Blue Silver Grass Guide

Chapter 566: Enmity Arrives

The flow of time in the illusion is extremely special. When Yu Xiaogang re-experienced all the illusions transformed by his past memories, it took a total of two and a half years. When he woke up, he found that only three days had passed in the outside world.

After abandoning those meaningless times, such as eating, drinking, defecating, and urinating, such as being sad about the passing of time, such as being mocked by others, and focusing only on useful memories, such as learning forging in Gengxin City, such as learning herbal pharmacology knowledge, learning martial arts theory, learning soul beast types and corresponding characteristics, learning martial arts knowledge, participating in various research projects in "Lingyun City", and later entering the Killing City, the battles he experienced... After two and a half years, Yu Xiaogang really had a wonderful feeling of living a new life.

In a guest room of a house in the south of "White Dragon City", Yu Xiaogang slowly opened his eyes, and the light in his deep pupils flowed, and a very obvious melancholy flashed by.

"What a pity~"

Sensing the special spiritual power in the "Illusionary Wisdom Skull" that was already empty, Yu Xiaogang shook his head helplessly.

The current "Illusionary Wisdom Skull" only has two basic functions. One is the instinctive special effect of the soul bone: thinking activation, which can make his thinking speed more than twice as fast as before!

The other is the soul bone skill: the illusion of the fascination.

You can cast an illusion that confuses people's five senses and even their minds. The specific effect depends on the quality and strength of the mental power and soul power provided.

As for the special experience of a dream before, it can only be opened again after the special spiritual power in the "Illusionary Wisdom Skull" accumulates to a certain level.

However, sensing the special spiritual power in the "Illusionary Wisdom Skull" that shows no signs of recovery, Yu Xiaogang has a bad premonition in his heart.

This ability, can't be a one-time thing?

While Yu Xiaogang was still speculating secretly and preparing to mobilize his mental power for in-depth research, Flanders, who was in another guest room of the house, was experiencing a kind of routine sense of living a year.

Three days have passed since he closed his eyes to consolidate his cultivation. In fact, on the second night, Flanders had completely controlled the soul power after the breakthrough in his body.

This is mainly due to Flanders' long-term practice of martial arts, and his mind is relatively experienced in controlling various power transformations. If you understand one principle, you will understand all principles. Although there is a big difference between power and soul power, there are also a little similarity, and this is enough.

After completing the consolidation of his cultivation, Flanders did not dare to go out. He was afraid that once he went out, he would see Yu Xiaogang's smiling face. That kind of warm and gentle smile, which was obviously smiling, gave Flanders a creepy feeling and a feeling of fear from the bottom of his heart.

It was like a rabbit that had just turned one month old, facing an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex. Even if the Tyrannosaurus Rex was grinning at the rabbit, in the rabbit's eyes, the face was still extremely ferocious!

Coupled with the high-level suppression from the bloodline, Rabbit/Flanders sometimes felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Although Yu Xiaogang used to make him afraid, he was not so terrifying. However, since he devoured the Duke of Storm, Aerys Targaryen, and his martial soul was upgraded to the "Six-Headed Blood Dragon King", Yu Xiaogang spent more than three months integrating and absorbing all the previous powers. The invisible aura that made him and Shi Nian panic and fearful arose spontaneously, which was even more than the feeling of the "Killing God Domain" gave them! !

Flanders didn't know why this was, but when he dreamed at midnight, he was thinking, why did Ling Yi come to the door that time, but no law enforcement team from [Lingyun City] came to them later?

If they are found by the law enforcement team of [Lingyun City], they may be arrested and taken to [Lingyun City] for trial. Although they may be imprisoned, it is better than being frightened and anxious every day!

So, deep in Flanders' heart, he began to resent Ling Yi for his inaction and hated [Lingyun City] for shouting slogans loudly but turning a blind eye to Yu Xiaogang's evil deeds.

Staying in the guest room, Flanders' thoughts were mixed, thinking a lot, and time passed unknowingly until the third day.

When the sky was bright, the dazzling sunlight penetrated into the room through the gaps in the doors and windows, and Flanders just woke up from a dream.

The next second, Flanders' expression moved, and he was secretly surprised in his heart, Yu Xiaogang has not moved until now? !

Based on his understanding of Yu Xiaogang, if he had just consolidated his cultivation last night, Yu Xiaogang did not come to him because he did not notice it, but now he has finished regulating his breath and a night has passed, and Yu Xiaogang still hasn't come to him? !

‘Out?’ Flanders guessed secretly.

You know, the reason why they came to this ‘White Dragon City’ is because Yu Xiaogang’s next target is nearby. He was practicing in seclusion before. In the absence of anyone to drive him, Yu Xiaogang might not go out to investigate the news himself.

When he thought of this, a trace of heat flashed in Flanders’ eyes. He seemed to have a chance to escape from Yu Xiaogang!

Immediately, Flanders could no longer suppress the impulse in his heart. He got up and opened the door lightly. He first walked out of the guest room with a nonchalant look, came to the hall, and looked around. The whole house was quiet, it could be said to be dead silent.

Then, when he came to the guest room where Yu Xiaogang stayed, Flanders hesitated again and again, and hesitated for more than a quarter of an hour before he raised his hand and knocked on the door gently.

“Dong Dong~”

The knock on the door was not loud, but it was very obvious in the silent environment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Looking at the door that never responded, Flanders' eyes behind his spectacles revealed a touch of ecstasy: 'Aren't you here? Really not here? ! ’

At this moment, the joy in Flanders's heart was almost beyond words, and he wanted to shout to the sky to vent his anger.

Fortunately, the remaining reason allowed him to suppress the impulse in his heart.

Just when Flanders was about to reach out and push open the guest room door and take a look inside the room to confirm that Yu Xiaogang was really not there, suddenly, a loud noise came from the direction of the yard outside.


Listening to this voice, fear and despair appeared on Flanders' face: 'Back? ! ’

The next second, a strange voice that made Flanders happy and angry came again: "Zhang Wei——! Come out and die——!!!"

It was obvious that the person who came was not Yu Xiaogang, which made Flender's heart drop a little.

But the next second, Flanders frowned deeply. Zhang Wei knew that he was the original owner of this house, and now the whole family was still neatly staying in his storage soul guide. .

So, the visitor has a grudge against the three-ringed soul master Zhang Wei?

Flanders doesn't care whether there is any grudge or not. What he cares about now is whether the other party's making such a fuss will lure back Yu Xiaogang who went out to inquire about information?

Thinking of this, Flender immediately decided that he could not let the man outside continue to make noise!

He turned around and walked quickly towards the courtyard outside. Before he had taken a few steps, he saw a short-haired man with a dark red ribbon on his head walking into the hall.

"Who are you? Where is that beast Zhang Wei—?!" The short-haired man saw Flanders and asked with a frown.

Flanders did not answer the other party, but asked coldly: "Who are you?"

With the help of breath sensing, Flanders discovered that the soul power fluctuations in the opponent's body were only at the level of a second-level soul master. However, he had a strong body, long breathing, and steady steps. It was obvious that he had good martial arts skills.

However, no matter how good their martial arts skills are, they cannot make up for the huge gap in strength between the two.

Although Flanders looks like a quail waiting to be slaughtered in front of Yu Xiaogang, that's not because he is weak, it's just that Yu Xiaogang is too strong. His strength is a real seven-ring soul saint! !

The short-haired man in front of him looks like he is around thirty years old at most. No matter how talented he is in martial arts, he can only reach the level of a visceral martial artist at most. In fact, looking at the Douluo Continent, 99% of the martial arts masters who transform their energy and refine their internal organs are in [Lingyun City]. Among the casual cultivators outside, 90% are just warriors who are successful in physical training, and the remaining 10% are geniuses. , most of them are Ming Jin warriors, and those who can understand Dark Jin can be said to be one in a million!

The dark strength of martial arts combined with the martial soul power of a second-level soul master may be fearless, and may even be better than the third-level soul master Zhang Wei before he transformed into the "Blood Essence Fruit", but it is far inferior to him, Flanders, a seventh-level soul master. Soul Saint! Not to mention that Flanders is also a dark warrior, a senior one!

The facts were as Flanders expected. When the short-haired man summoned a martial spirit, a "square-headed black iron hammer" over a disagreement, and raised the hammer to attack him, he was only possessed by the martial spirit, and then used the third weapon. The third and fifth soul skills, combined with a certain amount of dark energy skills, easily captured this man.

After removing the short-haired man's limb joints, Flanders was in trouble. He didn't know how to deal with this man.

The most important thing is that he is now starting to worry that if he chooses to run away like this, will he be hit by Yu Xiaogang who just comes back? Or escape a certain distance and then be caught up?

Trouble was a reflection of Flanders's psychology at the moment. He was so hesitant that he didn't even have the heart to care about the short-haired man lying on the ground.

The short-haired man who had not made it yet looked as if he was dead at the moment. He was lying in a daze, turning a blind eye to the pain in his hands and feet, and looking straight at the beams at the top of the hall.

Time passed minute by minute in the silence between the two of them.

The difference was that the short-haired man on the ground was unconscious and couldn't feel the flow of time, but Flanders was like an ant on a hot pot, looking out the door from time to time, raising his feet several times, but finally taking them back.

When the sun came to the center of the sky and its hot light shone on the earth, Yu Xiaogang's door quietly opened, and two figures, one moving and one silent, came into Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

"who is he?"

Yu Xiaogang's low and magnetic voice sounded, and Flanders was so shocked that he turned his head with a stiff neck and looked at Yu Xiaogang: "Master... Master?!"

After seeing Yu Xiaogang's face clearly, Flender's lips trembled, and a smile that looked uglier than crying appeared on his face: "You...your over -"

"I'm asking you, who is he?" Yu Xiaogang didn't pay attention to the change in Flanders' expression and tone, and just asked again calmly.

"No... I don't know -" Flanders stuttered a little, and quickly replied: "This man seems to be Zhang Wei's enemy, and he suddenly broke in. I just captured him, and I didn't have time to interrogate him... …”

On the other side, the short-haired man lying on the ground listened to the conversation between Yu Xiaogang and Flender. His originally heartbroken mood recovered a little. The muscles in his back became strong, pushing him to sit up, and then he turned his head and looked at He caught Yu Xiaogang who had just walked out of the room and asked with difficulty: "Aren't you Zhang Wei's people?"

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and looked down at the short-haired man on the ground, looking at his clothes and even the shape of his muscles and bones.

‘There are no logos of [Lingyun City] and [Qingmu Chamber of Commerce] on his clothes. Although he has the method of practicing bodybuilding, he has not received systematic guidance. He is just a wild one. ’

‘However, he is obviously a genius to be able to practice to the level of dark energy in a wild way. ’

In an instant, the information of the short-haired man flashed quickly in Yu Xiaogang's mind, and he made a certain degree of in-depth deduction.

“No~” Yu Xiaogang answered casually, and then asked: “Do you have a grudge against Zhang Wei?”


The short-haired man, who was at the mercy of others, was also a bachelor. He said with hatred in his eyes: “My sister sold herself to Zhang Wei as a concubine, but he and his wife tortured my sister to death! They also threw her naked body back to my house, which directly angered my parents to death!”

Although the short-haired man said sadly, Yu Xiaogang was unmoved. He had seen many tragedies in the world over the years, and many of them were done by him personally.

He asked calmly again: "Selling yourself?"

The short-haired man paused when he heard this, and fell into silence. After a while, he looked regretful and gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "I failed to become a soul master in the junior soul master academy. Later, I practiced martial arts successfully and successfully broke through to the tenth level of soul power. In order to help me raise soul hunting expenses, my sister sold herself to Zhang Wei, the beast!"

"So~" Yu Xiaogang tilted his head slightly, looked at the short-haired man on the ground, and asked a soul-searching question: "Did you agree to your sister selling herself back then?"

"I..." The short-haired man opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say it when the words came to his lips.

Yu Xiaogang squatted down, almost the same height as the short-haired man, looked at the other's evasive eyes, and said slowly: "Zhang Wei is dead, I killed him."

Without waiting for the short-haired man to show his joy, Yu Xiaogang said again: "If you want to help your sister get revenge, there is another person who you don't forget~"

"Who?" The short-haired man asked subconsciously.


With a cry of pain, the short-haired man lowered his gaze and saw a hand, a white jade-like hand, with five fingers inserted into his heart.

The next second, before the short-haired man could react, the hand reached into his chest, and then pulled out, holding a bright red heart in the hand.

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