Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 514 Set off south

"Xueyue City", the city lord's mansion.

Ling Yi raised his eyes and looked up at the clear blue sky, his eyes as deep as an ancient well.

‘No action taken? Or... was stopped? ’

Using the 'Holy Fetus' as a medium, Ling Yi's consciousness connected with Douluo Star's pan-consciousness of heaven and earth. Just now he sensed a breath from a higher plane appearing and disappearing. At this time, everything was as usual on Douluo Star.

Although the current Ling Yi is not yet able to replace the heart of heaven with his own heart, he can open an observation authority in the background of Douluo Star's pan-consciousness of heaven and earth to check if there are any alien existences that do not belong to Douluo Star. .

Unless it was an entity far beyond Douluo Star's self-checking system, all foreign auras would not be able to escape Ling Yi's perception.

To put it simply, if existences like Shura God and Evil God King come to Douluo Star, Ling Yi may not be able to defeat him at the moment, but he still has no problem sensing his opponent's movements.

As for whether the God King could block the self-checking system of Douluo Star World, Ling Yi's mind was high above the Nine Heavens, and he glanced at the Shura God's divine thoughts in the Tiandou Beidi subspace, and the town's suppression system in the "Tian Dou City" imperial palace treasury. The answer to the national treasure "Boundless Universe Cover", the remains of the Ice and Fire Dragon King buried thousands of feet underground in the "Sunset Forest" and "Ice and Fire Eyes", and the Silver Dragon King under the "Lake of Life" in the core area of ​​the "Star Forest" in the central and southern part of the continent. It's quite clear.

I have to say that the God King in Douluo's world view is indeed quite impressive in terms of his spiritual realm, not to mention his combat prowess.

Thinking about it, in this world view where love and emotion, good and evil dominate the world, and the existence of rules such as time, space, cause and effect, reincarnation, etc. are all turned into a cheap attribute, what realm can the strong ones have? Word?

Not long ago, when Ling Yi was communicating with Tang Chen in a small town on the outskirts of the "Killing City", Fu Zhi had a moment of "future vision" and "causality view" in his mind.

The former is that Ling Yi himself has come into contact with Tang Zichen's "Tao of sincerity, which can be known in advance" similar to "The Romance of Dragon and Snake". The latter is that Douluo Star's pan-consciousness of heaven and earth touches Ling Yi, and uses Alaya consciousness to Ling Yi. A 'fruit' of transportation.

Now that he has seen the 'effect', Ling Yi naturally doesn't mind giving his own 'cause'.

So, Ling Yi at that time said hello to the owner of those eyes from the future.

It may be that Ling Yi's operation exceeded the operating mechanism of the world of Douluo Star, and the universal consciousness of the world instinctively 'erased' Ling Yi's nodding action at that time.

This was an inference made by Ling Yi when he found that in his memory, the nodding movements when greeting him began to fade away.

‘Is it because cause and effect are reversed and time and space are disrupted? ’ Ling Yi silently deduced the truth and principles contained in this.

‘Tsk tsk, what a weak world~’

"Master Ling, what do you think?"

At this moment, a majestic and flattering voice sounded nearby, calling Ling Yi's mind from the nine heavens back to the garden of the city lord's mansion.

"Since Lord Su Di sincerely invites you, Ling Yi will naturally not refuse." Ling Yi looked friendly and nodded to Su Di, the Lord of "Xueyue City", "Marquis of Xueyue City".

Su Di, the martial spirit "Ice Moon Blade", is a sixth-level, six-level agility attack spirit emperor.

"In this way, Ling Yi will handwrite a letter in a short while and hand it to the people from the Aoki Chamber of Commerce to pass it back to 'Lingyun City'." Ling Yi looked at Su Di, who looked eager but forced himself to be calm, and continued with the other's surprised expression. : "In about half a month at most, the first batch of teaching teams will be able to arrive at "Xueyue City"."

"It's just that City Lord Su Di also wants to clarify one thing."

Ling Yi's face straightened, and he warned in a solemn tone: "Although the Qi and Blood Battle Formation can emit power that far exceeds that of the soldiers themselves, it cannot last long."

"In addition, it requires a high degree of tacit understanding between the formation members. This cannot be achieved by eating at the same table or sleeping in the same bed. It also requires the soldiers themselves and their comrades to have the trust they can trust."

"Master Ling, please don't worry!" Su Di patted his chest hard and assured loudly: "Since Brother Yi Linlie and the others joined the army, the soldiers of "Xueyue City" not only practiced military formations and strengthened their bodies, but also strengthened their physical fitness. With your heart in mind, even cooperation in combat is much better than before!”

"Even though I, Mr. Su, am a sixth-ring soul emperor, if I am surrounded by more than a thousand city guards led by Brother Yi Linlie, I am afraid whether I can escape is a problem!"

At the beginning of the year 2625 in the Douluo Calendar, the most talked-about thing in the [Tian Dou Empire] North is not the annual auction of "Lingyun City" that just ended, nor is it the products from the "Ultra North" The cold current was raging, but it was the Qi-blood battle formation displayed by the escort team escorting the Qingmu caravan in [Lingyun City].

If once a militia team composed of ordinary people including Yi Linlie killed a four-ring soul sect at a heavy cost of casualties, and attracted the attention of all parties in the mainland to the body-forging method pioneered by Ling Yi, then [ Lingyun City] Guards, with the blessing of the Qi and Blood Battle Formation, killed a five-ring soul king without any injury, which was the prelude to a new era that was enough to shock the entire continent!

As one of the major cities in the northern part of the [Tian Dou Empire], "Xue Yue City" has a relatively strong foundation. Not only does it have a large number of soul masters, but even ordinary people's physical fitness exceeds that of the people in the southern province of Tian Dou. One-line, born to practice the way of body training.

In addition, since the cold current from the "Ultra North" went south, although the climate in the province of Tiandoubei has become much colder, the effects of the meditation practice of the soul masters and the physical training of the warriors are better than before. It’s almost over half a percent!

Don’t look at it as only half a percent, but you must know that this is a cultivation buff that covers the entire world!

The only drawback may be that from now on, the sky is no longer suitable for the growth of blue silver rice, and the only choice is to plant cold-resistant blue silver wheat.

However, compared to the high yield of Blue Silver rice, the yield of Blue Silver wheat is much lower. People in the world may have to enter the era of outsourcing food.

However, this is not a big problem. The low-temperature environment in the north will also spawn new related outputs, contributing to the ecological diversity and social functional system of Douluo Continent.

Farewell to the city lord Su Di, Ling Yi held Ta Xue's hand, A Huang and Miao Miao opened the way in front of him, and walked leisurely towards the south gate of "Xue Yue City".

"Xiao Hei, if you dare to run away, I will kill you."

Approaching the South City Gate, Ling Yi looked straight ahead at the bustling crowds of people entering and leaving the city, and said lightly.

As soon as the plain words were spoken, a black shadow jumped out from the diagonal alley and crashed directly into Ah Huang, who was strutting around with his tail swaying from side to side.

Ah Huang rolled his eyes, a look of human disdain appeared on the dog's face, and smacked the black shadow with his right paw. Unexpectedly, the black shadow that was still in the air swung out of thin air and avoided the slapping paw.


The furry yellow claws flew into the air and hit the pedestrians around him. Fortunately, Ah Huang used his strength in time to forcefully change the direction, and finally smashed the stone bricks on the ground with one claw.

Seeing Ah Huang destroying public property, Xiao Hei's blood-red pupils showed a very obvious look of pride and ridicule.

Ah Huang suddenly turned around, bared his teeth and glared at Xiao Hei who was as if nothing had happened. At the same time, he also carefully glanced at his master who was gradually approaching.

Ling Yi paid no attention to the confrontation between Ah Huang and Xiao Hei, but when passing by Ah Huang, he said lightly: "'Moiré Granite', one cubic meter is worth seven Silver Soul Coins, cutting, replacement, material cost, The labor fee starts from one gold soul coin. "

Upon hearing Ling Yi's words, Ah Huang's eyes lit up at first, but then his erect ears drooped again.

Somewhat reluctantly, he raised his paws and patted the collar around his neck. Ah Huang finally closed his eyes and took out three gold soul coins. After opening his eyes, he threw them to the city guard who came a few meters away to check the situation. military.

Looking at Ah Huang who was chasing after Ling Yi without looking back, Dong Mingwei, the captain of the city guard army, weighed the three gold soul coins in his hand and smacked his lips at the men on his left and right: "As expected of Master Ling, the dog he raised They are all so spiritual!”

His eyes swept over the three-foot-square broken stone brick on the ground, and he added: "It's still very strong!"

On the other side, Ling Yi did not do anything special and followed the flow of people out of the city gate. When he was nearly a hundred meters away from the city gate, he turned over and mounted Tuxue, preparing to ride his horse forward.

"Master Ling!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded from the side and behind.

Ling Yi pulled the reins in his hand, and Ta Xue turned half of his body. Tang Xiao's face fell into Ling Yi's eyes.

"Master Ling," Tang Xiao also rode a tall brown horse. He drove the horse quickly and walked closer. A friendly smile appeared on his resolute face, and he asked with a smile: "It seems that you are preparing to go south?"

"That's right~" Ling Yi sat on the horse, looked at Tang Xiao who was approaching, nodded, looked away from the motorcade behind Tang Xiao, and responded.

Noticing Ling Yi's gaze, the smile on Tang Xiao's face became brighter: "It just so happens that I have to escort this batch of supplies behind me back to Star Luo. How about we go together?"

Facing Tang Xiao's invitation, Ling Yi lowered his eyes slightly, then raised them again, smiled back, and said: "Will this...will disturb..."

"No, no!" Tang Xiao didn't wait for Ling Yi to finish his polite refusal, and quickly expressed his position: "Being able to walk with Master Ling all the way, and being able to listen to Master Ling's opinions on the martial soul path all the time, after all, Tang Xiao is still Xiao made a profit——"

This is a master of martial arts theory recognized even by his grandfather, a true wise man!

At the moment, Tang Xiao's soul power has reached level 89, only one step away from level 90.

It stands to reason that both his father Tang Zhen and his grandfather Tang Chen can give him the best guidance, and breakthroughs are just a matter of course.

But in Tang Xiao's heart, he wanted to get some advice from Ling Yi.

Because compared to step-by-step promotion along the Tang family's Clear Sky Hammer cultivation route, he would probably be at level ninety-six or seven in his lifetime.

Not to mention reaching the 99th level of the human pinnacle like his grandfather Tang Chen, Tang Xiao didn't have much confidence even at the 98th level below.

I don’t know why, but when he saw his grandfather Tang Chen changing his name to Ling Yi as ‘Master’, Tang Xiao had a thought in his heart:

Master Ling may be able to guide him to go further!

Thoughts were swirling in Tang Xiao's mind. Ling Yi, who was looking at him at close range, remained motionless. The power of his mind spread out and he read the sporadic fluctuations of consciousness emitted by the other party.

Combining Tang Xiao's demeanor, tone, and actions at this moment, Ling Yi concluded that the other party really came to ask for advice with sincerity at this moment.

Regarding this, Ling Yi just thought about it for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Okay, just before, His Majesty Haotian suggested that I not walk alone on the mainland~"

"With the company of Master Tang, Ling Yi no longer has to worry about safety issues along the way."

"Don't worry, Master Ling!" After Tang Xiao heard this, he immediately promised loudly: "As long as I, Tang Xiao, are here, even if a titled Douluo comes, they can't even think of hurting Master Ling!"

Tang Xiao's voice was so loud that pedestrians within a few dozen meters could hear what he said.

Many people initially sneered at Tang Xiao's words, but when they saw the motorcade gradually coming behind Tang Xiao, with the sect mark of [Haotian Sect] engraved on the motorcade, combined with Tang Xiao's self-proclaimed title, everyone couldn't help but vote. Come look in awe.

"Good boy! It's actually Tang Xiao from 'Haotian Double Star'!"

"I know him. It is said that he was an Eight Ring Contra many years ago!"

"Not only that, two years ago, the 'Haotian Double Stars' joined forces, but they had a spar with [Lingyun City]'s 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xinmianxia. Although they were at a disadvantage, their strength is definitely obvious to all!"

"Who is that person? He actually asked Tang Xiao from 'Haotian Double Star' to take the initiative to escort him?"

"If you have bad ears, just donate them. Didn't you hear that Tang Xiao just called the other party 'Master Ling'——"

"Hiss—! Master Ling?! Is that Master Ling from [Lingyun City]?"

"Nonsense! Is there a second Master Ling on Douluo Continent?"

"Incredible! Incredible! Master Ling really has no one in his cards, and he actually asked Tang Xiao from [Haotian Sect] to take the initiative to escort——!"

"This...this, this, this, [Haotian Sect] and [Lingyun City], are they...?"

There were whispers from pedestrians all around. Tang Xiao and Ling Yi, who were at the center of the conversation, remained unmoved. After exchanging a few words, they shook the reins in their hands and rode their horses southward along the official road.

While walking, Tang Xiao's eyes glanced at Ta Xue, who was walking leisurely under Ling Yi, but was always more than half the length of the good horse under his crotch. Then he looked at Ah Huang and Miaomiao, who were running ahead and leading the way, and a strange flash flashed in his eyes. color.

Master Ling's mounts and pets are actually at the same level as a thousand-year-old soul beast? !

At this moment, another black figure following Ling Yi on the other side fell into Tang Xiao's eyes: "That is...?"

Before Tang Xiao could take a closer look, the black figure, no bigger than an ordinary house cat, seemed to notice Tang Xiao's gaze and suddenly looked back.

Blood-red eyes looked at Tang Xiao, and Tang Xiao was shocked to find that those eyes actually revealed an extremely human look of disdain and ferocity? !

When Tang Xiao shook his head and looked over again, what caught his eye was the back of a strange-looking big black cat.

What impressed Tang Xiao the most was the big black cat's tail, which was composed of several joints and ended with a stinger that looked like a scorpion.

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