Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 562 A bright future

"Why is Douluo Continent called Douluo Continent?"

"Nonsense! If not Douluo Continent, what should it be called? Why are Titled Douluo called Titled Douluo?"

"Uh... I'm not talking about that..."

"Then what do you want to say?"

"Yes! Just say it straight, don't beat around the bush!"


"Lingyun City", on the third floor of a restaurant in the east of the city, Er Yuexuan leaned against the window sill, his eyes swept across the busy streets below, and said with an inexplicable look: "Look, the [Tiandou Empire] and [Xingluo Empire] have been confronting each other from north to south for hundreds of years. Right?"

"In the past few hundred years, there have been no less than a thousand wars between the two empires. If we count those minor local frictions, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of them."

"Such frequent conflicts, whether it is the two empires or the various kingdoms and principalities involved, many people die every year."


With a crisp sound, Er Yuexuan looked at Liu Hao who retracted his hand with some dissatisfaction: "What are you doing?"

Liu Hao rubbed the back of his hand that was slapped, and when he was about to say something, Nixing, who was sitting next to him, spoke first: "Second brother, it's not that the brothers don't give you Face, it's really what you said just now, it's too inappropriate!"

"That's right!" Liu Hao continued: "You got the wrong script, right? This attitude of caring about the world and worrying about the country and the people is not your character-"

As soon as the two finished speaking, Shang Wenqing, Qing Yu'an, Li Yang, Mo Yuxiong and others at the same table nodded: "That's right!"

"Get out!" Er Yuexuan rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "You are looking at people with tinted glasses!"

"I can also care about the world, okay? How do you say it? Worry about the world first, then... uh... well, anyway, every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country... Well, that's it..."

"Enough!" Liu Hao raised his hand and fanned it with some disdain: "I told you to read less of those ancient books. Those things will only make you think wildly if you don't have a certain amount of experience~"

"Second brother," Mo Yuxiong stretched out his hand and brushed across the two fruit plates on the table. He picked up two fruits, one red and one blue, with three fingers, threw them into his mouth, chewed them casually twice and swallowed them, smacked his lips and said: "You should get to the point quickly. The brothers are busy recently... burp——!"

"I say~" Er Yuexuan covered his mouth and nose, and said in a muffled voice: "Can you not eat "Red Flame Fruit" and "Ice Crystal Fruit" at the same time?"

"I know you have good teeth and an even better appetite, but is it really okay to eat fruits with opposite properties? ”

“What a joke~” Mo Yuxiong grabbed two more fruits and threw them into his mouth, saying nonchalantly: “My digestive system has been upgraded again. Just wait. It won’t be long before I can learn the Liangyi Fist or even the first level of Lingyun Jiutiantu!” ”

“By then, I may break through to Danjin before Nixing!” ”

“Okay, stop talking about me. You should get to the point earlier~”

Looking at the arrogance revealed between Mo Yuxiong’s eyebrows, Er Yuexuan pouted unhappily, but he couldn’t do anything about it. His voice was half a point lower: “I was thinking, when can this Douluo Continent be renamed~”

“Hmm?” *N

Everyone was stunned by Er Yuexuan’s words. Liu Hao once again reached out to Er Yuexuan’s forehead. This time he touched it and said subconsciously: “It’s not hot——”

“Pa——! "

The familiar crisp sound appeared again. Er Yuexuan, who slapped Liu Hao's palm away, said with a serious face: "I don't have a fever, I'm serious."

"Didn't I go back to my hometown some time ago? Along the way, I found that the name of the city lord was being praised everywhere in the northern part of the [Tian Dou Empire]. "

"At that time, I was thinking, with the current reputation of the city lord, why should the beautiful mountains and rivers of the [Tian Dou Empire] be owned by Xue Ye, a mediocre person who is jealous of talents and abilities? "

"That's right~" Li Yang nodded in agreement subconsciously: "No one is qualified to sit in that position except the city lord!"

"Isn't it~" Er Yuexuan saw that he was recognized, and a smile appeared on his face: "I think, if Xue Ye knows a little bit, he should consciously give up his seat, so as not to be undignified at that time, and we have to help him be decent. "

"And Xing Luo is also..."

"Dongdong! ”

Just as Er Yuexuan was about to continue, Mo Yuxiong raised his hand and knocked on the table in front of him twice, interrupting: "Second brother, if you want to change the name of Douluo Continent, it is not enough to just remove the word "dou" in [Tiandou Empire] and the word "luo" in [Xingluo Empire]. ”

"According to your idea, [Lingyun City] will replace the two empires [Tiandou Empire] and [Xingluo Empire], and at most change the name of "Xingdou Great Forest". After all, it is because it borders the two empires at the same time that it is named "Xingdou". ”

"Change the name of the continent, even if our [Lingyun City] replaces [Wuhun Hall], it is still a little bit short. ”

"When martial arts completely replace martial souls, or martial souls are no longer the mainstream, and Titled Douluo is no longer synonymous with the strongest, Douluo Continent will have the hope of changing its name. "

Mo Yuxiong's voice was not heavy and his voice was very steady, but his words made Shang Wenqing, Nixing and others present fall into silence.

"That's enough!"

After glancing at Er Yuexuan who looked thoughtful, Mo Yuxiong spoke again and said in a deep voice: "Just treat what we said just now as idle talk between brothers after drinking. Don't talk too much outside. You should know how many eyes and ears there are in our "Lingyun City"~"

Everyone: "..."

Half an hour later, in the north of the city, in a small courtyard of a residential house.

"How was it? Was it successful?"

Fei Bai asked expectantly when he saw Er Er Xuan walking in smelling of alcohol.

Compared to Fei Bai, Jiugao was much calmer on the side. He noticed that Yue Xuan's face was flushed with the smell of alcohol, and he had a bit of unwillingness, so he had some guesses in his heart: "It seems that he failed? "

"Failed?" Fei Bai looked surprised and blurted out: "It doesn't make sense? Don't they want to go further?"

Yue Erxuan walked into the main room with a dull head, sat down at the square table, poured himself a cup of herbal tea, drank half of the cup in one breath, then sighed and said in a deep voice: "Of course they want to make progress!"

"Then what...?" Fei Bai was confused by Yue Xuan's words.

"Don't worry~" Jiugao pulled his old classmate and signaled: "Listen to brother Yue Xuan."

"Oh~" Fei Bai opened his mouth, but considering that Jiugao's mind was smarter than his own, he shut his mouth obediently.

Fei Bai, the martial spirit "One-horned Heavenly Soul Horse", a seventy-eighth level attack-type battle spirit saint, the Marquis of Tianma in [Tian Dou Empire], and the commander of the Royal Knights.

Jiugao, the martial spirit "Sirius Roaring Wind Bow", the seventy-ninth level attack spirit saint, the Duke of Sirius in [Tian Dou Empire], the minister of armaments of the empire.

Two important figures who can be said to be of great importance in the [Tian Dou Empire] appeared in the small residential house of [Ling Yun City] at this time, in order to board the aircraft carrier [Ling Yun City] in advance to avoid following the [Tian Dou Empire] in the future. 】This dilapidated sailboat, which was leaking everywhere, was buried in the sea together.

With their identities and status, they can see the decline of the Heaven Dou Empire and the rise of the Lingyun City more clearly than Emperor Xueye, who is the lord of the Heaven Dou Empire!

Especially Jiugao, who is the Minister of Arms of the [Tian Dou Empire], who refused to have contact with Ling Yi in his early years. In the years when he got to know the [Tian Dou Empire] more deeply, because he had [Lingyun City] as a comparison, He sadly discovered that even if [Lingyun City] did nothing, [Tian Dou Empire] would eventually collapse on its own and become part of [Lingyun City].

This is a gap between the systems of the two sides, a gap in leading ideology, and even more so a gap between the leaders of the two sides!

Today's Emperor Xue Ye, in Jiugao's eyes, is like an ostrich with his head buried in the sand. He stubbornly fantasizes that the day when the eldest princess Xue Qianxun becomes a titled Douluo, he will be the one to clear the territory of the [Tian Dou Empire]. All parties are dissatisfied and it is time to restore the majesty of the royal family Xue.

However, Jiugao, who was watching coldly, knew very well that with the eldest princess Xue Qianxun's dependence on Ling Yi, if Xue Ye dared to let Xue Qianxun draw his sword against Ling Yi, I am afraid that the sharp sword in Xue Qianxun's hand would be able to stab Ling Yi in the next second. Through Xue Ye's throat.

Of course, with the current strength and foundation of [Lingyun City], unless Xue Ye goes crazy, she will never show hostility towards Ling Yi. That would be purely to cause trouble for herself, or even bring humiliation to herself!

Today's Ling Yi is no longer the weak young man who came out of the Shuimu Principality.

No matter how much resentment Xue Ye had towards Ling Yi, he had to hold it in. On the contrary, he had to smile at Ling Yi and choose his words carefully when speaking, so as not to offend Ling Yi.

Thinking of this, Jiugao couldn't help but secretly regret that Feibai wanted to ask him to get acquainted with Ling Yi, but in order to avoid suspicion and not be affected by Ling Yi's charm, he directly rejected Fei Bai.

At that time, he was still secretly complacent. He only felt that he was awake in the world, unlike Fei Bai, a fool who was so easily impressed by the charm of others.

Now, time has changed, and Jiugao sadly discovered that if he wanted to get to know Ling Yi and board the big ship [Lingyun City], he had missed the best opportunity.

It's not that you can't join. On the contrary, with his identity, strength, wealth, and influence in the [Tian Dou Empire] as Grand Duke Jiugao, once you choose to join, you can be in the 'Three Divisions and Six Divisions' of [Lingyun City] Get a management position.

However, for Jiugao, whose family has been at the top of the Tiandou Empire for hundreds of years, a mere management position is obviously not what he wants.


At this moment, Yue Erxuan raised his head and drank the remaining herbal tea in the cup in his hand, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said with some reluctance: "Except Li Yang who is easier to fool, and Ni Xing who always stays out of things, everyone else has their own Little thoughts.”

"Especially that guy Mo Yuxiong!" Yue Erxuan gritted his teeth secretly: "He looks like a bear, but his eyes are very poisonous!"

Next, Yue Erxuan told about his previous experience in the restaurant.

After listening to Yue Erxuan's narration, Fei Bai was still thinking hard, but Jiugao suddenly sneered and said: "It seems that this 'Bai Ling King' has guessed our plan. He doesn't want us to go ahead of time." Where’s the boat~”

Fei Bai gradually understood something from the side and asked: "You mean, that Mo Yuxiong... It's not that he doesn't want [Lingyun City] to replace [Tian Dou Empire], but he just doesn't want us to participate?"

"Is this necessary?" Fei Bai was a little confused: "Replace Tiandou a day earlier, [Lingyun City] has grown stronger, and being a member of this place has brought them many benefits. How could it be...?"

"It's very simple~" Jiugao shook his head and said calmly: "In the process of replacing [Tian Dou Empire], if there is our help, [Lingyun City] will be rewarded based on merit in the end, and our share will be indispensable. "

"However, although this pig [Tian Dou Empire] is fat enough, it only has so much meat. If we eat one more bite, they will naturally eat less."

"Everyone wants to eat meat, and no one wants to end up with a bone to chew on!"

"Anyway, with the development speed and foundation of [Lingyun City], sooner or later it will completely swallow up the [Tian Dou Empire]. One day sooner and one day later, it will have almost no impact on old people like them."

"Furthermore, with this method of boiling frogs in warm water, the damage will be kept at an extremely low level whether it is [Lingyun City] or [Tian Dou Empire]."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Master Ling, it's so terrifying!"

When he thought that under the control of Ling Yi, the giant ship [Lingyun City] would quietly swallow up the entire Douluo Continent in a whale-like way, and it would not cause much resistance, Jiugao had a feeling. A feeling of powerlessness from the bottom of my heart.

No solution!

The rise of [Lingyun City] is unstoppable, and similarly, the climb to the top of [Lingyun City] is as natural as the scorching sun!

At about the same time, on the top of Qingyun Mountain, there was the City Lord’s Mansion.

"Brother Yi, the people below have been a little impetuous lately~"

Liu Erlong was grinding ink with his bare hands, looked at Ling Yi who was splashing ink, and said softly.

Based on Liu Erlong's understanding of Ling Yi, splitting one's mind is just a routine operation and will not affect the calligraphy and painting that Ling Yi is writing.

As Liu Erlong thought, Ling Yi's Langhao pen did not pause at all, but responded to her: "It's normal. Although we did not publicize the news of Senior Gu Rong's breakthrough, we did not block it either."

"To this day, I know everything I should know, and I probably know everything I shouldn't know."

"Our [Lingyun City] already has an influence comparable to that of the [Martial Soul Palace]. After years of training, the bottom-level combat power has surpassed, and far exceeded, the number of soul masters in the entire continent."

"Senior Seven Kills, Senior Chen Xin, and Senior Gu Rong are the three titled Douluo, plus Senior Dugu, as well as Shirley and Ah Yin. In terms of top-level combat power, they arrogantly surpass 99% of the forces in the mainland. In addition, they have grown up With mid-level combat capabilities, they are naturally no longer satisfied with just staying in this corner of ‘Lingyun City’.”

"'Lingyun City' is such a big place. As the number of people increases, it will eventually be unable to meet everyone's expectations."

"In the process of biological survival and growth, outward expansion is inevitable."

"The same goes for the development of a force. Once it is unable to expand outward, as the number of internal members increases, the resources that can be allocated will become less, and internal disputes will arise."

“If you don’t want to have the situation of ‘brothers fighting against each other’, asking for help from outside may not necessarily be the best solution, but it must be the most convenient solution.”

"Okay -" Ling Yi put down the brush in his hand and looked down at the words he had just written.

[The roc rises in the same wind one day and soars ninety thousand miles away. 〕

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