Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 530: Hasty Assessment

Douluo calendar year 2626, October 1st.

『Lingyun City』, the Great Parade Ground in the west of the city.

"I declare that the first 'All Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Unified Assessment' has come to a successful conclusion!"

Ling Yi stood on the high platform and looked around the audience. Under the gaze of more than 3,000 pairs of eyes, he was calm and his voice was full of appeal: "Next, please invite the top three in the team battle, the top three in the individual battle, the first place in the forging subject, the first place in the carving subject, and the first place in the music subject to come on stage to receive the prizes of this assessment!"

As Ling Yi's voice fell, nine figures walked towards the high platform at a fast or slow pace under the attention of the crowd.

Looking at the nine young and energetic young people, 99% of the people in the field were envious.

Although there were only about 300 teachers and students who came to participate in the final assessment, the other city guards belonging to [Lingyun City] were also jealous of the next rewards.

After climbing onto the platform, the nine people consciously stood in their positions according to their respective strengths and rankings. Ling Yi's eyes crossed with each of them, and he saw the uncontrollable excitement and nervousness on their faces.

Although none of these nine people were familiar faces, they were able to stand out from thousands of their peers, which was enough to prove their excellence.

Ling Yi smiled slightly, and the warm and gentle breath enveloped the nine people, easing their tension. He waved to Qingqiu Xin who was not far away, and said at the same time: "Okay, first of all, the first place in the team battle, the prize, "Thousand Years of Ice Marrow", nine drops!"

Hearing this, the captain of the "Martial Soul Academy Team" subconsciously stepped forward.

Ling Yi took a white jade bottle the size of a child's fist from the tray in Qingqiu Xin's hand and handed it to the young man named Yumin in front of him.

Yumin, martial soul "Blood Demon Crazy Bear", 22 years old, 48th level strong attack system war soul sect.

Yu Min couldn't help shaking his hands when he got this treasure that was judged as the first-class treasure by the "Record of Rare Treasures", and it was nine drops. Even though his grandfather was a titled Douluo-level elder of the Spirit Hall.

Without giving Yu Min too much time to get excited, Ling Yi encouraged him for a few words, then picked up another white jade bottle and handed it to Ji Cunxi, the captain of the second place in the team battle, the 'Tianshui College Team'.

Prize: "Thousand-year Ice Marrow", six drops.

The third place was the 'Xingluo Royal College Team', and the prize was also "Thousand-year Ice Marrow", but only three drops.

The top three prizes in the individual battle were "Thousand-year Whale Glue", and the first place in the three items of forging, carving, and music could choose between a "Blue Silver Grass" soul ring with any attribute below the 5,000-year level and a self-selected spiritual weapon.

The soul ring is easy to understand. After the three students reach the soul power standard, they can get a "Blue Silver Grass" with an age of less than 5,000 years as an advanced soul ring, and the attribute can be selected.

Spiritual weapons are spiritually forged divine weapons. Whether it is a conventional sword, a spear, an axe, or a forging hammer, a carving knife, or an orchestral instrument, they can all be specially made.

Therefore, the three captains of the top three teams and the top three individuals in the individual battle each have a white jade bottle and a sandalwood box. The first place in forging, carving, and music is empty-handed, but only left the style of the spiritual weapon they chose on Qingqiu Xin's tray.

Well, all three chose spiritual weapons and gave up the "Blue Silver Grass" spirit ring.

As the award ceremony ended, Ling Yi swept his eyes across the eager faces of many students below and announced again: "Others don't have to be disappointed. Although you don't have these material rewards, as an incentive to pass the preliminary assessment and successfully stand on this final stage, each of you can choose a yellow-level secret method in [Lingyun City]. Each of the top three in the team battle, the top ten in the individual battle, the top three in forging, the top three in carving, and the top three in music can choose one more mysterious-level secret method!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent at first, but then there was a roar of cheers.

Today, the secrets of [Lingyun City] have become a well-known ladder for the strong in Douluo Continent. It is known as the second path besides the martial soul.

The most important thing is that this path does not conflict with the path of the martial soul master, but complements each other!

The secrets of [Lingyun City] are divided into four levels and twelve grades of heaven, earth, and yellow. The "Farmer's Three Styles" and "Basic Body Forging Technique·Twelve Forms" that are now spread all over Douluo Continent, the former is not graded, and the latter's twelve forms are not graded separately, and the twelve forms are ranked as yellow grade lower grade after being combined!

"Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Boxing·Ⅰ" has nine styles, each of which is yellow grade separately, which can not only temper the physique, but also be used as a combat skill, comparable to the white tenth-level soul ring soul skill. The grades are subdivided according to the specific effect, such as the third style·Light as a Swallow, which is classified as yellow grade lower grade, and the eighth style·Dragon Lizard Shaking Armor is classified as yellow grade upper grade.

"Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Boxing Frame·Ⅱ" also has nine styles. As an advanced version of "Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Boxing Frame·Ⅰ", each style is equivalent to the yellow hundred-year soul ring soul skill, all of which are ranked in the Xuan grade.

For the earth grade and heaven grade above, except for the high-level members of [Lingyun City], the outside world only knows that there are corresponding secrets, but does not know the specific information.

Because only the secrets of the yellow and Xuan grades are enough for hundreds of thousands of combatants in the huge [Lingyun City] to practice.

Although the threshold for practicing these secrets is much lower than that of the innate soul power of the martial soul, the higher the grade of the secret, the more difficult it is to comprehend.

The ungraded "Farmer's Three Styles" and the split "Basic Body Forging Technique·Twelve Forms" can be practiced by everyone, from the 80-year-old man to the yellow-haired child of four or five years old, everyone can learn and practice.

But starting from "Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Boxing Frame·Ⅰ", without a certain physical strength, talent and wisdom, it is really impossible to learn.

In addition, in addition to the early "Beast Martial Soul·Xingyi Boxing Frame", the current [Lingyun City] secret method is also filled with "Weapon Martial Soul·Eighteen Weapons", "Sword Drawing Technique", "Thousand-pound Stick Technique", "Thirteen Spears Breaking Formation", "Mountain Axe Technique"... From the lower grade of yellow level to the upper grade of Xuan level, everything is available.

"Nixing~" Ling Yi instructed the young man holding a spear on the edge of the platform: "Your team and Mo Yuxiong's team will arrange people to take these students to the library in the city. After they have selected the secret methods they want to learn, bring them back here and select corresponding personnel from the city guards to guide them..."

"Yes!" Nixing agreed loudly, and then waved the spear in his hand, signaling his teammates to go and notify Mo Yuxiong's team on duty on the other side.

Then, Nixing himself strode forward and came to the captain of the 'Wuhun Academy Team' Yumin, his eyes swept over Ji Cunxi and others beside him, and said in a sonorous voice: "Please call your teammates, and other qualified people, I will take you out first!"

It is obvious that Nixing is preparing his team to take the talented top students who can learn the Xuan-level secrets to go first, and the remaining two hundred students will be handed over to Mo Yuxiong.

Not to mention that Mo Yuxiong got the news later and secretly cursed Nixing for being a thief, Ling Yi himself took the teachers of the various academies to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss some problems that occurred in the first 'All Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Unified Assessment' and make corresponding arrangements for the second session.

To be honest, Ling Yi was not very satisfied with this first unified assessment.

Whether it was the quality of the personnel, the assessment items, or the final prizes, they did not meet his initial expectations.

First of all, in terms of personnel quality, because the true purpose of [Lingyun City] is uncertain, although all major universities have sent outstanding students to participate in the assessment, except for a few, most colleges have retained the best talents.

You know, those most outstanding talents are basically accepted as disciples by the college teachers, and they will most likely stay in the college and become new teachers or even leaders of the college.

The Soul Master College of Douluo Continent is actually more like a sect with loose management.

For those students with ordinary qualifications, adhering to the principle of casting a wide net, as long as they meet the admission requirements, they can be said to be accepted, and then unified teaching.

But for these students with average potential, the college basically does not pay too much attention. The attention of various teachers, even the deans of the college, is placed on the students with outstanding talents, and they are accepted as disciples and direct descendants first, and vigorously cultivate their talents to increase their own voice in the college.

Of course, colleges such as [Tiandou Royal College], [Xingluo Royal College], and Four Elements College also have the platform attributes of communication between the descendants and second generations of various forces.

In addition, it also has the function of selecting outstanding talents, but it is just that the teacher recruits disciples, and the young master and the young lady make brothers and sisters and recruit followers.

In this case, [Lingyun City] promotes the "unified assessment of advanced soul master academies across the continent", proposes to determine the most outstanding talents, and awards prizes to the winners. In the eyes of all parties, it is somewhat intriguing.

Is [Lingyun City] trying to pick peaches?

This idea appeared in the minds of the leaders of various forces.

Everyone can see that the development of [Lingyun City] is rapid and unstoppable. Unless [Wuhun Hall] and [Haotian Sect], plus the two empires, join forces to suppress it, the rise of [Lingyun City] has become inevitable.

In terms of top combat power, there are the father and son of 'Seven Killing Douluo' Chen Jianjun and 'Sword Douluo' Chen Xin, the unfathomable Erlang, and the Soul Douluo-level Dugu Bo and Gu Rong (who have not yet announced their achievement of Titled Douluo).

In terms of the bottom-level combat power, due to the development of physical training martial arts, [Lingyun City] has almost surpassed the foundation accumulated by [Wuhun Hall] for thousands of years in terms of combat power below the second-ring great soul master.

To this day, [Lingyun City] only lacks middle-level combat power.

In this case, various forces have to suspect that [Lingyun City] is preparing to intercept the outstanding students of various advanced spirit academies to fill its own middle-level soul master combat power.

It is also because of this suspicion that the quality of the students participating in the first "All Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Unified Assessment" is not bad, but it is definitely not up to the level it should have. Especially the combat-classified students.

Only [Wuhun Academy] and [Xingluo Royal Academy], which are not worried about [Lingyun City] poaching, or [Tianshui Academy], where the team leader fully trusts [Lingyun City], will push out their own seed students and show them in front of the various forces on Douluo Continent in advance.

As for the assessment items and the prizes for the winners, the former is because the acceptance of more detailed assessment items is not high in the current Douluo Continent. For example, there are few people participating in the classification items such as attack, defense, skills, speed, and assistance. People still focus more on group battles and individual battles, and use combat effectiveness as the most intuitive criterion.

In order to make the Douluo Continent become the ideal state of letting a hundred flowers bloom, Ling Yi estimated that he would have to spend at least several decades to guide the people's ideas.

Finally, there are prizes for the winners. Obviously, all the prizes this time were paid by Lingyun City, or Ling Yi himself.

For the various forces on Douluo Continent, even if their own internal personnel want to obtain those precious materials, they have to weigh the pros and cons and make various considerations. Now Ling Yi wants to talk a little and ask them to pay real money. If their students win, it's fine, but if they lose, then all the money will be wasted.

As the saying goes, there are people who do business that will get them killed, but no one does business that will lose money.

Before they can see the benefits that they can get, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to ask the various forces to take out things as prizes!

In this regard, even in the original timeline of the "All-Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition", the reason why Wuhun Hall took out three soul bones as the champion prize is actually because the strength of the "Golden Generation" is a cliff-like lead, which can be said to have predetermined the championship position in advance.

Bibi Dong gave it as the prize for the champion of the competition to stop the opposition of the elders and worshippers of the [Spirit Hall]. She never thought that there would be a group of protagonists who cheated and made her plan fail.

Of course, as a qualified leader, Bibi Dong was also trustworthy. She said that the soul bone would be the champion prize, and she really gave it out. Even when Tang San distributed the soul bone on the spot, she did not think of stopping it. It was not until the three soul bones were distributed that people started to capture Xiao Wu.

The first time they climbed the legendary Qingyun Mountain, Bibi Dong, Shui Qingyue, Lan Lan, Meng Shenji and others were full of curiosity and expectation.

Ling Yi, the most legendary figure in Douluo Continent for thousands of years, everyone has a pilgrimage-like exploration heart for such a place where such an existence lives.

Because it was still early, Ling Yi was not in a hurry to take everyone to the meeting hall to get to the point directly. He asked people to notify Li Zhishu and Shao Xin, the "Lingyun Special Chef", to show their skills. At the request of Bibi Dong and others, Ling Yi took everyone to tour the City Lord's Mansion.

The first stop was the martial arts arena. Everyone fell silent as they looked at the stone walls, jade bi and the lifelike pictures carved on them.

They did not stay in the martial arts arena for long. Under the gaze of Chen Xin and Gu Rong, even if Meng Shenji and others wanted to continue watching shamelessly, they could only take a few more glances at the end, and then followed Ling Yi to other parts of the City Lord's Mansion reluctantly, looking back every few steps.

However, Bibi Dong and Shui Qingyue did not care about this, and paid more attention to Ling Yi himself.

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