and be able to restrain his every move; but after coming out of the Killing City, his animal nature completely overwhelmed his humanity. , his behavior became unscrupulous, but after [Yue Xuan] spent a year to wash away all the glory, he forcibly awakened his humanity and temporarily suppressed his animal nature; later, as his strength increased step by step, his humanity began to be gradually suppressed again , the beastly nature gradually amplified, until he finally became the strongest in the world, and the beastly nature was sublimated and turned into a divinity overlooking all living beings.

This is a well-understood mentality evolution process, because Ling Yi also had a similar experience.

In his early years in the Shuimu Principality, because of his weak strength, Ling Yi had to act good, act cute, bow, bend over, and smile with his face. He was also ridiculed, ignored, and turned his back on himself. Pass.

In this regard, Ling Yi never felt that these were shameful, nor did she have any thoughts of regaining her place with these people who had experienced them.

Compared to the pleasure of pretending to be a slap in the face, Ling Yi is more willing to spend his time on research and improving his strength.

After all, as we all know, Master Ling has never had an enemy. Even if there has been any unpleasantness in the past, the opponent will either become a loyal follower of Master Ling or have bad luck and either decline or die in the following days.

Just like the people behind the scenes and the actual operators who once sent Master Ling to the battlefields of the two empires in [Shuimu Principality], now either the family has changed its helmsman, or they have been suppressed by all forces in the principality and disappeared.

From the beginning to the end, Master Ling never said a word, not even a hint. It was basically Master Ling's followers who showed their subjective initiative.

There is a saying that although Ling Yi had not seen the plot development of Douluo Continent ten thousand years later in his previous life, and only learned about it in some fan novels, Ling Yi had to shake his head at the character Tang San. Incessantly.

He has already reached the high position of the God King, and yet he actually goes out and does some derogatory things in person?

Where are the black gloves? What about the scapegoat?

If someone else does those dirty words, and Tang Shenwang stands up to punish the villain just as he is about to overturn the table, wouldn't this image of benevolence and justice be established?

"Zengguang Xianwen" says: It is difficult to grow up without poverty, and you are naive without fighting.

In the final analysis, Tang San was just a cannon fodder disciple from the outer sect of the Tang Sect with little knowledge or structure~

This kind of person, let alone enter the officialdom, even in the martial arts world where fists are used to judge size, truth, good and evil, unless he can single-handedly conquer the world, otherwise he will be killed.

After traveling to Douluo Continent, he was once again a reckless man who used his fists to reason in a wild world view. Dragons could not emerge from shallow water, and scientists could not emerge from a pile of orangutans.

Faced with a world where fights started at the slightest disagreement and the winner was always right, Tang San, the cannon fodder at the bottom of the martial arts worldview, even felt as smooth as a fish in water when adapting.

It can only be said that in the eyes of the ignorant, when certain ‘stupid things’ are done, there will be a perception that this is how it should be.

Qian Daoliu was like this, Qian Xunji was like this, Tang Chen was like this, and Tang Hao was like this. Even Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi, who were a little scheming, didn't know if it was because they hadn't grown up yet, but they also gave Ling Yi a kind of A sense of 'clear stupidity'.

Fortunately, as the educational seeds sown across the continent over the years have taken root, sprouted, and blossomed, the people's IQ and outlook on Douluo Continent have been initially guided by Ling Yi onto the right track.

The nursery must be carefully managed to produce a large area of ​​luscious fruits, instead of allowing them to grow wildly, resulting in crooked melons and cracked dates. The few that grow well are treated as treasures.

Seeing Tang Chen's 'exploring' gaze as he looked at him, Ling Yi smiled faintly and turned his gaze to Tang Zhen and Tang Xiao's father and son:

"Your Majesty Zhen Tian Mian, I asked Ling Yi to come here. What can I do for you?"

Just half a day ago, Ling Yi was in "Xueyue City" more than seventy miles east of here, re-examining the physical condition of Yi Linlie, a former "patient".

As the first 'guinea pig' on the Douluo Continent to absorb the pain of a titled Douluo and transform from an ordinary person without soul power to a soul master, Master Ling is still very concerned about what will happen to him in the future out of the benevolent professional ethics of a doctor. There will be no rejection reaction.

Fortunately, the magic of Wuhun was fully demonstrated at this moment. Not only did Yi Linlie not have any adverse reactions, he also raised his soul power to level ten in just over a year.

Not long ago, his teacher, the eighty-seventh level Contra Ghost, personally helped him hunt down a "Shadow Demon Leopard" with 500 years of cultivation, and then became a first-level combat soul master of the agility attack system!

While Ling Yi was still checking Yi Linlie's body, Tang Xiao, who was in "Xueyue City", got the news from somewhere and immediately conveyed the news of Ling Yi's appearance in "Xueyue City" To his father Tang Zhen in the penalty area.

After receiving the news, Tang Zhen, at Tang Chen's signal, asked Tang Xiao to personally find the main martial arts hall of "Xueyue City", and invited and escorted Ling Yi to the forbidden area where the fallen soul master was haunted.

As the eldest son of Tang Zhen, the leader of the [Haotian Sect], Tang Xiao personally came to invite him, and the etiquette should be considered to be in place. Of course, Ling Yi would not say "Tang Zhen wants to see me, just come over by yourself". speak in style.

Faced with Ling Yi's inquiry, Tang Zhen turned his attention to his father. He didn't know why his father, Tang Chen, wanted to meet with Ling Yi.

"City Lord Ling," sensing his son's gaze, Tang Chen's old voice spoke unhurriedly: "It's my intention to invite you here."

"I heard the Xiaoer brothers mention City Master Ling's deeds before, and I admired City Master Ling's ability and wisdom very much, especially the 'Martial Soul Organ Theory' proposed by City Master Ling, which was really the first of its kind in Douluo Continent's martial soul system. , is a concept that we martial artists who only know how to practice have never heard of!”

"I happened to hear that City Lord Ling is in "Xueyue City" this time. Due to some personal reasons, I can't go to visit him in person. I would like to ask City Lord Ling to come over. I hope City Lord Ling won't blame him."

Tang Chen's words, the sincerity of his words, and the humility of his attitude made Tang Zhen and Tang Xiao look at him side by side.

In their eyes, who is this person in front of them?

Not only is he the previous generation sect leader of the [Haotian Sect], but the father of the current sect leader Tang Zhen is one of the 'Two Sacred Mountains in the Soul Master World'. He is also an unparalleled powerhouse who has reached level ninety-nine and leads the [Haotian Sect]. Tang Chen, the 'Haotian Douluo' who ascended to the throne of the number one sect in the world!

Of course, in Ling Yi's ears, Tang Chen's words were just like that. The gesture was polite and polite, but the underlying meaning in his words still had obvious condescension and pride.

But it is understandable. After all, even the most powerful person in [Lingyun City] today, 'Seven Kill Douluo' Chen Jianjun, is only level ninety-seven. For Tang Chen, who is level ninety-nine, It's not something worthy of attention.

You know, before being unilaterally crushed by 'Wu Wudi', in Tang Chen's eyes, Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi were the only two people in the entire Douluo Continent who were worthy of equal friendship.

As for the people inside [Haotian Sect], they are all descendants. As an father and grandfather, who dares to have different opinions?

Tang Hao is unruly enough, right?

Two months ago, Tang Chen commented that he was too obsessed with the path of 'extreme power' and neglected to polish his skills. The little grandson with a somewhat rebellious mentality actually dared to refute, saying bluntly, 'Grandpa's path is not the path I want to take. own way'.

As a result, he was hung up by Tang Chen and beaten, and now he was driven back to "Haoyang Cliff" to be imprisoned for training.

"Haotian Mian, what are you talking about?" Ling Yi smiled lightly, shook his head, and responded in the same unhurried manner: "Being able to see the legendary 'invincible on the ground' is an opportunity that many soul masters in Douluo Continent dream of. If I can get a word or two of advice from Haotian Mian, it would be Ling Yi who would like to express his gratitude to Mian Haotian..."

This is true. Although Ling Yi can almost defeat Tang Chen with one hand now, Tang Chen, a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo, must have some insights on martial arts, especially weapon martial arts. Its unique insights.

Master once said, "When three people are walking together, they must have me as their teacher." Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.

If Tang Chen can really bring some new knowledge and insights to Ling Yi, then Ling Yi will definitely express his gratitude to him. This has nothing to do with strength or status, it is just a seeker's respect for knowledge and principles.

On the other side, after hearing Ling Yi's words, Tang Chen's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that his "folded hand" could not make the little guy in front of him feel grateful in the first place.

This is not because Tang Chen is narcissistic, but because of Tang Chen's strength and status, the words he just said to 99% of the people on Douluo Continent will make them feel excited from the bottom of their hearts.

The same sentence, said by different people, has completely different effects.

A compliment from a colleague may just make you feel happy, but a compliment from your immediate boss may make a more emotional person feel the urge to die for a confidant at that moment.

Although Ling Yi and Tang Chen did not have a subordinate relationship, with Tang Chen's strength compared to a healing seven-ring soul saint, even if Ling Yi was the leader of a force, he should have some mood swings under normal circumstances.

It can be said that if Qian Xunji had been here just now, the corners of his mouth would have turned up crazily.

This is Tang Chen's card!

However, although Ling Yi responded very politely, the subtext was: No matter what you ask me for, whether I can do it or not, the benefits you should give afterward must not be less!

Ling Yi also made it very clear that he didn't want worldly things like gold soul coins, but he wanted the guidance of Tang Chen, a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo.

But this is actually much more valuable than rewards such as gold soul coins!

If he could spend five million gold soul coins in exchange for Tang Chen's advice, I'm afraid many forces with such financial resources on the Douluo Continent would choose to trade.

For example, [Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family] Yu Yuanzhen, who hopes to make further progress, and [Seven Treasures Glazed Sect] Ning Fengzhi, who is stuck at level 89 and dreams of them breaking through to the title Douluo, will not hesitate. Choose to spend money and don’t hesitate to increase the price!

As for the poor people who don’t have enough financial resources, they can only curse and say in their hearts: “It’s not like you will definitely break through after listening to the advice, or you may end up in vain~”

Ling Yi's "disregarding relatives" and "unkindness" surprised Tang Chen and made Tang Zhen and Tang Xiao frown. However, the moment before the latter two's emotions were revealed, Tang Chen's laughter sounded first:

"Hahaha! I'm just a bit older. In terms of my views on martial arts, I'm afraid I may not be able to compare with City Lord Ling."

"But if City Lord Ling is willing to communicate with me, I will naturally be happy to do so!"

Hearing this, father and son Tang Zhen and Tang Xiao looked at each other in confusion. Just as they were thinking about whether their father/grandfather was planning to recruit Ling Yi as his grandson-in-law, Tang Chen changed the subject and asked, seemingly unintentionally. :

"By the way, City Lord Ling, did you come out alone this time?

Let me tell you, as the leader of a force, although you are a seven-ring soul saint, you are still a healing soul master, so you still need someone to accompany you and protect you..."

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