Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 512 Tang Chen is frightened

God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thought) once again felt sorry, because Tang Chen was really suitable to inherit the throne of God Shura.

Unfortunately, I was a bit unlucky.

Shaking his head, Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts) abandoned the meaningless emotions, put down his palms, and prepared to imprint the memory scenes that had just been manifested, sealing them together with the evil thoughts breath of Rakshasa God that he had previously absorbed, and waiting for the deity. Get it from the lower realm.

At this moment, a slightly gentle voice came into the ears of God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts).

"Hey! Are you two done with the fight, or is it a temporary truce?"

Hearing these sudden words, Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) paused and cast his gaze over.

A figure wearing ferocious black armor, with everything hidden from head to toe came into view.

"Who is this?" God Shura (the incarnation of divine thought) looked at the black-armored figure that suddenly appeared, with suspicion in his eyes.

Tang Chen's talent and strength were recognized by him, the incarnation of Shura God's spiritual thoughts. He had just fought against Tang Chen in the state of the King of Slaughter, and the person who awakened Tang Chen by chance was the descendant of the Angel God, whose strength was comparable to that of Tang Chen. Quite early in the morning.

What is the situation with this person who suddenly appears now?

From the tone of voice, it seemed that he was on the same level as Tang Chen and the descendant of the Angel God. Even Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts) seemed to be looking down on the two of them.

Next, things developed completely beyond the expectations of Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts).

Wu Wudi? [Rakshasa Cult]?

When the three words 'Rakshasa Cult' fell into his ears, the originally indifferent expression of God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) became serious.

When he heard the black-armored man named Wu Wudi talking about finding a new 'Killing God' from the 'Killing City' to practice, God Shura (the incarnation of his spiritual mind) flashed in his eyes.

Others don't know, how can he, the incarnation of God Shura's spiritual thoughts, not know?

The existence of the "City of Killing" is to cast a wide net and select inheritors who are qualified to take the divine examination from the fighting of thousands of soul masters.

Tang Chen was the sixth person in the "City of Slaughter" to obtain the "Killing God Realm" in the past thousand years, and the fifth was the previous King of Slaughter who died in his hands.

The nearest seventh ‘Killing God’, that young man with the same martial spirit as Tang Chen, turned out to be Tang Chen’s grandson?

It seems that Tang Chen's bloodline is indeed good, maybe...

God Shura (the incarnation of his spiritual mind) thought, and the scene in front of him changed again. Tang Chen and the black-armored man named Wu Wudi started fighting!

Unexpectedly, Tang Chen lost? !

He was defeated by the other party in a head-to-head confrontation in the most arrogant way!

Even God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) looked at this scene in a daze.

Even though Tang Chen stopped at the eighth test and was not recognized as the "Shura Divine Sword", in fact, Tang Chen's strength is definitely the ceiling among humans in Douluo Continent!

The reason why he failed the assessment was simply because that bitch, the Rakshasa God, didn't respect martial ethics and used his dignity as the Lord God to sneak attack and plot against Tang Chen, a junior in the world!

If it were not for the Rakshasa God, Tang Chen might have successfully completed the eighth test more than ten years ago and started the ninth test with 100% affinity to the Asura God. The possibility of successfully inheriting the throne of the Shura God was at least 98% above!

But even if he failed the divine test, Tang Chen was still one of the strongest people in this world!

So, the guy named Wu Wudi in front of me is a god secretly disguised?

God Shura (the incarnation of divine thought) narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the figure shrouded in ferocious black armor, trying to determine the opponent's true identity from the power displayed in his hands.

However, what disappointed God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) was that from beginning to end, he could not see which deity in the divine world matched Wu Wudi's power.

That transcendent power is a bit like the God of Strength among the second-level gods; the golden thunder amplification secret technique is a bit like the God of Thunder among the first-level gods.

What worries God Shura (the incarnation of his divine mind) the most is the ferocious black armor, which looks very much like a product of the civilization of Douluo Planet in the previous era! ! !

At this moment, God Shura (the incarnation of divine thought) felt that this being named Wu Wudi seemed to be shrouded in a fog, making it difficult to see clearly!

"No fun, just go ahead and play~"

Familiar words sounded again. Tang Chen didn't know what the Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thought) beside him was thinking. Anyway, he looked at 'himself' with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth at the moment, and felt a faint feeling of relief.

No matter how many times he recalled it, he always felt helpless and hopeless in the face of that overwhelming and tyrannical power!

"who is he?"

Just as Tang Chen was still reliving the powerlessness of the past, the voice of God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) sounded in his ears: "What is the [Rakshasa Cult] that the boy from the Angel God family said?"

"I don't know~" Tang Chen shook his head, looking at the void with no trace of the black armor in front of him along with himself in the memory phantom, and said solemnly: "I only know that he calls himself Wu Wudi, and he is also the name of [Rakshasa Cult]" Said it myself.”

"Qian Daoliu told me that when Wu Wudi first appeared, he found my two grandsons and gave them a test."

"By the way, the other party once said at that time that according to the teachings of [Rakshasa Cult], whoever can kill the Rakshasa God will be the new Rakshasa God!"

Tang Chen answered. In the phantom of memory, as Wu Wudi left, Tang Chen, who was obviously relieved, communicated with Qian Daoliu again. Qian Daoliu's words just confirmed Tang Chen's retelling.

"Whoever can kill the Rakshasa God will be the new Rakshasa God -" Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts) murmured and repeated the words spoken by Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu (the memory phantom).

As for Wu Wudi causing trouble for Tang Hao, the new heir to the 'Killing God Realm', God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) didn't really care, but he couldn't help but think more about this so-called [Rakshasa Sect] doctrine.

"Lord Shura God~" Tang Chen turned sideways, often raising his head, looking up at the huge Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts), and asked: "Is this Wu Wudi a god from the God Realm?"

God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) lowered his eyes and glanced at Tang Chen, and said calmly: "It's hard to say, but if he really comes from the divine realm, then it is obvious that he violated the gods' prohibition not to go down to the realm."

"And there is only one consequence for violating the rules of the divine world: obliteration!"

The implication is that the other party's behavior of hiding his head and tail is probably to hide his identity to prevent being caught by the gods.

Tang Chen understood what Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) meant, and for some reason, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He, 'Haotian Douluo' Tang Chen, wielded the 'Haotian Hammer' to fight against all the invincible opponents in the world, and dominated the Douluo Continent for more than a hundred years. Once defeated by a god from the divine world, it is better than losing to a fellow mortal. It would be easier for him to accept the spirit masters in the world.

"Besides this time, do you have any other news about Wu Wudi?"

The attention of God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) at this time has been attracted by Wu Wudi, who is suspected of sneaking into the lower world from the God Realm. As one of the three law enforcers in the God Realm Council after the two God Kings, he has the obligation to Find out Wu Wudi’s identity.

Once it is confirmed that Wu Wudi's identity is really a god in the God Realm, God Shura, as the law enforcer, must punish him in order to maintain the majesty of the rules of the God Realm!

Upon hearing the question from God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts), Tang Chen shook his head and frowned: "Currently we only know this information."

After a pause, an imperceptible strange color flashed in Tang Chen's eyes, and he continued: "There is a new force on the Douluo Continent, and its founder has a guard beside him. From his dress to his fighting style, everything... Very similar to Wu Wudi..."

God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thought) glanced at Tang Chen's body, paused briefly on that calm face, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Next, God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) did not stop developing Tang Chen's memory, but instead began to accelerate.

Among them, when the two other brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, who were brutally beaten by Wu Wudi, appeared, the memory phantom returned to normal speed.

Regarding Tang Hao's possession of the 'Killing God Realm', God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) also paid some attention.

But that's all. After all, compared to Tang Chen, his grandfather, although Tang Hao's cultivation talent is not weak at all, he is far behind in terms of mind, speech, and wisdom.

If Tang Chen's pearls and jade were not in front of him, maybe Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) would give Tang Hao a chance to take the Shura God test.

It's a pity that with Tang Chen as a grandfather, Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) doesn't want to give in to Tang Hao as a grandson.

Although Tang Chen has now failed the divine test, and before he removes the evil thoughts of the Rakshasa God from his soul, he cannot continue to take the Asura God test.

After all, with the interference of Rakshasa God's evil thoughts, Tang Chen could not obtain the recognition of "Shura Divine Sword" at all, and naturally he could not continue in the eighth test.

Not to mention that in the ninth test, once the power of other gods is involved, the other party can easily interfere again.

At that time, not only Tang Chen, the inheritor, would be in danger of life and death, but also God Shura himself would be affected to a certain extent.

But the problem is not big. He just gave a hint. As long as Tang Chen is smarter, no matter from the descendants of the Angel God or the followers of the Poseidon, they can always think of ways to remove the evil thoughts of the Rakshasa God from his soul. .

The memory phantom continued to accelerate, and soon it was today.

When Tang Xiao appeared in front of 'Tang Chen' and Tang Zhen with Ling Yi, and when he saw that perfect and flawless face again, a complex color flashed in Tang Chen's eyes.

As for Ling Yi's peak-looking face, Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) had no fluctuation in his expression. At his level, things like appearance could no longer touch his mood.

Not to mention, Ling Yi is still a man.

The scene of the memory phantom continues, from Ling Yi's diagnosis of Tang Zhen's hidden injuries, to summoning the martial spirit, treating Tang Zhen, and using the healing soul skills for Tang Chen, each scene progresses.

Feeling a little bit of the 'ultimate life' breath emanating from Ling Yi's "Aoki·Blue Silver Emperor" martial spirit and soul skills, God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) looked at it for the first time.

‘This breath has a bit of the flavor of life (goddess). If she knew about it, she might choose him as the inheritor. ’

‘If we can gain favor from the Goddess of Life, the God of Destruction will probably stand neutral in the subsequent trial of Rakshasa. ’

‘Rakshasa, this time, you will die——! ! ! ’

Just when God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) was thinking secretly in his heart, the phantom of memory had come to the scene where Tang Chen was looking through "Weapon Spirit: The Secret of Forging".

With the Goddess of Life understanding the purpose of the chosen one in advance, God Shura (the incarnation of divine thoughts) moved and watched from behind the memory phantom ‘Tang Chen’.

Time passed minute by minute, just like the memory phantom 'Tang Chen'. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he was in the heart of God Shura (the incarnation of spiritual thought). It seemed that there was a slight trace of emotion in his eyes that had always been indifferent. Undetectable coloration.

Unlike Tang Chen, who was still wandering in the mortal world, Shura God, who is now half-step to the level of God King, has a vision that is definitely several levels ahead of the current era of Douluo Star.

Although many of Ling Yi's ideas and concepts are still a little immature in his eyes, they are definitely far ahead of the current era!

His eyes moved from the blank page that 'Tang Chen' had quickly turned to Ling Yi. A thought that he had never thought of before suddenly appeared in the mind of God Shura (the incarnation of his spiritual mind): 'How about, let him try my Divine test? ’

As soon as this idea appeared, it spread uncontrollably in the heart of Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts).

'Anyway, after he inherits my position as Shura God and has the super divine weapon "Shura Divine Sword" in hand, it won't matter what his original martial soul was...'

However, just the next second, Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thought) secretly shook his head: 'No, this kid is not only a soul saint now, but also a healer. He has no fighting power at all. He can do it in the first three tests alone. Let him die...'

As for Ling Yi's previous remarks about "knowing a little bit about boxing and kicking" and Tang Xiao's words of praise that followed, God Shura (the incarnation of his divine mind) simply ignored them.

When Shura God (incarnation of spiritual thoughts) was observing Ling Yi, Tang Chen was also observing God Shura (incarnation of spiritual thoughts). Although the other person's emotions were extremely restrained, the person in front of him was just an incarnation of spiritual thoughts after all.

According to Tang Chen's observations, from the time Ling Yi summoned the martial soul to perform his soul skills, to when he took out the "Weapon Spirit: Forging Secrets" and showed it to the memory phantom 'Tang Chen', at least four appearances of Shura God (the incarnation of divine thoughts) appeared. mood swings.

From these four mood swings, Tang Chen became more and more convinced of Ling Yi's excellence!

Especially the content about "Weapon Soul: Forging Secret Technique" actually attracted the attention of God Shura. Apparently, even the gods recognized some of the ideas!

So, is it possible that he could sublimate the spirit of the "Clear Sky Hammer" into a divine weapon? !

The memory phantom continued, and soon, the scene came to Ling Yi's response to Tang Chen's "god's realm".

Ling Yi's eyes turned to the window not far from Tang Chen, looking at the corner of the blue sky, with a smile on his lips: "..., the gods that the world longs for and admires, after all, are also cultivated by human beings, but compared with Soul masters, their power is more powerful, that’s all~”

When he first heard this sentence, Tang Chen was just amazed by Ling Yi's vision and courage. Now he looked at it from the perspective of a bystander. He was shocked to find that when Ling Yi said the last sentence, his eyes slightly lifted. He moved and his eyes met the Shura God (the incarnation of spiritual thoughts) who was sizing him up. Then, he nodded? ? ! !

‘A coincidence… a coincidence——? ! ’

Even though he was just a projection in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness at this moment, Tang Chen still felt goosebumps on his arms.

A creepy feeling emerged in his heart involuntarily.

On the other side, God Shura (the incarnation of divine thought) was slightly startled, and then his pair of red eyes narrowed slightly.

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