Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 540: Mediation

"What?! Your eighth soul skill is not healing??!!"

"Lingyun City", Government Affairs Processing Center, Meeting Room.

Tang Hao, who had just sat down for a few minutes, stood up subconsciously, looking a little ugly.

Three days ago, the personnel of [Haotian Sect] stationed in "Lingyun City" sent a message back to "Haoyang Cliff":

Ling Yi, the Lord of [Lingyun City], broke through the Eight-Ring Soul Douluo realm at the age of 36!

This news is undoubtedly shocking.

Not only the people of [Haotian Sect], but also other forces on the mainland who received the news, all felt shocked, admired, and feared for Ling Yi's breakthrough... all kinds of complex emotions, and so on.

Without knowing that Ah Yin had already broken through to the Eight-Ring Soul Douluo, 99% of the soul masters on Douluo Continent only knew that four years ago, that is, in the 2623rd year of Douluo Calendar, the 36-year-old Tang Hao broke through to the Eight-Ring Soul Douluo!

Now, four years later, Ling Yi has also broken through to the eighth-ring Soul Douluo at the age of thirty-six. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the significance of this.

Ling Yi will definitely become a Titled Douluo!

However, when thinking of the "Blue Silver Grass" that is now all over the Douluo Continent, the Soul Masters with a little knowledge on the Douluo Continent understand that it is not a coincidence that Ling Yi can catch up with Tang Hao's promotion speed. In addition to his own talent having reached the same Tianjiao level as Tang Hao, the external environment is also an indispensable factor.

With this in mind, most people slowly calmed down their fluctuating emotions after the initial shock of Ling Yi's breakthrough.

At most, they once again felt an indelible envy and jealousy for the "Blue Silver Grass" martial spirit in their hearts.

It's not that no one has considered whether to suppress the spread of "Blue Silver Grass" on the continent, just like the [Shuimu Principality] in the early years.

However, the "Blue Silver Grass" has become popular in Douluo Continent. Apart from the seeds sown in the wild, many people who make profits by planting and cultivating "Blue Silver Grass" will not allow such a situation that destroys the growth environment of "Blue Silver Grass". This includes not only ordinary people, but also a large number of soul masters and even soul master families!

In today's Douluo Continent, "Blue Silver Grass" has become one of the basic elements of human society, just like martial spirits, soul coins, clothes, and houses.

Unless [Martial Spirit Hall] pulls together the two empires and the three major sects to enforce the ban, no one can stop the growth of "Blue Silver Grass"!

However, think about the huge benefits represented by the cultivation of "Blue Silver Grass" of various attributes, and think about the share of this huge benefit, who would do such a thankless task?

Give up the benefits that are in your mouth and can be eaten endlessly, just to create trouble for [Lingyun City] and Ling Yi?

No one is a fool, even Xue Ye and Dai Tianqi, who have great malice towards Ling Yi, will not do this.

Not to mention, Ling Yi is on the healing route, so what if he becomes a Titled Douluo?

If he has that time, he might as well put more energy into the martial arts system launched by [Lingyun City].

As a powerful aid to the practice of martial arts soul masters, although the martial arts system requires a lot of additional resources, it is a new world and a new track for both major soul master forces and individual soul masters, enough to change their own and family's destiny, and even change the current middle and lower level structure of Douluo Continent!

To this day, everyone knows that Master Ling, as the founder of martial arts, must have a good fighting power.

Although Ling Yi rarely takes action in front of outsiders, he can see a little from the various body-building secrets and various combat secrets he created.

Not to mention that as the world's number one craftsman who created the "Spiritual Forging", a set of "God-conferring Armor" is enough to give Ling Yi a defense that is not inferior to that of Soul Douluo. With a Spiritual Forging Divine Weapon, combined with Ling Yi's own powerful soul power and physique, as well as combat secrets, people with a little bit of brains on the Douluo Continent, after their inherent ideas were changed by the long-term influence of the combat style of the [Lingyun City] Guards, gave their own judgment:

After the breakthrough, Ling Yi has at least the combat power of the Soul Saint level!

However, this is not the reason why you, Ling Yi, chose a non-healing soul skill on the eighth soul ring! ! !

You are a healing soul master, so you should follow the healing route. It's the eighth soul ring, and you said you chose a non-healing soul skill. Your brain was squeezed by the door, right? ? ! !

At this time, all kinds of thoughts surged in Tang Hao's mind, and he felt an indescribable sense of suffocation.

If he hadn't known that this was Lingyun City, Chen Jianjun and Chen Xin were right next to him, and if he hadn't known that Ling Yi would be asked to treat his father Tang Zhen, he might have spoken out what he was thinking.

"Brother Hao!" "Second brother!"

Aside, Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua shouted at almost the same time, and Tang Xiao even grabbed Tang Hao's arm and pulled him back to sit.

"Master Ling~"

As Tang Hao sat down, Tang Xiao stood up, bowed to Ling Yi, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I apologize for my brother Hao's rudeness."

"Second brother!" Tang Yuehua turned sideways and looked at Tang Hao, whose face was still not good, with a cold face, and said coldly: "You are really too rude!"

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Ling Yi, and his eyes instantly became gentle: "Brother Yi, my second brother is impatient, and sometimes he speaks and does things without thinking. Please don't argue with him."

Seeing that his elder brother and sister were standing on Ling Yi's side at the same time, and his sister even scolded him, Tang Hao's mood became worse at the moment.

But considering the current situation, especially the disadvantage in terms of martial arts, Tang Hao secretly gritted his teeth and said with a very embarrassed look: "I... I..."

Looking at Tang Hao who was mumbling and couldn't say the three words "I'm sorry", Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua looked a little unhappy. When they were about to continue to criticize this younger brother/second brother, Ling Yi waved his hand and said generously: "Forget it, Tang Hao didn't mean it, so there's no need to be so serious."

As soon as this was said, Tang Hao obviously breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could completely exhale this breath, Tang Yuehua beside him spoke again: "Brother Yi, you are still so magnanimous...Second brother, why don't you say thank you!"

After being reminded by Tang Yuehua again, Tang Hao had to bow his head, stiffen his neck, look at Ling Yi's side with his eyes, mumble a few times, and whisper two words: "Thank you... Thank you..."

Hearing this, Ling Yi's mouth corners slightly curved, revealing a smile that made Tang Yuehua blush and heartbeat: "No problem."

After a pause, Ling Yi turned his gaze to Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua, and asked: "What's the matter with you coming here this time?"

Hearing Ling Yi's question, the expressions of Tang Xiao and his three siblings became serious at the same time.

Glancing at the open door of the conference room, Tang Xiao gave up on using soul power to transmit sound and said directly: "Master Ling, it's like this. My brother and I just happened to deliver a batch of supplies to Lingyun City, and we just happened to hear rumors in the city that your strength has improved again and you have successfully broken through to the eight-ring soul douluo realm."

"I'm sorry to bother you. First, I congratulate you on your realm breakthrough and your step closer to the titled douluo."

"The second..." Tang Xiao pursed his lips, lowered his voice, and continued: "I want to ask you to treat our father again..."

"I see~" Ling Yi nodded without comment.

For Tang Xiao's words, just listen to the first part, but Ling Yi will not expose it directly.

The key lies in the last sentence, they want him to treat Tang Zhen again.

When Ling Yi was still in the realm of the Seventh Ring Soul Saint, the various forces on the mainland got the news. With the help of the convenient environment around Lingyun City, Ling Yi manifested a thousand-meter-high phantom, released a rain of vitality covering the entire city, and also reshaped a heart for the seriously injured and dying former [Wuhun Hall Academy] student.

For this miracle-level hand that affected a large city, [Haotian Sect] was different from other forces in making various guesses, but went to consult Tang Chen, and finally got an answer similar to Qian Daoliu.

Now that Ling Yi has broken through the realm of the Eighth Ring Soul Douluo, Tang Zhen and others have started to think again:

Can the current Ling Yi cooperate with Tang Chen to treat Tang Zhen in advance?

Or, is it possible for Ling Yi's eighth soul ring soul skill to directly cure Tang Zhen?

Who knew that Ling Yi actually told them at this time that his eighth soul skill was not a healing one? !

This was really beyond everyone's expectations!

Just as Tang Hao complained in his heart, he has reached the eighth soul ring. Isn't it a bit inconsiderate to suddenly change the track?

Ling Yi knew what Tang Xiao and others were thinking, but he didn't mean to explain.

As for treating Tang Zhen, it didn't depend on Ling Yi's own strength and soul ring skills. It mainly depended on what chain reactions would be triggered by Tang Zhen's recovery.

Apart from anything else, would the recovered Tang Zhen do anything when Tang Chen stood behind him and his two sons were about to break through the Title Douluo?

The Douluo Continent is so small. When there are only two Title Douluos, Tang Zhen himself and the great elder Tang Sheng, how much will [Haotianzong] eat? The old man of the ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo reappeared, and there were two more Title Douluo combat forces, and they were still the kind with extremely high potential and heading for the super Douluo above the ninety-fifth level. Should they continue to eat the previous share?

Tang Zhen agreed, but Tang Hao didn't agree. If Tang Hao agreed, the subordinate clans under [Haotianzong] wouldn't agree!

[Soul Spirit Hall] has the most Titled Douluo in Douluo Continent. No one would think they are very low-key, right?

As the Soul Spirit Hall is opened in the capitals of the two empires, the main hall is opened in every big city, the sub-hall and branch hall are opened in every small city, county town, and even in the village, there is a "Soul Spirit Hall" dedicated to the "Soul Spirit Awakening Ceremony". The share of various resources that [Soul Spirit Hall] can obtain is absolutely above any force in Douluo Continent! Whether it is a high-quality soul master or various cultivation resources!

[Haotian Sect] does not say that it will extend its tentacles to various human settlements in Douluo Continent like [Soul Spirit Hall], occupying half of the resource acquisition channels on the continent, but at least it should have a new share that can match their own strength, right?

Let alone the share of [Lingyun City]. The development of [Lingyun City], in addition to the existence of the Titled Douluo father and son Chen Jianjun and Chen Xin, is more because Ling Yi brought new resource deposits to Douluo Continent and made the pie bigger!

Although Lingyun City ate up most of the new pie, the remaining part was enough for the old forces on the continent to choose to accept this newcomer.

Let’s get back to the point.

Comprehensively considering, from Ling Yi's point of view, when Tang Zhen can recover depends on when the overall strength of [Lingyun City] is improved. Not to mention being equal to [Wuhun Hall], at least it cannot be lower than the 'Tang Family Army Alliance' that [Haotian Sect] joined after re-emerging in the original timeline.

After sending away the three Tang brothers and sisters, Ling Yi turned around and left without hesitation in Tang Yuehua's reluctant and hesitant expression.

In other words, he just happened to go to the 'Wuhun Research Institute', otherwise he would not have time to see these three brothers and sisters.

Since the initial transformation of the human immortal body was successful, the speed of understanding the laws of heaven and earth has been improved again. In addition to the increase brought by the previous opening of the small world, Ling Yi is now almost always stronger, and his body and soul are strengthened simultaneously.

In other words, there is no rush to improve soul power. If he wants, Ling Yi can now convert the energy of heaven and earth into his own soul power at any time, push the soul power level to level 90, and then condense another soul ring.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to thoroughly understand the 'eighth soul skill, seeing enemies everywhere', and use the effect of this soul skill to hone the mind and strengthen one's own soul.

In addition, by studying the operating mechanism of this soul skill, the fundamental principle of 'enlightening' the straw man can be found.

That is, in the game-like rule world view of Douluo Continent, it is so easy to get in touch with these rule-based abilities.

If this were the world of immortal heroes or the mythological world, magical powers like 'space teleportation' and 'seeing enemies everywhere' would be so high in status and difficult to enter that only the direct disciples of the big sects could see them.

In terms of the system of 'Journey to the West World', 'space teleportation' belongs to the 'art of the pot sky' in the 'Seventy-two Techniques of the Earthly Evils', and 'seeing enemies everywhere' can be regarded as a super-degraded version of 'mediating fate' in the 'Thirty-six Methods of the Heavenly Gang'.

Even though it is a super degraded version, after successfully obtaining the soul skill of "Every Tree and Grass Sees Enemies" through the Douluo Star Rules Law Net by "making a wish", or in other words, the tendency of thoughts, even Ling Yi's heart was filled with uncontrollable ecstasy at that time.

As the first of the "36 Tiangang Methods", "mediating fate" is a magical power of creation. The so-called mediation of heaven and earth, Xuankan creation, creating something from nothing, and living from death. In the mythological worldview of "Journey to the West", it was with this magical power of creation that Nuwa created the entire human race!

Such a super degraded version of the magical power of creation, if placed in those immortal heroes and mythological worlds, is the ladder to heaven!

Ling Yi is now determined to create his own way to immortality, and the importance he attaches to this soul skill is definitely among the top two!

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